Title : 'Site Content';
public function changesubsite() {
$id = $_REQUEST['ID'];
if(Director::is_ajax()) {
$tree = $this->owner->SiteTreeAsUL();
$tree = ereg_replace('^[ \t\r\n]*
]*>','', $tree);
$tree = ereg_replace('
]*>[ \t\r\n]*$','', $tree);
return $tree;
} else
return array();
public function addsubsite() {
$name = $_REQUEST['Name'];
$newSubsite = Subsite::create($name);
$subsites = $this->Subsites();
if(Director::is_ajax()) {
/*$output = "var option = null; for(var i = 0; i < \$('SubsitesSelect').size; i++) {\$('SubsitesSelect').remove(i);}\n";
if($subsites) {
foreach($subsites as $subsite) {
$output .= "option = document.createElement('option');\n option.title = '$subsite->Title';\n option.value = $subsite->ID;\$('SubsitesSelect').add(option);\n";
return $output;*/
return $this->SubsiteList();
} else
return array();
public function Subsites() {
$siteList = new DataObjectSet();
$subsites = Subsite::accessible_sites('CMS_ACCESS_' . $this->owner->class);
if(Subsite::hasMainSitePermission(Member::currentUser(), array('CMS_ACCESS_' . $this->owner->class, 'ADMIN')))
$siteList->push(new ArrayData(array('Title' => 'Main site', 'ID' => 0)));
return $siteList;
public function SubsiteList() {
$list = $this->Subsites();
if($list->Count() > 1) {
$output = '';
return $output;
} else {
return $list->First()->Title;
public function CanAddSubsites() {
return Permission::check("ADMIN", "any", null, "all");
* Alternative security checker for LeftAndMain.
* If security isn't found, then it will switch to a subsite where we do have access.
public function alternateAccessCheck() {
$className = $this->owner->class;
if($result = Permission::check("CMS_ACCESS_$className")) {
return $result;
} else {
if($className == 'CMSMain') {
// When access /admin/, we should try a redirect to another part of the admin rather than be locked out
$menu = $this->owner->MainMenu();
if(($first = $menu->First()) && $first->Link) {
$otherSites = Subsite::accessible_sites("CMS_ACCESS_$className");
if($otherSites && $otherSites->TotalItems() > 0) {
return Permission::check("CMS_ACCESS_$className");
return null;