<?php namespace SilverStripe\SQLite; use SilverStripe\Control\Director; use SilverStripe\Dev\Debug; use SilverStripe\Dev\SapphireTest; use SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\DBSchemaManager; use Exception; /** * SQLite schema manager class */ class SQLite3SchemaManager extends DBSchemaManager { /** * Instance of the database controller this schema belongs to * * @var SQLite3Database */ protected $database = null; /** * Flag indicating whether or not the database has been checked and repaired * * @var boolean */ protected static $checked_and_repaired = false; /** * Should schema be vacuumed during checkeAndRepairTable? * * @var boolean */ public static $vacuum = true; public function createDatabase($name) { // Ensure that any existing database is cleared before connection $this->dropDatabase($name); } public function dropDatabase($name) { // No need to delete database files if operating purely within memory if ($this->database->getLivesInMemory()) { return; } // If using file based database ensure any existing file is removed $path = $this->database->getPath(); $fullpath = $path . '/' . $name . SQLite3Database::database_extension(); if (is_writable($fullpath)) { unlink($fullpath); } } public function databaseList() { // If in-memory use the current database name only if ($this->database->getLivesInMemory()) { return array( $this->database->getConnector()->getSelectedDatabase() ?: 'database' ); } // If using file based database enumerate files in the database directory $directory = $this->database->getPath(); $files = scandir($directory); // Filter each file in this directory $databases = array(); if ($files !== false) { foreach ($files as $file) { // Filter non-files if (!is_file("$directory/$file")) { continue; } // Filter those with correct extension if (!SQLite3Database::is_valid_database_name($file)) { continue; } if ($extension = SQLite3Database::database_extension()) { $databases[] = substr($file, 0, -strlen($extension)); } else { $databases[] = $file; } } } return $databases; } public function databaseExists($name) { $databases = $this->databaseList(); return in_array($name, $databases); } /** * Empties any cached enum values */ public function flushCache() { $this->enum_map = array(); } public function schemaUpdate($callback) { // Set locking mode $this->database->setPragma('locking_mode', 'EXCLUSIVE'); $this->checkAndRepairTable(); $this->flushCache(); // Initiate schema update $error = null; try { parent::schemaUpdate($callback); } catch (Exception $ex) { $error = $ex; } // Revert locking mode $this->database->setPragma('locking_mode', SQLite3Database::$default_pragma['locking_mode']); if ($error) { throw $error; } } /** * Empty a specific table * * @param string $table */ public function clearTable($table) { if ($table != 'SQLiteEnums') { $this->query("DELETE FROM \"$table\""); } } public function createTable($table, $fields = null, $indexes = null, $options = null, $advancedOptions = null) { if (!isset($fields['ID'])) { $fields['ID'] = $this->IdColumn(); } $fieldSchemata = array(); if ($fields) { foreach ($fields as $k => $v) { $fieldSchemata[] = "\"$k\" $v"; } } $fieldSchemas = implode(",\n", $fieldSchemata); // Switch to "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" for temporary tables $temporary = empty($options['temporary']) ? "" : "TEMPORARY"; $this->query("CREATE $temporary TABLE \"$table\" ( $fieldSchemas )"); if ($indexes) { foreach ($indexes as $indexName => $indexDetails) { $this->createIndex($table, $indexName, $indexDetails); } } return $table; } public function alterTable($tableName, $newFields = null, $newIndexes = null, $alteredFields = null, $alteredIndexes = null, $alteredOptions = null, $advancedOptions = null ) { if ($newFields) { foreach ($newFields as $fieldName => $fieldSpec) { $this->createField($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldSpec); } } if ($alteredFields) { foreach ($alteredFields as $fieldName => $fieldSpec) { $this->alterField($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldSpec); } } if ($newIndexes) { foreach ($newIndexes as $indexName => $indexSpec) { $this->createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec); } } if ($alteredIndexes) { foreach ($alteredIndexes as $indexName => $indexSpec) { $this->alterIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec); } } } public function renameTable($oldTableName, $newTableName) { $this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$oldTableName\" RENAME TO \"$newTableName\""); } public function checkAndRepairTable($tableName = null) { $ok = true; if (!SapphireTest::using_temp_db() && !self::$checked_and_repaired) { $this->alterationMessage("Checking database integrity", "repaired"); // Check for any tables with failed integrity if ($messages = $this->query('PRAGMA integrity_check')) { foreach ($messages as $message) { if ($message['integrity_check'] != 'ok') { Debug::show($message['integrity_check']); $ok = false; } } } // If enabled vacuum (clean and rebuild) the database if (self::$vacuum) { $this->query('VACUUM', E_USER_NOTICE); $message = $this->database->getConnector()->getLastError(); if (preg_match('/authoriz/', $message)) { $this->alterationMessage("VACUUM | $message", "error"); } else { $this->alterationMessage("VACUUMing", "repaired"); } } self::$checked_and_repaired = true; } return $ok; } public function createField($table, $field, $spec) { $this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$table\" ADD \"$field\" $spec"); } /** * Change