vi-VN: CMSSearch: FILTERDATEFROM: From FILTERDATEHEADING: Date FILTERLABELTEXT: Content FILTERDATETO: To SearchForm: GO: Go SEARCH: Search SearchResults: 'Search Results' StaticExporter: EXPORTTO: 'Export to that folder' BASEURL: 'Base URL' NAME: 'Static exporter' LeftAndMain: VersionUnknown: Unknown STATUSPUBLISHEDSUCCESS: 'Published ''{title}'' successfully' DELETED: Deleted. SearchResults: 'Search Results' PreviewButton: Preview SAVEDUP: Saved. CMSPagesController: ListView: 'List View' TreeView: 'Tree View' MENUTITLE: Pages GalleryView: 'Gallery View' MyRandomPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' CMSSettingsController: MENUTITLE: Settings PUBLISHER: Publisher NOTPUBLISHED: 'Not published' WHEN: When AUTHOR: Author UNKNOWN: Unknown CMSSiteTreeFilter_Search: Title: 'All pages' CMSPageSettingsController: MENUTITLE: 'Edit Page' CMSPageHistoryController: VIEWINGVERSION: 'Currently viewing version {version}.' MENUTITLE: History COMPAREVERSIONS: 'Compare Versions' COMPAREMODE: 'Compare mode (select two)' REVERTTOTHISVERSION: 'Revert to this version' SHOWVERSION: 'Show Version' COMPARINGVERSION: 'Comparing versions {version1} and {version2}.' SHOWUNPUBLISHED: 'Show unpublished versions' VIEW: view VirtualPage: EDITCONTENT: 'click here to edit the content' HEADER: 'This is a virtual page' PLURALNAME: 'Virtual Pags' SINGULARNAME: 'Virtual Page' PageTypNotAllowedOnRoot: 'Original page type "{type}" is not allowed on the root level for this virtual page' DESCRIPTION: 'Displays the content of another page' CHOOSE: 'Choose a page to link to' RedirectorPage: OTHERURL: 'Đường dẩn website khác' DESCRIPTION: 'Redirects to a different internal page' REDIRECTTOEXTERNAL: 'Website khác' REDIRECTTO: 'Di chuyển đến' YOURPAGE: Trang HEADER: 'Trang này sẽ di chuyển người dùng đến một trang khác' REDIRECTTOPAGE: 'Một trang trên website' HASBEENSETUP: 'Một trang di chuyển chưa cấu hình đích di chuyển đến.' Folder: UploadFilesButton: Upload AddFolderButton: 'Add folder' UNUSEDFILESTITLE: 'Unused files' UNUSEDTHUMBNAILSTITLE: 'Unused thumbnails' DELETEUNUSEDTHUMBNAILS: 'Delete unused thumbnails' SilverStripeNavigatorLink: ShareInstructions: 'To share a this to this page, copy and paste the link below.' ShareLink: 'Share link' CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages: Title: 'All pages, including deleted' SilverStripeNavigatorLinkl: CloseLink: Close ContentControl: NOTEWONTBESHOWN: 'Note: this message will not be shown to your visitors' SiteTree: DependtPageColumnLinkType: 'Link type' DEFAULTABOUTTITLE: 'Giới thiệu' VIEW_DRAFT_CONTENT_HELP: 'Applies to viewing pages outside of the CMS in draft mode. Useful for external collaborators without CMS access.' EDIT_ALL_HELP: 'Ability to edit any page on the site, regardless of the settings on the Access tab. Requires the "Access to ''Pages'' section" permission' REMOVEDFROMDRAFTSHORT: 'Removed from draft' EDITONLYTHESE: 'Chỉ những người sau đây (chọn từ danh sách)' Editors: 'Editors Groups' Comments: Comments TOPLEVEL: 'Site Content (Top Level)' PARENTID: 'Parent page' PAGELOCATION: 'Page location' METAKEYWORDS: 'Từ khóa' LINKCHANGENOTE: 'Changing this page''s link will also affect the links of all child pages.' PAGETITLE: 'Tên trang' BUTTONUNPUBLISHDESC: 'Xóa trang này khỏi trang hoạt động' DEPENDENT_NOTE: 'The following pages depend on this page. This includes virtual pages, redirector pages, and pages with content links.' EDIT_ALL_DESCRIPTION: 'Edit any page' DEFAULTHOMETITLE: 'Trang chủ' PARENTTYPE: 'Page location' ACCESSHEADER: 'Ai có thể xem trang này ?' MODIFIEDONDRAFTHELP: 'Page has unpublished changes' SHOWINSEARCH: 'Hiển thị khi tìm kiếm?' APPEARSVIRTUALPAGES: 'This content also appears on the virtual pages in the {title} sections.' PERMISSION_GRANTACCESS_DESCRIPTION: 'Manage access rights for content' VIEWERGROUPS: 'Viewer Groups' ACCESSONLYTHESE: 'Chỉ những người sau đây (chọn từ danh sách)' CREATED: 'Date Created' INHERIT: 'Inherit from parent page' URLSegment: 'URL Segment' SINGULARNAME: 'Site Tree' VIEW_DRAFT_CONTENT: 'View draft content' TOPLEVELCREATORGROUPS: 'Top level creators' REMOVE_INSTALL_WARNING: 'Warning: You should remove install.php from this SilverStripe install for security reasons.' DEFAULTABOUTCONTENT: '

