"Varchar(255)", "Title" => "Varchar(255)", "MenuTitle" => "Varchar(100)", "Content" => "HTMLText", "MetaTitle" => "Varchar(255)", "MetaDescription" => "Text", "MetaKeywords" => "Varchar(255)", "ExtraMeta" => "HTMLText", "ShowInMenus" => "Boolean", "ShowInSearch" => "Boolean", "HomepageForDomain" => "Varchar(100)", "Sort" => "Int", "HasBrokenFile" => "Boolean", "HasBrokenLink" => "Boolean", "ReportClass" => "Varchar", "CanViewType" => "Enum('Anyone, LoggedInUsers, OnlyTheseUsers, Inherit', 'Inherit')", "CanEditType" => "Enum('LoggedInUsers, OnlyTheseUsers, Inherit', 'Inherit')", ); static $indexes = array( "URLSegment" => true, ); static $many_many = array( "LinkTracking" => "SiteTree", "ImageTracking" => "File", "ViewerGroups" => "Group", "EditorGroups" => "Group", ); static $belongs_many_many = array( "BackLinkTracking" => "SiteTree" ); static $many_many_extraFields = array( "LinkTracking" => array("FieldName" => "Varchar"), "ImageTracking" => array("FieldName" => "Varchar") ); static $casting = array( "Breadcrumbs" => "HTMLText", "LastEdited" => "SS_Datetime", "Created" => "SS_Datetime", 'Link' => 'Text', 'RelativeLink' => 'Text', 'AbsoluteLink' => 'Text', ); static $defaults = array( "ShowInMenus" => 1, "ShowInSearch" => 1, "CanViewType" => "Inherit", "CanEditType" => "Inherit" ); static $versioning = array( "Stage", "Live" ); static $default_sort = "\"Sort\""; /** * If this is false, the class cannot be created in the CMS. * @var boolean */ static $can_create = true; /** * Icon to use in the CMS * * This should be the base filename. The suffixes -file.gif, * -openfolder.gif and -closedfolder.gif will be appended to the base name * that you provide there. * If you prefer, you can pass an array: * array("sapphire\javascript\tree\images\page", $option). * $option can be either "file" or "folder" to force the icon to always * be a file or folder, regardless of whether the page has children or not * * @var string|array */ static $icon = array("sapphire/javascript/tree/images/page", "file"); /** * @var String Description of the class functionality, typically shown to a user * when selecting which page type to create. Translated through {@link provideI18nEntities()}. */ static $description = 'Generic content page'; static $extensions = array( "Hierarchy", "Versioned('Stage', 'Live')", ); /** * Delimit breadcrumb-links generated by BreadCrumbs() * * @var string */ public static $breadcrumbs_delimiter = " » "; /** * Whether or not to write the homepage map for static publisher */ public static $write_homepage_map = true; static $searchable_fields = array( 'Title', 'Content', ); /** * @see SiteTree::nested_urls() */ private static $nested_urls = false; /** * @see SiteTree::set_create_default_pages() */ private static $create_default_pages = true; /** * This controls whether of not extendCMSFields() is called by getCMSFields. */ private static $runCMSFieldsExtensions = true; /** * Cache for canView/Edit/Publish/Delete permissions */ public static $cache_permissions = array(); /** * @see SiteTree::enforce_strict_hierarchy() */ private static $enforce_strict_hierarchy = true; public static function set_enforce_strict_hierarchy($to) { self::$enforce_strict_hierarchy = $to; } public static function get_enforce_strict_hierarchy() { return self::$enforce_strict_hierarchy; } /** * Returns TRUE if nested URLs (e.g. page/sub-page/) are currently enabled on this site. * * @return bool */ public static function nested_urls() { return self::$nested_urls; } public static function enable_nested_urls() { self::$nested_urls = true; } public static function disable_nested_urls() { self::$nested_urls = false; } /** * Set the (re)creation of default pages on /dev/build * * @param bool $option */ public static function set_create_default_pages($option = true) { self::$create_default_pages = $option; } /** * Return true if default pages should be created on /dev/build. * * @return bool */ public static function get_create_default_pages() { return self::$create_default_pages; } /** * Fetches the {@link SiteTree} object that maps to a link. * * If you have enabled {@link SiteTree::nested_urls()} on this site, then you can use a nested link such as * "about-us/staff/", and this function will traverse down the URL chain and grab the appropriate link. * * Note that if no model can be found, this method will fall over to a extended alternateGetByLink method provided * by a extension attached to {@link SiteTree} * * @param string $link * @param bool $cache * @return SiteTree */ public static function get_by_link($link, $cache = true) { if(trim($link, '/')) { $link = trim(Director::makeRelative($link), '/'); } else { $link = RootURLController::get_homepage_link(); } $parts = Convert::raw2sql(preg_split('|/+|', $link)); // Grab the initial root level page to traverse down from. $URLSegment = array_shift($parts); $sitetree = DataObject::get_one ( 'SiteTree', "\"URLSegment\" = '$URLSegment'" . (self::nested_urls() ? ' AND "ParentID" = 0' : ''), $cache ); /// Fall back on a unique URLSegment for b/c. if(!$sitetree && self::nested_urls() && $pages = DataObject::get('SiteTree', "\"URLSegment\" = '$URLSegment'")) { return ($pages->Count() == 1) ? $pages->First() : null; } // Attempt to grab an alternative page from extensions. if(!$sitetree) { $parentID = self::nested_urls() ? 0 : null; if($alternatives = singleton('SiteTree')->extend('alternateGetByLink', $URLSegment, $parentID)) { foreach($alternatives as $alternative) if($alternative) $sitetree = $alternative; } if(!$sitetree) return false; } // Check if we have any more URL parts to parse. if(!self::nested_urls() || !count($parts)) return $sitetree; // Traverse down the remaining URL segments and grab the relevant SiteTree objects. foreach($parts as $segment) { $next = DataObject::get_one ( 'SiteTree', "\"URLSegment\" = '$segment' AND \"ParentID\" = $sitetree->ID", $cache ); if(!$next) { $parentID = (int) $sitetree->ID; if($alternatives = singleton('SiteTree')->extend('alternateGetByLink', $segment, $parentID)) { foreach($alternatives as $alternative) if($alternative) $next = $alternative; } if(!$next) return false; } $sitetree->destroy(); $sitetree = $next; } return $sitetree; } /** * Return a subclass map of SiteTree * that shouldn't be hidden through * {@link SiteTree::$hide_ancestor} * * @return array */ public static function page_type_classes() { $classes = ClassInfo::getValidSubClasses(); $baseClassIndex = array_search('SiteTree', $classes); if($baseClassIndex !== FALSE) unset($classes[$baseClassIndex]); $kill_ancestors = array(); // figure out if there are any classes we don't want to appear foreach($classes as $class) { $instance = singleton($class); // do any of the progeny want to hide an ancestor? if($ancestor_to_hide = $instance->stat('hide_ancestor')) { // note for killing later $kill_ancestors[] = $ancestor_to_hide; } } // If any of the descendents don't want any of the elders to show up, cruelly render the elders surplus to requirements. if($kill_ancestors) { $kill_ancestors = array_unique($kill_ancestors); foreach($kill_ancestors as $mark) { // unset from $classes $idx = array_search($mark, $classes); unset($classes[$idx]); } } return $classes; } /** * Replace a "[sitetree_link id=n]" shortcode with a link to the page with the corresponding ID. * * @return string */ public static function link_shortcode_handler($arguments, $content = null, $parser = null) { if(!isset($arguments['id']) || !is_numeric($arguments['id'])) return; if ( !