/******************************************************** * Copyright Nexsys Development Ltd 2002 - 2004 * * Version 1.7 * * http://www.nexsysdev.com * ********************************************************/ var NI_SE = "", NI_SC = "", NI_ST = "", NI_SV = "", NI_IW = 0; function ni_TrackHit(server, siteCode, description, section, service, trigger, amount, adCampaign, title, url, layer, basketAdd, basketRemove, parameters) { NI_SE = server; NI_SC = siteCode; NI_ST = section; NI_SV = service; function CB() { var cb="", key = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; for (i=0;i<5;i++) cb += key.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*52)); return cb; } function A(B,C) { if (typeof(C) != "undefined" && C != "") return "&"+B+"="+escape(C); else return ""; } if (typeof(NI_PAGE) != "undefined") { if (url.indexOf("?") > 0) url += "&ni_page=" + NI_PAGE; else url += "?ni_page=" + NI_PAGE; } var p = "http"+(document.URL.indexOf('https:')==0?'s':''); var t = new Date(); var u = p+"://"+server+"/Hit.aspx?tv=1&sc="+siteCode; u+=A("lo",description); u+=A("du",url); u+=A("st",section); u+=A("sv",service); u+=A("ac",adCampaign); u+=A("tr",trigger); u+=A("ta",amount); u+=A("ti",title); u+=A("tz",t.getTimezoneOffset()); u+=A("ch",t.getHours()); u+=A("cb",CB()); u+=A("ru",window.document.referrer); u+=A("js","1"); u+=A("ul",navigator.appName=="Netscape" ? navigator.language : navigator.userLanguage); u+=A("ba", basketAdd); u+=A("br", basketRemove); u+=A("pm", parameters); if (typeof(screen)=="object") { u+=A("sr",screen.width+"x"+screen.height); } if (layer == 1) { if (NI_IW == 0) { document.write('
'); NI_IW = 1; } else { u+=A("ir","1"); document.images.ni_tag.src = u; } } else { document.write(''); NI_IW = 2; } } /* The following function may be used any number of times in a page to load a file and track a hit * against that file. This is useful when the file being loaded is not html, * or is not under your control, so can't have an imprint tracking code inserted into it. * * E.g. Download catalogue * * If you consider clicking on the link to be the completion of a transaction, use the 'Sale' trigger * E.g. Download catalogue */ function ni_LoadUrl(url, title, trigger) { ni_TrackHit(NI_SE, NI_SC, "", NI_ST, NI_SV, trigger, "", "", title, url, NI_IW, "", "", ""); document.location.href = url; }