class NewsletterEmailProcess extends BatchProcess {
	protected $subject;
	protected $body;
	protected $from;
	protected $newsletter;
	protected $nlType;
	protected $messageID;
	function __construct( $subject, $body, $from, $newsletter, $nlType, $messageID = null ) {
		$this->subject = $subject;
		$this->body = $body;
		$this->from = $from;
		$this->newsletter = $newsletter;
		$this->nlType = $nlType;
		$this->messageID = $messageID;
		$groupID = $nlType->GroupID;
   	parent::__construct( DataObject::get( 'Member', "`GroupID`='$groupID'", null, "INNER JOIN `Group_Members` ON `MemberID`=`Member`.`ID`" ) );
	function next( $count = 10 ) {
		$max = $this->current + $count;
		$max = $max < count( $this->objects ) ? $max : count( $this->objects );
		while($this->current < $max) {
			$index = $this->current++;
			$member = $this->objects[$index];
	        // check to see if the user has unsubscribed from the mailing list
	        // TODO Join in the above query first
	        $unsubscribeRecord = DataObject::get_one('Member_UnsubscribeRecord', "`MemberID`='{$member->ID}' AND `NewsletterTypeID`='{$this->nlType->ID}'");
	        if( !$unsubscribeRecord ) {
	    		$address = $member->Email;   
	    		 * Email Blacklisting Support
	    		if($member->BlacklistedEmail && Email_BlackList::isBlocked($this->to)){
		    		 $bounceRecord = new Email_BounceRecord();
		    		 $bounceRecord->BounceEmail = $member->Email;
		    		 $bounceRecord->BounceTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());
		    		 $bounceRecord->BounceMessage = "BlackListed Email";
		    		 $bounceRecord->MemberID = $member->ID;
	    		$e = new Newsletter_Email($this->nlType);
				$e->setBody( $this->body );
				$e->setSubject( $this->subject );
				$e->setFrom( $this->from );
				$e->setTemplate( $this->nlType->Template );
	    		$e->populateTemplate( array( 'Member' => $member, 'FirstName' => $member->FirstName ) );
	            $this->sendToAddress( $e, $address, $this->messageID );
	    if( $this->current >= count( $this->objects ) )
	    	return $this->complete();
	    	return parent::next();
	private function sendToAddress( $email, $address, $messageID = null ) {
	    $email->setTo( $address );
	    $email->send( $messageID );    
	function complete() {
		if( $this->newsletter->SentDate )
    	$resent = true;
    $this->newsletter->SentDate = 'now';
    $this->newsletter->Status = 'Send';
    $message = "statusMessage('Sent " . count( $this->objects ) . " emails successfully','good');";
	if( $resent )
    	return $message."resent_ok( '{$this->nlType->ID}', '{$this->newsletter->ID}' )";
      return $message."draft_sent_ok( '{$this->nlType->ID}', '{$this->newsletter->ID}' )";