parameters=$parameters; $this->connectDatabase(); $this->database_original=$this->database; } /* * Uses whatever connection details are in the $parameters array to connect to a database of a given name */ function connectDatabase(){ $this->enum_map = array(); $parameters=$this->parameters; $dbName = !isset($this->database) ? $parameters['database'] : $dbName=$this->database; //assumes that the path to dbname will always be provided: $file = $parameters['path'] . '/' . $dbName; // use the very lightspeed SQLite In-Memory feature for testing if(SapphireTest::using_temp_db()) $file = ':memory:'; $this->dbConn = new SQLite3($file, SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE, $parameters['key']); //By virtue of getting here, the connection is active: $this->active=true; $this->database = $dbName; if(!$this->dbConn) { $this->databaseError("Couldn't connect to SQLite3 database"); return false; } return true; } /** * Not implemented, needed for PDO */ public function getConnect($parameters) { return null; } /** * Returns true if this database supports collations * TODO: get rid of this? * @return boolean */ public function supportsCollations() { return true; } /** * The version of SQLite3. * @var float */ private $sqliteVersion; /** * Get the version of SQLite3. * @return float */ public function getVersion() { if(!$this->sqliteVersion) { $db_version=$this->query("SELECT sqlite_version()")->value(); $this->sqliteVersion = (float)$db_version; } return $this->sqliteVersion; } /** * Get the database server, namely SQLite3. * @return string */ public function getDatabaseServer() { return "sqlite"; } public function query($sql, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR) { if(isset($_REQUEST['previewwrite']) && in_array(strtolower(substr($sql,0,strpos($sql,' '))), array('insert','update','delete','replace'))) { Debug::message("Will execute: $sql"); return; } if(isset($_REQUEST['showqueries'])) { $starttime = microtime(true); } // @todo This is a very ugly hack to rewrite the update statement of SiteTree::doPublish() // @see SiteTree::doPublish() There is a hack for MySQL already, maybe it's worth moving this to SiteTree or that other hack to Database... if(preg_replace('/[\W\d]*/i','',$sql) == 'UPDATESiteTree_LiveSETSortSiteTreeSortFROMSiteTreeWHERESiteTree_LiveIDSiteTreeIDANDSiteTree_LiveParentID') { preg_match('/\d+/i',$sql,$matches); $sql = 'UPDATE "SiteTree_Live" SET "Sort" = (SELECT "SiteTree"."Sort" FROM "SiteTree" WHERE "SiteTree_Live"."ID" = "SiteTree"."ID") WHERE "ParentID" = ' . $matches[0]; } $handle = $this->dbConn->query($sql); if(isset($_REQUEST['showqueries'])) { $endtime = round(microtime(true) - $starttime,4); Debug::message("\n$sql\n{$endtime}ms\n", false); } DB::$lastQuery=$handle; if(!$handle && $errorLevel) $this->databaseError("Couldn't run query: $sql | " . $this->dbConn->lastErrorMsg(), $errorLevel); return new SQLite3Query($this, $handle); } public function getGeneratedID($table) { return $this->dbConn->lastInsertRowID(); } /** * OBSOLETE: Get the ID for the next new record for the table. * * @var string $table The name od the table. * @return int */ public function getNextID($table) { user_error('getNextID is OBSOLETE (and will no longer work properly)', E_USER_WARNING); $result = $this->query("SELECT MAX(ID)+1 FROM \"$table\"")->value(); return $result ? $result : 1; } public function isActive() { return $this->active ? true : false; } /* * This will create a database based on whatever is in the $this->database value * So you need to have called $this->selectDatabase() first, or used the __construct method */ public function createDatabase() { $this->dbConn = null; $fullpath = $this->parameters['path'] . '/' . $this->database; if(is_writable($fullpath)) unlink($fullpath); $this->connectDatabase(); } /** * Drop the database that this object is currently connected to. * Use with caution. */ public function dropDatabase() { //First, we need to switch back to the original database so we can drop the current one $this->dbConn = null; $db_to_drop=$this->database; $this->selectDatabase($this->database_original); $this->connectDatabase(); $fullpath = $this->parameters['path'] . '/' . $db_to_drop; if(is_writable($fullpath)) unlink($fullpath); } /** * Returns the name of the currently