jQuery.noConflict(); (function($) {        $(document).ready(function() {         /* turns on specific styling when main nav items are less than the width of the header otherwise it defaults to mediaquery multiline styling */ function toggleNavigationClassByWidth(){            var primaryNavigation = $('.primary').first();            var mainNavigation = $(primaryNavigation).find('ul').first();            if(primaryNavigation.outerWidth() > mainNavigation.outerWidth()) {               mainNavigation.addClass("standard-nav"); //if the nav ul fits within its container the standard styling is applied            }            else {               mainNavigation.removeClass("standard-nav");            }        }                var resizeTimer; //constantly checks for the size of the browser window so correct style is applied.        $(window).resize(function(){            clearTimeout(resizeTimer);            resizeTimer = setTimeout(toggleNavigationClassByWidth, 100);        }).load(function(){            clearTimeout(resizeTimer);            resizeTimer = setTimeout(toggleNavigationClassByWidth, 100);        }); /* show/hide search form when window width less than 700px */ $('span.search-dropdown-icon').on('click',function() { if ($(window).width() < 700) { // checks for width of window - if it is less than 700px if ($('div.search-bar').is(":hidden")){ //checks if ul#nav is hidden $('div.search-bar').slideDown('fast'); // slides the Search bar down $('div.search-bar form').fadeIn(500); // Fades the Search form in return false; } else { $('div.search-bar').slideUp('fast'); // slides the Search bar up $('div.search-bar form').hide(); // Fades the Search form out return false; } } }); /* show/hide main nav menu when window width less than 700px */ $('span.nav-open-button').on('click',function() { if ($(window).width() < 700) { // checks for width of window - if it is less than 700px if ($('ul#nav').is(":hidden")){ //checks if ul#nav is hidden $('ul#nav').slideDown('fast'); // slides the nav menu down $('header span.menu-bubble-arrow').show(); // shows the nav menu arrow return false; } else { $('ul#nav').slideUp('fast'); // slides the nav menu up $('header span.menu-bubble-arrow').removeAttr("style"); // hides the nav menu arrow return false; } } }); /* clears any inline styles when window is resized above 700px */ $(window).resize(function () { if ($(this).width() >= 700) { $('div.search-bar').removeAttr("style"); $('ul#nav').removeAttr("style"); $('div.search-bar form').removeAttr("style"); $('span.search-bubble-arrow').removeAttr("style"); } });    }); }(jQuery));