Title) : _t('LeftAndMain.SITECONTENTLEFT'); } public function updatePageOptions(&$fields) { $fields->push(new HiddenField('SubsiteID', 'SubsiteID', Subsite::currentSubsiteID())); } /** * Find all subsites accessible for current user on this controller. * * @return ArrayList of {@link Subsite} instances. */ public function sectionSites($includeMainSite = true, $mainSiteTitle = "Main site", $member = null) { if ($mainSiteTitle == 'Main site') { $mainSiteTitle = _t('Subsites.MainSiteTitle', 'Main site'); } // Rationalise member arguments if (!$member) { $member = Member::currentUser(); } if (!$member) { return new ArrayList(); } if (!is_object($member)) { $member = DataObject::get_by_id(Member::class, $member); } // Collect permissions - honour the LeftAndMain::required_permission_codes, current model requires // us to check if the user satisfies ALL permissions. Code partly copied from LeftAndMain::canView. $codes = array(); $extraCodes = Config::inst()->get($this->owner->class, 'required_permission_codes'); if ($extraCodes !== false) { if ($extraCodes) { $codes = array_merge($codes, (array)$extraCodes); } else { $codes[] = "CMS_ACCESS_{$this->owner->class}"; } } else { // Check overriden - all subsites accessible. return Subsite::all_sites(); } // Find subsites satisfying all permissions for the Member. $codesPerSite = array(); $sitesArray = array(); foreach ($codes as $code) { $sites = Subsite::accessible_sites($code, $includeMainSite, $mainSiteTitle, $member); foreach ($sites as $site) { // Build the structure for checking how many codes match. $codesPerSite[$site->ID][$code] = true; // Retain Subsite objects for later. $sitesArray[$site->ID] = $site; } } // Find sites that satisfy all codes conjuncitvely. $accessibleSites = new ArrayList(); foreach ($codesPerSite as $siteID => $siteCodes) { if (count($siteCodes)==count($codes)) { $accessibleSites->push($sitesArray[$siteID]); } } return $accessibleSites; } /* * Returns a list of the subsites accessible to the current user. * It's enough for any section to be accessible for the section to be included. */ public function Subsites() { return Subsite::all_accessible_sites(); } /* * Generates a list of subsites with the data needed to * produce a dropdown site switcher * @return ArrayList */ public function ListSubsites() { $list = $this->Subsites(); $currentSubsiteID = Subsite::currentSubsiteID(); if ($list == null || $list->count() == 1 && $list->first()->DefaultSite == true) { return false; } Requirements::javascript('subsites/javascript/LeftAndMain_Subsites.js'); $output = new ArrayList(); foreach ($list as $subsite) { $CurrentState = $subsite->ID == $currentSubsiteID ? 'selected' : ''; $output->push(new ArrayData(array( 'CurrentState' => $CurrentState, 'ID' => $subsite->ID, 'Title' => Convert::raw2xml($subsite->Title) ))); } return $output; } public function alternateMenuDisplayCheck($controllerName) { if (!class_exists($controllerName)) { return false; } // Check subsite support. if (Subsite::currentSubsiteID() == 0) { // Main site always supports everything. return true; } else { $controller = singleton($controllerName); if ($controller->hasMethod('subsiteCMSShowInMenu') && $controller->subsiteCMSShowInMenu()) { return true; } } // It's not necessary to check access permissions here. Framework calls canView on the controller, // which in turn uses the Permission API which is augmented by our GroupSubsites. return false; } public function CanAddSubsites() { return Permission::check("ADMIN", "any", null, "all"); } /** * Helper for testing if the subsite should be adjusted. */ public function shouldChangeSubsite($adminClass, $recordSubsiteID, $currentSubsiteID) { if (Config::inst()->get($adminClass, 'treats_subsite_0_as_global') && $recordSubsiteID==0) { return false; } if ($recordSubsiteID!=$currentSubsiteID) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if the current controller is accessible for this user on this subsite. */ public function canAccess() { // Admin can access everything, no point in checking. $member = Member::currentUser(); if ($member && ( Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN') || // 'Full administrative rights' in SecurityAdmin Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS_LeftAndMain') // 'Access to all CMS sections' in SecurityAdmin )) { return true; } // Check if we have access to current section on the current subsite. $accessibleSites = $this->owner->sectionSites(true, "Main site", $member); if ($accessibleSites->count() && $accessibleSites->find('ID', Subsite::currentSubsiteID())) { // Current section can be accessed on the current site, all