Actions()->insertBefore( new FormAction('addmember',_t('SecurityAdmin.ADDMEMBER','Add Member')), 'action_save' ); return $form; } public function AddRecordForm() { $m = Object::create('MemberTableField', $this, "Members", $this->currentPageID() ); return $m->AddRecordForm(); } /** * Ajax autocompletion */ public function autocomplete() { $fieldName = $this->urlParams['ID']; $fieldVal = $_REQUEST[$fieldName]; $result = ''; // Make sure we only autocomplete on keys that actually exist, and that we don't autocomplete on password if(!singleton($this->stat('subitem_class'))->hasDatabaseField($fieldName) || $fieldName == 'Password') return; $matches = DataObject::get($this->stat('subitem_class'),"\"$fieldName\" LIKE '" . Convert::raw2sql($fieldVal) . "%'"); if($matches) { $result .= ""; return $result; } } public function MemberForm() { $id = $_REQUEST['ID'] ? $_REQUEST['ID'] : Session::get('currentMember'); if($id) return $this->getMemberForm($id); } public function getMemberForm($id) { if($id && $id != 'new') $record = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', (int) $id); if($record || $id == 'new') { $fields = new FieldSet( new HiddenField('MemberListBaseGroup', '', $this->currentPageID() ) ); if($extraFields = $record->getCMSFields()) { foreach($extraFields as $extra) { $fields->push( $extra ); } } $fields->push($idField = new HiddenField('ID')); $fields->push($groupIDField = new HiddenField('GroupID')); $actions = new FieldSet(); $actions->push(new FormAction('savemember', _t('SecurityAdmin.SAVE'))); $form = new Form($this, 'MemberForm', $fields, $actions); if($record) $form->loadDataFrom($record); $idField->setValue($id); $groupIDField->setValue($this->currentPageID()); if($record && !$record->canEdit()) { $readonlyFields = $form->Fields()->makeReadonly(); $form->setFields($readonlyFields); } return $form; } } function savemember() { $data = $_REQUEST; $className = $this->stat('subitem_class'); $id = $_REQUEST['ID']; if($id == 'new') $id = null; if($id) { $record = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $id); if($record && !$record->canEdit()) return Security::permissionFailure($this); } else { if(!singleton($this->stat('subitem_class'))->canCreate()) return Security::permissionFailure($this); $record = new $className(); } $record->update($data); $record->ID = $id; $record->write(); $record->Groups()->add($data['GroupID']); FormResponse::add("reloadMemberTableField();"); return FormResponse::respond(); } function addmember($className=null) { $data = $_REQUEST; unset($data['ID']); if($className == null) $className = $this->stat('subitem_class'); if(!singleton($this->stat('subitem_class'))->canCreate()) return Security::permissionFailure($this); $record = new $className(); $record->update($data); $record->write(); if($data['GroupID']) $record->Groups()->add((int)$data['GroupID']); FormResponse::add("reloadMemberTableField();"); return FormResponse::respond(); } public function removememberfromgroup() { $groupID = $this->urlParams['ID']; $memberID = $this->urlParams['OtherID']; if(is_numeric($groupID) && is_numeric($memberID)) { $member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', (int) $memberID); if(!$member->canDelete()) return Security::permissionFailure($this); $member->Groups()->remove((int)$groupID); FormResponse::add("reloadMemberTableField();"); } else { user_error("SecurityAdmin::removememberfromgroup: Bad parameters: Group=$groupID, Member=$memberID", E_USER_ERROR); } return FormResponse::respond(); } function getCMSTreeTitle() { return _t('SecurityAdmin.SGROUPS', 'Security Groups'); } public function EditedMember() { if(Session::get('currentMember')) return DataObject::get_by_id('Member', (int) Session::get('currentMember')); } function providePermissions() { return array( 'EDIT_PERMISSIONS' => array( 'name' => _t('SecurityAdmin.EDITPERMISSIONS', 'Manage permissions for groups'), 'category' => _t('Permissions.PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY', 'Roles and access permissions'), 'help' => _t('SecurityAdmin.EDITPERMISSIONS_HELP', 'Ability to edit Permissions and IP Addresses for a group. Requires "Access to Security".'), 'sort' => 0 ), 'APPLY_ROLES' => array( 'name' => _t('SecurityAdmin.APPLY_ROLES', 'Apply roles to groups'), 'category' => _t('Permissions.PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY', 'Roles and access permissions'), 'help' => _t('SecurityAdmin.APPLY_ROLES_HELP', 'Ability to edit the roles assigned to a group. Requires "Access to Security.".'), 'sort' => 0 ) ); } /** * the permissions represented in the $codes will not appearing in the form * containning {@link PermissionCheckboxSetField} so as not to be checked / unchecked. * @param $codes array of permission code * @return void */ static function hide_permissions($codes){ foreach($codes as $code){ Permission::add_to_hidden_permissions($code); } } } /** * Delete multiple {@link Group} records. Usually used through the {@link SecurityAdmin} interface. * * @package cms * @subpackage batchactions */ class SecurityAdmin_DeleteBatchAction extends CMSBatchAction { function getActionTitle() { return _t('AssetAdmin_DeleteBatchAction.TITLE', 'Delete groups'); } function run(DataObjectSet $records) { $status = array( 'modified'=>array(), 'deleted'=>array() ); foreach($records as $record) { // TODO Provide better feedback if permission was denied if(!$record->canDelete()) continue; $id = $record->ID; $record->delete(); $status['deleted'][$id] = array(); $record->destroy(); unset($record); } return Convert::raw2json($status); } } ?>