Bạn có thể điền vào thông tin trang này với nội dung của bạn, hoặc xóa trang này và tạo một trang riêng phù hợp hơn.

' PARENTTYPE_SUBPAGE: 'Sub-page underneath a parent page' PERMISSION_GRANTACCESS_HELP: 'Allow setting of page-specific access restrictions in the "Pages" section.' TABBEHAVIOUR: 'Hoạt động' SHOWINMENUS: 'Hiển thị trên menu?' BUTTONCANCELDRAFT: 'Hủy thay đổi nháp' many_many_BackLinkTracking: 'Backlink Tracking' VIEW_ALL_HELP: 'Ability to view any page on the site, regardless of the settings on the Access tab. Requires the "Access to Site Content" permission' PLURALNAME: 'Site Tres' TABDEPENDENT: 'Dependent pages' ACCESSLOGGEDIN: 'Người dùng đã đăng nhập' METADESC: 'Mô tả' MENUTITLE: Nhãn Content: Content DELETEDPAGEHELP: 'Page is no longer published' DependtPageColumnURL: URL REORGANISE_DESCRIPTION: 'Change site structure' DEFAULTCONTACTCONTENT: '

Bạn có thể điền vào thông tin trang này với nội dung của bạn, hoặc xóa trang này và tạo một trang riêng phù hợp hơn.

' BUTTONCANCELDRAFTDESC: 'Xóa khỏi mục nháp và khôi phục lại trang gốc' EDITHEADER: 'Ai có thể thay đổi trang này ?' EDITANYONE: 'Bất cứ ai có thể đăng nhập vào phần quản lý' REORGANISE_HELP: 'Rearrange pages in the site tree through drag&drop.' DEFAULTCONTACTTITLE: 'Liên hệ' many_many_LinkTracking: 'Link Tracking' Visibility: Visibility MODIFIEDONDRAFTSHORT: Modified PAGETYPE: Loại many_many_ImageTracking: 'Image Tracking' HTMLEDITORTITLE: 'Nội dung' ACCESSANYONE: 'Bất cứ ai' PARENTTYPE_ROOT: 'Top-level page' ALLOWCOMMENTS: 'Cho phép bình luận trên trang này?' LASTUPDATED: 'Last Updated' METAEXTRA: 'Thẻ thông tin bổ sung' HASBROKENLINKS: 'Trang này có liên kết hỏng.' DEFAULTHOMECONTENT: '

Welcome to SilverStripe! This is the default homepage. You can edit this page by opening the CMS. You can now access the developer documentation, or begin the tutorials.

' VIEW_ALL_DESCRIPTION: 'View any page' TABCONTENT: 'Thông tin' Viewers: 'Viewers Groups' PageTypeNotAllowed: 'Page type "{type}" not allowed as child of this parent page' ADDEDTODRAFTHELP: 'Page has not been published yet' BUTTONUNPUBLISH: Ẩn METATITLE: 'Tiêu đề' ADDEDTODRAFTSHORT: Draft has_one_Parent: 'Parent Page' REMOVEDFROMDRAFTHELP: 'Page is published, but has been deleted from draft' BUTTONSAVEPUBLISH: 'Lưu & Công bố' DELETEDPAGESHORT: Deleted PageTypNotAllowedOnRoot: 'Page type "{type}" is not allowed on the root level' EDITORGROUPS: 'Editor Groups' Back: Back BasicFieldsTestPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' CMSBatchActions: DELETED_PAGES: 'Deleted %d pages from published site, %d failures' DELETE_PAGES: 'Delete from published site' DELETE_DRAFT_PAGES: 'Delete from draft site' UNPUBLISHED_PAGES: 'Un-published %d pages' UNPUBLISH_PAGES: Un-publish PUBLISHED_PAGES: 'Published %d pages, %d failures' DELETED_DRAFT_PAGES: 'Deleted %d pages from draft site, %d failures' PUBLISH_PAGES: Publish MyPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' ErrorPage: CODE: 'Mã lỗi' DEFAULTERRORPAGECONTENT: '

Bạn truy cập vào một trang không tồn tại

Xin vui lòng kiểm tra lại đường dẩn hoặc quay lại trang chủ


Sorry, there was a problem with handling your request.