selected database */ public function currentDatabase() { return $this->database; } /** * Switches to the given database. * If the database doesn't exist, you should call createDatabase() after calling selectDatabase() */ public function selectDatabase($dbname) { $this->database=$dbname; $this->tableList = $this->fieldList = $this->indexList = null; return true; } /** * Returns true if the named database exists. */ public function databaseExists($name) { $SQL_name=Convert::raw2sql($name); $result=$this->query("PRAGMA database_list"); foreach($result as $db) if($db['name'] == 'main' && preg_match('/\/' . $name . '/', $db['file'])) return true; if(file_exists($this->parameters['path'] . '/' . $name)) return true; return false; } public function clearTable($table) { $this->dbConn->query("DELETE FROM \"$table\""); } public function createTable($table, $fields = null, $indexes = null, $options = null, $advancedOptions = null) { if(!isset($fields['ID'])) $fields['ID'] = "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT"; $fieldSchemata = array(); if($fields) foreach($fields as $k => $v) $fieldSchemata[] = "\"$k\" $v"; $fieldSchemas = implode(",\n",$fieldSchemata); // Switch to "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" for temporary tables $temporary = empty($options['temporary']) ? "" : "TEMPORARY"; $this->query("CREATE $temporary TABLE \"$table\" ( $fieldSchemas )"); return $table; } /** * Alter a table's schema. * @param $table The name of the table to alter * @param $newFields New fields, a map of field name => field schema * @param $newIndexes New indexes, a map of index name => index type * @param $alteredFields Updated fields, a map of field name => field schema * @param $alteredIndexes Updated indexes, a map of index name => index type */ public function alterTable($tableName, $newFields = null, $newIndexes = null, $alteredFields = null, $alteredIndexes = null, $alteredOptions = null, $advancedOptions = null) { if($newFields) foreach($newFields as $fieldName => $fieldSpec) $this->createField($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldSpec); if($alteredFields) foreach($alteredFields as $fieldName => $fieldSpec) $this->alterField($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldSpec); if($newIndexes) foreach($newIndexes as $indexName => $indexSpec) $this->createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec); if($alteredIndexes) foreach($alteredIndexes as $indexName => $indexSpec) $this->alterIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec); } public function renameTable($oldTableName, $newTableName) { $this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$oldTableName\" RENAME \"$newTableName\""); } /** * Repairs and reindexes the table. This might take a long time on a very large table. * @var string $tableName The name of the table. * @return boolean Return true if the table has integrity after the method is complete. */ public function checkAndRepairTable($tableName) { // it's a pitty, vacuuming doesn't work -> locking issue // $this->runTableCheckCommand("VACUUM"); $this->runTableCheckCommand("REINDEX \"$tableName\""); return true; } /** * Helper function used by checkAndRepairTable. * @param string $sql Query to run. * @return boolean Returns true no matter what; we're not currently checking the status of the command */ protected function runTableCheckCommand($sql) { $testResults = $this->query($sql); return true; } public function createField($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldSpec) { $this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" ADD \"$fieldName\" $fieldSpec"); } /** * Change the database type of the given field. * @param string $tableName The name of the tbale the field is in. * @param string $fieldName The name of the field to change. * @param string $fieldSpec The new field specification */ public function alterField($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldSpec) { $oldFieldList = $this->fieldList($tableName); $fieldNameList = '"' . implode('","', array_keys($oldFieldList)) . '"'; if(array_key_exists($fieldName, $oldFieldList)) { $oldCols = array(); foreach($oldFieldList as $name => $spec) { $newColsSpec[] = "\"$name\" " . ($name == $fieldName ? $fieldSpec : $spec); } $queries = array( "BEGIN