'"UTF-8"', 'locking_mode' => 'NORMAL' ); /** * Extension used to distinguish between sqllite database files and other files. * Required to handle multiple databases. * * @return string */ public static function database_extension() { return static::config()->get('database_extension'); } /** * Check if a database name has a valid extension * * @param string $name * @return boolean */ public static function is_valid_database_name($name) { $extension = self::database_extension(); if (empty($extension)) { return true; } return substr_compare($name, $extension, -strlen($extension), strlen($extension)) === 0; } /** * Connect to a SQLite3 database. * @param array $parameters An map of parameters, which should include: * - database: The database to connect to, with the correct file extension (.sqlite) * - path: the path to the SQLite3 database file * - key: the encryption key (needs testing) * - memory: use the faster In-Memory database for unit tests */ public function connect($parameters) { if (!empty($parameters['memory'])) { Deprecation::notice( '1.4.0', "\$databaseConfig['memory'] is deprecated. Use \$databaseConfig['path'] = ':memory:' instead.", Deprecation::SCOPE_GLOBAL ); unset($parameters['memory']); $parameters['path'] = ':memory:'; } //We will store these connection parameters for use elsewhere (ie, unit tests) $this->parameters = $parameters; $this->schemaManager->flushCache(); // Ensure database name is set if (empty($parameters['database'])) { $parameters['database'] = 'database'; } // use the very lightspeed SQLite In-Memory feature for testing if ($this->getLivesInMemory()) { $file = ':memory:'; } else { // Ensure path is given $path = $this->getPath(); //assumes that the path to dbname will always be provided: $file = $path . '/' . $parameters['database'] . self::database_extension(); if (!file_exists($path)) { SQLiteDatabaseConfigurationHelper::create_db_dir($path); SQLiteDatabaseConfigurationHelper::secure_db_dir($path); } } // 'path' and 'database' are merged into the full file path, which // is the format that connectors such as PDOConnector expect $parameters['filepath'] = $file; // Ensure that driver is available (required by PDO) if (empty($parameters['driver'])) { $parameters['driver'] = $this->getDatabaseServer(); } $this->connector->connect($parameters, true); foreach (self::$default_pragma as $pragma => $value) { $this->setPragma($pragma, $value); } if (empty(self::$default_pragma['locking_mode'])) { self::$default_pragma['locking_mode'] = $this->getPragma('locking_mode'); } } /** * Retrieve parameters used to connect to this SQLLite database * * @return array */ public function getParameters() { return $this->parameters; } /** * Determine if this Db is in memory * * @return bool */ public function getLivesInMemory() { return isset($this->parameters['path']) && $this->parameters['path'] === ':memory:'; } /** * Get file path. If in memory this is null * * @return string|null */ public function getPath() { if ($this->getLivesInMemory()) { return null; } if (empty($this->parameters['path'])) { return ASSETS_PATH . '/.sqlitedb'; } return $this->parameters['path']; } public function supportsCollations() { return true; } public function supportsTimezoneOverride() { return false; } /** * Execute PRAGMA commands. * * @param string $pragma name * @param string $value to set */ public function setPragma($pragma, $value) { $this->query("PRAGMA $pragma = $value"); } /** * Gets pragma value. * * @param string $pragma name * @return string the pragma value */ public function getPragma($pragma) { return $this->query("PRAGMA $pragma")->value(); } public function getDatabaseServer() { return "sqlite"; } public function selectDatabase($name, $create = false, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR) { if (!$this->schemaManager->databaseExists($name)) { // Check DB creation permisson if (!$create) { if ($errorLevel !