/** * Generic base class for all side panels */ SidePanel = Class.create(); SidePanel.prototype = { initialize : function() { this.body = this.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]; }, destroy: function() { this.body = null; }, onshow : function() { this.onresize(); this.body.innerHTML = '


'; this.ajaxGetPanel(this.afterPanelLoaded); }, ajaxGetPanel : function(onComplete) { new Ajax.Updater(this.body, this.ajaxURL(), { onComplete : onComplete ? onComplete.bind(this) : null, onFailure : this.ajaxPanelError }); }, ajaxPanelError : function (response) { errorMessage("error getting side panel", response); }, ajaxURL : function() { var srcName = this.id.replace('_holder',''); var id = $('Form_EditForm').elements.ID; if(id) id = id.value; else id = ""; // This assumes that admin/cms/ refers to CMSMain var url = 'admin/cms/' + srcName + '/' + id + '?ajax=1'; if($('Form_EditForm_Locale')) url += "&locale=" + $('Form_EditForm_Locale').value; return url; }, afterPanelLoaded : function() { }, onpagechanged : function() { } } SidePanelRecord = Class.create(); SidePanelRecord.prototype = { onclick : function(event) { Event.stop(event); $('Form_EditForm').getPageFromServer(this.getID()); }, destroy: function() { this.onclick = null; }, getID : function() { if(this.href.match(/\/([^\/]+)$/)) return parseInt(RegExp.$1); } } /** * Version list */ VersionList = Class.extend('SidePanel'); VersionList.prototype = { initialize : function() { this.mode = 'view'; this.SidePanel.initialize(); }, destroy: function() { this.SidePanel = null; this.onclose = null; }, ajaxURL : function() { return this.SidePanel.ajaxURL() + '&unpublished=' + ($('versions_showall').checked ? 1 : 0); }, afterPanelLoaded : function() { this.idLoaded = $('Form_EditForm').elements.ID.value; VersionItem.applyTo('#' + this.id + ' tbody tr'); }, select : function(pageID, versionID, sourceEl) { if(this.mode == 'view') { sourceEl.select(); var url = 'admin/getversion/' + pageID + '/' + versionID; if($('Form_EditForm_Locale')) url += "?locale=" + $('Form_EditForm_Locale').value; $('Form_EditForm').loadURLFromServer(url); $('viewArchivedSite').style.display = ''; $('viewArchivedSite').getVars = '?archiveDate=' + sourceEl.getElementsByTagName('td')[1].className; } else { $('viewArchivedSite').style.display = 'none'; if(this.otherVersionID) { sourceEl.select(); this.otherSourceEl.select(true); statusMessage('Loading comparison...'); var url = 'admin/compareversions/' + pageID + '/?From=' + this.otherVersionID + '&To=' + versionID; if($('Form_EditForm_Locale')) url += "&locale=" + $('Form_EditForm_Locale').value; $('Form_EditForm').loadURLFromServer(url); } else { sourceEl.select(); } } this.otherVersionID = versionID; this.otherSourceEl = sourceEl; }, onpagechanged : function() { if(this.idLoaded != $('Form_EditForm').elements.ID.value) { this.body.innerHTML = '


'; this.ajaxGetPanel(this.afterPanelLoaded); } }, refresh : function() { this.ajaxGetPanel(this.afterPanelLoaded); }, onclose : function() { if(this.idLoaded) { $('Form_EditForm').getPageFromServer(this.idLoaded); } $('viewArchivedSite').style.display = 'none'; } } VersionItem = Class.create(); VersionItem.prototype = { initialize : function() { this.holder = $('versions_holder'); }, destroy: function() { this.holder = null; this.onclick = null; }, onclick : function() { this.holder.select(this.pageID(), this.versionID(), this); }, idPair : function() { if(this.id.match(/page-([^-]+)-version-([^-]+)$/)) { return RegExp.$1 + '/' + RegExp.$2; } }, pageID : function() { if(this.id.match(/page-([^-]+)-version-([^-]+)$/)) { return RegExp.$1; } }, versionID : function() { if(this.id.match(/page-([^-]+)-version-([^-]+)$/)) { return RegExp.$2; } } } VersionAction = Class.create(); VersionAction.prototype = { initialize: function() { this.holder = $('versions_holder'); this.showallCheckbox = $('versions_showall'); this.showallCheckbox.holder = this; this.showallCheckbox.onclick = this.showall_change; this.comparemodeCheckbox = $('versions_comparemode'); this.comparemodeCheckbox.holder = this; this.comparemodeCheckbox.onclick = function() { this.holder.comparemode_change(this.checked); } }, showall_change: function() { this.holder.holder.refresh(); }, destroy: function() { if(this.comparemodeCheckbox) { this.comparemodeCheckbox.holder = null; this.comparemodeCheckbox.onclick = null; } if(this.showallCheckbox) { this.showallCheckbox.holder = null; this.showallCheckbox.onchange = null; } this.holder = null; this.comparemodeCheckbox = null; }, /** * Handler function when comparemode checkbox is clicked */ comparemode_change: function(isChecked) { if (true == isChecked) { return this.compare(); } else { return this.view(); } }, view: function() { this.holder.mode = 'view'; }, compare: function() { this.holder.mode = 'compare'; } } VersionItem.applyTo('#versions_holder tbody tr'); VersionAction.applyTo('#versions_holder p.pane_actions'); VersionList.applyTo('#versions_holder');