getResponse(); if ($response) { $response->addHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); } return "\n {$this->convertArrayWithoutHeader($array)}"; } /** * @param $array * @return string * @throws \Exception */ public function convertArrayWithoutHeader($array) { $xml = ''; foreach ($array as $fieldName => $fieldValue) { if (is_array($fieldValue)) { if (is_numeric($fieldName)) { $fieldName = 'Item'; } $xml .= "<{$fieldName}>\n"; $xml .= $this->convertArrayWithoutHeader($fieldValue); $xml .= "\n"; } else { $xml .= "<$fieldName>$fieldValue\n"; } } return $xml; } /** * Generate an XML representation of the given {@link DataObject}. * * @param DataObject $obj * @param $includeHeader Include header (Default: true) * @return String XML */ public function convertDataObject(DataObjectInterface $obj, $fields = null) { $response = Controller::curr()->getResponse(); if ($response) { $response->addHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); } return "\n" . $this->convertDataObjectWithoutHeader($obj, $fields); } /** * @param DataObject $obj * @param null $fields * @param null $relations * @return string */ public function convertDataObjectWithoutHeader(DataObject $obj, $fields = null, $relations = null) { $className = $this->sanitiseClassName(get_class($obj)); $id = $obj->ID; $objHref = Director::absoluteURL($this->config()->api_base . "$className/$obj->ID"); $xml = "<$className href=\"$objHref.xml\">\n"; foreach ($this->getFieldsForObj($obj) as $fieldName => $fieldType) { // Field filtering if ($fields && !in_array($fieldName, $fields)) { continue; } $fieldValue = $obj->obj($fieldName)->forTemplate(); if (!mb_check_encoding($fieldValue, 'utf-8')) { $fieldValue = "(data is badly encoded)"; } if (is_object($fieldValue) && is_subclass_of($fieldValue, 'Object') && $fieldValue->hasMethod('toXML')) { $xml .= $fieldValue->toXML(); } else { if ('HTMLText' == $fieldType) { // Escape HTML values using CDATA $fieldValue = sprintf('', str_replace(']]>', ']]]]>', $fieldValue)); } else { $fieldValue = Convert::raw2xml($fieldValue); } $mappedFieldName = $this->getFieldAlias(get_class($obj), $fieldName); $xml .= "<$mappedFieldName>$fieldValue\n"; } } if ($this->relationDepth > 0) { foreach ($obj->hasOne() as $relName => $relClass) { if (!singleton($relClass)->stat('api_access')) { continue; } // Field filtering if ($fields && !in_array($relName, $fields)) { continue; } if ($this->customRelations && !in_array($relName, $this->customRelations)) { continue; } $fieldName = $relName . 'ID'; if ($obj->$fieldName) { $href = Director::absoluteURL($this->config()->api_base . "$relClass/" . $obj->$fieldName); } else { $href = Director::absoluteURL($this->config()->api_base . "$className/$id/$relName"); } $xml .= "<$relName linktype=\"has_one\" href=\"$href.xml\" id=\"" . $obj->$fieldName . "\">\n"; } foreach ($obj->hasMany() as $relName => $relClass) { //remove dot notation from relation names $parts = explode('.', $relClass); $relClass = array_shift($parts); if (!singleton($relClass)->stat('api_access')) { continue; } // backslashes in FQCNs kills both URIs and XML $relClass = $this->sanitiseClassName($relClass); // Field filtering if ($fields && !in_array($relName, $fields)) { continue; } if ($this->customRelations && !in_array($relName, $this->customRelations)) { continue; } $xml .= "<$relName linktype=\"has_many\" href=\"$objHref/$relName.xml\">\n"; $items = $obj->$relName(); if ($items) { foreach ($items as $item) { $href = Director::absoluteURL($this->config()->api_base . "$relClass/$item->ID"); $xml .= "<$relClass href=\"$href.xml\" id=\"{$item->ID}\">\n"; } } $xml .= "\n"; } foreach ($obj->manyMany() as $relName => $relClass) { //remove dot notation from relation names $parts = explode('.', $relClass); $relClass = array_shift($parts); if (!singleton($relClass)->stat('api_access')) { continue; } // backslashes in FQCNs kills both URIs and XML $relClass = $this->sanitiseClassName($relClass); // Field filtering if ($fields && !in_array($relName, $fields)) { continue; } if ($this->customRelations && !in_array($relName, $this->customRelations)) { continue; } $xml .= "<$relName linktype=\"many_many\" href=\"$objHref/$relName.xml\">\n"; $items = $obj->$relName(); if ($items) { foreach ($items as $item) { $href = Director::absoluteURL($this->config()->api_base . "$relClass/$item->ID"); $xml .= "<$relClass href=\"$href.xml\" id=\"{$item->ID}\">\n"; } } $xml .= "\n"; } } $xml .= ""; return $xml; } /** * Generate an XML representation of the given {@link SS_List}. * * @param SS_List $set * @return String XML */ public function convertDataObjectSet(SS_List $set, $fields = null) { Controller::curr()->getResponse()->addHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); $className = $this->sanitiseClassName(get_class($set)); $xml = "\n"; $xml .= (is_numeric($this->totalSize)) ? "<$className totalSize=\"{$this->totalSize}\">\n" : "<$className>\n"; foreach ($set as $item) { $xml .= $this->convertDataObjectWithoutHeader($item, $fields); } $xml .= ""; return $xml; } /** * @param string $strData * @return array|void * @throws \Exception */ public function convertStringToArray($strData) { return Convert::xml2array($strData); } }