Subsite::class, // The subsite that this page belongs to ]; private static $many_many = [ 'CrossSubsiteLinkTracking' => SiteTree::class // Stored separately, as the logic for URL rewriting is different ]; private static $many_many_extraFields = [ 'CrossSubsiteLinkTracking' => ['FieldName' => 'Varchar'] ]; public function isMainSite() { return $this->owner->SubsiteID == 0; } /** * Update any requests to limit the results to the current site * @param SQLSelect $query * @param DataQuery $dataQuery */ public function augmentSQL(SQLSelect $query, DataQuery $dataQuery = null) { if (Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter) { return; } if ($dataQuery && $dataQuery->getQueryParam('Subsite.filter') === false) { return; } // If you're querying by ID, ignore the sub-site - this is a bit ugly... // if(!$query->where // || (strpos($query->where[0], ".\"ID\" = ") === false // && strpos($query->where[0], ".`ID` = ") === false && strpos($query->where[0], ".ID = ") === false // && strpos($query->where[0], "ID = ") !== 0)) { if ($query->filtersOnID()) { return; } $subsiteID = null; if (Subsite::$force_subsite) { $subsiteID = Subsite::$force_subsite; } else { $subsiteID = SubsiteState::singleton()->getSubsiteId(); } if ($subsiteID === null) { return; } // The foreach is an ugly way of getting the first key :-) foreach ($query->getFrom() as $tableName => $info) { // The tableName should be SiteTree or SiteTree_Live... $siteTreeTableName = SiteTree::getSchema()->tableName(SiteTree::class); if (strpos($tableName ?? '', $siteTreeTableName ?? '') === false) { break; } $query->addWhere("\"$tableName\".\"SubsiteID\" IN ($subsiteID)"); break; } } public function onBeforeWrite() { if (!$this->owner->ID && !$this->owner->SubsiteID) { $this->owner->SubsiteID = SubsiteState::singleton()->getSubsiteId(); } parent::onBeforeWrite(); } public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) { $subsites = Subsite::accessible_sites('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain'); if ($subsites && $subsites->count()) { $subsitesToMap = $subsites->exclude('ID', $this->owner->SubsiteID); $subsitesMap = $subsitesToMap->map('ID', 'Title'); } else { $subsitesMap = new Map(ArrayList::create()); } $viewingPageHistory = Controller::has_curr() && Controller::curr() instanceof HistoryViewerController; // Master page edit field (only allowed from default subsite to avoid inconsistent relationships) $isDefaultSubsite = $this->owner->SubsiteID == 0 || $this->owner->Subsite()->DefaultSite; if ($isDefaultSubsite && $subsitesMap->count() && !$viewingPageHistory) { $fields->addFieldToTab( 'Root.Main', ToggleCompositeField::create( 'SubsiteOperations', _t(__CLASS__ . '.SubsiteOperations', 'Subsite Operations'), [ DropdownField::create('CopyToSubsiteID', _t( __CLASS__ . '.CopyToSubsite', 'Copy page to subsite' ), $subsitesMap), CheckboxField::create( 'CopyToSubsiteWithChildren', _t(__CLASS__ . '.CopyToSubsiteWithChildren', 'Include children pages?') ), $copyAction = FormAction::create( 'copytosubsite', _t(__CLASS__ . '.CopyAction', 'Copy') ) ] )->setHeadingLevel(4) ); $copyAction->addExtraClass('btn btn-primary font-icon-save ml-3'); // @todo check if this needs re-implementation // $copyAction->includeDefaultJS(false); } // replace readonly link prefix $subsite = $this->owner->Subsite(); $nested_urls_enabled = Config::inst()->get(SiteTree::class, 'nested_urls'); /** @var Subsite $subsite */ if ($subsite && $subsite->exists()) { // Use baseurl from domain $baseLink = $subsite->absoluteBaseURL(); // Add parent page if enabled if ($nested_urls_enabled && $this->owner->ParentID) { $baseLink = Controller::join_links( $baseLink, $this->owner->Parent()->RelativeLink(true) ); } $urlsegment = $fields->dataFieldByName('URLSegment'); if ($urlsegment && $urlsegment instanceof SiteTreeURLSegmentField) { $urlsegment->setURLPrefix($baseLink); } } } /** * Does the basic duplication, but doesn't write anything this means we can subclass this easier and do more * complex relation duplication. * * Note that when duplicating including children, everything is written. * * @param Subsite|int $subsiteID * @param bool $includeChildren * @return SiteTree */ public function duplicateToSubsitePrep($subsiteID, $includeChildren) { if (is_object($subsiteID)) { $subsiteID = $subsiteID->ID; } return SubsiteState::singleton() ->withState(function (SubsiteState $newState) use ($subsiteID, $includeChildren) { $newState->setSubsiteId($subsiteID); /** @var SiteTree $page */ $page = $this->owner; try { // We have no idea what the ParentID should be, but it shouldn't be the same as it was since // we're now in a different subsite. As a workaround use the url-segment and subsite ID. if ($page->Parent()) { $parentSeg = $page->Parent()->URLSegment; $newParentPage = Page::get()->filter('URLSegment', $parentSeg)->first(); $originalParentID = $page->ParentID; if ($newParentPage) { $page->ParentID = (int) $newParentPage->ID; } else { // reset it to the top level, so the user can decide where to put it $page->ParentID = 0; } } // Disable query filtering by subsite during actual duplication $originalFilter = Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter; Subsite::disable_subsite_filter(true); return $includeChildren ? $page->duplicateWithChildren() : $page->duplicate(false); } finally { Subsite::disable_subsite_filter($originalFilter); // Re-set the original parent ID for the current page $page->ParentID = $originalParentID; } }); } /** * When duplicating a page, assign the current subsite ID from the state */ public function onBeforeDuplicate() { $subsiteId = SubsiteState::singleton()->getSubsiteId(); if ($subsiteId !