class == 'SiteTree') $controller = "ContentController"; else $controller = "{$sitetree->class}_Controller"; if($action && class_exists($controller . '_' . ucfirst($action))) { $controller = $controller . '_' . ucfirst($action); } return class_exists($controller) ? Injector::inst()->create($controller, $sitetree) : $sitetree; } public function init() { singleton('SiteTree')->extend('modelascontrollerInit', $this); parent::init(); } /** * @uses ModelAsController::getNestedController() * @return SS_HTTPResponse */ public function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request, DataModel $model) { $this->request = $request; $this->setDataModel($model); $this->pushCurrent(); // Create a response just in case init() decides to redirect $this->response = new SS_HTTPResponse(); $this->init(); // If we had a redirection or something, halt processing. if($this->response->isFinished()) { $this->popCurrent(); return $this->response; } // If the database has not yet been created, redirect to the build page. if(!DB::isActive() || !ClassInfo::hasTable('SiteTree')) { $this->response->redirect(Director::absoluteBaseURL() . 'dev/build?returnURL=' . (isset($_GET['url']) ? urlencode($_GET['url']) : null)); $this->popCurrent(); return $this->response; } try { $result = $this->getNestedController(); if($result instanceof RequestHandler) { $result = $result->handleRequest($this->request, $model); } else if(!($result instanceof SS_HTTPResponse)) { user_error("ModelAsController::getNestedController() returned bad object type '" . get_class($result)."'", E_USER_WARNING); } } catch(SS_HTTPResponse_Exception $responseException) { $result = $responseException->getResponse(); } $this->popCurrent(); return $result; } /** * @return ContentController */ public function getNestedController() { $request = $this->request; if(!$URLSegment = $request->param('URLSegment')) { throw new Exception('ModelAsController->getNestedController(): was not passed a URLSegment value.'); } // Find page by link, regardless of current locale settings if(class_exists('Translatable')) Translatable::disable_locale_filter(); $sitetree = DataObject::get_one( 'SiteTree', sprintf( '"URLSegment" = \'%s\' %s', Convert::raw2sql(rawurlencode($URLSegment)), (SiteTree::nested_urls() ? 'AND "ParentID" = 0' : null) ) ); if(class_exists('Translatable')) Translatable::enable_locale_filter(); if(!$sitetree) { // If a root page has been renamed, redirect to the new location. // See ContentController->handleRequest() for similiar logic. $redirect = self::find_old_page($URLSegment); if($redirect) { $params = $request->getVars(); if(isset($params['url'])) unset($params['url']); $this->response = new SS_HTTPResponse(); $this->response->redirect( Controller::join_links( $redirect->Link( Controller::join_links( $request->param('Action'), $request->param('ID'), $request->param('OtherID') ) ), // Needs to be in separate join links to avoid urlencoding ($params) ? '?' . http_build_query($params) : null ), 301 ); return $this->response; } if($response = ErrorPage::response_for(404)) { return $response; } else { $this->httpError(404, 'The requested page could not be found.'); } } // Enforce current locale setting to the loaded SiteTree object if(class_exists('Translatable') && $sitetree->Locale) Translatable::set_current_locale($sitetree->Locale); if(isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) { Debug::message("Using record #$sitetree->ID of type $sitetree->class with link {$sitetree->Link()}"); } return self::controller_for($sitetree, $this->request->param('Action')); } /** * @param string $URLSegment A subset of the url. i.e in /home/contact/ home and contact are URLSegment. * @param int $parentID The ID of the parent of the page the URLSegment belongs to. * @return SiteTree */ static function find_old_page($URLSegment,$parentID = 0, $ignoreNestedURLs = false) { $URLSegment = Convert::raw2sql(rawurlencode($URLSegment)); $useParentIDFilter = SiteTree::nested_urls() && $parentID; // First look for a non-nested page that has a unique URLSegment and can be redirected to. if(SiteTree::nested_urls()) { $pages = DataObject::get( 'SiteTree', "\"URLSegment\" = '$URLSegment'" . ($useParentIDFilter ? ' AND "ParentID" = ' . (int)$parentID : '') ); if($pages && $pages->Count() == 1) return $pages->First(); } // Get an old version of a page that has been renamed. $query = new SQLQuery ( '"RecordID"', '"SiteTree_versions"', "\"URLSegment\" = '$URLSegment' AND \"WasPublished\" = 1" . ($useParentIDFilter ? ' AND "ParentID" = ' . (int)$parentID : ''), '"LastEdited" DESC', null, null, 1 ); $record = $query->execute()->first(); if($record && ($oldPage = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $record['RecordID']))) { // Run the page through an extra filter to ensure that all extensions are applied. if(SiteTree::get_by_link($oldPage->RelativeLink())) return $oldPage; } } }