MarkingPropertiesButton = Class.create(); MarkingPropertiesButton.applyTo('#Form_EditForm_deletemarked', "Please select some files to delete!", 'deletemarked', 'Do you really want to delete the marked files?'); MarkingPropertiesButton.prototype = { initialize: function(noneCheckedError, action, confirmMessage) { this.noneCheckedError = noneCheckedError; this.action = action; this.confirmMessage = confirmMessage; }, onclick: function() { var i, list = "", checkboxes = $('Form_EditForm').elements['Files[]']; if(!checkboxes) checkboxes = []; if(!checkboxes.length) checkboxes = [ checkboxes ]; for(i=0;i would give a recordID of 6 if( &&[^-]+)$/)) this.recordID = RegExp.$1; this.droppable = Droppables.add(, {accept:'dragfile', hoverclass:'filefolderhover', onDrop:function(droppedElement) { // Get this.recordID from the last "-" separated chunk of the id HTML attribute // eg:
  • would give a recordID of 6 if( &&[^-]+)$/)) this.recordID = RegExp.$1; $('Form_EditForm').elements['DestFolderID'].value = this.recordID; // Add the dropped file to the list of files to move var list = droppedElement.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].id.replace('drag-img-Files-',''); var i, checkboxes = $('Form_EditForm').elements['Files[]']; if(!checkboxes) checkboxes = []; if(!checkboxes.length) checkboxes = [ checkboxes ]; // Add each checked file to the list of ones to move for(i=0;i