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synced 2024-10-22 12:05:54 +00:00
When calling this function onAfterWrite of a DO, the site theme was used to render the CMS form. This fix corrects that by restoring all the config options that are changed
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* @package staticpublisher
class FilesystemPublisher extends StaticPublisher {
* @var string
protected $destFolder = 'cache';
* @var string
protected $fileExtension = 'html';
* @var string
* @config
private static $static_base_url = null;
* @config
* @var Boolean Use domain based cacheing (put cache files into a domain subfolder)
* This must be true if you are using this with the "subsites" module.
* Please note that this form of caching requires all URLs to be provided absolute
* (not relative to the webroot) via {@link SiteTree->AbsoluteLink()}.
private static $domain_based_caching = false;
* Set a different base URL for the static copy of the site.
* This can be useful if you are running the CMS on a different domain from the website.
* @deprecated 3.2 Use the "FilesystemPublisher.static_base_url" config setting instead
static public function set_static_base_url($url) {
Deprecation::notice('3.2', 'Use the "FilesystemPublisher.static_base_url" config setting instead');
Config::inst()->update('FilesystemPublisher', 'static_base_url', $url);
* @param $destFolder The folder to save the cached site into.
* This needs to be set in framework/static-main.php as well through the {@link $cacheBaseDir} variable.
* @param $fileExtension The file extension to use, e.g 'html'.
* If omitted, then each page will be placed in its own directory,
* with the filename 'index.html'. If you set the extension to PHP, then a simple PHP script will
* be generated that can do appropriate cache & redirect header negotation.
public function __construct($destFolder = 'cache', $fileExtension = null) {
// Remove trailing slash from folder
if(substr($destFolder, -1) == '/') {
$destFolder = substr($destFolder, 0, -1);
$this->destFolder = $destFolder;
if($fileExtension) {
$this->fileExtension = $fileExtension;
* Transforms relative or absolute URLs to their static path equivalent.
* This needs to be the same logic that's used to look up these paths through
* framework/static-main.php. Does not include the {@link $destFolder} prefix.
* URL filtering will have already taken place for direct SiteTree links via SiteTree->generateURLSegment()).
* For all other links (e.g. custom controller actions), we assume that they're pre-sanitized
* to suit the filesystem needs, as its impossible to sanitize them without risking to break
* the underlying naming assumptions in URL routing (e.g. controller method names).
* Examples (without $domain_based_caching):
* - http://mysite.com/mywebroot/ => /index.html (assuming your webroot is in a subfolder)
* - http://mysite.com/about-us => /about-us.html
* - http://mysite.com/parent/child => /parent/child.html
* Examples (with $domain_based_caching):
* - http://mysite.com/mywebroot/ => /mysite.com/index.html (assuming your webroot is in a subfolder)
* - http://mysite.com/about-us => /mysite.com/about-us.html
* - http://myothersite.com/about-us => /myothersite.com/about-us.html
* - http://subdomain.mysite.com/parent/child => /subdomain.mysite.com/parent/child.html
* @param array $urls Absolute or relative URLs
* @return array Map of original URLs to filesystem paths (relative to {@link $destFolder}).
public function urlsToPaths($urls) {
$mappedUrls = array();
foreach($urls as $url) {
// parse_url() is not multibyte safe, see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52923.
// We assume that the URL hsa been correctly encoded either on storage (for SiteTree->URLSegment),
// or through URL collection (for controller method names etc.).
$urlParts = @parse_url($url);
// Remove base folders from the URL if webroot is hosted in a subfolder (same as static-main.php)
$path = isset($urlParts['path']) ? $urlParts['path'] : '';
if(mb_substr(mb_strtolower($path), 0, mb_strlen(BASE_URL)) == mb_strtolower(BASE_URL)) {
$urlSegment = mb_substr($path, mb_strlen(BASE_URL));
} else {
$urlSegment = $path;
// Normalize URLs
$urlSegment = trim($urlSegment, '/');
$filename = $urlSegment ? "$urlSegment.$this->fileExtension" : "index.$this->fileExtension";
if (Config::inst()->get('FilesystemPublisher', 'domain_based_caching')) {
if (!$urlParts) continue; // seriously malformed url here...
