* Director::addRules(50, array('admin/mymodel/$Class/$Action/$ID' => 'MyModelAdmin')); * * * @todo saving logic (should mostly use Form->saveInto() and iterate over relations) * @todo ajax form loading and saving * @todo ajax result display * @todo relation formfield scaffolding (one tab per relation) - relations don't have DBField sublclasses, we do * we define the scaffold defaults. can be ComplexTableField instances for a start. * @todo has_many/many_many relation autocomplete field (HasManyComplexTableField doesn't work well with larger datasets) * * Long term TODOs: * @todo Hook into RESTful interface on DataObjects (yet to be developed) * @todo Permission control via datamodel and Form class * * @uses {@link SearchContext} * * @package cms */ abstract class ModelAdmin extends LeftAndMain { /** * List of all managed {@link DataObject}s in this interface. * * @var array */ protected static $managed_models = null; public static $allowed_actions = array( 'add', 'edit', 'delete' ); /** * Model object currently in manipulation queue. Used for updating Link to point * to the correct generic data object in generated URLs. * * @var string */ private $currentModel = false; /** * Initialize the model admin interface. Sets up embedded jquery libraries and requisite plugins */ public function init() { parent::init(); // security check for valid models if(isset($this->urlParams['Model']) && !in_array($this->urlParams['Model'], $this->getManagedModels())) { user_error('ModelAdmin::init(): Invalid Model class', E_USER_ERROR); } Requirements::css('cms/css/ModelAdmin.css'); // standard layout formatting for management UI Requirements::css('cms/css/silverstripe.tabs.css'); // follows the jQuery UI theme conventions Requirements::javascript('jsparty/jquery/jquery.js'); Requirements::javascript('jsparty/jquery/livequery/jquery.livequery.js'); Requirements::javascript('jsparty/jquery/ui/ui/ui.base.js'); Requirements::javascript('jsparty/jquery/ui/ui/ui.tabs.js'); Requirements::javascript('jsparty/jquery/ui/plugins/form/jquery.form.js'); Requirements::javascript('cms/javascript/ModelAdmin.js'); } /** * Add mappings for generic form constructors to automatically delegate to a scaffolded form object. */ function defineMethods() { parent::defineMethods(); foreach($this->getManagedModels() as $class) { $this->addWrapperMethod('SearchForm_' . $class, 'getSearchFormForModel'); $this->addWrapperMethod('AddForm_' . $class, 'getAddFormForModel'); $this->addWrapperMethod('EditForm_' . $class, 'getEditFormForModel'); } } /** * Return default link to this controller * * @todo extract full URL binding from Director::addRules so that it's not tied to 'admin/crm' * @todo is there a way of removing the dependency on this method from the Form? * * @return string */ public function Link() { return 'admin/crm/' . implode('/', array_values(array_unique($this->urlParams))); } /** * Create empty edit form (scaffolded from DataObject->getCMSFields() by default). * Can be called either through {@link AddForm()} or directly through URL: * "/myadminroute/add/MyModelClass" */ public function add($data) { $className = (isset($data['ClassName'])) ? $data['ClassName'] : $this->urlParams['ClassName']; if(!isset($className) || !in_array($data['ClassName'], $this->getManagedModels())) return false; $form = $this->getEditForm($data['ClassName']); return $form->forTemplate(); } /** * Edit forms (scaffolded from DataObject->getCMSFields() by default). * * @param array $data * @param Form $form */ public function edit($data, $form) { if(!isset($data['ClassName']) || !in_array($data['ClassName'], $this->getManagedModels())) return false; // @todo generate editform } /** * * @param array $data */ public function save($data, $form) { Debug::dump($data); } /** * Allows to choose which record needs to be created. * * @return Form */ protected function AddForm() { $models = $this->getManagedModels(); $modelMap = array(); foreach($models as $modelName) $modelMap[$modelName] = singleton($modelName)->singular_name(); $form = new Form( $this, "AddForm", new FieldSet( new DropdownField('ClassName', 'Type', $modelMap) ), new FieldSet( new FormAction('add', _t('GenericDataAdmin.CREATE')) ) ); $form->setFormMethod('get'); return $form; } /** * * @uses {@link SearchContext} * @uses {@link SearchFilter} * @return Form */ protected function getSearchForms() { $modelClasses = $this->getManagedModels(); $forms = new DataObjectSet(); foreach($modelClasses as $modelClass) { $modelObj = singleton($modelClass); $form = $this->getSearchFormForModel($modelClass); $forms->push(new ArrayData(array( 'Form' => $form, 'Title' => $modelObj->singular_name() ))); } return $forms; } /** * Enter