($page = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $arguments['id'])) // Get the current page by ID. && !($page = Versioned::get_latest_version('SiteTree', $arguments['id'])) // Attempt link to old version. && !($page = DataObject::get_one('ErrorPage', '"ErrorCode" = \'404\'')) // Link to 404 page directly. ) { return; // There were no suitable matches at all. } if($content) { return sprintf('%s', $page->Link(), $parser->parse($content)); } else { return $page->Link(); } } /** * Return the link for this {@link SiteTree} object, with the {@link Director::baseURL()} included. * * @param string $action Optional controller action (method). * Note: URI encoding of this parameter is applied automatically through template casting, * don't encode the passed parameter. * Please use {@link Controller::join_links()} instead to append GET parameters. * @return string */ public function Link($action = null) { return Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL(), $this->RelativeLink($action)); } /** * Get the absolute URL for this page, including protocol and host. * * @param string $action See {@link Link()} * @return string */ public function AbsoluteLink($action = null) { if($this->hasMethod('alternateAbsoluteLink')) { return $this->alternateAbsoluteLink($action); } else { return Director::absoluteURL($this->Link($action)); } } /** * Return the link for this {@link SiteTree} object relative to the SilverStripe root. * * By default, it this page is the current home page, and there is no action specified then this will return a link * to the root of the site. However, if you set the $action parameter to TRUE then the link will not be rewritten * and returned in its full form. * * @uses RootURLController::get_homepage_link() * * @param string $action See {@link Link()} * @return string */ public function RelativeLink($action = null) { if($this->ParentID && self::nested_urls()) { $base = $this->Parent()->RelativeLink($this->URLSegment); } else { $base = $this->URLSegment; } // Unset base for homepage URLSegments in their default language. // Homepages with action parameters or in different languages // need to retain their URLSegment. We can only do this if the homepage // is on the root level. if(!$action && $base == RootURLController::get_homepage_link() && !$this->ParentID) { $base = null; if(class_exists('Translatable') && $this->hasExtension('Translatable') && $this->Locale != Translatable::default_locale()){ $base = $this->URLSegment; } } // Legacy support if($action === true) $action = null; return Controller::join_links($base, '/', $action); } /** * Get the absolute URL for this page on the Live site. */ public function getAbsoluteLiveLink($includeStageEqualsLive = true) { $live = Versioned::get_one_by_stage('SiteTree', 'Live', '"SiteTree"."ID" = ' . $this->ID); if($live) { $link = $live->AbsoluteLink(); if($includeStageEqualsLive) { $link .= '?stage=Live'; } return $link; } } /** * @return String */ function CMSEditLink() { return Controller::join_links(singleton('CMSPageEditController')->Link('show'), $this->ID); } /** * Return a CSS identifier generated from this page's link. * * @return string The URL segment */ public function ElementName() { return str_replace('/', '-', trim($this->RelativeLink(true), '/')); } /** * Returns TRUE if this is the currently active page that is being used to handle a request. * * @return bool */ public function isCurrent() { return $this->ID ? $this->ID == Director::get_current_page()->ID : $this === Director::get_current_page(); } /** * Check if this page is in the currently active section (e.g. it is either current or one of it's children is * currently being viewed. * * @return bool */ public function isSection() { return $this->isCurrent() || ( Director::get_current_page() instanceof SiteTree && in_array($this->ID, Director::get_current_page()->getAncestors()->column()) ); } /** * Return "link" or "current" depending on if this is the {@link SiteTree::isCurrent()} current page. * * @return string */ public function LinkOrCurrent() { return $this->isCurrent() ? 'current' : 'link'; } /** * Return "link" or "section" depending on if this is the {@link SiteTree::isSeciton()} current section. * * @return string */ public function LinkOrSection() { return $this->isSection() ? 'section' : 'link'; } /** * Return "link", "current" or section depending on if this page is the current page, or not on the current page but * in the current section. * * @return string */ public function LinkingMode() { if($this->isCurrent()) { return 'current'; } elseif($this->isSection()) { return 'section'; } else { return 'link'; } } /** * Check if this page is in the given current section. * * @param string $sectionName Name of the section to check. * @return boolean True if we are in the given section. */ public function InSection($sectionName) { $page = Director::get_current_page(); while($page) { if($sectionName == $page->URLSegment) return true; $page = $page->Parent; } return false; } /** * Create a duplicate of this node. Doesn't affect joined data - create a * custom overloading of this if you need such behaviour. * * @return SiteTree The duplicated object. */ public function duplicate($doWrite = true) { $page = parent::duplicate(false); $page->Sort = 0; $this->extend('onBeforeDuplicate', $page); if($doWrite) { $page->write(); $page = $this->duplicateManyManyRelations($this, $page); } $this->extend('onAfterDuplicate', $page); return $page; } /** * Duplicates each child of this node recursively and returns the * duplicate node. * * @return SiteTree The duplicated object. */ public function duplicateWithChildren() { $clone = $this->duplicate(); $children = $this->AllChildren(); if($children) { foreach($children as $child) { $childClone = method_exists($child, 'duplicateWithChildren') ? $child->duplicateWithChildren() : $child->duplicate(); $childClone->ParentID = $clone->ID; $childClone->write(); } } return $clone; } /** * Duplicate this node and its children as a child of the node with the * given ID * * @param int $id ID of the new node's new parent */ public function duplicateAsChild($id) { $newSiteTree = $this->duplicate(); $newSiteTree->ParentID = $id; $newSiteTree->Sort = 0; $newSiteTree->write(); } /** * Return a breadcrumb trail to this page. Excludes "hidden" pages * (with ShowInMenus=0). * * @param int $maxDepth The maximum depth to traverse. * @param boolean $unlinked Do not make page names links * @param string $stopAtPageType ClassName of a page to stop the upwards traversal. * @param boolean $showHidden Include pages marked with the attribute ShowInMenus = 0 * @return string The breadcrumb trail. */ public function Breadcrumbs($maxDepth = 20, $unlinked = false, $stopAtPageType = false, $showHidden = false) { $page = $this; $parts = array(); $i = 0; while( $page && (!$maxDepth || sizeof($parts) < $maxDepth) && (!