fo: AssetAdmin: ADDFILES: 'Add Files' ALLOWEDEXTS: 'Allowed extensions' ActionAdd: 'Add folder' AppCategoryArchive: Archive AppCategoryAudio: Audio AppCategoryFlash: Flash AppCategoryImage: Image AppCategoryVideo: Video BackToFolder: 'Back to folder' CREATED: Date CurrentFolderOnly: 'Limit to current folder?' DetailsView: Details FILES: Files FILESYSTEMSYNCTITLE: 'Update the CMS database entries of files on the filesystem. Useful when new files have been uploaded outside of the CMS, e.g. through FTP.' FROMTHEINTERNET: 'From the internet' FROMYOURCOMPUTER: 'From your computer' Filetype: 'File type' ListView: 'List View' MENUTITLE: Files NEWFOLDER: 'Nýggj skjátta' SIZE: Size THUMBSDELETED: '{count} unused thumbnails have been deleted' TreeView: 'Tree View' Upload: Upload AssetAdmin_DeleteBatchAction: TITLE: 'Delete folders' AssetTableField: BACKLINKCOUNT: 'Used on:' PAGES: page(s) BasicFieldsTestPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' BigFamilyPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' BrokenLinksReport: Any: Any BROKENLINKS: 'Broken links report' CheckSite: 'Check site' CheckSiteDropdownDraft: 'Draft Site' CheckSiteDropdownPublished: 'Published Site' ColumnDateLastModified: 'Date last modified' ColumnDateLastPublished: 'Date last published' ColumnProblemType: 'Problem type' ColumnURL: URL HasBrokenFile: 'has broken file' HasBrokenLink: 'has broken link' HasBrokenLinkAndFile: 'has broken link and file' HoverTitleEditPage: 'Edit page' NOITEMSFOUND: 'No items found' PageName: 'Page name' ReasonDropdown: 'Problem to check' ReasonDropdownBROKENFILE: 'Broken file' ReasonDropdownBROKENLINK: 'Broken link' ReasonDropdownRPBROKENLINK: 'Redirector page pointing to non-existent page' ReasonDropdownVPBROKENLINK: 'Virtual page pointing to non-existent page' RedirectorNonExistent: 'redirector page pointing to non-existent page' SORTASC: 'Sort in ascending order' SORTDESC: 'Sort in descending order' VirtualPageNonExistent: 'virtual page pointing to non-existent page' CMSAddPageController: Title: 'Add page' CMSBatchActions: DELETED_DRAFT_PAGES: 'Deleted %d pages from draft site, %d failures' DELETED_PAGES: 'Deleted %d pages from published site, %d failures' DELETE_DRAFT_PAGES: 'Delete from draft site' DELETE_PAGES: 'Delete from published site' PUBLISHED_PAGES: 'Published %d pages, %d failures' PUBLISH_PAGES: Publish UNPUBLISHED_PAGES: 'Un-published %d pages' UNPUBLISH_PAGES: Un-publish CMSFileAddController: CANACCESS: 'Tú kann fáa atgongd til arkiv heimasíðuna her:' HAVEASKED: 'Tú mást fáa loyvi, fyri at kunna síggja innihaldið á okkara heimasíðu á' MENUTITLE: Files CMSMain: ACCESS: 'Access to ''{title}'' section' ACCESS_HELP: 'Allow viewing of the section containing page tree and content. View and edit permissions can be handled through page specific dropdowns, as well as the separate "Content permissions".' AddNew: 'Add new page' AddNewButton: 'Add new' ChoosePageParentMode: 'Choose where to create this page' ChoosePageType: 'Choose page type' Create: Create DELETE: 'Strika frá kladdu heimasíðuni' DELETEFP: 'Strika frá tí almennu heimasíðuni' DESCREMOVED: 'and {count} descendants' EMAIL: Teldupostur EditTree: 'Edit Tree' ListFiltered: 'Filtered list.' MENUTITLE: 'Edit Page' NEW: Nýtt PAGENOTEXISTS: 'Hendan síðan finst ikki.' PAGES: Pages PAGETYPEANYOPT: Any PAGETYPEOPT: 'Page Type' PUBALLCONFIRM: 