array( 'title' => 'Directory path
Absolute path to directory, writeable by the webserver user.
' . 'Recommended to be outside of your webroot
', 'default' => dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'assets' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.sqlitedb' ), 'database' => array( 'title' => 'Database filename (extension .sqlite)', 'default' => 'database.sqlite' ) ); // Basic SQLLite3 Database /** @skipUpgrade */ DatabaseAdapterRegistry::register( array( 'class' => 'SQLite3Database', 'module' => 'sqlite3', 'title' => 'SQLite 3.3+ (using SQLite3)', 'helperPath' => __DIR__.'/code/SQLiteDatabaseConfigurationHelper.php', 'helperClass' => SQLiteDatabaseConfigurationHelper::class, 'supported' => class_exists('SQLite3'), 'missingExtensionText' => 'The SQLite3 PHP Extension is not available. Please install or enable it of them and refresh this page.', 'fields' => array_merge($sqliteDatabaseAdapterRegistryFields, array('key' => array( 'title' => 'Encryption key
This function is experimental and requires configuration of an ' . 'encryption module', 'default' => '' ))) ) ); // PDO database /** @skipUpgrade */ DatabaseAdapterRegistry::register( array( 'class' => 'SQLite3PDODatabase', 'module' => 'sqlite3', 'title' => 'SQLite 3.3+ (using PDO)', 'helperPath' => __DIR__.'/code/SQLiteDatabaseConfigurationHelper.php', 'helperClass' => SQLiteDatabaseConfigurationHelper::class, 'supported' => (class_exists('PDO') && in_array('sqlite', PDO::getAvailableDrivers())), 'missingExtensionText' => 'Either the PDO Extension or the SQLite3 PDO Driver are unavailable. Please install or enable these and refresh this page.', 'fields' => $sqliteDatabaseAdapterRegistryFields ) );