It is not uncommon for an index to be defined as e.g. 'fulltext' which SQLite3 does not support without a module to create a virtual table (rather than an index on an existing one). The code already in place sees that definitions be updated to 'index' on the fly during creation and later inspection (indexList) - which causes issue when comparing existing table definitions to what SilverStripe expects by DataObject configuration. This discrepency leads to tables constantly being marked to update, although effectively nothing actually changes. We can save these CPU cycles and a bit of head scratching by converting to a supported index type.
SQLite3 Module
Maintainer Contact
Andreas Piening (Nickname: apiening) <andreas (at) silverstripe (dot) com>
- SilverStripe 4.0 or newer
- Install using composer with
composer require silverstripe/sqlite3 ^2
Either use the installer to automatically install SQLite or add this to your _config.php (right after "require_once("conf/ConfigureFromEnv.php");" if you are using _ss_environment.php)
$databaseConfig['type'] = 'SQLite3Database';
$databaseConfig['path'] = "/path/to/my/database/file";
Make sure the webserver has sufficient privileges to write to that folder and that it is protected from external access.
Sample mysite/_config.php
global $project;
$project = 'mysite';
global $database;
$database = 'SS_mysite';
global $databaseConfig;
$databaseConfig = array(
"type" => 'SQLite3Database',
"server" => 'none',
"username" => 'none',
"password" => 'none',
"database" => $database,
"path" => "/path/to/my/database/file",
Again: make sure that the webserver has permission to read and write to the above path (/path/to/my/database/, 'file' would be the name of the sqlite db file)
URL parameter
If you're trying to change a field constrain to NOT NULL on a field that contains NULLs dev/build fails because it might corrupt existing records. In order to perform the action anyway add the URL parameter 'avoidConflict' when running dev/build which temporarily adds a conflict clause to the field spec. E.g.:
Open Issues
- SQLite3 is supposed to work with all may not work with certain modules as they are using custom SQL statements passed to the DB class directly ;(
- there is no real fulltext search yet and the build-in search engine is not ordering by relevance, check out fts3