'Vinarliga almenna kunngerð allar síðurnar á heimasíðuni, avrita innihaldsstøðið til beinleiðis' PUBALLFUN: '"Ger alt alment" funka' PUBALLFUN2: 'Við at trýsta á knøttin við tað sama henda, sum at fara inn á allar síðurnar og trýsta á "Ger alment". Endamálið við knøttunum er at hann skal brúkast, tá ið nógv innihald er blivið broytt, t.d. á einari nýggjari heimasíðu.' PUBPAGES: 'Done: Published {count} pages' PageAdded: 'Successfully created page' REMOVED: 'Strikaði ''%s''%s frá tí almennu heimasíðuni' REMOVEDPAGE: 'Removed ''{title}'' from the published site' REMOVEDPAGEFROMDRAFT: 'Strikaði ''%s'' frá kladdu heimasíðuni' RESTORE: Endurstovna RESTORED: 'Restored ''{title}'' successfully' ROLLBACK: 'Far aftur til hesa útgávuna' ROLLEDBACKPUB: 'Rolled back to published version. New version number is #{version}' ROLLEDBACKVERSION: 'Fór aftur til útgávu #%d. Nýtt útgávanummar er #%d' SAVE: Goym SAVEDRAFT: 'Save Draft' TabContent: Content TabHistory: History TabSettings: Settings TreeFiltered: 'Filtered tree.' TreeFilteredClear: 'Clear filter' CMSPageAddController: MENUTITLE: 'Add page' ParentMode_child: 'Under another page' ParentMode_top: 'Top level' CMSPageEditController: MENUTITLE: 'Edit Page' CMSPageHistoryController: COMPAREMODE: 'Compare mode (select two)' COMPAREVERSIONS: 'Compare Versions' COMPARINGVERSION: 'Comparing versions {version1} and {version2}.' MENUTITLE: History REVERTTOTHISVERSION: 'Revert to this version' SHOWUNPUBLISHED: 'Show unpublished versions' SHOWVERSION: 'Show Version' VIEW: view VIEWINGVERSION: 'Currently viewing version {version}.' ' APPLY FILTER: "Apply Filter"' CMSPageSettingsController: MENUTITLE: 'Edit Page' CMSPagesController: GalleryView: 'Gallery View' ListView: 'List View' MENUTITLE: Pages TreeView: 'Tree View' CMSSearch: FILTERDATEFROM: From FILTERDATEHEADING: Date FILTERDATETO: To FILTERLABELTEXT: Content CMSSettingsController: AUTHOR: Author MENUTITLE: Settings NOTPUBLISHED: 'Not published' PUBLISHER: Publisher UNKNOWN: Unknown WHEN: When CMSSiteTreeFilter_ChangedPages: DISPLAYING: Displaying ENABLEDRAGGING: 'Drag''n''drop' GO: Víðari MULTISELECT: Multi-selection OF: of TO: to Title: 'Changed pages' VIEWFIRST: 'Vís fyrstu' VIEWLAST: 'Vís seinastu' VIEWNEXT: 'Vís næsta' VIEWPREVIOUS: 'Vís fyrra' CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages: Title: 'All pages, including deleted' CMSSiteTreeFilter_Search: Title: 'All pages' CaseStudy: DESCRIPTION: 'Case study page to fature work examples' ContentControl: NOTEWONTBESHOWN: 'Note: this message will not be shown to your visitors' ContentController: ARCHIVEDSITE: 'Archived Site' ARCHIVEDSITEFROM: 'Archived site from' CMS: CMS DRAFTSITE: 'Draft Site' DRAFT_SITE_ACCESS_RESTRICTION: 'You must log in with your CMS password in order to view the draft or archived content. <a href="%s">Click here to go back to the published site.</a>' Email: Email InstallFilesDeleted: 'Installation files have been successfully deleted.' InstallSecurityWarning: 'For security reasons you should now delete the install files, unless you are planning to reinstall later (<em>requires admin login, see above</em>). The web server also now only needs write access to the "assets" folder, you can remove write access from all other folders. <a href="{link}" style="text-align: center;">Click here to delete the install files.