good. return true; } return false; } /** * Prevent accessing disallowed resources. This happens after onBeforeInit has executed, * so all redirections should've already taken place. */ public function alternateAccessCheck() { return $this->owner->canAccess(); } /** * Redirect the user to something accessible if the current section/subsite is forbidden. * * This is done via onBeforeInit as it needs to be done before the LeftAndMain::init has a * chance to forbids access via alternateAccessCheck. * * If we need to change the subsite we force the redirection to /admin/ so the frontend is * fully re-synchronised with the internal session. This is better than risking some panels * showing data from another subsite. */ public function onBeforeInit() { // We are accessing the CMS, so we need to let Subsites know we will be using the session. Subsite::$use_session_subsiteid = true; // FIRST, check if we need to change subsites due to the URL. // Catch forced subsite changes that need to cause CMS reloads. if (isset($_GET['SubsiteID'])) { // Clear current page when subsite changes (or is set for the first time) if (!Session::get('SubsiteID') || $_GET['SubsiteID'] != Session::get('SubsiteID')) { Session::clear("{$this->owner->class}.currentPage"); } // Update current subsite in session Subsite::changeSubsite($_GET['SubsiteID']); //Redirect to clear the current page if ($this->owner->canView(Member::currentUser())) { //Redirect to clear the current page return $this->owner->redirect($this->owner->Link()); } //Redirect to the default CMS section return $this->owner->redirect('admin/'); } // Automatically redirect the session to appropriate subsite when requesting a record. // This is needed to properly initialise the session in situations where someone opens the CMS via a link. $record = $this->owner->currentPage(); if ($record && isset($record->SubsiteID) && is_numeric($record->SubsiteID) && isset($this->owner->urlParams['ID'])) { if ($this->shouldChangeSubsite($this->owner->class, $record->SubsiteID, Subsite::currentSubsiteID())) { // Update current subsite in session Subsite::changeSubsite($record->SubsiteID); if ($this->owner->canView(Member::currentUser())) { //Redirect to clear the current page return $this->owner->redirect($this->owner->Link()); } //Redirect to the default CMS section return $this->owner->redirect('admin/'); } } // SECOND, check if we need to change subsites due to lack of permissions. if (!$this->owner->canAccess()) { $member = Member::currentUser(); // Current section is not accessible, try at least to stick to the same subsite. $menu = CMSMenu::get_menu_items(); foreach ($menu as $candidate) { if ($candidate->controller && $candidate->controller!=$this->owner->class) { $accessibleSites = singleton($candidate->controller)->sectionSites(true, 'Main site', $member); if ($accessibleSites->count() && $accessibleSites->find('ID', Subsite::currentSubsiteID())) { // Section is accessible, redirect there. return $this->owner->redirect(singleton($candidate->controller)->Link()); } } } // If no section is available, look for other accessible subsites. foreach ($menu as $candidate) { if ($candidate->controller) { $accessibleSites = singleton($candidate->controller)->sectionSites(true, 'Main site', $member); if ($accessibleSites->count()) { Subsite::changeSubsite($accessibleSites->First()->ID); return $this->owner->redirect(singleton($candidate->controller)->Link()); } } } // We have not found any accessible section or subsite. User should be denied access. return Security::permissionFailure($this->owner); } // Current site is accessible. Allow through. return; } public function augmentNewSiteTreeItem(&$item) { $item->SubsiteID = isset($_POST['SubsiteID']) ? $_POST['SubsiteID'] : Subsite::currentSubsiteID(); } public function onAfterSave($record) { if ($record->hasMethod('NormalRelated') && ($record->NormalRelated() || $record->ReverseRelated())) { $this->owner->response->addHeader('X-Status', rawurlencode(_t('LeftAndMainSubsites.Saved', 'Saved, please update related pages.'))); } } /** * @param array $data * @param Form $form */ public function copytosubsite($data, $form) { $page = DataObject::get_by_id(SiteTree::class, $data['ID']); $subsite = DataObject::get_by_id('Subsite', $data['CopyToSubsiteID']); $includeChildren = (isset($data['CopyToSubsiteWithChildren'])) ? $data['CopyToSubsiteWithChildren'] : false; $newPage = $page->duplicateToSubsite($subsite->ID, $includeChildren); $response = $this->owner->getResponse(); $response->addHeader('X-Reload', true); return $this->owner->redirect(Controller::join_links( $this->owner->Link('show'), $newPage->ID )); } }