$stopAtPageType || $page->ClassName != $stopAtPageType) ) { if($showHidden || $page->ShowInMenus || ($page->ID == $this->ID)) { if($page->URLSegment == 'home') $hasHome = true; if(($page->ID == $this->ID) || $unlinked) { $parts[] = Convert::raw2xml($page->Title); } else { $parts[] = ("Link() . "\">" . Convert::raw2xml($page->Title) . ""); } } $page = $page->Parent; } return implode(self::$breadcrumbs_delimiter, array_reverse($parts)); } /** * Make this page a child of another page. * * If the parent page does not exist, resolve it to a valid ID * before updating this page's reference. * * @param SiteTree|int $item Either the parent object, or the parent ID */ public function setParent($item) { if(is_object($item)) { if (!$item->exists()) $item->write(); $this->setField("ParentID", $item->ID); } else { $this->setField("ParentID", $item); } } /** * Get the parent of this page. * * @return SiteTree Parent of this page. */ public function getParent() { if ($this->getField("ParentID")) { return DataObject::get_one("SiteTree", "\"SiteTree\".\"ID\" = " . $this->getField("ParentID")); } } /** * Return a string of the form "parent - page" or * "grandparent - parent - page". * * @param int $level The maximum amount of levels to traverse. * @param string $seperator Seperating string * @return string The resulting string */ function NestedTitle($level = 2, $separator = " - ") { $item = $this; while($item && $level > 0) { $parts[] = $item->Title; $item = $item->Parent; $level--; } return implode($separator, array_reverse($parts)); } /** * This function should return true if the current user can add children * to this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an * application. * * Returns true if the member is allowed to do the given action. * * @uses DataExtension->can() * * If a page is set to inherit, but has no parent, it inherits from * {@link SiteConfig} * * @param string $perm The permission to be checked, such as 'View'. * @param Member $member The member whose permissions need checking. * Defaults to the currently logged in user. * * @return boolean True if the the member is allowed to do the given * action. * * @todo Check we get a endless recursion if we use parent::can() */ function can($perm, $member = null) { if(!$member || !(is_a($member, 'Member')) || is_numeric($member)) { $member = Member::currentUserID(); } if($member && Permission::checkMember($member, "ADMIN")) return true; if(method_exists($this, 'can' . ucfirst($perm))) { $method = 'can' . ucfirst($perm); return $this->$method($member); } $results = $this->extend('can', $member); if($results && is_array($results)) if(!min($results)) return false; return true; } /** * This function should return true if the current user can add children * to this page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an * application. * * Denies permission if any of the following conditions is TRUE: * - alternateCanAddChildren() on a extension returns FALSE * - canEdit() is not granted * - There are no classes defined in {@link $allowed_children} * * @uses SiteTreeExtension->canAddChildren() * @uses canEdit() * @uses $allowed_children * * @return boolean True if the current user can add children. */ public function canAddChildren($member = null) { if(!$member || !(is_a($member, 'Member')) || is_numeric($member)) { $member = Member::currentUserID(); } if($member && Permission::checkMember($member, "ADMIN")) return true; // Standard mechanism for accepting permission changes from extensions $extended = $this->extendedCan('canAddChildren', $member); if($extended !== null) return $extended; return $this->canEdit($member) && $this->stat('allowed_children') != 'none'; } /** * This function should return true if the current user can view this * page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an * application. * * Denies permission if any of the following conditions is TRUE: * - canView() on any extension returns FALSE * - "CanViewType" directive is set to "Inherit" and any parent page return false for canView() * - "CanViewType" directive is set to "LoggedInUsers" and no user is logged in * - "CanViewType" directive is set to "OnlyTheseUsers" and user is not in the given groups * * @uses DataExtension->canView() * @uses ViewerGroups() * * @return boolean True if the current user can view this page. */ public function canView($member = null) { if(!$member || !(is_a($member, 'Member')) || is_numeric($member)) { $member = Member::currentUserID(); } // admin override if($member && Permission::checkMember($member, array("ADMIN", "SITETREE_VIEW_ALL"))) return true; // Standard mechanism for accepting permission changes from extensions $extended = $this->extendedCan('canView', $member); if($extended !== null) return $extended; // check for empty spec if(!$this->CanViewType || $this->CanViewType == 'Anyone') return true; // check for inherit if($this->CanViewType == 'Inherit') { if($this->ParentID) return $this->Parent()->canView($member); else return $this->getSiteConfig()->canView($member); } // check for any logged-in users if($this->CanViewType == 'LoggedInUsers' && $member) { return true; } // check for specific groups if($member && is_numeric($member)) $member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $member); if( $this->CanViewType == 'OnlyTheseUsers' && $member && $member->inGroups($this->ViewerGroups()) ) return true; return false; } /** * Determines permissions for a specific stage (see {@link Versioned}). * Usually the stage is read from {@link Versioned::current_stage()}. * Falls back to {@link canView}. * * @todo Implement in CMS UI. * * @param String $stage * @param Member $member * @return boolean */ function canViewStage($stage, $member = null) { if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser(); if( strtolower($stage) == 'stage' && !(Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain') || Permission::checkMember($member, 'VIEW_DRAFT_CONTENT')) ) return false; return $this->canView($member); } /** * This function should return true if the current user can delete this * page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an * application. * * Denies permission if any of the following conditions is TRUE: * - canDelete() returns FALSE on any extension * - canEdit() returns FALSE * - any descendant page returns FALSE for canDelete() * * @uses canDelete() * @uses SiteTreeExtension->canDelete() * @uses canEdit() * * @param Member $member * @return boolean True if the current user can delete this page. */ public function canDelete($member = null) { if($member instanceof Member) $memberID = $member->ID; else if(is_numeric($member)) $memberID = $member; else $memberID = Member::currentUserID(); if($memberID && Permission::checkMember($memberID, array("ADMIN", "SITETREE_EDIT_ALL"))) { return true; } // Standard mechanism for accepting permission changes from extensions $extended = $this->extendedCan('canDelete', $memberID); if($extended !== null) return $extended; // Check cache (the can_edit_multiple call below will also do this, but this is quicker) if(isset(self::$cache_permissions['delete'][$this->ID])) { return self::$cache_permissions['delete'][$this->ID]; } // Regular canEdit logic is handled by can_edit_multiple $results = self::can_delete_multiple(array($this->ID), $memberID); // If this page no longer exists in stage/live results won't contain the page. // Fail-over to false return isset($results[$this->ID]) ? $results[$this->ID] : false; } /** * This function should return true if the current user can create new * pages of this class. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an * application. * * Denies permission if any of the following conditions is TRUE: * - canCreate() returns FALSE on any extension * - $can_create is set to FALSE and the site is not in "dev mode" * * Use {@link canAddChildren()} to control behaviour of creating children under this page. * * @uses $can_create * @uses DataExtension->canCreate() * * @param Member $member * @return boolean True if the current user can create pages on this class. */ public function canCreate($member = null) { if(!$member || !(is_a($member, 'Member')) || is_numeric($member)) { $member = Member::currentUserID(); } if($member && Permission::checkMember($member, "ADMIN")) return true; // Standard mechanism for accepting permission changes from extensions $extended = $this->extendedCan('canCreate', $member); if($extended !== null) return $extended; return $this->stat('can_create') != false || Director::isDev(); } /** * This function should return true if the current user can edit this * page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an * application. * * Denies permission if any of the following conditions is TRUE: * - canEdit() on any extension returns FALSE * - canView() return false * - "CanEditType" directive is set to "Inherit" and any parent page return false for canEdit() * - "CanEditType" directive is set to "LoggedInUsers" and no user is logged in or doesn't have the CMS_Access_CMSMAIN permission code * - "CanEditType" directive is set to "OnlyTheseUsers" and user is not in the given groups * * @uses canView() * @uses EditorGroups() * @uses DataExtension->canEdit() * * @param Member $member Set to FALSE if you want to explicitly test permissions without a valid user (useful for unit tests) * @return boolean True if the current user can edit this page. */ public function canEdit($member = null) { if($member instanceof Member) $memberID = $member->ID; else if(is_numeric($member)) $memberID = $member; else $memberID = Member::currentUserID(); if($memberID && Permission::checkMember($memberID, array("ADMIN", "SITETREE_EDIT_ALL"))) return true; // Standard mechanism for accepting permission changes from extensions $extended = $this->extendedCan('canEdit', $memberID); if($extended !== null) return $extended; if($this->ID) { // Check cache (the can_edit_multiple call below will also do this, but this is quicker) if(isset(self::$cache_permissions['CanEditType'][$this->ID])) { return self::$cache_permissions['CanEditType'][$this->ID]; } // Regular canEdit logic is handled by can_edit_multiple $results = self::can_edit_multiple(array($this->ID), $memberID); // If this page no longer exists in stage/live results won't contain the page. // Fail-over to false return isset($results[$this->ID]) ? $results[$this->ID] : false; // Default for unsaved pages } else { return $this->getSiteConfig()->canEdit($member); } } /** * This function should return true if the current user can publish this * page. It can be overloaded to customise the security model for an * application. * * Denies permission if any of the following conditions is TRUE: * - canPublish() on any extension returns FALSE * - canEdit() returns FALSE * * @uses SiteTreeExtension->canPublish() * * @param Member $member * @return boolean True if the current user can publish this page. */ public function canPublish($member = null) { if(!$member || !(is_a($member, 'Member')) || is_numeric($member)) $member = Member::currentUser(); if($member && Permission::checkMember($member, "ADMIN")) return true; // Standard mechanism for accepting permission changes from extensions $extended = $this->extendedCan('canPublish', $member); if($extended !== null) return $extended; // Normal case - fail over to canEdit() return $this->canEdit($member); } public function canDeleteFromLive($member = null) { // Standard mechanism for accepting permission changes from extensions $extended = $this->extendedCan('canDeleteFromLive', $member); if($extended !==null) return $extended; return $this->canPublish($member); } /** * Stub method to get the site config, provided so it's easy to override */ function getSiteConfig() { $altConfig = false; if($this->hasMethod('alternateSiteConfig')) { $altConfig = $this->alternateSiteConfig(); } if($altConfig) { return $altConfig; } elseif(class_exists('Translatable') && $this->hasExtension('Translatable')) { return SiteConfig::current_site_config($this->Locale); } else { return SiteConfig::current_site_config(); } } /** * Pre-populate the cache of canEdit, canView, canDelete, canPublish permissions. * This method will use the static can_(perm)_multiple method for efficiency. * * @param $permission String The permission: edit, view, publish, approve, etc. * @param $ids array An array of page IDs * @param $batchCallBack The function/static method to call to calculate permissions. Defaults * to 'SiteTree::can_(permission)_multiple' */ static function prepopuplate_permission_cache($permission = 'CanEditType', $ids, $batchCallback = null) { if(!$batchCallback) $batchCallback = "SiteTree::can_{$permission}_multiple"; //PHP 5.1 requires an array rather than a string for the call_user_func function $batchCallback=explode('::', $batchCallback); if(is_callable($batchCallback)) { $permissionValues = call_user_func($batchCallback, $ids, Member::currentUserID(), false); if(!isset(self::$cache_permissions[$permission])) { self::$cache_permissions[$permission] = array(); } self::$cache_permissions[$permission] = $permissionValues + self::$cache_permissions[$permission]; } else { user_error("SiteTree::prepopuplate_permission_cache can't calculate '$permission' " . "with callback '$batchCallback'", E_USER_WARNING); } } static function batch_permission_check($ids, $memberID, $typeField, $groupJoinTable, $siteConfigMethod, $globalPermission = 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain', $useCached = true) { // Sanitise the IDs $ids = array_filter($ids, 'is_numeric'); // This is the name used on the permission cache // converts something like 'CanEditType' to 'edit'. $cacheKey = strtolower(substr($typeField, 3, -4)); // Default result: nothing editable $result = array_fill_keys($ids, false); if($ids) { // Look in the cache for values if($useCached && isset(self::$cache_permissions[$cacheKey])) { $cachedValues = array_intersect_key(self::$cache_permissions[$cacheKey], $result); // If we can't find everything in the cache, then look up the remainder separately $uncachedValues = array_diff_key($result, self::$cache_permissions[$cacheKey]); if($uncachedValues) { $cachedValues = self::batch_permission_check(array_keys($uncachedValues), $memberID, $typeField, $groupJoinTable, $siteConfigMethod, $globalPermission, false) + $cachedValues; } return $cachedValues; } // If a member doesn't have CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain permission then they can't edit anything if(!