the database type of the given field. * @param string $tableName The name of the tbale the field is in. * @param string $fieldName The name of the field to change. * @param string $fieldSpec The new field specification */ public function alterField($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldSpec) { $oldFieldList = $this->fieldList($tableName); $fieldNameList = '"' . implode('","', array_keys($oldFieldList)) . '"'; if (!empty($_REQUEST['avoidConflict']) && Director::isDev()) { $fieldSpec = preg_replace('/\snot null\s/i', ' NOT NULL ON CONFLICT REPLACE ', $fieldSpec); } // Skip non-existing columns if (!array_key_exists($fieldName, $oldFieldList)) { return; } // Update field spec $newColsSpec = array(); foreach ($oldFieldList as $name => $oldSpec) { $newColsSpec[] = "\"$name\" " . ($name == $fieldName ? $fieldSpec : $oldSpec); } $queries = array( "BEGIN TRANSACTION", "CREATE TABLE \"{$tableName}_alterfield_{$fieldName}\"(" . implode(',', $newColsSpec) . ")", "INSERT INTO \"{$tableName}_alterfield_{$fieldName}\" SELECT {$fieldNameList} FROM \"$tableName\"", "DROP TABLE \"$tableName\"", "ALTER TABLE \"{$tableName}_alterfield_{$fieldName}\" RENAME TO \"$tableName\"", "COMMIT" ); // Remember original indexes $indexList = $this->indexList($tableName); // Then alter the table column foreach ($queries as $query) { $this->query($query.';'); } // Recreate the indexes foreach ($indexList as $indexName => $indexSpec) { $this->createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec); } } public function renameField($tableName, $oldName, $newName) { $oldFieldList = $this->fieldList($tableName); // Skip non-existing columns if (!array_key_exists($oldName, $oldFieldList)) { return; } // Determine column mappings $oldCols = array(); $newColsSpec = array(); foreach ($oldFieldList as $name => $spec) { $oldCols[] = "\"$name\"" . (($name == $oldName) ? " AS $newName" : ''); $newColsSpec[] = "\"" . (($name == $oldName) ? $newName : $name) . "\" $spec"; } // SQLite doesn't support direct renames through ALTER TABLE $queries = array( "BEGIN TRANSACTION", "CREATE TABLE \"{$tableName}_renamefield_{$oldName}\" (" . implode(',', $newColsSpec) . ")", "INSERT INTO \"{$tableName}_renamefield_{$oldName}\" SELECT " . implode(',', $oldCols) . " FROM \"$tableName\"", "DROP TABLE \"$tableName\"", "ALTER TABLE \"{$tableName}_renamefield_{$oldName}\" RENAME TO \"$tableName\"", "COMMIT" ); // Remember original indexes $oldIndexList = $this->indexList($tableName); // Then alter the table column foreach ($queries as $query) { $this->query($query.';'); } // Recreate the indexes foreach ($oldIndexList as $indexName => $indexSpec) { // Rename columns to new columns $indexSpec['value'] = preg_replace("/\"$oldName\"/i", "\"$newName\"", $indexSpec['value']); $this->createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec); } } public function fieldList($table) { $sqlCreate = $this->preparedQuery( 'SELECT "sql" FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE "type" = ? AND "name" = ?', array('table', $table) )->record(); $fieldList = array(); if ($sqlCreate && $sqlCreate['sql']) { preg_match('/^[\s]*CREATE[\s]+TABLE[\s]+[\'"]?[a-zA-Z0-9_\\\]+[\'"]?[\s]*\((.+)\)[\s]*$/ims', $sqlCreate['sql'], $matches ); $fields = isset($matches[1]) ? preg_split('/,(?=(?:[^\'"]*$)|(?:[^\'"]*[\'"][^\'"]*[\'"][^\'"]*)*$)/x', $matches[1]) : array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $details = preg_split('/\s/', trim($field)); $name = array_shift($details); $name = str_replace('"', '', trim($name)); $fieldList[$name] = implode(' ', $details); } } return $fieldList; } /** * Create an index on a table. * * @param string $tableName The name of the table. * @param string $indexName The name of the index. * @param array $indexSpec The specification of the index, see Database::requireIndex() for more details. */ public function createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec) { $parsedSpec = $this->parseIndexSpec($indexName, $indexSpec); $sqliteName = $this->buildSQLiteIndexName($tableName, $indexName); $columns = $parsedSpec['value']; $unique = ($parsedSpec['type'] == 'unique') ? 'UNIQUE' : ''; $this->query("CREATE $unique INDEX IF NOT EXISTS \"$sqliteName\" ON \"$tableName\" ($columns)"); } public function alterIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec) { // Drop existing index $sqliteName = $this->buildSQLiteIndexName($tableName, $indexName); $this->query("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS \"$sqliteName\""); // Create the index $this->createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec); } /** * Builds the internal SQLLite index name given the silverstripe table and index name. * * The name is built using the table and index name in order to prevent name collisions * between indexes of the same name across multiple tables * * @param string $tableName * @param string $indexName * @return string The SQLite3 name of the index */ protected function buildSQLiteIndexName($tableName, $indexName) { return "{$tableName}_{$indexName}"; } protected function parseIndexSpec($name, $spec) { $spec = parent::parseIndexSpec($name, $spec); // Only allow index / unique index types if (!in_array($spec['type'], array('index', 'unique'))) { $spec['type'] = 'index'; } return $spec; } public function indexKey($table, $index, $spec) { return $this->buildSQLiteIndexName($table, $index); } public function indexList($table) { $indexList = array(); // Enumerate each index and related fields foreach ($this->query("PRAGMA index_list(\"$table\")") as $index) { // The SQLite internal index name, not the actual Silverstripe name $indexName = $index["name"]; $indexType = $index['unique'] ? 