TRANSACTION", "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE \"{$tableName}_change\"(" . implode(',', $newColsSpec) . ")", "INSERT INTO \"{$tableName}_change\" SELECT {$fieldNameList} FROM \"$tableName\"", "DROP TABLE \"$tableName\"", "CREATE TABLE \"$tableName\"(" . implode(',', $newColsSpec) . ")", "INSERT INTO \"$tableName\" SELECT {$fieldNameList} FROM \"{$tableName}_change\"", "DROP TABLE \"{$tableName}_change\"", "COMMIT" ); foreach($queries as $query) $this->query($query.';'); } } /** * Change the database column name of the given field. * * @param string $tableName The name of the tbale the field is in. * @param string $oldName The name of the field to change. * @param string $newName The new name of the field */ public function renameField($tableName, $oldName, $newName) { $oldFieldList = $this->fieldList($tableName); if(array_key_exists($oldName, $oldFieldList)) { $oldCols = array(); foreach($oldFieldList as $name => $spec) { $oldCols[] = "\"$name\"" . (($name == $oldName) ? " AS $newName" : ''); $newCols[] = "\"". (($name == $oldName) ? $newName : $name). "\""; $newColsSpec[] = "\"" . (($name == $oldName) ? $newName : $name) . "\" $spec"; } $queries = array( "BEGIN TRANSACTION", "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE \"{$tableName}_rename\"(" . implode(',', $newColsSpec) . ")", "INSERT INTO \"{$tableName}_rename\" SELECT " . implode(',', $oldCols) . " FROM \"$tableName\"", "DROP TABLE \"$tableName\"", "CREATE TABLE \"$tableName\"(" . implode(',', $newColsSpec) . ")", "INSERT INTO \"$tableName\" SELECT " . implode(',', $newCols) . " FROM \"{$tableName}_rename\"", "DROP TABLE \"{$tableName}_rename\"", "COMMIT" ); foreach($queries as $query) $this->query($query.';'); } } public function fieldList($table) { $sqlCreate = DB::query('SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table" AND name = "' . $table . '"')->record(); if($sqlCreate && $sqlCreate['sql']) { preg_match('/^[\s]*CREATE[\s]+TABLE[\s]+"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"[\s]*\((.+)\)[\s]*$/ims', $sqlCreate['sql'], $matches); $fields = isset($matches[1]) ? preg_split('/,/i', $matches[1]) : array(); foreach($fields as $field) { $details = preg_split('/\s/', trim($field)); $name = array_shift($details); $name = str_replace('"', '', trim($name)); $fieldList[$name] = implode(' ', $details); } return $fieldList; } else { return array(); } } /** * Create an index on a table. * @param string $tableName The name of the table. * @param string $indexName The name of the index. * @param string $indexSpec The specification of the index, see Database::requireIndex() for more details. */ public function createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec) { $cleanIndexName = $this->getDbSqlDefinition($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec); $this->query("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS " . $cleanIndexName); $this->query("CREATE INDEX \"$cleanIndexName\" ON \"$tableName\" (" . $this->convertIndexSpec($indexSpec) . ")"); } /* * This takes the index spec which has been provided by a class (ie static $indexes = blah blah) * and turns it into a proper string. * Some indexes may be arrays, such as fulltext and unique indexes, and this allows database-specific * arrays to be created. */ public function convertIndexSpec($indexSpec, $asDbValue=false, $table=''){ $indexSpecNew = is_array($indexSpec) ? $indexSpec['value'] : $indexSpec; $indexSpecNew = preg_match('/[a-z_ ]*\((.+)\)/i',$indexSpecNew,$matches) ? $matches[1] : $indexSpecNew; $indexSpecNew = preg_replace('/[\s\(\)]/', '', $indexSpecNew); return $indexSpecNew; } /** * prefix indexname with uppercase tablename if not yet done, in order to avoid ambiguity */ function getDbSqlDefinition($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec) { $newIndexName = preg_match('/^' . strtoupper($tableName) . '_/', $indexName) ? $indexName : strtoupper($tableName) . '_' . $indexName; return $newIndexName; } /** * Alter an index on a table. * @param string $tableName The name of the table. * @param string $indexName The name of the index. * @param string $indexSpec The specification of the index, see Database::requireIndex() for more details. */ public function alterIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec) { $this->createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec); } /** * Return the list of indexes in a table. * @param string $table The table name. * @return array */ public function indexList($table) { $indexList = array(); foreach(DB::query('PRAGMA index_list("' . $table . '")') as $index) { $list = array(); foreach(DB::query('PRAGMA index_info("' . $index["name"] . '")') as $details) $list[] = $details['name']; $indexList[$index["name"]] = implode(',', $list); } return $indexList; } /** * Returns a list of all the tables in the database. * Table names will all be in lowercase. * @return array */ public function tableList() { foreach($this->query('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table"') as $record) { //$table = strtolower(reset($record)); $table = reset($record); $tables[$table] = $table; } //Return an empty array if there's nothing in this database return isset($tables) ? $tables : Array(); } function TableExists($tableName){ $result=$this->query('SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table" AND name="' . $tableName . '"')->first(); if($result) return true; else return false; } /** * Return the number of rows affected by the previous operation. * @return int */ public function affectedRows() { return $this->dbConn->changes(); } /** * Return a boolean type-formatted string * * @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function boolean($values, $asDbValue=false){ return 'BOOL not null default ' . (int)$values['default']; } /** * Return a date type-formatted string * * @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function date($values){ return "TEXT"; } /** * Return a decimal type-formatted string * * @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function decimal($values, $asDbValue=false){ return "NUMERIC not null DEFAULT 0"; } /** * Return a enum type-formatted string * * enumus are not supported. as a workaround to store allowed values we creates an additional table * * @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ protected $enum_map = array(); public function enum($values){ $bt=debug_backtrace(); if(basename($bt[0]['file']) == 'Database.php') { $column = $bt[0]['args'][0]['table'].'.'.$bt[0]['args'][0]['name']; if(empty($this->enum_map)) $this->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SQLiteEnums (TableColumn TEXT PRIMARY KEY, EnumList TEXT)"); if(empty($this->enum_map[$column]) || $this->enum_map[$column] != implode(',', $values['enums'])) { $this->query("REPLACE INTO SQLiteEnums (TableColumn,EnumList) VALUES (\"$column\",\"".implode(',', $values['enums'])."\")"); $this->enum_map[$column] = implode(',', $values['enums']); } } return 'TEXT DEFAULT \'' . $values['default'] . '\''; } /** * Return a float type-formatted string * * @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function float($values, $asDbValue=false){ return "REAL"; } /** * Return a int type-formatted string * * @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function int($values, $asDbValue=false){ return "INTEGER($values[precision]) $values[null] DEFAULT " . (int)$values['default']; } /** * Return a datetime type-formatted string * For SQLite3, we simply return the word 'TEXT', no other parameters are necessary * * @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function SS_Datetime($values, $asDbValue=false){ return "DATETIME"; } /** * Return a text type-formatted string * * @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function text($values, $asDbValue=false){ return 'TEXT'; } /** * Return a time type-formatted string * * @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function time($values){ return "TEXT"; } /** * Return a varchar type-formatted string * * @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type * @return string */ public function varchar($values, $asDbValue=false){ return 'VARCHAR(' . $values['precision'] . ') COLLATE NOCASE'; } /* * Return a 4 digit numeric type. MySQL has a proprietary 'Year' type. * For SQLite3 we use TEXT */ public function year($values, $asDbValue=false){ return "TEXT"; } function escape_character($escape=false){ if($escape) return "\\\""; else return "\""; } /** * This returns the column which is the primary key for each table * In SQLite3 it is INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT * SQLite3 does autoincrement ids even without the AUTOINCREMENT keyword, but the behaviour is signifficantly different * * @return string */ function IdColumn($asDbValue=false){ return 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'; } /** * Returns true if this table exists */ function hasTable($tableName) { $SQL_table = Convert::raw2sql($table); return (bool)($this->query("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = \"table\" AND name = \"$tableName\"")->value()); } /** * Returns the SQL command to get all the tables in this database */ function allTablesSQL(){ return 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = "table"'; } /** * Return enum values for the given field */ public function enumValuesForField($tableName, $fieldName) { $classnameinfo = DB::query("SELECT EnumList FROM SQLiteEnums WHERE TableColumn = \"{$tableName}.{$fieldName}\"")->first(); return explode(',', $classnameinfo['EnumList']); } /** * Get the actual enum fields from the constraint value: */ private function EnumValuesFromConstraint($constraint){ $constraint=substr($constraint, strpos($constraint, 'ANY (ARRAY[')+11); $constraint=substr($constraint, 0, -11); $constraints=Array(); $segments=explode(',', $constraint); foreach($segments as $this_segment){ $bits=preg_split('/ *:: */', $this_segment); array_unshift($constraints, trim($bits[0], " '")); } return $constraints; } /* * Returns the database-specific version of the now() function */ function now(){ return "datetime('now', 'localtime')"; } /* * Returns the database-specific version of the random() function */ function random(){ return 'random()'; } /* * This will return text which has been escaped in a database-friendly manner */ function addslashes($value){ return $this->dbConn->escapeString($value); } /* * This changes the index name depending on database requirements. */ function modifyIndex($index, $spec){ return $index; } /** * The core search engine configuration. * @todo There is a fulltext search for SQLite making use of virtual tables, the fts3 extension and the MATCH operator * there are a few issues with fts: * - shared cached lock doesn't allow to create virtual tables on versions prior to 3.6.17 * - there must not be more than one MATCH operator per statement * - the fts3 extension needs to be available * for now we use the MySQL implementation with the MATCH()AGAINST() uglily replaced with LIKE * * @param string $keywords Keywords as a space separated string * @return object DataObjectSet of result pages */ public function searchEngine($classesToSearch, $keywords, $start, $pageLength, $sortBy = "Relevance DESC", $extraFilter = "", $booleanSearch = false, $alternativeFileFilter = "", $invertedMatch = false) { $fileFilter = ''; $keywords = Convert::raw2sql(str_replace(array('*','+','-'),'',$keywords)); $htmlEntityKeywords = htmlentities(utf8_decode($keywords)); $extraFilters = array('SiteTree' => '', 'File' => ''); if($extraFilter) { $extraFilters['SiteTree'] = " AND $extraFilter"; if($alternativeFileFilter) $extraFilters['File'] = " AND $alternativeFileFilter"; else $extraFilters['File'] = $extraFilters['SiteTree']; } // Always ensure that only pages with ShowInSearch = 1 can be searched $extraFilters['SiteTree'] .= " AND ShowInSearch <> 0"; $limit = $start . ", " . (int) $pageLength; $notMatch = $invertedMatch ? "NOT " : ""; if($keywords) { $match['SiteTree'] = " (Title LIKE '%$keywords%' OR MenuTitle LIKE '%$keywords%' OR Content LIKE '%$keywords%' OR MetaTitle LIKE '%$keywords%' OR MetaDescription LIKE '%$keywords%' OR MetaKeywords LIKE '%$keywords%' OR Title LIKE '%$htmlEntityKeywords%' OR MenuTitle LIKE '%$htmlEntityKeywords%' OR Content LIKE '%$htmlEntityKeywords%' OR MetaTitle LIKE '%$htmlEntityKeywords%' OR MetaDescription LIKE '%$htmlEntityKeywords%' OR MetaKeywords LIKE '%$htmlEntityKeywords%') "; $match['File'] = "(Filename LIKE '%$keywords%' OR Title LIKE '%$keywords%' OR Content LIKE '%$keywords%') AND ClassName = 'File'"; // We make the relevance search by converting a boolean mode search into a normal one $relevanceKeywords = $keywords; $htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords = $htmlEntityKeywords; $relevance['SiteTree'] = "(Title LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%' OR MenuTitle LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%' OR Content LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%' OR MetaTitle LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%' OR MetaDescription LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%' OR MetaKeywords) + (Title LIKE '%$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords%' OR MenuTitle LIKE '%$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords%' OR Content LIKE '%$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords%' OR MetaTitle LIKE '%$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords%' OR MetaDescription LIKE '%$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords%' OR MetaKeywords LIKE '%$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords%')"; $relevance['File'] = "(Filename LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%' OR Title LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%' OR Content LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%')"; } else { $relevance['SiteTree'] = $relevance['File'] = 1; $match['SiteTree'] = $match['File'] = "1 = 1"; } // Generate initial queries and base table names $baseClasses = array('SiteTree' => '', 'File' => ''); foreach($classesToSearch as $class) { $queries[$class] = singleton($class)->extendedSQL($notMatch . $match[$class] . $extraFilters[$class], ""); $baseClasses[$class] = reset($queries[$class]->from); } // Make column selection lists $select = array( 'SiteTree' => array("\"ClassName\"","\"SiteTree\".\"ID\"","\"ParentID\"", "\"Title\"","\"URLSegment\"", "\"Content\"","\"LastEdited\"","\"Created\"","NULL AS \"Filename\"", "NULL AS \"Name\"", "\"CanViewType\"", "$relevance[SiteTree] AS Relevance"), 'File' => array("\"ClassName\"","\"File\".\"ID\"", "NULL AS \"ParentID\"","\"Title\"","NULL AS \"URLSegment\"","\"Content\"","\"LastEdited\"","\"Created\"","\"Filename\"", "\"Name\"", "NULL AS \"CanViewType\"", "$relevance[File] AS Relevance"), ); // Process queries foreach($classesToSearch as $class) { // There's no need to do all that joining $queries[$class]->from = array(str_replace('`','',$baseClasses[$class]) => $baseClasses[$class]); $queries[$class]->select = $select[$class]; $queries[$class]->orderby = null; } // Combine queries $querySQLs = array(); $totalCount = 0; foreach($queries as $query) { $querySQLs[] = $query->sql(); $totalCount += $query->unlimitedRowCount(); } $fullQuery = implode(" UNION ", $querySQLs) . " ORDER BY $sortBy LIMIT $limit"; // Get records $records = DB::query($fullQuery); foreach($records as $record) $objects[] = new $record['ClassName']($record); if(isset($objects)) $doSet = new DataObjectSet($objects); else $doSet = new DataObjectSet(); $doSet->setPageLimits($start, $pageLength, $totalCount); return $doSet; } /* * Does this database support transactions? */ public function supportsTransactions(){ return $this->supportsTransactions; } /* * This is a quick lookup to discover if the database supports particular extensions */ public function supportsExtensions($extensions=Array('partitions', 'tablespaces', 'clustering')){ if(isset($extensions['partitions'])) return true; elseif(isset($extensions['tablespaces'])) return true; elseif(isset($extensions['clustering'])) return true; else return false; } /* * Start a prepared transaction */ public function startTransaction($transaction_mode=false, $session_characteristics=false){ DB::query('BEGIN'); } /* * Create a savepoint that you can jump back to if you encounter problems */ public function transactionSavepoint($savepoint){ DB::query("SAVEPOINT \"$savepoint\""); } /* * Rollback or revert to a savepoint if your queries encounter problems * If you encounter a problem at any point during a transaction, you may * need to rollback that particular query, or return to a savepoint */ public function transactionRollback($savepoint=false){ if($savepoint) { DB::query("ROLLBACK TO $savepoint;"); } else { DB::query('ROLLBACK;'); } } /* * Commit everything inside this transaction so far */ public function endTransaction(){ DB::query('COMMIT;'); } /** * Convert a SQLQuery object into a SQL statement */ public function sqlQueryToString(SQLQuery $sqlQuery) { if (!