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* Extension for the SiteTree object to add subsites support
BUG: Modifying the module to work with SS 3.0 Replaced deprecated DataObjectDecorator with DataExtension Fixed hard crashes in the cms Updated to support new LeftAndMain template structure Made the subsites model admin functional Moved the LeftAndMain_Menu template up a directory so it overrides the core Fixed some errors caused by changes to the framework Re-organized the code folder Fixed permission issue causing to default to first subsite regardless if it is the default or not Fixed crashes on the subsite virtual page when creating/editing Removed toDropdownMap() calls replacing with map() Fixed the URLSegment field on subsites Fixed error when detecting subsite for a domain Improved styles on the subsite dropdown Updated LeftAndMain_Subsites.js to work with jQuery entwine Started porting the SubsitesTreeDropdownField.js to use jQuery entwine and work with the new TreeDropdownField.js Fixed issue causing crash when viewing a page who is linked to by a subsite virtual page Removed unused methods on SubsitesTreeDropdownField.js Re-added classes that were moved Fixed hard crash after saving caused by the many_many definition on SiteTreeSubsites Replaced deprecated DataObjectSet creation with ArrayList Compatibility fixes with SS 3.0 beta 2 Fixed crash in cms caused by no parameter being passed to the SubsiteReportWrapper constructor Proper fix for report wrapper Removed table list field in favor of a basic grid field Fixed updateCMSFields() for file subsites Migrated translations to yml Fixed issue causing the current page to not get cleared when changing subsites in the cms Fixed virtual page icon Fixed language files issue
2012-03-25 13:35:01 -03:00
class SiteTreeSubsites extends DataExtension {
private static $has_one = array(
'Subsite' => 'Subsite', // The subsite that this page belongs to
2012-07-10 10:43:53 -03:00
private static $many_many = array(
'CrossSubsiteLinkTracking' => 'SiteTree' // Stored separately, as the logic for URL rewriting is different
2012-07-10 10:43:53 -03:00
private static $many_many_extraFields = array(
2012-07-10 10:43:53 -03:00
"CrossSubsiteLinkTracking" => array("FieldName" => "Varchar")
function isMainSite() {
if($this->owner->SubsiteID == 0) return true;
return false;
* Update any requests to limit the results to the current site
public function augmentSQL(SQLSelect $query, DataQuery $dataQuery = null) {
2007-09-05 04:47:05 +00:00
if(Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter) return;
if($dataQuery->getQueryParam('Subsite.filter') === false) return;
2007-09-05 04:47:05 +00:00
// If you're querying by ID, ignore the sub-site - this is a bit ugly...
2010-03-02 01:15:11 +00:00
// if(!$query->where || (strpos($query->where[0], ".\"ID\" = ") === false && strpos($query->where[0], ".`ID` = ") === false && strpos($query->where[0], ".ID = ") === false && strpos($query->where[0], "ID = ") !== 0)) {
if($query->filtersOnID()) return;
if (Subsite::$force_subsite) $subsiteID = Subsite::$force_subsite;
else {
/*if($context = DataObject::context_obj()) $subsiteID = (int)$context->SubsiteID;
else */$subsiteID = (int)Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
2010-03-02 01:15:11 +00:00
// The foreach is an ugly way of getting the first key :-)
foreach($query->getFrom() as $tableName => $info) {
// The tableName should be SiteTree or SiteTree_Live...