$memberID || ($globalPermission && !Permission::checkMember($memberID, $globalPermission))) { return $result; } $SQL_idList = implode($ids, ", "); // if page can't be viewed, don't grant edit permissions // to do - implement can_view_multiple(), so this can be enabled //$ids = array_keys(array_filter(self::can_view_multiple($ids, $memberID))); // Get the groups that the given member belongs to $groupIDs = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $memberID)->Groups()->column("ID"); $SQL_groupList = implode(", ", $groupIDs); if (!$SQL_groupList) $SQL_groupList = '0'; $combinedStageResult = array(); foreach(array('Stage', 'Live') as $stage) { // Start by filling the array with the pages that actually exist $table = ($stage=='Stage') ? "SiteTree" : "SiteTree_$stage"; $result = array_fill_keys(DB::query("SELECT \"ID\" FROM \"$table\" WHERE \"ID\" IN (".implode(", ", $ids).")")->column(), false); // Get the uninherited permissions $uninheritedPermissions = Versioned::get_by_stage("SiteTree", $stage, "(\"$typeField\" = 'LoggedInUsers' OR (\"$typeField\" = 'OnlyTheseUsers' AND \"$groupJoinTable\".\"SiteTreeID\" IS NOT NULL)) AND \"SiteTree\".\"ID\" IN ($SQL_idList)", "", "LEFT JOIN \"$groupJoinTable\" ON \"$groupJoinTable\".\"SiteTreeID\" = \"SiteTree\".\"ID\" AND \"$groupJoinTable\".\"GroupID\" IN ($SQL_groupList)"); if($uninheritedPermissions) { // Set all the relevant items in $result to true $result = array_fill_keys($uninheritedPermissions->column('ID'), true) + $result; } // Get permissions that are inherited $potentiallyInherited = Versioned::get_by_stage("SiteTree", $stage, "\"$typeField\" = 'Inherit' AND \"SiteTree\".\"ID\" IN ($SQL_idList)"); if($potentiallyInherited) { // Group $potentiallyInherited by ParentID; we'll look at the permission of all those // parents and then see which ones the user has permission on $siteConfigPermission = SiteConfig::current_site_config()->{$siteConfigMethod}($memberID); $groupedByParent = array(); foreach($potentiallyInherited as $item) { if($item->ParentID) { if(!isset($groupedByParent[$item->ParentID])) $groupedByParent[$item->ParentID] = array(); $groupedByParent[$item->ParentID][] = $item->ID; } else { $result[$item->ID] = $siteConfigPermission; } } if($groupedByParent) { $actuallyInherited = self::batch_permission_check(array_keys($groupedByParent), $memberID, $typeField, $groupJoinTable, $siteConfigMethod); if($actuallyInherited) { $parentIDs = array_keys(array_filter($actuallyInherited)); foreach($parentIDs as $parentID) { // Set all the relevant items in $result to true $result = array_fill_keys($groupedByParent[$parentID], true) + $result; } } } } $combinedStageResult = $combinedStageResult + $result; } } if(isset($combinedStageResult)) { // Cache results // TODO - Caching permissions is breaking unit tests. One possible issue // is the cache needs to be flushed when permission on a page is changed, // but this only solved some of the failing unit tests. Disabled for now. /*foreach($combinedStageResult as $id => $val) { self::$cache_permissions[$typeField][$id] = $val; }*/ return $combinedStageResult; } else { return array(); } } /** * Get the 'can edit' information for a number of SiteTree pages. * * @param An array of IDs of the SiteTree pages to look up. * @param useCached Return values from the permission cache if they exist. * @return A map where the IDs are keys and the values are booleans stating whether the given * page can be edited. */ static function can_edit_multiple($ids, $memberID, $useCached = true) { return self::batch_permission_check($ids, $memberID, 'CanEditType', 'SiteTree_EditorGroups', 'canEdit', 'CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain', $useCached); } /** * Get the 'can edit' information for a number of SiteTree pages. * @param An array of IDs of the SiteTree pages to look up. * @param useCached Return values from the permission cache if they exist. */ static function can_delete_multiple($ids, $memberID, $useCached = true) { $deletable = array(); $result = array_fill_keys($ids, false); // Look in the cache for values if($useCached && isset(self::$cache_permissions['delete'])) { $cachedValues = array_intersect_key(self::$cache_permissions['delete'], $result); // If we can't find everything in the cache, then look up the remainder separately $uncachedValues = array_diff_key($result, self::$cache_permissions['delete']); if($uncachedValues) { $cachedValues = self::can_delete_multiple(array_keys($uncachedValues), $memberID, false) + $cachedValues; } return $cachedValues; } // You can only delete pages that you can edit $editableIDs = array_keys(array_filter(self::can_edit_multiple($ids, $memberID))); if($editableIDs) { $idList = implode(",", $editableIDs); // You can only delete pages whose children you can delete $childRecords = DataObject::get("SiteTree", "\"ParentID\" IN ($idList)"); if($childRecords) { $children = $childRecords->map("ID", "ParentID"); // Find out the children that can be deleted $deletableChildren = self::can_delete_multiple(array_keys($children), $memberID); // Get a list of all the parents that have no undeletable children $deletableParents = array_fill_keys($editableIDs, true); foreach($deletableChildren as $id => $canDelete) { if(!$canDelete) unset($deletableParents[$children[$id]]); } // Use that to filter the list of deletable parents that have children $deletableParents = array_keys($deletableParents); // Also get the $ids that don't have children $parents = array_unique($children); $deletableLeafNodes = array_diff($editableIDs, $parents); // Combine the two $deletable = array_merge($deletableParents, $deletableLeafNodes); } else { $deletable = $editableIDs; } } else { $deletable = array(); } // Convert the array of deletable IDs into a map of the original IDs with true/false as the // value return array_fill_keys($deletable, true) + array_fill_keys($ids, false); } /** * Collate selected descendants of this page. * * {@link $condition} will be evaluated on each descendant, and if it is * succeeds, that item will be added to the $collator array. * * @param string $condition The PHP condition to be evaluated. The page * will be called $item * @param array $collator An array, passed by reference, to collect all * of the matching descendants. */ public function collateDescendants($condition, &$collator) { if($children = $this->Children()) { foreach($children as $item) { if(eval("return $condition;")) $collator[] = $item; $item->collateDescendants($condition, $collator); } return true; } } /** * Return the title, description, keywords and language metatags. * * @todo Move
Welcome to SilverStripe! This is the default homepage. You can edit this page by opening the CMS. You can now access the developer documentation, or begin the tutorials.
'); $homepage->URLSegment = 'home'; $homepage->Sort = 1; $homepage->write(); $homepage->publish('Stage', 'Live'); $homepage->flushCache(); DB::alteration_message('Home page created', 'created'); } if(DB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM \"SiteTree\"")->value() == 1) { $aboutus = new Page(); $aboutus->Title = _t('SiteTree.DEFAULTABOUTTITLE', 'About Us'); $aboutus->Content = _t('SiteTree.DEFAULTABOUTCONTENT', 'You can fill this page out with your own content, or delete it and create your own pages.
You can fill this page out with your own content, or delete it and create your own pages.