== null) { $this->owner->SubsiteID = $subsiteId; } } /** * Create a duplicate of this page and save it to another subsite * * @param Subsite|int $subsiteID The Subsite to copy to, or its ID * @param boolean $includeChildren Whether to duplicate child pages too * @return SiteTree The duplicated page */ public function duplicateToSubsite($subsiteID = null, $includeChildren = false) { $clone = $this->owner->duplicateToSubsitePrep($subsiteID, $includeChildren); $clone->invokeWithExtensions('onBeforeDuplicateToSubsite', $this->owner); if (!$includeChildren) { // Write the new page if "include children" is false, because it is written by default when it's true. $clone->write(); } // Deprecated: manually duplicate any configured relationships $clone->duplicateSubsiteRelations($this->owner); $clone->invokeWithExtensions('onAfterDuplicateToSubsite', $this->owner); return $clone; } /** * Duplicate relations using a static property to define * which ones we want to duplicate * * It may be that some relations are not diostinct to sub site so can stay * whereas others may need to be duplicated * * @deprecated 2.2..3.0 Use the "cascade_duplicates" config API instead * @param SiteTree $originalPage */ public function duplicateSubsiteRelations($originalPage) { $thisClass = $originalPage->ClassName; $relations = Config::inst()->get($thisClass, 'duplicate_to_subsite_relations'); if ($relations && !empty($relations)) { foreach ($relations as $relation) { $items = $originalPage->$relation(); foreach ($items as $item) { $duplicateItem = $item->duplicate(false); $duplicateItem->{$thisClass.'ID'} = $this->owner->ID; $duplicateItem->write(); } } } } /** * @return SiteConfig */ public function alternateSiteConfig() { if (!$this->owner->SubsiteID) { return false; } $sc = DataObject::get_one(SiteConfig::class, '"SubsiteID" = ' . $this->owner->SubsiteID); if (!$sc) { $sc = new SiteConfig(); $sc->SubsiteID = $this->owner->SubsiteID; $sc->Title = _t('SilverStripe\\Subsites\\Model\\Subsite.SiteConfigTitle', 'Your Site Name'); $sc->Tagline = _t('SilverStripe\\Subsites\\Model\\Subsite.SiteConfigSubtitle', 'Your tagline here'); $sc->write(); } return $sc; } /** * Only allow editing of a page if the member satisfies one of the following conditions: * - Is in a group which has access to the subsite this page belongs to * - Is in a group with edit permissions on the "main site" * * If there are no subsites configured yet, this logic is skipped. * * @param Member|null $member * @return bool|null */ public function canEdit($member = null) { if (!$member) { $member = Security::getCurrentUser(); } // Do not provide any input if there are no subsites configured if (!Subsite::get()->exists()) { return null; } // Find the sites that this user has access to $goodSites = Subsite::accessible_sites('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain', true, 'all', $member)->column('ID'); if (!is_null($this->owner->SubsiteID)) { $subsiteID = $this->owner->SubsiteID; } else { // The relationships might not be available during the record creation when using a GridField. // In this case the related objects will have empty fields, and SubsiteID will not be available. // // We do the second best: fetch the likely SubsiteID from the session. The drawback is this might // make it possible to force relations to point to other (forbidden) subsites. $subsiteID = SubsiteState::singleton()->getSubsiteId(); } // Return true if they have access to this object's site if (!(in_array(0, $goodSites ?? []) || in_array($subsiteID, $goodSites ?? []))) { return false; } } /** * @param null $member * @return bool */ public function canDelete($member = null) { if (!$member && $member !== false) { $member = Security::getCurrentUser(); } return $this->canEdit($member); } /** * @param null $member * @return bool */ public function canAddChildren($member = null) { if (!$member && $member !== false) { $member = Security::getCurrentUser(); } return $this->canEdit($member); } /** * @param Member|null $member * @return bool|null */ public function canPublish($member = null) { if (!$member && $member !