description here... * * @todo Add customizeable validator * * @param string $modelClass */ protected function getEditForm($modelClass) { $modelObj = singleton($modelClass); $formName = "EditForm_$modelClass"; $fields = $this->getFieldsForModel($modelObj); $this->getComponentFieldsForModel($modelObj, $fields); $actions = $this->getActionsForModel($modelObj); $validator = $this->getValidatorForModel($modelObj); // necessary because of overriding the form action - NEED TO VERIFY THIS $fields->push(new HiddenField("executeForm", $formName)); $form = new Form($this, $formName, $fields, $actions, $validator); return $form; } // ############# Utility Methods ############## /** * @return array */ protected function getManagedModels() { $models = $this->stat('managed_models'); if(!count($models)) user_error('ModelAdmin::getManagedModels(): You need to specify at least one DataObject subclass in $managed_models', E_USER_ERROR); return $models; } /** * Get all cms fields for the model * (defaults to {@link DataObject->getCMSFields()}). * * @todo Make method hook customizeable * * @param DataObject $modelObj * @return FieldSet */ protected function getFieldsForModel($modelObj) { $fields = $modelObj->getCMSFields(); if (!$fields->dataFieldByName('ID')) { $fields->push(new HiddenField('ID')); } return $fields; } /** * Update: complex table field generation moved into controller - could be * in the DataObject scaffolding? * * @param unknown_type $modelObj * @return FieldSet of ComplexTableFields */ protected function getComponentFieldsForModel($modelObj, $fieldSet) { foreach($modelObj->has_many() as $relationship => $component) { $relationshipFields = array_keys(singleton($component)->searchableFields()); $fieldSet->push(new ComplexTableField($this, $relationship, $component, $relationshipFields)); } return $fieldSet; } /** * Get all actions which are possible in this controller, * and allowed by the model security. * * @todo Hook into model security once its is implemented * * @param DataObject $modelObj * @return FieldSet */ protected function getActionsForModel($modelObj) { $actions = new FieldSet( new FormAction('save', _t('GenericDataAdmin.SAVE')), new FormAction('delete', _t('GenericDataAdmin.DELETE')) ); return $actions; } /** * NOT IMPLEMENTED * Get a valdidator for the model. * * @todo Hook into model security once its is implemented * * @param DataObject $modelObj * @return FieldSet */ protected function getValidatorForModel($modelObj) { return false; } /** * Get a search form for a single {@link DataObject} subclass. * * @param string $modelClass * @return FieldSet */ protected function getSearchFormForModel($modelClass) { if(substr($modelClass,0,11) == 'SearchForm_') $modelClass = substr($modelClass, 11); $context = singleton($modelClass)->getDefaultSearchContext(); $form = new Form( $this, "SearchForm_$modelClass", $context->getSearchFields(), new FieldSet( new FormAction('search', _t('MemberTableField.SEARCH')) ) ); $form->setFormMethod('get'); return $form; } /** * Overwrite the default form action with the path to the DataObject filter * (relies on the search form having the specifically named id as 'SearchForm_DataObject') * * @todo override default linking to add DataObject based URI paths */ function FormObjectLink($formName) { return $this->Link(); } /** * Action to render a data object collection, using the model context to provide filters * and paging. */ function search($data, $form) { $className = $this->urlParams['ClassName']; Debug::dump($className); if (in_array($className, $this->getManagedModels())) { $model = singleton($className); // @todo need to filter post vars $searchKeys = array_intersect_key($_POST, $model->searchableFields()); $context = $model->getDefaultSearchContext(); $results = $context->getResultSet($searchKeys); if ($results) { echo ""; foreach($results as $row) { $uri = Director::absoluteBaseUrl(); echo "ID\">"; foreach($model->searchableFields() as $key=>$val) { echo ""; } echo ""; } echo "
"; echo $row->getField($key); echo "
"; } else { echo "

No results found

"; } } die(); } /** * View a generic model using a form object to render a partial HTML * fragment to be embedded via Ajax calls. */ function show() { $className = $this->urlParams['ClassName']; $ID = $this->urlParams['ID']; if (in_array($className, $this->getManagedModels())) { $model = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $ID); /*$fields = $model->getCMSFields(); $actions = new FieldSet( new FormAction('save', 'Save') ); $form = new Form($this, $className, $fields, $actions); $form->makeReadonly();*/ $form = $this->getEditForm($className); $form->loadNonBlankDataFrom($model); return $form->forTemplate(); } } } ?>