' . _t('SiteTree.DEPENDENT_NOTE', 'The following pages depend on this page. This includes virtual pages, redirector pages, and pages with content links.') . '
'); $dependentTable = new TableListField( 'DependentPages', 'SiteTree', $dependentColumns ); $dependentTable->setCustomSourceItems($this->DependentPages()); $dependentTable->setFieldFormatting(array( 'Title' => '$Title', 'AbsoluteLink' => '$value', )); $dependentTable->setPermissions(array( 'show', 'export' )); } $baseLink = Controller::join_links ( Director::absoluteBaseURL(), (self::nested_urls() && $this->ParentID ? $this->Parent()->RelativeLink(true) : null) ); $url = (strlen($baseLink) > 36) ? "..." .substr($baseLink, -32) : $baseLink; $urlHelper = sprintf("%s", $url); $fields = new FieldSet( $rootTab = new TabSet("Root", $tabMain = new Tab('Main', new TextField("Title", $this->fieldLabel('Title')), new TextField("MenuTitle", $this->fieldLabel('MenuTitle')), new HtmlEditorField("Content", _t('SiteTree.HTMLEDITORTITLE', "Content", PR_MEDIUM, 'HTML editor title')) ), $tabMeta = new Tab('Metadata', new TextField("URLSegment", $this->fieldLabel('URLSegment') . $urlHelper), new LiteralField('LinkChangeNote', self::nested_urls() && count($this->Children()) ? '' . $this->fieldLabel('LinkChangeNote'). '
' : null ), new HeaderField('MetaTagsHeader',$this->fieldLabel('MetaTagsHeader')), new TextField("MetaTitle", $this->fieldLabel('MetaTitle')), new TextareaField("MetaKeywords", $this->fieldLabel('MetaKeywords'), 1), new TextareaField("MetaDescription", $this->fieldLabel('MetaDescription')), new TextareaField("ExtraMeta",$this->fieldLabel('ExtraMeta')) ), $tabDependent = new Tab('Dependent', $dependentNote, $dependentTable ) ) ); // Conditional dependent pages tab if($dependentPagesCount) $tabDependent->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABDEPENDENT', "Dependent pages") . " ($dependentPagesCount)"); else $fields->removeFieldFromTab('Root', 'Dependent'); $tabMain->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABCONTENT', "Content")); $tabMeta->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABMETA', "Metadata")); if(file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/install.php')) { $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", new LiteralField("InstallWarningHeader", " "), "Title"); } if(self::$runCMSFieldsExtensions) { $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields); } return $fields; } /** * Returns fields related to configuration aspects on this record, e.g. access control. * See {@link getCMSFields()} for content-related fields. * * @return FieldSet */ function getSettingsFields() { $fields = new FieldSet( $rootTab = new TabSet("Root", $tabBehaviour = new Tab('Settings', new DropdownField( "ClassName", $this->fieldLabel('ClassName'), $this->getClassDropdown() ), new OptionsetField("ParentType", _t("SiteTree.PAGELOCATION", "Page location"), array( "root" => _t("SiteTree.PARENTTYPE_ROOT", "Top-level page"), "subpage" => _t("SiteTree.PARENTTYPE_SUBPAGE", "Sub-page underneath a parent page (choose below)"), )), $parentIDField = new TreeDropdownField("ParentID", $this->fieldLabel('ParentID'), 'SiteTree', 'ID', 'MenuTitle'), new CheckboxField("ShowInMenus", $this->fieldLabel('ShowInMenus')), new CheckboxField("ShowInSearch", $this->fieldLabel('ShowInSearch')), new LiteralField( "HomepageForDomainInfo", "" . _t('SiteTree.NOTEUSEASHOMEPAGE', "Use this page as the 'home page' for the following domains: (separate multiple domains with commas)") . "
" ), new TextField( "HomepageForDomain", _t('SiteTree.HOMEPAGEFORDOMAIN', "Domain(s)", PR_MEDIUM, 'Listing domains that should be used as homepage') ) ), $tabAccess = new Tab('Access', $viewersOptionsField = new OptionsetField( "CanViewType", _t('SiteTree.ACCESSHEADER', "Who can view this page?") ), $viewerGroupsField = new TreeMultiselectField("ViewerGroups", $this->fieldLabel('ViewerGroups')), $editorsOptionsField = new OptionsetField( "CanEditType", _t('SiteTree.EDITHEADER', "Who can edit this page?") ), $editorGroupsField = new TreeMultiselectField("EditorGroups", $this->fieldLabel('EditorGroups')) ) ) ); /* * This filter ensures that the ParentID dropdown selection does not show this node, * or its descendents, as this causes vanishing bugs. */ $parentIDField->setFilterFunction(create_function('$node', "return \$node->ID != {$this->ID};")); $tabBehaviour->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABBEHAVIOUR', "Behavior")); $tabAccess->setTitle(_t('SiteTree.TABACCESS', "Access")); // Make page location fields read-only if the user doesn't have the appropriate permission if(!Permission::check("SITETREE_REORGANISE")) { $fields->makeFieldReadonly('ParentType'); if($this->ParentType == 'root') { $fields->removeByName('ParentID'); } else { $fields->makeFieldReadonly('ParentID'); } } $viewersOptionsSource = array(); $viewersOptionsSource["Inherit"] = _t('SiteTree.INHERIT', "Inherit from parent page"); $viewersOptionsSource["Anyone"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSANYONE', "Anyone"); $viewersOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSLOGGEDIN', "Logged-in users"); $viewersOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)"); $viewersOptionsField->setSource($viewersOptionsSource); $editorsOptionsSource = array(); $editorsOptionsSource["Inherit"] = _t('SiteTree.INHERIT', "Inherit from parent page"); $editorsOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITANYONE', "Anyone who can log-in to the CMS"); $editorsOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)"); $editorsOptionsField->setSource($editorsOptionsSource); if(!Permission::check('SITETREE_GRANT_ACCESS')) { $fields->makeFieldReadonly($viewersOptionsField); if($this->CanViewType == 'OnlyTheseUsers') { $fields->makeFieldReadonly($viewerGroupsField); } else { $fields->removeByName('ViewerGroups'); } $fields->makeFieldReadonly($editorsOptionsField); if($this->CanEditType == 'OnlyTheseUsers') { $fields->makeFieldReadonly($editorGroupsField); } else { $fields->removeByName('EditorGroups'); } } if(self::$runCMSFieldsExtensions) { $this->extend('updateSettingsFields', $fields); } return $fields; } /** * * @param boolean $includerelations a boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields * */ function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) { $labels = parent::fieldLabels($includerelations); $labels['Title'] = _t('SiteTree.PAGETITLE', "Page name"); $labels['MenuTitle'] = _t('SiteTree.MENUTITLE', "Navigation label"); $labels['MetaTagsHeader'] = _t('SiteTree.METAHEADER', "Search Engine Meta-tags"); $labels['MetaTitle'] = _t('SiteTree.METATITLE', "Title"); $labels['MetaDescription'] = _t('SiteTree.METADESC', "Description"); $labels['MetaKeywords'] = _t('SiteTree.METAKEYWORDS', "Keywords"); $labels['ExtraMeta'] = _t('SiteTree.METAEXTRA', "Custom Meta Tags"); $labels['ClassName'] = _t('SiteTree.PAGETYPE', "Page type", PR_MEDIUM, 'Classname of a page object'); $labels['ParentType'] = _t('SiteTree.PARENTTYPE', "Page location", PR_MEDIUM); $labels['ParentID'] = _t('SiteTree.PARENTID', "Parent page", PR_MEDIUM); $labels['ShowInMenus'] =_t('SiteTree.SHOWINMENUS', "Show