' DEFAULTSERVERERRORPAGETITLE: 'Server error' 400: '400 - Bad Request' 401: '401 - Unauthorized' 403: '403 - Forbidden' 404: '404 - Not Found' 405: '405 - Method Not Allowed' 406: '406 - Not Acceptable' 407: '407 - Proxy Authentication Required' 408: '408 - Request Timeout' 409: '409 - Conflict' 410: '410 - Gone' 411: '411 - Length Required' 412: '412 - Precondition Failed' 413: '413 - Request Entity Too Large' 414: '414 - Request-URI Too Long' 415: '415 - Unsupported Media Type' 416: '416 - Request Range Not Satisfiable' 417: '417 - Expectation Failed' DESCRIPTION: 'Custom content for different error cases (e.g. "Page not found")' ERRORFILEPROBLEM: 'Error opening file "{filename}" for writing. Please check file permissions.' 500: '500 - Internal Server Error' 501: '501 - Not Implemented' 502: '502 - Bad Gateway' 503: '503 - Service Unavailable' 504: '504 - Gateway Timeout' 505: '505 - HTTP Version Not Supported' AssetAdmin: FILESYSTEMSYNCTITLE: 'Update the CMS database entries of files on the filesystem. Useful when new files have been uploaded outside of the CMS, e.g. through FTP.' DetailsView: Details CREATED: Date MENUTITLE: Files FROMTHEINTERNET: 'From the internet' BackToFolder: 'Back to folder' Upload: Upload NEWFOLDER: NewFolder CurrentFolderOnly: 'Limit to current folder?' ADDFILES: 'Add Files' THUMBSDELETED: '{count} unused thumbnails have been deleted' SIZE: Size FILES: Files TreeView: 'Tree View' AppCategoryVideo: Video AppCategoryAudio: Audio Filetype: 'File type' AppCategoryArchive: Archive ActionAdd: 'Add folder' AppCategoryFlash: Flash FROMYOURCOMPUTER: 'From your computer' ListView: 'List View' AppCategoryImage: Image ALLOWEDEXTS: 'Allowed extensions' RelationFieldsTestPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' FILTER: Filter Permissions: CONTENT_CATEGORY: 'Content permissions' PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY: 'Roles and access permissions' BrokenLinksReport: HasBrokenFile: 'has broken file' ReasonDropdownBROKENFILE: 'Broken file' ColumnDateLastPublished: 'Date last published' ColumnURL: URL CheckSiteDropdownPublished: 'Published Site' HasBrokenLinkAndFile: 'has broken link and file' ReasonDropdownVPBROKENLINK: 'Virtual page pointing to non-existent page' ColumnDateLastModified: 'Date last modified' PageName: 'Page name' ReasonDropdown: 'Problem to check' VirtualPageNonExistent: 'virtual page pointing to non-existent page' ReasonDropdownRPBROKENLINK: 'Redirector page pointing to non-existent page' HasBrokenLink: 'has broken link' CheckSite: 'Check site' HoverTitleEditPage: 'Edit page' ReasonDropdownBROKENLINK: 'Broken link' Any: Any BROKENLINKS: 'Broken links report' RedirectorNonExistent: 'redirector page pointing to non-existent page' ColumnProblemType: 'Problem type' CheckSiteDropdownDraft: 'Draft Site' SORTASC: 'Sort in ascending order' SORTDESC: 'Sort in descending order' MyOtherPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' CMSPageAddController: ParentMode_top: 'Top level' MENUTITLE: 'Add page' ParentMode_child: 'Under another page' TestPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' ReportAdminForm: FILTERBY: 'Filter by' CMSAddPageController: Title: 'Add page' GridFieldTestPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' TableListField: SELECT: 'Select:' FILTER: Filter ContentController: DRAFTSITE: 'Draft Site' InstallSecurityWarning: 'For security reasons you should now delete the install files, unless you are planning to reinstall later (requires admin login, see above). The web server also now only needs write access to the "assets" folder, you can remove write access from all other folders. Click here to delete the install files.' LOGOUT: 'Log out' LOGGEDINAS: 'Logged in as' LOGIN: Login CMS: CMS Email: Email InstallSuccessCongratulations: 'SilverStripe has been successfully installed.' InstallFilesDeleted: 'Installation files have been successfully deleted.' DRAFT_SITE_ACCESS_RESTRICTION: 'Bạn phải đăng nhập để xem trang nháp hoặc trang lưu trữ. Trở lại trang cũ.' NOTLOGGEDIN: 'Not logged in' StartEditing: 'You can start editing your site\\''s content by opening the CMS.' PUBLISHEDSITE: 'Published Site' ARCHIVEDSITEFROM: 