AssetTableField = Class.create(); AssetTableField.applyTo('#Form_EditForm_Files'); AssetTableField.prototype = { initialize: function() { Behaviour.register({ '#Form_EditForm div.FileFilter input' : { onkeypress : this.prepareSearch.bind(this) }, '#Form_EditForm' : { changeDetection_fieldsToIgnore : { 'ctf[start]' : true, 'ctf[ID]' : true, 'FileFilterButton' : true, 'FileFieldName' : true, 'FileSearch' : true } } }); var rules = {}; // Assume that the delete link uses the deleteRecord method rules['#'' a.deletelink'] = {onclick: this.deleteRecord.bind(this)}; Behaviour.register('ComplexTableField_',rules); }, // prevent submission of wrong form-button (FileFilterButton) prepareSearch: function(e) { // IE6 doesnt send an event-object with onkeypress var event = (e) ? e : window.event; var keyCode = (event.keyCode) ? event.keyCode : event.which; if(keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) { var el = Event.element(event); $('FileFilterButton').onclick(event); Event.stop(event); return false; } }, // Override deleteRecord function, so that we can give warning if there are // links to this file. This is mostly a copy paste from TableField.js deleteRecord: function(e) { var img = Event.element(e); var link = Event.findElement(e,"a"); var row = Event.findElement(e,"tr"); var linkCount = row.getElementsByClassName('linkCount')[0]; if(linkCount) linkCount = linkCount.innerHTML; var confirmMessage = ss.i18n._t('TABLEFIELD.DELETECONFIRMMESSAGE', 'Are you sure you want to delete this record?'); if(linkCount>0) confirmMessage += ss.i18n.sprintf(ss.i18n._t('TABLEFIELD.DELETECONFIRMMESSAGEV2','\nThere are %s page(s) that use this file, please review the list of pages on the Links tab of the file before continuing.'),linkCount); // TODO ajaxErrorHandler and loading-image are dependent on cms, but formfield is in sapphire var confirmed = confirm(confirmMessage); if(confirmed) { img.setAttribute("src",'cms/images/network-save.gif'); // TODO doesn't work new Ajax.Request( link.getAttribute("href"), { method: 'post', postBody: 'forceajax=1' + ($('SecurityID') ? '&SecurityID=' + $('SecurityID').value : ''), onComplete: function(){ Effect.Fade( row, { afterFinish: function(obj) { // remove row from DOM obj.element.parentNode.removeChild(obj.element); // recalculate summary if needed (assumes that TableListField.js is present) // TODO Proper inheritance if(this._summarise) this._summarise(); // custom callback if(this.callback_deleteRecord) this.callback_deleteRecord(e); }.bind(this) } ); }.bind(this), onFailure: this.ajaxErrorHandler } ); } Event.stop(e); } } FileFilterButton = Class.create(); FileFilterButton.applyTo('#FileFilterButton'); FileFilterButton.prototype = { initialize: function() { this.inputFields = new Array(); var childNodes = this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input'); for( var index = 0; index < childNodes.length; index++ ) { if( childNodes[index].tagName ) { childNodes[index].resetChanged = function() { return false; } childNodes[index].isChanged = function() { return false; } this.inputFields.push( childNodes[index] ); } } childNodes = this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('select'); for( var index = 0; index < childNodes.length; index++ ) { if( childNodes[index].tagName ) { childNodes[index].resetChanged = function() { return false; } childNodes[index].field_changed = function() { return false; } this.inputFields.push( childNodes[index] ); } } }, isChanged: function() { return false; }, onclick: function(e) { if(!$('ctf-ID') || !$('FileFieldName')) { return false; } try { var form = Event.findElement(e, 'form'); var fieldName = $('FileFieldName').value; // build url var updateURL = form.action + '/field/' + fieldName + '?'; for(var index = 0; index < this.inputFields.length; index++) { if(this.inputFields[index].tagName) { updateURL += '&' + this.inputFields[index].name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(this.inputFields[index].value); } } updateURL += ($('SecurityID') ? '&SecurityID=' + $('SecurityID').value : ''); // update the field var field = document.getElementsByClassName('AssetTableField')[0]; field.setAttribute('href', updateURL); field.refresh(); } catch(er) { errorMessage('Error searching'); } return false; } }