If there are no columns, it's not a iterable result set and we can return 0. This fixes issues with things like CREATE statement.
SQLite3 Module
Maintainer Contact
Andreas Piening (Nickname: apiening) <andreas (at) silverstripe (dot) com>
- SilverStripe 4.0 or newer
- Install using composer with
composer require silverstripe/sqlite3 ^2
Either use the installer to automatically install SQLite or add this to your _config.php (right after "require_once("conf/ConfigureFromEnv.php");" if you are using _ss_environment.php)
$databaseConfig['type'] = 'SQLite3Database';
$databaseConfig['path'] = "/path/to/my/database/file";
Make sure the webserver has sufficient privileges to write to that folder and that it is protected from external access.
Sample mysite/_config.php
global $project;
$project = 'mysite';
global $database;
$database = 'SS_mysite';
global $databaseConfig;
$databaseConfig = array(
"type" => 'SQLite3Database',
"server" => 'none',
"username" => 'none',
"password" => 'none',
"database" => $database,
"path" => "/path/to/my/database/file",
Again: make sure that the webserver has permission to read and write to the above path (/path/to/my/database/, 'file' would be the name of the sqlite db file)
URL parameter
If you're trying to change a field constrain to NOT NULL on a field that contains NULLs dev/build fails because it might corrupt existing records. In order to perform the action anyway add the URL parameter 'avoidConflict' when running dev/build which temporarily adds a conflict clause to the field spec. E.g.: http://www.my-project.com/?avoidConflict=1
Open Issues
- SQLite3 is supposed to work with all may not work with certain modules as they are using custom SQL statements passed to the DB class directly ;(
- there is no real fulltext search yet and the build-in search engine is not ordering by relevance, check out fts3