'handleAction', '' => 'notFound' ); /** * @config * @var string root of the api route, MUST have a trailing slash */ private static $api_base = "api/v1/"; /** * @config * @var string Class name for an authenticator to use on API access */ private static $authenticator = BasicRestfulAuthenticator::class; /** * If no extension is given in the request, resolve to this extension * (and subsequently the {@link self::$default_mimetype}. * * @var string */ private static $default_extension = "xml"; /** * If no extension is given, resolve the request to this mimetype. * * @var string */ protected static $default_mimetype = "text/xml"; /** * @uses authenticate() * @var Member */ protected $member; private static $allowed_actions = array( 'index', 'notFound' ); public function init() { /* This sets up SiteTree the same as when viewing a page through the frontend. Versioned defaults * to Stage, and then when viewing the front-end Versioned::choose_site_stage changes it to Live. * TODO: In 3.2 we should make the default Live, then change to Stage in the admin area (with a nicer API) */ if (class_exists(SiteTree::class)) { singleton(SiteTree::class)->extend('modelascontrollerInit', $this); } parent::init(); } /** * Backslashes in fully qualified class names (e.g. NameSpaced\ClassName) * kills both requests (i.e. URIs) and XML (invalid character in a tag name) * So we'll replace them with a hyphen (-), as it's also unambiguious * in both cases (invalid in a php class name, and safe in an xml tag name) * * @param string $classname * @return string 'escaped' class name */ protected function sanitiseClassName($className) { return str_replace('\\', '-', $className); } /** * Convert hyphen escaped class names back into fully qualified * PHP safe variant. * * @param string $classname * @return string syntactically valid classname */ protected function unsanitiseClassName($className) { return str_replace('-', '\\', $className); } /** * This handler acts as the switchboard for the controller. * Since no $Action url-param is set, all requests are sent here. */ public function index(HTTPRequest $request) { $className = $this->unsanitiseClassName($request->param('ClassName')); $id = $request->param('ID') ?: null; $relation = $request->param('Relation') ?: null; // Check input formats if (!class_exists($className)) { return $this->notFound(); } if ($id && !is_numeric($id)) { return $this->notFound(); } if ($relation && !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/', $relation) ) { return $this->notFound(); } // if api access is disabled, don't proceed $apiAccess = Config::inst()->get($className, 'api_access'); if (!$apiAccess) { return $this->permissionFailure(); } // authenticate through HTTP BasicAuth $this->member = $this->authenticate(); // handle different HTTP verbs if ($this->request->isGET() || $this->request->isHEAD()) { return $this->getHandler($className, $id, $relation); } if ($this->request->isPOST()) { return $this->postHandler($className, $id, $relation); } if ($this->request->isPUT()) { return $this->putHandler($className, $id, $relation); } if ($this->request->isDELETE()) { return $this->deleteHandler($className, $id, $relation); } // if no HTTP verb matches, return error return $this->methodNotAllowed(); } /** * Handler for object read. * * The data object will be returned in the following format: * * * Value * ... * * ... * * * * * ... * * * * * * * Access is controlled by two variables: * * - static $api_access must be set. This enables the API on a class by class basis * - $obj->canView() must return true. This lets you implement record-level security * * @todo Access checking * * @param string $className * @param int $id * @param string $relation * @return string The serialized representation of the requested object(s) - usually XML or JSON. */ protected function getHandler($className, $id, $relationName) { $sort = ['ID' => 'ASC']; if ($sortQuery = $this->request->getVar('sort')) { /** @var DataObject $singleton */ $singleton = singleton($className); // Only apply a sort filter if it is a valid field on the DataObject if ($singleton && $singleton->hasDatabaseField($sortQuery)) { $sort = [ $sortQuery => $this->request->getVar('dir') === 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC', ]; } } $limit = [ 'start' => (int) $this->request->getVar('start'), 'limit' => (int) $this->request->getVar('limit'), ]; $params = $this->request->getVars(); $responseFormatter = $this->getResponseDataFormatter($className); if (!$responseFormatter) { return $this->unsupportedMediaType(); } // $obj can be either a DataObject or a SS_List, // depending on the request if ($id) { // Format: /api/v1// $obj = $this->getObjectQuery($className, $id, $params)->First(); if (!$obj) { return $this->notFound(); } if (!$obj->canView($this->getMember())) { return $this->permissionFailure(); } // Format: /api/v1/// if ($relationName) { $obj = $this->getObjectRelationQuery($obj, $params, $sort, $limit, $relationName); if (!