== false) { $member = Security::getCurrentUser(); } return $this->canEdit($member); } /** * Called by ContentController::init(); * @param $controller */ public static function contentcontrollerInit($controller) { /** @var Subsite $subsite */ $subsite = Subsite::currentSubsite(); if ($subsite && $subsite->Theme) { SSViewer::set_themes(ThemeResolver::singleton()->getThemeList($subsite)); } $ignore_subsite_locale = Config::inst()->get(self::class, 'ignore_subsite_locale'); if (!$ignore_subsite_locale && $subsite && $subsite->Language && i18n::getData()->validate($subsite->Language) ) { i18n::set_locale($subsite->Language); } } /** * @param null $action * @return string */ public function alternateAbsoluteLink($action = null) { // Generate the existing absolute URL and replace the domain with the subsite domain. // This helps deal with Link() returning an absolute URL. $url = Director::absoluteURL($this->owner->Link($action)); if ($this->owner->SubsiteID) { $url = preg_replace('/\/\/[^\/]+\//', '//' . $this->owner->Subsite()->domain() . '/', $url ?? ''); } return $url; } /** * Use the CMS domain for iframed CMS previews to prevent single-origin violations * and SSL cert problems. Always set SubsiteID to avoid errors because a page doesn't * exist on the CMS domain. * * @param string &$link * @param string|null $action * @return string */ public function updatePreviewLink(&$link, $action = null) { $url = Director::absoluteURL($this->owner->Link($action)); $link = HTTP::setGetVar('SubsiteID', $this->owner->SubsiteID, $url); return $link; } /** * This function is marked as deprecated for removal in 5.0.0 in silverstripe/cms * so now simply passes execution to where the functionality exists for backwards compatiblity. * CMS 4.0.0 SiteTree already throws a SilverStripe deprecation error before calling this function. * @deprecated 2.2...3.0 use updatePreviewLink instead * * @param string|null $action * @return string */ public function alternatePreviewLink($action = null) { $link = ''; return $this->updatePreviewLink($link, $action); } /** * Inject the subsite ID into the content so it can be used by frontend scripts. * @param $tags * @return string */ public function MetaTags(&$tags) { if ($this->owner->SubsiteID) { $tags .= '\n"; } return $tags; } public function augmentSyncLinkTracking() { // Set LinkTracking appropriately $links = HTTP::getLinksIn($this->owner->Content); $linkedPages = []; if ($links) { foreach ($links as $link) { if (substr($link ?? '', 0, strlen('http://')) == 'http://') { $withoutHttp = substr($link ?? '', strlen('http://')); if (strpos($withoutHttp ?? '', '/') && strpos($withoutHttp ?? '', '/') < strlen($withoutHttp ?? '') ) { $domain = substr($withoutHttp ?? '', 0, strpos($withoutHttp ?? '', '/')); $rest = substr($withoutHttp ?? '', strpos($withoutHttp ?? '', '/') + 1); $subsiteID = Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain($domain); if ($subsiteID == 0) { continue; } // We have no idea what the domain for the main site is, so cant track links to it $origDisableSubsiteFilter = Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter; Subsite::disable_subsite_filter(true); $candidatePage = SiteTree::get()->filter([ 'URLSegment' => urldecode($rest), 'SubsiteID' => $subsiteID, ])->first(); Subsite::disable_subsite_filter($origDisableSubsiteFilter); if ($candidatePage) { $linkedPages[] = $candidatePage->ID; } else { $this->owner->HasBrokenLink = true; } } } } } $this->owner->CrossSubsiteLinkTracking()->setByIDList($linkedPages); } /** * Ensure that valid url segments are checked within the correct subsite of the owner object, * even if the current subsiteID is set to some other subsite. * * @return null|bool Either true or false, or null to not influence result */ public function augmentValidURLSegment() { // If this page is being filtered in the current subsite, then no custom validation query is required. $subsite = Subsite::$force_subsite ?: SubsiteState::singleton()->getSubsiteId(); if (empty($this->owner->SubsiteID) || $subsite == $this->owner->SubsiteID) { return null; } // Backup forced subsite $prevForceSubsite = Subsite::$force_subsite; Subsite::$force_subsite = $this->owner->SubsiteID; // Repeat validation in the correct subsite $isValid = $this->owner->validURLSegment(); // Restore Subsite::$force_subsite = $prevForceSubsite; return (bool)$isValid; } /** * Return a piece of text to keep DataObject cache keys appropriately specific */ public function cacheKeyComponent() { return 'subsite-' . SubsiteState::singleton()->getSubsiteId(); } /** * @param Member $member * @return boolean|null */ public function canCreate($member = null) { // Typically called on a singleton, so we're not using the Subsite() relation $subsite = Subsite::currentSubsite(); if ($subsite && $subsite->exists() && $subsite->PageTypeBlacklist) { // SS 4.1: JSON encoded. SS 4.0, comma delimited $blacklist = json_decode($subsite->PageTypeBlacklist ?? '', true); if ($blacklist === false) { $blacklist = explode(',', $subsite->PageTypeBlacklist ?? ''); } if (in_array(get_class($this->owner), (array) $blacklist)) { return false; } } } }