'Archived site from' ARCHIVEDSITE: 'Archived Site' PostInstallTutorialIntro: 'This website is a simplistic version of a SilverStripe 2 site. To extend this, please take a look at {link}.' Password: Password UnableDeleteInstall: 'Unable to delete installation files. Please delete the files below manually' VIEWPAGEIN: 'View Page in:' CMSPageEditController: MENUTITLE: 'Edit Page' Page: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' SiteTreeURLSegmentField: HelpChars: ' Special characters are automatically converted or removed.' CMSSiteTreeFilter_ChangedPages: Title: 'Changed pages' ENABLEDRAGGING: 'Drag''n''drop' MULTISELECT: Multi-selection GO: Go VIEWPREVIOUS: 'View previous' VIEWNEXT: 'View next' VIEWFIRST: 'View first' VIEWLAST: 'View last' BigFamilyPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' TreeTools: DisplayLabel: 'Display:' SiteConfig: SITENAMEDEFAULT: 'Your Site Name' SITETITLE: 'Site title' TAGLINEDEFAULT: 'your tagline here' EDIT_PERMISSION_HELP: 'Ability to edit global access settings/top-level page permissions.' EDIT_PERMISSION: 'Manage site configuration' VIEWHEADER: 'Who can view pages on this site?' TOPLEVELCREATE: 'Who can create pages in the root of the site?' TABMAIN: Main EDITHEADER: 'Who can edit pages on this site?' THEME: Theme TABACCESS: Access DEFAULTTHEME: '(Use default theme)' SITETAGLINE: 'Site Tagline/Slogan' CMSMain: ChoosePageType: 'Choose page type' PAGENOTEXISTS: 'Không tìm thấy trang này.' Create: Create PUBALLFUN: '"Publish All" functionality' ChoosePageParentMode: 'Choose where to create this page' NEW: 'Trang ' EMAIL: Email REMOVEDPAGEFROMDRAFT: 'Removed ''%s'' from the draft site' ROLLEDBACKVERSION: 'Trở về phiên bản #%d. Phiên bản mới là #%d' TabContent: Content ROLLEDBACKPUB: 'Rolled back to published version. New version number is #{version}' TabSettings: Settings ACCESS_HELP: 'Allow viewing of the section containing page tree and content. View and edit permissions can be handled through page specific dropdowns, as well as the separate "Content permissions".' SAVEDRAFT: 'Save Draft' TabHistory: History ROLLBACK: 'Roll back to this version' AddNewButton: 'Add new' AddNew: 'Add new page' MENUTITLE: 'Edit Page' PUBALLFUN2: 'Pressing this button will do the equivalent of going to every page and pressing "publish". It''s intended to be used after there have been massive edits of the content, such as when the site was first built.' REMOVEDPAGE: 'Removed ''{title}'' from the published site' PUBALLCONFIRM: 'Please publish every page in the site, copying content stage to live' PAGETYPEANYOPT: Any PageAdded: 'Successfully created page' DESCREMOVED: 'and {count} descendants' DELETEFP: Delete RESTORE: Restore REMOVED: 'Deleted ''%s''%s from live site' ACCESS: 'Access to ''{title}'' section' PAGETYPEOPT: 'Page Type' PUBPAGES: 'Done: Published {count} pages' SAVE: Lưu PAGES: Pages RESTORED: 'Restored ''{title}'' successfully' DELETE: 'Delete draft' SideReport: EMPTYPAGES: 'Pages with no content' ParameterLiveCheckbox: 'Check live site' REPEMPTY: 'The {title} report is empty.' BROKENLINKS: 'Pages with broken links' LAST2WEEKS: 'Pages edited in the last 2 weeks' BROKENREDIRECTORPAGES: 'RedirectorPages pointing to deleted pages' BROKENVIRTUALPAGES: 'VirtualPages pointing to deleted pages' BrokenLinksGroupTitle: 'Broken links reports' BROKENFILES: 'Pages with broken files' OtherGroupTitle: Other ContentGroupTitle: 'Content reports' CMSFileAddController: MENUTITLE: Files MyNonRootPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' CANACCESS: 'You can access the archived site at this link:' HAVEASKED: 'Bạn được mời để xem nội dung của web chúng tôi trên' LegacyTableFieldsTestPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' TestFileUploadPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' AssetTableField: PAGES: page(s) BACKLINKCOUNT: 'Used on:' ReportAdmin: MENUTITLE: Reports AssetAdmin_DeleteBatchAction: TITLE: 'Delete folders' cms: FILESYSTEMSYNC: 'Sync files' Permission: CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY: 'CMS Access' PackageManagerPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' RESET: Reset ' APPLY FILTER: "Apply Filter"'