if(strpos($tableName,'SiteTree') === false) break;
$query->addWhere("\"$tableName\".\"SubsiteID\" IN ($subsiteID)");
2010-03-02 01:15:11 +00:00
function onBeforeWrite() {
if(!$this->owner->ID && !$this->owner->SubsiteID) $this->owner->SubsiteID = Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) {
$subsites = Subsite::accessible_sites("CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain");
$subsitesMap = array();
if($subsites && $subsites->Count()) {
$subsitesMap = $subsites->map('ID', 'Title');
// Master page edit field (only allowed from default subsite to avoid inconsistent relationships)
$isDefaultSubsite = $this->owner->SubsiteID == 0 || $this->owner->Subsite()->DefaultSite;
if($isDefaultSubsite && $subsitesMap) {
new DropdownField(
_t('SiteTreeSubsites.CopyToSubsite', "Copy page to subsite"),
$copyAction = new InlineFormAction(
_t('SiteTreeSubsites.CopyAction', "Copy")
// replace readonly link prefix
$subsite = $this->owner->Subsite();
$nested_urls_enabled = Config::inst()->get('SiteTree', 'nested_urls');
if($subsite && $subsite->ID) {
2014-08-18 21:03:52 +12:00
$baseUrl = Director::protocol() . $subsite->domain() . '/';
2012-07-10 10:43:53 -03:00
$baseLink = Controller::join_links (
($nested_urls_enabled && $this->owner->ParentID ? $this->owner->Parent()->RelativeLink(true) : null)
2012-07-10 10:43:53 -03:00
$urlsegment = $fields->dataFieldByName('URLSegment');
function alternateSiteConfig() {
if(!$this->owner->SubsiteID) return false;
$sc = DataObject::get_one('SiteConfig', '"SubsiteID" = ' . $this->owner->SubsiteID);
if(!$sc) {
$sc = new SiteConfig();
$sc->SubsiteID = $this->owner->SubsiteID;
2013-10-30 13:43:59 +01:00
$sc->Title = _t('Subsite.SiteConfigTitle','Your Site Name');
$sc->Tagline = _t('Subsite.SiteConfigSubtitle','Your tagline here');
return $sc;
* Only allow editing of a page if the member satisfies one of the following conditions:
* - Is in a group which has access to the subsite this page belongs to
* - Is in a group with edit permissions on the "main site"
* @return boolean
function canEdit($member = null) {
if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser();
// Find the sites that this user has access to
$goodSites = Subsite::accessible_sites('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain',true,'all',$member)->column('ID');
if (!is_null($this->owner->SubsiteID)) {
$subsiteID = $this->owner->SubsiteID;
} else {
// The relationships might not be available during the record creation when using a GridField.
// In this case the related objects will have empty fields, and SubsiteID will not be available.
// We do the second best: fetch the likely SubsiteID from the session. The drawback is this might
// make it possible to force relations to point to other (forbidden) subsites.
$subsiteID = Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
// Return true if they have access to this object's site
if(!(in_array(0, $goodSites) || in_array($subsiteID, $goodSites))) return false;
* @return boolean
function canDelete($member = null) {
if(!$member && $member !== FALSE) $member = Member::currentUser();
return $this->canEdit($member);
* @return boolean
function canAddChildren($member = null) {
if(!$member && $member !== FALSE) $member = Member::currentUser();
return $this->canEdit($member);
* @return boolean
function canPublish($member = null) {
if(!$member && $member !== FALSE) $member = Member::currentUser();
return $this->canEdit($member);
* Does the basic duplication, but doesn't write anything
* this means we can subclass this easier and do more complex
* relation duplication.
public function duplicateToSubsitePrep($subsiteID) {
if (is_object($subsiteID)) {
$subsiteID = $subsiteID->ID;
$oldSubsite = Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
if ($subsiteID) {
} else {
$subsiteID = $oldSubsite;
// doesn't write as we need to reset the SubsiteID, ParentID etc
$clone = $this->owner->duplicate(false);
$clone->CheckedPublicationDifferences = $clone->AddedToStage = true;
$subsiteID = ($subsiteID ? $subsiteID : $oldSubsite);
$clone->SubsiteID = $subsiteID;
// We have no idea what the parentID should be, so as a workaround use the url-segment and subsite ID
if ($this->owner->Parent()) {
$parentSeg = $this->owner->Parent()->URLSegment;