$obj) { return $this->notFound(); } // TODO Avoid creating data formatter again for relation class (see above) $responseFormatter = $this->getResponseDataFormatter($obj->dataClass()); } } else { // Format: /api/v1/ $obj = $this->getObjectsQuery($className, $params, $sort, $limit); } $this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', $responseFormatter->getOutputContentType()); $rawFields = $this->request->getVar('fields'); $realFields = $responseFormatter->getRealFields($className, explode(',', $rawFields)); $fields = $rawFields ? $realFields : null; if ($obj instanceof SS_List) { $objs = ArrayList::create($obj->toArray()); foreach ($objs as $obj) { if (!$obj->canView($this->getMember())) { $objs->remove($obj); } } $responseFormatter->setTotalSize($objs->count()); return $responseFormatter->convertDataObjectSet($objs, $fields); } if (!$obj) { $responseFormatter->setTotalSize(0); return $responseFormatter->convertDataObjectSet(new ArrayList(), $fields); } return $responseFormatter->convertDataObject($obj, $fields); } /** * Uses the default {@link SearchContext} specified through * {@link DataObject::getDefaultSearchContext()} to augument * an existing query object (mostly a component query from {@link DataObject}) * with search clauses. * * @todo Allow specifying of different searchcontext getters on model-by-model basis * * @param string $className * @param array $params * @return SS_List */ protected function getSearchQuery( $className, $params = null, $sort = null, $limit = null, $existingQuery = null ) { if (singleton($className)->hasMethod('getRestfulSearchContext')) { $searchContext = singleton($className)->{'getRestfulSearchContext'}(); } else { $searchContext = singleton($className)->getDefaultSearchContext(); } return $searchContext->getQuery($params, $sort, $limit, $existingQuery); } /** * Returns a dataformatter instance based on the request * extension or mimetype. Falls back to {@link self::$default_extension}. * * @param boolean $includeAcceptHeader Determines wether to inspect and prioritize any HTTP Accept headers * @param string Classname of a DataObject * @return DataFormatter */ protected function getDataFormatter($includeAcceptHeader = false, $className = null) { $extension = $this->request->getExtension(); $contentTypeWithEncoding = $this->request->getHeader('Content-Type'); preg_match('/([^;]*)/', $contentTypeWithEncoding, $contentTypeMatches); $contentType = $contentTypeMatches[0]; $accept = $this->request->getHeader('Accept'); $mimetypes = $this->request->getAcceptMimetypes(); if (!$className) { $className = $this->unsanitiseClassName($this->request->param('ClassName')); } // get formatter if (!empty($extension)) { $formatter = DataFormatter::for_extension($extension); } elseif ($includeAcceptHeader && !empty($accept) && strpos($accept, '*/*') === false) { $formatter = DataFormatter::for_mimetypes($mimetypes); if (!$formatter) { $formatter = DataFormatter::for_extension($this->config()->default_extension); } } elseif (!empty($contentType)) { $formatter = DataFormatter::for_mimetype($contentType); } else { $formatter = DataFormatter::for_extension($this->config()->default_extension); } if (!$formatter) { return false; } // set custom fields if ($customAddFields = $this->request->getVar('add_fields')) { $customAddFields = $formatter->getRealFields($className, explode(',', $customAddFields)); $formatter->setCustomAddFields($customAddFields); } if ($customFields = $this->request->getVar('fields')) { $customFields = $formatter->getRealFields($className, explode(',', $customFields)); $formatter->setCustomFields($customFields); } $formatter->setCustomRelations($this->getAllowedRelations($className)); $apiAccess = Config::inst()->get($className, 'api_access'); if (is_array($apiAccess)) { $formatter->setCustomAddFields( array_intersect((array)$formatter->getCustomAddFields(), (array)$apiAccess['view']) ); if ($formatter->getCustomFields()) { $formatter->setCustomFields( array_intersect((array)$formatter->getCustomFields(), (array)$apiAccess['view']) ); } else { $formatter->setCustomFields((array)$apiAccess['view']); } if ($formatter->getCustomRelations()) { $formatter->setCustomRelations( array_intersect((array)$formatter->getCustomRelations(), (array)$apiAccess['view']) ); } else { $formatter->setCustomRelations((array)$apiAccess['view']); } } // set relation depth $relationDepth = $this->request->getVar('relationdepth'); if (is_numeric($relationDepth)) { $formatter->relationDepth = (int)$relationDepth; } return $formatter; } /** * @param string Classname of a DataObject * @return DataFormatter */ protected function getRequestDataFormatter($className = null) { return $this->getDataFormatter(false, $className); } /** * @param string Classname of a DataObject * @return DataFormatter */ protected function getResponseDataFormatter($className = null) { return $this->getDataFormatter(true, $className); } /** * Handler for object delete */ protected function deleteHandler($className, $id) { $obj = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id); if (!