Behaviour.register({ 'body.ReportAdmin #Form_EditForm' : { initialise : function() { this.openTab = null; this.prepareForm(); }, /** * Processing called whenever a page is loaded in the right - including the initial one */ prepareForm : function() { ajaxActionsAtTop('Form_EditForm', 'form_actions', 'right'); // Custom code for reports section - link the search button to ajax var updateReportButtonHolder = $('action_updatereport'); if(updateReportButtonHolder) prepareAjaxActions(updateReportButtonHolder, 'Form_EditForm'); }, /** * Request a page from the server via Ajax */ getPageFromServer : function(id) { if(id) { this.receivingID = id; // Treenode might not exist if that part of the tree is closed var treeNode = $('sitetree').getTreeNodeByIdx(id); if(treeNode) treeNode.addNodeClass('loading'); statusMessage(ss.i18n._t('LOADING', 'loading...')); var requestURL = 'admin/reports/show/' + id; new Ajax.Request(requestURL, { asynchronous : true, method : 'post', postBody : 'ajax=1', onSuccess : this.successfullyReceivedPage.bind(this), onFailure : function(response) { errorMessage('error loading page',response); } }); } else { throw("getPageFromServer: Bad page ID: " + id); } }, successfullyReceivedPage : function(response) { this.loadNewPage(response.responseText); // Treenode might not exist if that part of the tree is closed var treeNode = $('sitetree').getTreeNodeByIdx(this.receivingID); if(treeNode) { $('sitetree').changeCurrentTo(treeNode); treeNode.removeNodeClass('loading'); } statusMessage(''); if( this.openTab ) { openTab( this.openTab ); this.openTab = null; } }, didntReceivePage : function(response) { errorMessage('error loading page', response); $('sitetree').getTreeNodeByIdx(this.elements.ID.value).removeNodeClass('loading'); }, /** * Load a new page into the right-hand form */ loadNewPage : function(formContent) { rightHTML = formContent; rightHTML = rightHTML.replace(/href *= *"#/g, 'href="' + window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/,'') + '#'); // Note: TinyMCE coupling tinymce_removeAll(); // Prepare iframes for removal, otherwise we get loading bugs var i, allIframes = this.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); if(allIframes) for(i=0;i