== false) { user_error("Attempted to connect to non-existing database \"$name\"", $errorLevel); } // Unselect database $this->connector->unloadDatabase(); return false; } $this->schemaManager->createDatabase($name); } // Reconnect using the existing parameters $parameters = $this->parameters; $parameters['database'] = $name; $this->connect($parameters); return true; } public function now() { return "datetime('now', 'localtime')"; } public function random() { return 'random()'; } /** * The core search engine configuration. * @todo There is a fulltext search for SQLite making use of virtual tables, the fts3 extension and the * MATCH operator * there are a few issues with fts: * - shared cached lock doesn't allow to create virtual tables on versions prior to 3.6.17 * - there must not be more than one MATCH operator per statement * - the fts3 extension needs to be available * for now we use the MySQL implementation with the MATCH()AGAINST() uglily replaced with LIKE * * @param array $classesToSearch * @param string $keywords Keywords as a space separated string * @param int $start * @param int $pageLength * @param string $sortBy * @param string $extraFilter * @param bool $booleanSearch * @param string $alternativeFileFilter * @param bool $invertedMatch * @return PaginatedList DataObjectSet of result pages */ public function searchEngine( $classesToSearch, $keywords, $start, $pageLength, $sortBy = "Relevance DESC", $extraFilter = "", $booleanSearch = false, $alternativeFileFilter = "", $invertedMatch = false ) { $start = (int)$start; $pageLength = (int)$pageLength; $keywords = $this->escapeString(str_replace(array('*', '+', '-', '"', '\''), '', $keywords)); $htmlEntityKeywords = htmlentities(utf8_decode($keywords)); $pageClass = 'SilverStripe\\CMS\\Model\\SiteTree'; $fileClass = 'SilverStripe\\Assets\\File'; $extraFilters = array($pageClass => '', $fileClass => ''); if ($extraFilter) { $extraFilters[$pageClass] = " AND $extraFilter"; if ($alternativeFileFilter) { $extraFilters[$fileClass] = " AND $alternativeFileFilter"; } else { $extraFilters[$fileClass] = $extraFilters[$pageClass]; } } // Always ensure that only pages with ShowInSearch = 1 can be searched $extraFilters[$pageClass] .= ' AND ShowInSearch <> 0'; // File.ShowInSearch was added later, keep the database driver backwards compatible // by checking for its existence first if (File::singleton()->getSchema()->fieldSpec(File::class, 'ShowInSearch')) { $extraFilters[$fileClass] .= " AND ShowInSearch <> 0"; } $limit = $start . ", " . $pageLength; $notMatch = $invertedMatch ? "NOT " : ""; if ($keywords) { $match[$pageClass] = "(Title LIKE '%$keywords%' OR MenuTitle LIKE '%$keywords%' OR Content LIKE '%$keywords%'" . " OR MetaDescription LIKE '%$keywords%' OR Title LIKE '%$htmlEntityKeywords%'" . " OR MenuTitle LIKE '%$htmlEntityKeywords%' OR Content LIKE '%$htmlEntityKeywords%'" . " OR MetaDescription LIKE '%$htmlEntityKeywords%')"; $fileClassSQL = Convert::raw2sql($fileClass); $match[$fileClass] = "(Name LIKE '%$keywords%' OR Title LIKE '%$keywords%') AND ClassName = '$fileClassSQL'"; // We make the relevance search by converting a boolean mode search into a normal one $relevanceKeywords = $keywords; $htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords = $htmlEntityKeywords; $relevance[$pageClass] = "(Title LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%' OR MenuTitle LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%'" . " OR Content LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%' OR MetaDescription LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%')" . " + (Title LIKE '%$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords%' OR MenuTitle LIKE '%$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords%'" . " OR Content LIKE '%$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords%' OR MetaDescription " . " LIKE '%$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords%')"; $relevance[$fileClass] = "(Name LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%' OR Title LIKE '%$relevanceKeywords%')"; } else { $relevance[$pageClass] = $relevance[$fileClass] = 1; $match[$pageClass] = $match[$fileClass] = "1 = 1"; } // Generate initial queries $queries = array(); foreach ($classesToSearch as $class) { $queries[$class] = DataList::create($class) ->where($notMatch . $match[$class] . $extraFilters[$class]) ->dataQuery() ->query(); } // Make column selection lists $select = array( $pageClass => array( "\"ClassName\"", "\"ID\"", "\"ParentID\"", "\"Title\"", "\"URLSegment\"", "\"Content\"", "\"LastEdited\"", "\"Created\"", "NULL AS \"Name\"", "\"CanViewType\"", $relevance[$pageClass] . " AS Relevance" ), $fileClass => array( "\"ClassName\"", "\"ID\"", "NULL AS \"ParentID\"", "\"Title\"", "NULL AS \"URLSegment\"", "NULL AS \"Content\"", "\"LastEdited\"", "\"Created\"", "\"Name\"", "NULL AS \"CanViewType\"", $relevance[$fileClass] . " AS Relevance" ) ); // Process queries foreach ($classesToSearch as $class) { // There's no need to do all that joining $queries[$class]->setFrom('"'.DataObject::getSchema()->baseDataTable($class).'"'); $queries[$class]->setSelect(array()); foreach ($select[$class] as $clause) { if (preg_match('/^(.*) +AS +"?([^"]*)"?/i', $clause ?? '', $matches)) { $queries[$class]->selectField($matches[1], $matches[2]); } else { $queries[$class]->selectField(str_replace('"', '', $clause)); } } $queries[$class]->setOrderBy(array()); } // Combine queries $querySQLs = array(); $queryParameters = array(); $totalCount = 0; foreach ($queries as $query) { /** @var SQLSelect $query */ $querySQLs[] = $query->sql($parameters); $queryParameters = array_merge($queryParameters, $parameters); $totalCount += $query->unlimitedRowCount(); } $fullQuery = implode(" UNION ", $querySQLs) . " ORDER BY $sortBy LIMIT $limit"; // Get records $records = $this->preparedQuery($fullQuery, $queryParameters); foreach ($records as $record) { $objects[] = new $record['ClassName']($record); } if (isset($objects)) { $doSet = new ArrayList($objects); } else { $doSet = new ArrayList(); } $list = new PaginatedList($doSet); $list->setPageStart($start); $list->setPageLength($pageLength); $list->setTotalItems($totalCount); return $list; } /* * Does this database support transactions? */ public function supportsTransactions() { return version_compare($this->getVersion(), '3.6', '>='); } /** * Does this database support transaction modes? * * SQLite doesn't support transaction modes. * * @param string $mode * @return bool */ public function supportsTransactionMode(string $mode): bool { return false; } public function supportsExtensions($extensions = array('partitions', 'tablespaces', 'clustering')) { if (isset($extensions['partitions'])) { return true; } elseif (isset($extensions['tablespaces'])) { return true; } elseif (isset($extensions['clustering'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function transactionStart($transaction_mode = false, $session_characteristics = false) { if ($this->transactionDepth()) { $this->transactionSavepoint('NESTEDTRANSACTION' . $this->transactionDepth()); } else { $this->query('BEGIN'); $this->transactionDepthIncrease(); } } public function transactionSavepoint($savepoint) { $this->query("SAVEPOINT \"$savepoint\""); $this->transactionDepthIncrease($savepoint); } /** * Fetch the name of the most recent savepoint * * @return string */ protected function getTransactionSavepointName() { return end($this->transactionSavepoints); } public function transactionRollback($savepoint = false) { // Named transaction if ($savepoint) { $this->query("ROLLBACK TO $savepoint;"); $this->transactionDepthDecrease(); return true; } // Fail if transaction isn't available if (!$this->transactionDepth()) { return false; } if ($this->transactionIsNested()) { $this->transactionRollback($this->getTransactionSavepointName()); } else { $this->query('ROLLBACK;'); $this->transactionDepthDecrease(); } return true; } public function transactionDepth() { return $this->transactionNesting; } public function transactionEnd(): bool|null { // Fail if transaction isn't available if (!