$filename = $urlParts['host'] . '/' . $filename;
$mappedUrls[$url] = ((dirname($filename) == '/') ? '' : (dirname($filename).'/')).basename($filename);
return $mappedUrls;
* @param array $urls
public function unpublishPages($urls) {
// Do we need to map these?
// Detect a numerically indexed arrays
if (is_numeric(join('', array_keys($urls)))) $urls = $this->urlsToPaths($urls);
// This can be quite memory hungry and time-consuming
// @todo - Make a more memory efficient publisher
$cacheBaseDir = $this->getDestDir();
foreach($urls as $url => $path) {
if (file_exists($cacheBaseDir.'/'.$path)) {
* Uses {@link Director::test()} to perform in-memory HTTP requests
* on the passed-in URLs.
* @param array $urls Relative URLs
* @return array Result, keyed by URL. Keys:
* - "statuscode": The HTTP status code
* - "redirect": A redirect location (if applicable)
* - "path": The filesystem path where the cache has been written
public function publishPages($urls) {
$result = array();
//nest the config so we can make changes to the config and revert easily
// Do we need to map these?
// Detect a numerically indexed arrays
if (is_numeric(join('', array_keys($urls)))) $urls = $this->urlsToPaths($urls);
// This can be quite memory hungry and time-consuming
// @todo - Make a more memory efficient publisher
// Set the appropriate theme for this publication batch.
// This may have been set explicitly via StaticPublisher::static_publisher_theme,
// or we can use the last non-null theme.
$customTheme = Config::inst()->get('StaticPublisher', 'static_publisher_theme');
if($customTheme) {
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme', $customTheme);
// Ensure that the theme that is set gets used.
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme_enabled', true);
$staticBaseUrl = Config::inst()->get('FilesystemPublisher', 'static_base_url');
if($staticBaseUrl) {
Config::inst()->update('Director', 'alternate_base_url', $staticBaseUrl);
if($this->fileExtension == 'php') {
Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'rewrite_hash_links', 'php');
if(Config::inst()->get('StaticPublisher', 'echo_progress')) {
echo $this->class.": Publishing to " . $staticBaseUrl . "\n";
$files = array();
$i = 0;
$totalURLs = sizeof($urls);
foreach($urls as $url => $path) {
$origUrl = $url;
$result[$origUrl] = array(
'statuscode' => null,
'redirect' => null,
'path' => null
if($url && !is_string($url)) {
user_error("Bad url:" . var_export($url,true), E_USER_WARNING);
if(Config::inst()->get('StaticPublisher', 'echo_progress')) {
echo " * Publishing page $i/$totalURLs: $url\n";
if($url == "") $url = "/";
if(Director::is_relative_url($url)) $url = Director::absoluteURL($url);
$response = Director::test(str_replace('+', ' ', $url));
if (!$response) continue;
if($response) {
$result[$origUrl]['statuscode'] = $response->getStatusCode();
// Check for ErrorPages generating output - we want to handle this in a special way below.
$isErrorPage = false;
$pageObject = null;
if ($response && is_object($response) && ((int)$response->getStatusCode())>=400) {
$pageObject = SiteTree::get_by_link($url);
if ($pageObject && $pageObject instanceof ErrorPage) $isErrorPage = true;
// Skip any responses with a 404 status code unless it's the ErrorPage itself.
