to= */ class SubsiteCopyPagesTask extends BuildTask { protected $title = 'Copy pages to different subsite'; protected $description = ''; function run($request) { $subsiteFromId = $request->getVar('from'); if(!is_numeric($subsiteFromId)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing "from" parameter'); $subsiteFrom = DataObject::get_by_id('Subsite', $subsiteFromId); if(!$subsiteFrom) throw new InvalidArgumentException('Subsite not found'); $subsiteToId = $request->getVar('to'); if(!is_numeric($subsiteToId)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing "to" parameter'); $subsiteTo = DataObject::get_by_id('Subsite', $subsiteToId); if(!$subsiteTo) throw new InvalidArgumentException('Subsite not found'); $useVirtualPages = (bool)$request->getVar('virtual'); Subsite::changeSubsite($subsiteFrom); // Copy data from this template to the given subsite. Does this using an iterative depth-first search. // This will make sure that the new parents on the new subsite are correct, and there are no funny // issues with having to check whether or not the new parents have been added to the site tree // when a page, etc, is duplicated $stack = array(array(0,0)); while(count($stack) > 0) { list($sourceParentID, $destParentID) = array_pop($stack); $children = Versioned::get_by_stage('SilverStripe\\CMS\\Model\\SiteTree', 'Live', "\"ParentID\" = $sourceParentID", ''); if($children) { foreach($children as $child) { if($useVirtualPages) { $childClone = new SubsitesVirtualPage(); $childClone->writeToStage('Stage'); $childClone->CopyContentFromID = $child->ID; $childClone->SubsiteID = $subsiteTo->ID; } else { $childClone = $child->duplicateToSubsite($subsiteTo->ID, true); } $childClone->ParentID = $destParentID; $childClone->writeToStage('Stage'); $childClone->publish('Stage', 'Live'); array_push($stack, array($child->ID, $childClone->ID)); $this->log(sprintf('Copied "%s" (#%d, %s)', $child->Title, $child->ID, $child->Link())); } } unset($children); } } function log($msg) { echo $msg . "\n"; } }