Paul Clarke 275f5ba33d ENHANCEMENT basic updates to enhance usability and appearance of theme
Minor clean-up of consistency for tablet main menu styles
Added multilevel subnavigation in sidebar for internal pages
Updated search styling and positioning
Changed header color and link color to provide more consistency for the
Footer links to red on hover and site name to link to homepage
Search results page styling updated
2012-10-08 17:02:34 +13:00

731 lines
15 KiB

/** ----------------------------------------------------------
* Contains the main layout of the page and the individual styles.
* Acts as the main stylesheet for theme.
* Include your notes or table of contents below....
* Include color hex's or values of your grid
* @author Your Name <>
* ------------------------------------------------------- */
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/* Search form */
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/* Homepage */
/* Search Results */
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margin-bottom: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
border-bottom: none;
} /* TODO: Test search results styles */
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/* Search Form */
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/* Secondry Nav */
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/* Footer */
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