$newParentPage = Page::get()->filter('URLSegment', $parentSeg)->first();
if ($newParentPage) {
$clone->ParentID = $newParentPage->ID;
} else {
// reset it to the top level, so the user can decide where to put it
$clone->ParentID = 0;
// MasterPageID is here for legacy purposes, to satisfy the subsites_relatedpages module
$clone->MasterPageID = $this->owner->ID;
return $clone;
* Create a duplicate of this page and save it to another subsite
* @param $subsiteID int|Subsite The Subsite to copy to, or its ID
public function duplicateToSubsite($subsiteID = null) {
$clone = $this->owner->duplicateToSubsitePrep($subsiteID);
$clone->invokeWithExtensions('onBeforeDuplicateToSubsite', $this->owner);
// new extension hooks which happens after write,
// onAfterDuplicate isn't reliable due to
$clone->invokeWithExtensions('onAfterDuplicateToSubsite', $this->owner);
return $clone;
* Duplicate relations using a static property to define
* which ones we want to duplicate
* It may be that some relations are not diostinct to sub site so can stay
* whereas others may need to be duplicated
public function duplicateSubsiteRelations($originalPage) {
$thisClass = $originalPage->ClassName;
$relations = Config::inst()->get($thisClass, 'duplicate_to_subsite_relations');
if($relations && !empty($relations)) {
foreach($relations as $relation) {
$items = $originalPage->$relation();
foreach($items as $item) {
$duplicateItem = $item->duplicate(false);
$duplicateItem->{$thisClass.'ID'} = $this->owner->ID;
* Called by ContentController::init();
static function contentcontrollerInit($controller) {
$subsite = Subsite::currentSubsite();
2015-06-09 09:29:51 +12:00
if($subsite && $subsite->Theme){
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme', Subsite::currentSubsite()->Theme);
function alternateAbsoluteLink() {
// Generate the existing absolute URL and replace the domain with the subsite domain.
// This helps deal with Link() returning an absolute URL.
$url = Director::absoluteURL($this->owner->Link());
if($this->owner->SubsiteID) {
$url = preg_replace('/\/\/[^\/]+\//', '//' . $this->owner->Subsite()->domain() . '/', $url);
return $url;
* Use the CMS domain for iframed CMS previews to prevent single-origin violations
* and SSL cert problems.
function alternatePreviewLink($action = null) {
$url = Director::absoluteURL($this->owner->Link());
if($this->owner->SubsiteID) {
$url = HTTP::setGetVar('SubsiteID', $this->owner->SubsiteID, $url);
return $url;
* Inject the subsite ID into the content so it can be used by frontend scripts.
function MetaTags(&$tags) {
if($this->owner->SubsiteID) {
$tags .= "<meta name=\"x-subsite-id\" content=\"" . $this->owner->SubsiteID . "\" />\n";
return $tags;
function augmentSyncLinkTracking() {
// Set LinkTracking appropriately
$links = HTTP::getLinksIn($this->owner->Content);
$linkedPages = array();
if($links) foreach($links as $link) {
if(substr($link, 0, strlen('http://')) == 'http://') {
$withoutHttp = substr($link, strlen('http://'));
if(strpos($withoutHttp, '/') && strpos($withoutHttp, '/') < strlen($withoutHttp)) {
$domain = substr($withoutHttp, 0, strpos($withoutHttp, '/'));
$rest = substr($withoutHttp, strpos($withoutHttp, '/') + 1);
$subsiteID = Subsite::getSubsiteIDForDomain($domain);
if($subsiteID == 0) continue; // We have no idea what the domain for the main site is, so cant track links to it
$origDisableSubsiteFilter = Subsite::$disable_subsite_filter;
2014-08-22 13:21:18 +02:00
$candidatePage = DataObject::get_one("SiteTree", "\"URLSegment\" = '" . Convert::raw2sql(urldecode( $rest)) . "' AND \"SubsiteID\" = " . $subsiteID, false);
if($candidatePage) {
$linkedPages[] = $candidatePage->ID;
} else {
$this->owner->HasBrokenLink = true;
* Return a piece of text to keep DataObject cache keys appropriately specific
function cacheKeyComponent() {
return 'subsite-'.Subsite::currentSubsiteID();
* @param Member
* @return boolean|null
function canCreate($member = null) {
// Typically called on a singleton, so we're not using the Subsite() relation
$subsite = Subsite::currentSubsite();
if($subsite && $subsite->exists() && $subsite->PageTypeBlacklist) {
$blacklisted = explode(',', $subsite->PageTypeBlacklist);
// All subclasses need to be listed explicitly
if(in_array($this->owner->class, $blacklisted)) return false;