'unique' : 'index'; // Determine a clean list of column names within this index $list = array(); foreach ($this->query("PRAGMA index_info(\"$indexName\")") as $details) { $list[] = preg_replace('/^"?(.*)"?$/', '$1', $details['name']); } // Safely encode this spec $indexList[$indexName] = $this->parseIndexSpec($indexName, array( 'name' => $indexName, 'value' => $this->implodeColumnList($list), 'type' => $indexType )); } return $indexList; } public function tableList() { $tables = array(); $result = $this->preparedQuery('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = ?', array('table')); foreach ($result as $record) { $table = reset($record); $tables[strtolower($table)] = $table; } return $tables; } /** * Return a boolean type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function boolean($values) { $default = empty($values['default']) ? 0 : (int)$values['default']; return "BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT $default"; } /** * Return a date type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function date($values) { return "TEXT"; } /** * Return a decimal type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function decimal($values) { $default = isset($values['default']) && is_numeric($values['default']) ? $values['default'] : 0; return "NUMERIC NOT NULL DEFAULT $default"; } /** * Cached list of enum values indexed by table.column * * @var array */ protected $enum_map = array(); /** * Return a enum type-formatted string * * enums are not supported. as a workaround to store allowed values we creates an additional table * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function enum($values) { $tablefield = $values['table'] . '.' . $values['name']; $enumValues = implode(',', $values['enums']); // Ensure the cache table exists if (empty($this->enum_map)) { $this->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"SQLiteEnums\" (\"TableColumn\" TEXT PRIMARY KEY, \"EnumList\" TEXT)"); } // Ensure the table row exists if (empty($this->enum_map[$tablefield]) || $this->enum_map[$tablefield] != $enumValues) { $this->preparedQuery( "REPLACE INTO SQLiteEnums (TableColumn, EnumList) VALUES (?, ?)", array($tablefield, $enumValues) ); $this->enum_map[$tablefield] = $enumValues; } // Set default if (!empty($values['default'])) { $default = str_replace(array('"', "'", "\\", "\0"), "", $values['default']); return "TEXT DEFAULT '$default'"; } else { return 'TEXT'; } } /** * Return a set type-formatted string * This type doesn't exist in SQLite either * * @see SQLite3SchemaManager::enum() * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function set($values) { return $this->enum($values); } /** * Return a float type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function float($values) { return "REAL"; } /** * Return a Double type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function double($values) { return "REAL"; } /** * Return a int type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function int($values) { return "INTEGER({$values['precision']}) " . strtoupper($values['null']) . " DEFAULT " . (int)$values['default']; } /** * Return a bigint type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function bigint($values) { return $this->int($values); } /** * Return a datetime type-formatted string * For SQLite3, we simply return the word 'TEXT', no other parameters are necessary * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function datetime($values) { return "DATETIME"; } /** * Return a text type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function text($values) { return 'TEXT'; } /** * Return a time type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function time($values) { return "TEXT"; } /** * Return a varchar type-formatted string * * @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function varchar($values) { return "VARCHAR({$values['precision']}) COLLATE NOCASE"; } /* * Return a 4 digit numeric type. MySQL has a proprietary 'Year' type. * For SQLite3 we use TEXT */ public function year($values, $asDbValue = false) { return "TEXT"; } public function IdColumn($asDbValue = false, $hasAutoIncPK = true) { return 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'; } public function hasTable($tableName) { return (bool)$this->preparedQuery( 'SELECT "name" FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE "type" = ? AND "name" = ?', array('table', $tableName) )->first(); } /** * Return enum values for the given field * * @param string $tableName * @param string $fieldName * @return array */ public function enumValuesForField($tableName, $fieldName) { $tablefield = "$tableName.$fieldName"; // Check already cached values for this field if (!empty($this->enum_map[$tablefield])) { return explode(',', $this->enum_map[$tablefield]); } // Retrieve and cache these details from the database $classnameinfo = $this->preparedQuery( "SELECT EnumList FROM SQLiteEnums WHERE TableColumn = ?", array($tablefield) )->first(); if ($classnameinfo) { $valueList = $classnameinfo['EnumList']; $this->enum_map[$tablefield] = $valueList; return explode(',', $valueList); } // Fallback to empty list return array(); } public function dbDataType($type) { $values = array( 'unsigned integer' => 'INT' ); if (isset($values[$type])) { return $values[$type]; } else { return ''; } } }