$obj) { return $this->notFound(); } if (!$obj->canDelete($this->getMember())) { return $this->permissionFailure(); } $obj->delete(); $this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(204); // No Content return true; } /** * Handler for object write */ protected function putHandler($className, $id) { $obj = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id); if (!$obj) { return $this->notFound(); } if (!$obj->canEdit($this->getMember())) { return $this->permissionFailure(); } $reqFormatter = $this->getRequestDataFormatter($className); if (!$reqFormatter) { return $this->unsupportedMediaType(); } $responseFormatter = $this->getResponseDataFormatter($className); if (!$responseFormatter) { return $this->unsupportedMediaType(); } try { /** @var DataObject|string */ $obj = $this->updateDataObject($obj, $reqFormatter); } catch (ValidationException $e) { return $this->validationFailure($responseFormatter, $e->getResult()); } if (is_string($obj)) { return $obj; } $this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(200); // Success $this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', $responseFormatter->getOutputContentType()); // Append the default extension for the output format to the Location header // or else we'll use the default (XML) $types = $responseFormatter->supportedExtensions(); $type = ''; if (count($types)) { $type = ".{$types[0]}"; } $urlSafeClassName = $this->sanitiseClassName(get_class($obj)); $apiBase = $this->config()->api_base; $objHref = Director::absoluteURL($apiBase . "$urlSafeClassName/$obj->ID" . $type); $this->getResponse()->addHeader('Location', $objHref); return $responseFormatter->convertDataObject($obj); } /** * Handler for object append / method call. * * @todo Posting to an existing URL (without a relation) * current resolves in creatig a new element, * rather than a "Conflict" message. */ protected function postHandler($className, $id, $relation) { if ($id) { if (!$relation) { $this->response->setStatusCode(409); return 'Conflict'; } $obj = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id); if (!$obj) { return $this->notFound(); } $reqFormatter = $this->getRequestDataFormatter($className); if (!$reqFormatter) { return $this->unsupportedMediaType(); } $relation = $reqFormatter->getRealFieldName($className, $relation); if (!$obj->hasMethod($relation)) { return $this->notFound(); } if (!Config::inst()->get($className, 'allowed_actions') || !in_array($relation, Config::inst()->get($className, 'allowed_actions'))) { return $this->permissionFailure(); } $obj->$relation(); $this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(204); // No Content return true; } if (!singleton($className)->canCreate($this->getMember())) { return $this->permissionFailure(); } $obj = Injector::inst()->create($className); $reqFormatter = $this->getRequestDataFormatter($className); if (!$reqFormatter) { return $this->unsupportedMediaType(); } $responseFormatter = $this->getResponseDataFormatter($className); try { /** @var DataObject|string $obj */ $obj = $this->updateDataObject($obj, $reqFormatter); } catch (ValidationException $e) { return $this->validationFailure($responseFormatter, $e->getResult()); } if (is_string($obj)) { return $obj; } $this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(201); // Created $this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', $responseFormatter->getOutputContentType()); // Append the default extension for the output format to the Location header // or else we'll use the default (XML) $types = $responseFormatter->supportedExtensions(); $type = ''; if (count($types)) { $type = ".{$types[0]}"; } $urlSafeClassName = $this->sanitiseClassName(get_class($obj)); $apiBase = $this->config()->api_base; $objHref = Director::absoluteURL($apiBase . "$urlSafeClassName/$obj->ID" . $type); $this->getResponse()->addHeader('Location', $objHref); return $responseFormatter->convertDataObject($obj); } /** * Converts either the given HTTP Body into an array * (based on the DataFormatter instance), or returns * the POST variables. * Automatically filters out certain critical fields * that shouldn't be set by the client (e.g. ID). * * @param DataObject $obj * @param DataFormatter $formatter * @return DataObject|string The passed object, or "No Content" if incomplete input data is provided */ protected function updateDataObject($obj, $formatter) { // if neither an http body nor POST data is present, return error $body = $this->request->getBody(); if (!$body && !