if (!$isErrorPage && is_object($response) && $response->getStatusCode()=='404') continue;
// Generate file content
// PHP file caching will generate a simple script from a template
if($this->fileExtension == 'php') {
if(is_object($response)) {
if($response->getStatusCode() == '301' || $response->getStatusCode() == '302') {
$content = $this->generatePHPCacheRedirection($response->getHeader('Location'));
} else {
$content = $this->generatePHPCacheFile($response->getBody(), HTTP::get_cache_age(), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
} else {
$content = $this->generatePHPCacheFile($response . '', HTTP::get_cache_age(), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
// HTML file caching generally just creates a simple file
} else {
if(is_object($response)) {
if($response->getStatusCode() == '301' || $response->getStatusCode() == '302') {
$absoluteURL = Director::absoluteURL($response->getHeader('Location'));
$result[$origUrl]['redirect'] = $response->getHeader('Location');
$content = "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2; URL=$absoluteURL\">";
} else {
$content = $response->getBody();
} else {
$content = $response . '';
if(Config::inst()->get('StaticPublisher', 'include_caching_metadata')) {
$content = str_replace(
sprintf("</html>\n\n<!-- %s -->", implode(" ", $this->getMetadata($url))),
if (!$isErrorPage) {
$files[$origUrl] = array(
'Content' => $content,
'Folder' => dirname($path).'/',
'Filename' => basename($path),
} else {
// Generate a static version of the error page with a standardised name, so they can be plugged
// into catch-all webserver statements such as Apache's ErrorDocument.
$code = (int)$response->getStatusCode();
$files[$origUrl] = array(
'Content' => $content,
'Folder' => dirname($path).'/',
'Filename' => "error-$code.html",
// Add externals
$externals = $this->externalReferencesFor($content);
if($externals) foreach($externals as $external) {
// Skip absolute URLs
if(preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+:\/\//', $external)) continue;
// Drop querystring parameters
$external = strtok($external, '?');
if(file_exists("../" . $external)) {
// Break into folder and filename
if(preg_match('/^(.*\/)([^\/]+)$/', $external, $matches)) {
$files[$external] = array(
"Copy" => "../$external",
"Folder" => $matches[1],
"Filename" => $matches[2],
} else {
user_error("Can't parse external: $external", E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
$missingFiles[$external] = true;
//return config to its previous state
$base = BASE_PATH . "/$this->destFolder";
foreach($files as $origUrl => $file) {
$path = "$base/$file[Folder]$file[Filename]";
$result[$origUrl]['path'] = $path;
if(isset($file['Content'])) {
$fh = fopen($path, "w");
fwrite($fh, $file['Content']);
} else if(isset($file['Copy'])) {
copy($file['Copy'], $path);
return $result;
* Generate the templated content for a PHP script that can serve up the
* given piece of content with the given age and expiry.
* @param string $content
* @param string $age
* @param string $lastModified
* @param string $contentType
* @return string
protected function generatePHPCacheFile($content, $age, $lastModified, $contentType) {
$template = file_get_contents(STATIC_MODULE_DIR . '/code/CachedPHPPage.tmpl');
return str_replace(
array('**MAX_AGE**', '**LAST_MODIFIED**', '**CONTENT**', '**CONTENT_TYPE**'),
array((int)$age, $lastModified, $content, $contentType),
* Generate the templated content for a PHP script that can serve up a 301
* redirect to the given destination.
* @param string $destination
* @return string
protected function generatePHPCacheRedirection($destination) {
$template = file_get_contents(STATIC_MODULE_DIR . '/code/CachedPHPRedirection.tmpl');
return str_replace(
* @return string
public function getDestDir() {
return BASE_PATH . '/' . $this->destFolder;
* Return an array of all the existing static cache files, as a map of
* URL => file. Only returns cache files that will actually map to a URL,
* based on urlsToPaths.
* @return array
public function getExistingStaticCacheFiles() {
$cacheDir = BASE_PATH . '/' . $this->destFolder;
$urlMapper = array_flip($this->urlsToPaths($this->owner->allPagesToCache()));
$output = array();
// Glob each dir, then glob each one of those
foreach(glob("$cacheDir/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $cacheDir) {
foreach(glob($cacheDir.'/*') as $cacheFile) {
$mapKey = str_replace(BASE_PATH . "/cache/","",$cacheFile);
if(isset($urlMapper[$mapKey])) {
$url = $urlMapper[$mapKey];
$output[$url] = $cacheFile;
return $output;