'handleAction' ); /** * Variable that describes which report we are currently viewing based on the URL (gets set in init method) * @var String */ protected $reportClass; protected $reportObject; public function init() { parent::init(); //set the report we are currently viewing from the URL $this->reportClass = (isset($this->urlParams['ReportClass'])) ? $this->urlParams['ReportClass'] : null; $allReports = SS_Report::get_reports(); $this->reportObject = (isset($allReports[$this->reportClass])) ? $allReports[$this->reportClass] : null; Requirements::css(CMS_DIR . '/css/screen.css'); // Set custom options for TinyMCE specific to ReportAdmin HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->setOption('ContentCSS', project() . '/css/editor.css'); HtmlEditorConfig::get('cms')->setOption('Lang', i18n::get_tinymce_lang()); // Always block the HtmlEditorField.js otherwise it will be sent with an ajax request Requirements::block(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/javascript/HtmlEditorField.js'); } /** * Does the parent permission checks, but also * makes sure that instantiatable subclasses of * {@link Report} exist. By default, the CMS doesn't * include any Reports, so there's no point in showing * * @param Member $member * @return boolean */ function canView($member = null) { if(!$member && $member !== FALSE) $member = Member::currentUser(); if(!parent::canView($member)) return false; $hasViewableSubclasses = false; foreach($this->Reports() as $report) { if($report->canView($member)) return true; } return false; } /** * Return a SS_List of SS_Report subclasses * that are available for use. * * @return SS_List */ public function Reports() { $output = new ArrayList(); foreach(SS_Report::get_reports() as $report) { if($report->canView()) $output->push($report); } return $output; } /** * Determine if we have reports and need * to display the "Reports" main menu item * in the CMS. * * The test for an existance of a report * is done by checking for a subclass of * "SS_Report" that exists. * * @return boolean */ public static function has_reports() { return sizeof(SS_Report::get_reports()) > 0; } /** * Returns the Breadcrumbs for the ReportAdmin * @return ArrayList */ public function Breadcrumbs() { $items = parent::Breadcrumbs(); // The root element should explicitly point to the root node. // Uses session state for current record otherwise. $items[0]->Link = singleton('ReportAdmin')->Link(); if ($this->reportObject) { //build breadcrumb trail to the current report $items->push(new ArrayData(array( 'Title' => $this->reportObject->title(), 'Link' => Controller::join_links($this->Link(), '?' . http_build_query(array('q' => $this->request->requestVar('q')))) ))); } return $items; } /** * Returns the link to the report admin section, or the specific report that is currently displayed * @return String */ public function Link($action = null) { $link = parent::Link($action); if ($this->reportObject) $link = $this->reportObject->getLink($action); return $link; } function providePermissions() { $title = _t("ReportAdmin.MENUTITLE", LeftAndMain::menu_title_for_class($this->class)); return array( "CMS_ACCESS_ReportAdmin" => array( 'name' => sprintf(_t('CMSMain.ACCESS', "Access to '%s' section"), $title), 'category' => _t('Permission.CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY', 'CMS Access') ) ); } public function getEditForm($id = null, $fields = null) { $fields = new FieldList(); $report = $this->reportObject; if($report) { // List all reports $gridFieldConfig = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponents( new GridFieldToolbarHeader(), new GridFieldSortableHeader(), new GridFieldDataColumns(), new GridFieldPaginator(), new GridFieldPrintButton(), new GridFieldExportButton() ); $gridField = new GridField('Report',$report->title(), $report->sourceRecords(array(), null, null), $gridFieldConfig); $displayFields = array(); $fieldCasting = array(); $fieldFormatting = array(); // Parse the column information foreach($report->columns() as $source => $info) { if(is_string($info)) $info = array('title' => $info); if(isset($info['formatting'])) $fieldFormatting[$source] = $info['formatting']; if(isset($info['csvFormatting'])) $csvFieldFormatting[$source] = $info['csvFormatting']; if(isset($info['casting'])) $fieldCasting[$source] = $info['casting']; if(isset($info['link']) && $info['link']) { $link = singleton('CMSPageEditController')->Link('show'); $fieldFormatting[$source] = '$value'; } $displayFields[$source] = isset($info['title']) ? $info['title'] : $source; } $gridField->setDisplayFields($displayFields); $gridField->setFieldCasting($fieldCasting); $gridField->setFieldFormatting($fieldFormatting); $fields->push($gridField); } else { // List all reports $gridFieldConfig = GridFieldConfig::create()->addComponents( new GridFieldToolbarHeader(), new GridFieldSortableHeader(), new GridFieldDataColumns() ); $gridField = new GridField('Reports','Reports', $this->Reports(), $gridFieldConfig); $gridField->setDisplayFields(array( 'title' => 'Title', 'description' => 'Description' )); $gridField->setFieldFormatting(array( 'title' => '$value' )); $gridField->addExtraClass('all-reports-gridfield'); $fields->push($gridField); } $actions = new FieldList(); $form = new Form($this, "EditForm", $fields, $actions); $form->addExtraClass('cms-edit-form cms-panel-padded center ' . $this->BaseCSSClasses()); $this->extend('updateEditForm', $form); return $form; } }