in menus?"); $labels['ShowInSearch'] = _t('SiteTree.SHOWINSEARCH', "Show in search?"); $labels['ProvideComments'] = _t('SiteTree.ALLOWCOMMENTS', "Allow comments on this page?"); $labels['ViewerGroups'] = _t('SiteTree.VIEWERGROUPS', "Viewer Groups"); $labels['EditorGroups'] = _t('SiteTree.EDITORGROUPS', "Editor Groups"); $labels['URLSegment'] = _t('SiteTree.URLSegment', 'URL Segment', PR_MEDIUM, 'URL for this page'); $labels['Content'] = _t('SiteTree.Content', 'Content', PR_MEDIUM, 'Main HTML Content for a page'); $labels['HomepageForDomain'] = _t('SiteTree.HomepageForDomain', 'Hompage for this domain'); $labels['CanViewType'] = _t('SiteTree.Viewers', 'Viewers Groups'); $labels['CanEditType'] = _t('SiteTree.Editors', 'Editors Groups'); $labels['Comments'] = _t('SiteTree.Comments', 'Comments'); $labels['LinkChangeNote'] = _t ( 'SiteTree.LINKCHANGENOTE', 'Changing this page\'s link will also affect the links of all child pages.' ); if($includerelations){ $labels['Parent'] = _t('SiteTree.has_one_Parent', 'Parent Page', PR_MEDIUM, 'The parent page in the site hierarchy'); $labels['LinkTracking'] = _t('SiteTree.many_many_LinkTracking', 'Link Tracking'); $labels['ImageTracking'] = _t('SiteTree.many_many_ImageTracking', 'Image Tracking'); $labels['BackLinkTracking'] = _t('SiteTree.many_many_BackLinkTracking', 'Backlink Tracking'); } return $labels; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get the actions available in the CMS for this page - eg Save, Publish. * @return FieldSet The available actions for this page. */ function getCMSActions() { $actions = new FieldSet(); // "readonly"/viewing version that isn't the current version of the record $stageOrLiveRecord = Versioned::get_one_by_stage($this->class, Versioned::current_stage(), sprintf('"SiteTree"."ID" = %d', $this->ID)); if($stageOrLiveRecord && $stageOrLiveRecord->Version != $this->Version) { $actions->push(new FormAction('email', _t('CMSMain.EMAIL', 'Email'))); $actions->push(new FormAction('rollback', _t('CMSMain.ROLLBACK', 'Roll back to this version'))); // getCMSActions() can be extended with updateCMSActions() on a extension $this->extend('updateCMSActions', $actions); return $actions; } if($this->isPublished() && $this->canPublish() && !$this->IsDeletedFromStage) { // "unpublish" $unpublish = FormAction::create('unpublish', _t('SiteTree.BUTTONUNPUBLISH', 'Unpublish'), 'delete'); $unpublish->describe(_t('SiteTree.BUTTONUNPUBLISHDESC', 'Remove this page from the published site')); $unpublish->addExtraClass('unpublish'); $unpublish->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-destructive'); $actions->push($unpublish); } if($this->stagesDiffer('Stage', 'Live') && !$this->IsDeletedFromStage) { if($this->isPublished() && $this->canEdit()) { // "rollback" $rollback = FormAction::create('rollback', _t('SiteTree.BUTTONCANCELDRAFT', 'Cancel draft changes'), 'delete'); $rollback->describe(_t('SiteTree.BUTTONCANCELDRAFTDESC', 'Delete your draft and revert to the currently published page')); $rollback->addExtraClass('delete'); $actions->push($rollback); } } if($this->canEdit()) { if($this->IsDeletedFromStage) { if($this->ExistsOnLive) { // "restore" $actions->push(new FormAction('revert',_t('CMSMain.RESTORE','Restore'))); if($this->canDelete() && $this->canDeleteFromLive()) { // "delete from live" $actions->push($deleteFromLiveAction = new FormAction('deletefromlive',_t('CMSMain.DELETEFP','Delete from the published site'))); $deleteFromLiveAction->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-destructive'); } } else { // "restore" $actions->push(new FormAction('restore',_t('CMSMain.RESTORE','Restore'))); } } else { if($this->canDelete()) { // "delete" $actions->push($deleteAction = new FormAction('delete',_t('CMSMain.DELETE','Delete from the draft site'))); $deleteAction->addExtraClass('delete'); $deleteAction->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-destructive'); } // "save" $actions->push($saveDraftAction = new FormAction('save',_t('CMSMain.SAVE','Save Draft'))); $saveDraftAction->addExtraClass('save-draft'); } } if($this->canPublish() && !$this->IsDeletedFromStage) { // "publish" $actions->push($publishAction = new FormAction('publish', _t('SiteTree.BUTTONSAVEPUBLISH', 'Save and Publish'))); $publishAction->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive'); } // getCMSActions() can be extended with updateCMSActions() on a extension $this->extend('updateCMSActions', $actions); return $actions; } /** * Publish this page. * * @uses SiteTreeExtension->onBeforePublish() * @uses SiteTreeExtension->onAfterPublish() */ function doPublish() { if (!$this->canPublish()) return false; $original = Versioned::get_one_by_stage("SiteTree", "Live", "\"SiteTree\".\"ID\" = $this->ID"); if(!$original) $original = new SiteTree(); // Handle activities undertaken by extensions $this->invokeWithExtensions('onBeforePublish', $original); //$this->PublishedByID = Member::currentUser()->ID; $this->write(); $this->publish("Stage", "Live"); DB::query("UPDATE \"SiteTree_Live\" SET \"Sort\" = (SELECT \"SiteTree\".\"Sort\" FROM \"SiteTree\" WHERE \"SiteTree_Live\".\"ID\" = \"SiteTree\".\"ID\") WHERE EXISTS (SELECT \"SiteTree\".\"Sort\" FROM \"SiteTree\" WHERE \"SiteTree_Live\".\"ID\" = \"SiteTree\".\"ID\") AND \"ParentID\" = " . sprintf('%d', $this->ParentID) ); // Publish any virtual pages that might need publishing $linkedPages = $this->VirtualPages(); if($linkedPages) foreach($linkedPages as $page) { $page->copyFrom($page->CopyContentFrom()); $page->write(); if($page->ExistsOnLive) $page->doPublish(); } // Need to update pages linking to this one as no longer broken, on the live site $origMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode(); Versioned::reading_stage('Live'); foreach($this->DependentPages(false) as $page) { // $page->write() calls syncLinkTracking, which does all the hard work for us. $page->write(); } Versioned::set_reading_mode($origMode); // Check to write CMS homepage map. $usingStaticPublishing = false; foreach(ClassInfo::subclassesFor('StaticPublisher') as $class) if ($this->hasExtension($class)) $usingStaticPublishing = true; // NOTE: if you change the path here, you must also change it in sapphire/static-main.php if (self::$write_homepage_map) { if ($usingStaticPublishing && $map = SiteTree::generate_homepage_domain_map()) { @file_put_contents(BASE_PATH.'/'.ASSETS_DIR.'/_homepage-map.php', ""); } else { if (file_exists(BASE_PATH.'/'.ASSETS_DIR.'/_homepage-map.php')) unlink(BASE_PATH.'/'.ASSETS_DIR.'/_homepage-map.php'); } } // Handle activities undertaken by extensions $this->invokeWithExtensions('onAfterPublish', $original); return true; } static function generate_homepage_domain_map() { $domainSpecificHomepages = Versioned::get_by_stage('Page', 'Live', "\"HomepageForDomain\" != ''", "\"URLSegment\" ASC"); if (!$domainSpecificHomepages) return false; $map = array(); foreach($domainSpecificHomepages->map('URLSegment', 'HomepageForDomain') as $url => $domains) { foreach(explode(',', $domains) as $domain) $map[$domain] = $url; } return $map; } /** * Unpublish this page - remove it from the live site * * @uses SiteTreeExtension->onBeforeUnpublish() * @uses SiteTreeExtension->onAfterUnpublish() */ function doUnpublish() { if(!