$sqlQuery->from) return ''; $distinct = $sqlQuery->distinct ? "DISTINCT " : ""; if($sqlQuery->delete) { $text = "DELETE "; } else if($sqlQuery->select) { $text = "SELECT $distinct" . implode(", ", $sqlQuery->select); } $text .= " FROM " . implode(" ", $sqlQuery->from); if($sqlQuery->where) $text .= " WHERE (" . $sqlQuery->getFilter(). ")"; if($sqlQuery->groupby) $text .= " GROUP BY " . implode(", ", $sqlQuery->groupby); if($sqlQuery->having) $text .= " HAVING ( " . implode(" ) AND ( ", $sqlQuery->having) . " )"; if($sqlQuery->orderby) $text .= " ORDER BY " . $this->orderMoreSpecifically($sqlQuery->select,$sqlQuery->orderby); if($sqlQuery->limit) { $limit = $sqlQuery->limit; // Pass limit as array or SQL string value if(is_array($limit)) { if(!array_key_exists('limit',$limit)) user_error('SQLQuery::limit(): Wrong format for $limit', E_USER_ERROR); if(isset($limit['start']) && is_numeric($limit['start']) && isset($limit['limit']) && is_numeric($limit['limit'])) { $combinedLimit = "$limit[limit] OFFSET $limit[start]"; } elseif(isset($limit['limit']) && is_numeric($limit['limit'])) { $combinedLimit = (int)$limit['limit']; } else { $combinedLimit = false; } if(!empty($combinedLimit)) $text .= " LIMIT " . $combinedLimit; } else { $text .= " LIMIT " . $sqlQuery->limit; } } return $text; } /** * SQLite3 complains about ambiguous column names if the ORDER BY expression doesn't contain the table name * and the expression matches more than one expression in the SELECT expression. * assuming that there is no amibguity we just use the first table name * * used by SQLite3Database::sqlQueryToString() * * @param array $select SELECT expressions as of SQLquery * @param string $order ORDER BY expressions to be checked and augmented as of SQLquery * @return string fully specified ORDER BY expression */ protected function orderMoreSpecifically($select,$order) { $altered = false; // split expression into order terms $terms = explode(',', $order); foreach($terms as $i => $term) { $term = trim($term); // check if table is unspecified if(!preg_match('/\./', $term)) { $direction = ''; if(preg_match('/( ASC)$|( DESC)$/i',$term)) list($term,$direction) = explode(' ', $term); // find a match in the SELECT array and replace foreach($select as $s) { if(preg_match('/"[a-z0-9_]+"\.' . $term . '/i', trim($s))) { $terms[$i] = $s . ' ' . $direction; $altered = true; break; } } } } return implode(',', $terms); } } /** * A result-set from a SQLite3 database. * @package SQLite3Database */ class SQLite3Query extends SS_Query { /** * The SQLite3Database object that created this result set. * @var SQLite3Database */ private $database; /** * The internal sqlite3 handle that points to the result set. * @var resource */ private $handle; /** * Hook the result-set given into a Query class, suitable for use by sapphire. * @param database The database object that created this query. * @param handle the internal sqlite3 handle that is points to the resultset. */ public function __construct(SQLite3Database $database, SQLite3Result $handle) { $this->database = $database; $this->handle = $handle; } public function __destroy() { $this->handle->finalize(); } public function seek($row) { $this->handle->reset(); $i=0; while($i < $row && $row = SQLite3Result::fetchArray()) $i++; return (bool) $row; } /** * @todo This looks terrible but there is no SQLite3::get_num_rows() implementation */ public function numRecords() { $c=0; while($this->handle->fetchArray()) $c++; $this->handle->reset(); return $c; } public function nextRecord() { // Coalesce rather than replace common fields. if(@$data = $this->handle->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { foreach($data as $columnIdx => $value) { if(preg_match('/^"([a-z0-9_]+)"\."([a-z0-9_]+)"$/i', $this->handle->columnName($columnIdx), $matches)) $columnName = $matches[2]; else if(preg_match('/^"([a-z0-9_]+)"$/i', $this->handle->columnName($columnIdx), $matches)) $columnName = $matches[1]; else $columnName = trim($this->handle->columnName($columnIdx),"\"' \t"); // $value || !$ouput[$columnName] means that the *last* occurring value is shown // !$ouput[$columnName] means that the *first* occurring value is shown if(isset($value) || !isset($output[$columnName])) { $output[$columnName] = is_null($value) ? null : (string)$value; } } return $output; } else { return false; } } }