(function($) { $.entwine('ss', function($){ $('.cms-tree').entwine({ getTreeConfig: function() { var config = this._super(); var hints = this.getHints(); config.plugins.push('contextmenu'); config.contextmenu = { 'items': function(node) { // Build a list for allowed children as submenu entries var ssclass = node.data('ssclass'); var id = node.data('id'); var allowedChildren = new Object; $(hints[ssclass].allowedChildren).each( function(key, val){ allowedChildren["allowedchildren-" + key ] = { 'label': '' + val.ssname, '_class': 'class-' + val.ssclass, 'action': function(obj) { // TODO Fix hardcoding of link $('.cms-container').loadPanel('admin/page/add/?ParentID=' + id + '&Type=' + val.ssclass); } }; } ); var menuitems = { 'edit': { 'label': ss.i18n._t('Tree.EditPage'), 'action': function(obj) { // TODO Fix hardcoding of link $('.cms-container').loadPanel('admin/page/add/show/' + obj.data('id')); } } }; // Test if there are any allowed Children and thus the possibility of adding some if(allowedChildren.hasOwnProperty('allowedchildren-0')) { menuitems['addsubpage'] = { 'label': ss.i18n._t('Tree.AddSubPage'), 'action': function(obj) { // TODO Fix hardcoding of link $('.cms-container').loadPanel('admin/page/add/?ParentID=' + obj.data('id')); }, 'submenu': allowedChildren }; } return menuitems; } }; return config; } }); }); }(jQuery));