$this->canDeleteFromLive()) return false; if(!$this->ID) return false; $this->extend('onBeforeUnpublish'); $origStage = Versioned::current_stage(); Versioned::reading_stage('Live'); // We should only unpublish virtualpages that exist on live $virtualPages = $this->VirtualPages(); // This way our ID won't be unset $clone = clone $this; $clone->delete(); // Rewrite backlinks $dependentPages = $this->DependentPages(false); if($dependentPages) foreach($dependentPages as $page) { // $page->write() calls syncLinkTracking, which does all the hard work for us. $page->write(); } Versioned::reading_stage($origStage); // Unpublish any published virtual pages if ($virtualPages) foreach($virtualPages as $vp) $vp->doUnpublish(); // If we're on the draft site, then we can update the status. // Otherwise, these lines will resurrect an inappropriate record if(DB::query("SELECT \"ID\" FROM \"SiteTree\" WHERE \"ID\" = $this->ID")->value() && Versioned::current_stage() != 'Live') { $this->write(); } $this->extend('onAfterUnpublish'); return true; } /** * Revert the draft changes: replace the draft content with the content on live */ function doRevertToLive() { $this->publish("Live", "Stage", false); // Use a clone to get the updates made by $this->publish $clone = DataObject::get_by_id("SiteTree", $this->ID); $clone->writeWithoutVersion(); // Need to update pages linking to this one as no longer broken foreach($this->DependentPages(false) as $page) { // $page->write() calls syncLinkTracking, which does all the hard work for us. $page->write(); } $this->extend('onAfterRevertToLive'); } /** * Restore the content in the active copy of this SiteTree page to the stage site. * @return The SiteTree object. */ function doRestoreToStage() { // if no record can be found on draft stage (meaning it has been "deleted from draft" before), // create an empty record if(!DB::query("SELECT \"ID\" FROM \"SiteTree\" WHERE \"ID\" = $this->ID")->value()) { $conn = DB::getConn(); if(method_exists($conn, 'allowPrimaryKeyEditing')) $conn->allowPrimaryKeyEditing('SiteTree', true); DB::query("INSERT INTO \"SiteTree\" (\"ID\") VALUES ($this->ID)"); if(method_exists($conn, 'allowPrimaryKeyEditing')) $conn->allowPrimaryKeyEditing('SiteTree', false); } $oldStage = Versioned::current_stage(); Versioned::reading_stage('Stage'); $this->forceChange(); $this->writeWithoutVersion(); $result = DataObject::get_by_id($this->class, $this->ID); // Need to update pages linking to this one as no longer broken foreach($result->DependentPages(false) as $page) { // $page->write() calls syncLinkTracking, which does all the hard work for us. $page->write(); } Versioned::reading_stage($oldStage); return $result; } /** * Synonym of {@link doUnpublish} */ function doDeleteFromLive() { return $this->doUnpublish(); } /** * Check if this page is new - that is, if it has yet to have been written * to the database. * * @return boolean True if this page is new. */ function isNew() { /** * This check was a problem for a self-hosted site, and may indicate a * bug in the interpreter on their server, or a bug here * Changing the condition from empty($this->ID) to * !$this->ID && !$this->record['ID'] fixed this. */ if(empty($this->ID)) return true; if(is_numeric($this->ID)) return false; return stripos($this->ID, 'new') === 0; } /** * Check if this page has been published. * * @return boolean True if this page has been published. */ function isPublished() { if($this->isNew()) return false; return (DB::query("SELECT \"ID\" FROM \"SiteTree_Live\" WHERE \"ID\" = $this->ID")->value()) ? true : false; } /** * Get the class dropdown used in the CMS to change the class of a page. * This returns the list of options in the drop as a Map from class name * to text in dropdown. * * @return array */ protected function getClassDropdown() { $classes = self::page_type_classes(); $currentClass = null; $result = array(); $result = array(); foreach($classes as $class) { $instance = singleton($class); if((($instance instanceof HiddenClass) || !$instance->canCreate()) && ($class != $this->class)) continue; $pageTypeName = $instance->i18n_singular_name(); if($class == $this->class) { $currentClass = $class; $result[$class] = $pageTypeName; } else { $translation = _t( 'SiteTree.CHANGETO', 'Change to "%s"', PR_MEDIUM, "Pagetype selection dropdown with class names" ); // @todo legacy fix to avoid empty classname dropdowns when translation doesn't include %s if(strpos($translation, '%s') !== FALSE) { $result[$class] = sprintf( $translation, $pageTypeName ); } else { $result[$class] = "{$translation} \"{$pageTypeName}\""; } } // if we're in translation mode, the link between the translated pagetype // title and the actual classname might not be obvious, so we add it in parantheses // Example: class "RedirectorPage" has the title "Weiterleitung" in German, // so it shows up as "Weiterleitung (RedirectorPage)" if(i18n::get_locale() != 'en_US') { $result[$class] = $result[$class] . " ({$class})"; } } // sort alphabetically, and put current on top asort($result); if($currentClass) { $currentPageTypeName = $result[$currentClass]; unset($result[$currentClass]); $result = array_reverse($result); $result[$currentClass] = $currentPageTypeName; $result = array_reverse($result); } return $result; } /** * Returns an array of the class names of classes that are allowed * to be children of this class. * * @return array */ function allowedChildren() { $candidates = $this->stat('allowed_children'); if($candidates && $candidates != "none" && $candidates != "SiteTree_root") { foreach($candidates as $candidate) { if(substr($candidate,0,1) == '*') { $allowedChildren[] = substr($candidate,1); } else { $subclasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor($candidate); foreach($subclasses as $subclass) { if($subclass != "SiteTree_root") $allowedChildren[] = $subclass; } } } return $allowedChildren; } } /** * Returns the class name of the default class for children of this page. * * @return string */ function defaultChild() { $default = $this->stat('default_child'); $allowed = $this->allowedChildren(); if($allowed) { if(!$default || !in_array($default, $allowed)) $default = reset($allowed); return $default; } } /** * Returns the class name of the default class for the parent of this * page. * * @return string */ function defaultParent() { return $this->stat('default_parent'); } /** * Get the title for use in menus for this page. If the MenuTitle * field is set it returns that, else it returns the Title field. * * @return string */ function getMenuTitle(){ if($value = $this->getField("MenuTitle")) { return $value; } else { return $this->getField("Title"); } } /** * Set the menu title for this page. * * @param string $value */ function setMenuTitle($value) { if($value == $this->getField("Title")) { $this->setField("MenuTitle", null); } else { $this->setField("MenuTitle", $value); } } /** * @deprecated 3.0 Use getTreeTitle() */ function TreeTitle() { return $this->getTreeTitle(); } /** * TitleWithStatus will return the title in an ,