$this->transactionDepth()) { return false; } if ($this->transactionIsNested()) { $savepoint = $this->getTransactionSavepointName(); $this->query('RELEASE ' . $savepoint); $this->transactionDepthDecrease(); } else { $this->query('COMMIT;'); $this->resetTransactionNesting(); } return true; } /** * Indicate whether or not the current transaction is nested * Returns false if there are no transactions, or the open * transaction is the 'outer' transaction, i.e. not nested. * * @return bool */ protected function transactionIsNested() { return $this->transactionNesting > 1; } /** * Increase the nested transaction level by one * savepoint tracking is optional because BEGIN * opens a transaction, but is not a named reference * * @param string $savepoint */ protected function transactionDepthIncrease($savepoint = null) { ++$this->transactionNesting; if ($savepoint) { array_push($this->transactionSavepoints, $savepoint); } } /** * Decrease the nested transaction level by one * and reduce the savepoint tracking if we are * nesting, as the last one is no longer valid */ protected function transactionDepthDecrease() { if ($this->transactionIsNested()) { array_pop($this->transactionSavepoints); } --$this->transactionNesting; } /** * In error condition, set transactionNesting to zero */ protected function resetTransactionNesting() { $this->transactionNesting = 0; $this->transactionSavepoints = []; } public function query($sql, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR) { return parent::query($sql, $errorLevel); } public function preparedQuery($sql, $parameters, $errorLevel = E_USER_ERROR) { return parent::preparedQuery($sql, $parameters, $errorLevel); } /** * Inspect a SQL query prior to execution * @deprecated 2.2.0:3.0.0 * @param string $sql */ protected function inspectQuery($sql) { // no-op } public function clearTable($table) { $this->query("DELETE FROM \"$table\""); } public function comparisonClause( $field, $value, $exact = false, $negate = false, $caseSensitive = null, $parameterised = false ) { if ($exact && !$caseSensitive) { $comp = ($negate) ? '!=' : '='; } else { if ($caseSensitive) { // GLOB uses asterisks as wildcards. // Replace them in search string, without replacing escaped percetage signs. $comp = 'GLOB'; $value = preg_replace('/^%([^\\\\])/', '*$1', $value); $value = preg_replace('/([^\\\\])%$/', '$1*', $value); $value = preg_replace('/([^\\\\])%/', '$1*', $value); } else { $comp = 'LIKE'; } if ($negate) { $comp = 'NOT ' . $comp; } } if ($parameterised) { return sprintf("%s %s ?", $field, $comp); } else { return sprintf("%s %s '%s'", $field, $comp, $value); } } public function formattedDatetimeClause($date, $format) { preg_match_all('/%(.)/', $format ?? '', $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $match) { if (array_search($match, array('Y', 'm', 'd', 'H', 'i', 's', 'U')) === false) { user_error('formattedDatetimeClause(): unsupported format character %' . $match, E_USER_WARNING); } } $translate = array( '/%i/' => '%M', '/%s/' => '%S', '/%U/' => '%s', ); $format = preg_replace(array_keys($translate), array_values($translate), $format); $modifiers = array(); if ($format == '%s' && $date != 'now') { $modifiers[] = 'utc'; } if ($format != '%s' && $date == 'now') { $modifiers[] = 'localtime'; } if (preg_match('/^now$/i', $date ?? '')) { $date = "'now'"; } elseif (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/i', $date ?? '')) { $date = "'$date'"; } $modifier = empty($modifiers) ? '' : ", '" . implode("', '", $modifiers) . "'"; return "strftime('$format', $date$modifier)"; } public function datetimeIntervalClause($date, $interval) { $modifiers = array(); if ($date == 'now') { $modifiers[] = 'localtime'; } if (preg_match('/^now$/i', $date ?? '')) { $date = "'now'"; } elseif (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/i', $date ?? '')) { $date = "'$date'"; } $modifier = empty($modifiers) ? '' : ", '" . implode("', '", $modifiers) . "'"; return "datetime($date$modifier, '$interval')"; } public function datetimeDifferenceClause($date1, $date2) { $modifiers1 = array(); $modifiers2 = array(); if ($date1 == 'now') { $modifiers1[] = 'localtime'; } if ($date2 == 'now') { $modifiers2[] = 'localtime'; } if (preg_match('/^now$/i', $date1 ?? '')) { $date1 = "'now'"; } elseif (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/i', $date1 ?? '')) { $date1 = "'$date1'"; } if (preg_match('/^now$/i', $date2 ?? '')) { $date2 = "'now'"; } elseif (preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/i', $date2 ?? '')) { $date2 = "'$date2'"; } $modifier1 = empty($modifiers1) ? '' : ", '" . implode("', '", $modifiers1) . "'"; $modifier2 = empty($modifiers2) ? '' : ", '" . implode("', '", $modifiers2) . "'"; return "strftime('%s', $date1$modifier1) - strftime('%s', $date2$modifier2)"; } }