$this->request->postVars()) { $this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(204); // No Content return 'No Content'; } if (!empty($body)) { $rawdata = $formatter->convertStringToArray($body); } else { // assume application/x-www-form-urlencoded which is automatically parsed by PHP $rawdata = $this->request->postVars(); } $className = $this->unsanitiseClassName($this->request->param('ClassName')); // update any aliased field names $data = []; foreach ($rawdata as $key => $value) { $newkey = $formatter->getRealFieldName($className, $key); $data[$newkey] = $value; } // @todo Disallow editing of certain keys in database $data = array_diff_key($data, ['ID', 'Created']); $apiAccess = singleton($className)->config()->api_access; if (is_array($apiAccess) && isset($apiAccess['edit'])) { $data = array_intersect_key($data, array_combine($apiAccess['edit'], $apiAccess['edit'])); } $obj->update($data); $obj->write(); return $obj; } /** * Gets a single DataObject by ID, * through a request like /api/v1// * * @param string $className * @param int $id * @param array $params * @return DataList */ protected function getObjectQuery($className, $id, $params) { return DataList::create($className)->byIDs([$id]); } /** * @param DataObject $obj * @param array $params * @param int|array $sort * @param int|array $limit * @return SQLQuery */ protected function getObjectsQuery($className, $params, $sort, $limit) { return $this->getSearchQuery($className, $params, $sort, $limit); } /** * @param DataObject $obj * @param array $params * @param int|array $sort * @param int|array $limit * @param string $relationName * @return SQLQuery|boolean */ protected function getObjectRelationQuery($obj, $params, $sort, $limit, $relationName) { // The relation method will return a DataList, that getSearchQuery subsequently manipulates if ($obj->hasMethod($relationName)) { // $this->HasOneName() will return a dataobject or null, neither // of which helps us get the classname in a consistent fashion. // So we must use a way that is reliable. if ($relationClass = DataObject::getSchema()->hasOneComponent(get_class($obj), $relationName)) { $joinField = $relationName . 'ID'; // Again `byID` will return the wrong type for our purposes. So use `byIDs` $list = DataList::create($relationClass)->byIDs([$obj->$joinField]); } else { $list = $obj->$relationName(); } $apiAccess = Config::inst()->get($list->dataClass(), 'api_access'); if (!$apiAccess) { return false; } return $this->getSearchQuery($list->dataClass(), $params, $sort, $limit, $list); } } /** * @return string */ protected function permissionFailure() { // return a 401 $this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(401); $this->getResponse()->addHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="API Access"'); $this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); return "You don't have access to this item through the API."; } /** * @return string */ protected function notFound() { // return a 404 $this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(404); $this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); return "That object wasn't found"; } /** * @return string */ protected function methodNotAllowed() { $this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(405); $this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); return "Method Not Allowed"; } /** * @return string */ protected function unsupportedMediaType() { $this->response->setStatusCode(415); // Unsupported Media Type $this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); return "Unsupported Media Type"; } /** * @param ValidationResult $result * @return mixed */ protected function validationFailure(DataFormatter $responseFormatter, ValidationResult $result) { $this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(400); $this->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', $responseFormatter->getOutputContentType()); $response = [ 'type' => ValidationException::class, 'messages' => $result->getMessages(), ]; return $responseFormatter->convertArray($response); } /** * A function to authenticate a user * * @return Member|false the logged in member */ protected function authenticate() { $authClass = $this->config()->authenticator; $member = $authClass::authenticate(); Security::setCurrentUser($member); return $member; } /** * Return only relations which have $api_access enabled. * @todo Respect field level permissions once they are available in core * * @param string $class * @param Member $member * @return array */ protected function getAllowedRelations($class, $member = null) { $allowedRelations = []; $obj = singleton($class); $relations = (array)$obj->hasOne() + (array)$obj->hasMany() + (array)$obj->manyMany(); if ($relations) { foreach ($relations as $relName => $relClass) { //remove dot notation from relation names $parts = explode('.', $relClass); $relClass = array_shift($parts); if (Config::inst()->get($relClass, 'api_access')) { $allowedRelations[] = $relName; } } } return $allowedRelations; } /** * Get the current Member, if available * * @return Member|null */ protected function getMember() { return Security::getCurrentUser(); } }