</a>' InstallSuccessCongratulations: 'SilverStripe has been successfully installed.' LOGGEDINAS: 'Logged in as' LOGIN: Login LOGOUT: 'Log out' NOTLOGGEDIN: 'Not logged in' PUBLISHEDSITE: 'Published Site' Password: Password PostInstallTutorialIntro: 'This website is a simplistic version of a SilverStripe 2 site. To extend this, please take a look at {link}.' StartEditing: 'You can start editing your site\\''s content by opening <a href="{link}">the CMS</a>.' UnableDeleteInstall: 'Unable to delete installation files. Please delete the files below manually' VIEWPAGEIN: 'View Page in:' ErrorPage: CODE: Feilkota DEFAULTERRORPAGECONTENT: '<p>Sorry, it seems you were trying to access a page that doesn''t exist.</p><p>Please check the spelling of the URL you were trying to access and try again.</p>' DEFAULTERRORPAGETITLE: 'Síðan var ikki funnin' DEFAULTSERVERERRORPAGECONTENT: '<p>Sorry, there was a problem with handling your request.</p>' DEFAULTSERVERERRORPAGETITLE: 'Server error' DESCRIPTION: 'Custom content for different error cases (e.g. "Page not found")' ERRORFILEPROBLEM: 'Error opening file "{filename}" for writing. Please check file permissions.' 400: '400 - Bad Request' 401: '401 - Unauthorized' 403: '403 - Forbidden' 404: '404 - Ikki funnin' 405: '405 - Method Not Allowed' 406: '406 - Not Acceptable' 407: '407 - Proxy Authentication Required' 408: '408 - Request Timeout' 409: '409 - Conflict' 410: '410 - Gone' 411: '411 - Longd er kravd' 412: '412 - Precondition Failed' 413: '413 - Request Entity Too Large' 414: '414 - Request-URI Too Long' 415: '415 - Unsupported Media Type' 416: '416 - Request Range Not Satisfiable' 417: '417 - Expectation Failed' 500: '500 - Internal Server Error' 501: '501 - Not Implemented' 502: '502 - Bad Gateway' 503: '503 - Service Unavailable' 504: '504 - Gateway Timeout' 505: '505 - HTTP Version Not Supported' Folder: AddFolderButton: 'Add folder' DELETEUNUSEDTHUMBNAILS: 'Delete unused thumbnails' UNUSEDFILESTITLE: 'Óbrúktar fílur' UNUSEDTHUMBNAILSTITLE: 'Unused thumbnails' UploadFilesButton: Upload GridFieldTestPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' FILTER: Filter LeftAndMain: DELETED: Deleted. PreviewButton: Preview SAVEDUP: Saved. STATUSPUBLISHEDSUCCESS: 'Published ''{title}'' successfully' SearchResults: 'Search Results' VersionUnknown: Unknown LegacyTableFieldsTestPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' Page: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' Permission: CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY: 'CMS Access' RESET: Reset Permissions: CONTENT_CATEGORY: 'Content permissions' PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY: 'Roles and access permissions' RedirectorPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Redirects to a different internal page' HASBEENSETUP: 'A redirector page has been set up without anywhere to redirect to.' HEADER: 'This page will redirect users to another page' OTHERURL: 'Other website URL' REDIRECTTO: 'Víðarisend til' REDIRECTTOEXTERNAL: 'Onnur heimasíðu' REDIRECTTOPAGE: 'Ein síða á tínari heimasíðu' YOURPAGE: 'Síða á tínari heimasíðu' RelationFieldsTestPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' FILTER: Filter ReportAdmin: MENUTITLE: Reports ReportAdminForm: FILTERBY: 'Filter by' SearchForm: GO: Víðari SEARCH: Leita SearchResults: 'Search Results' SideReport: BROKENFILES: 'Pages with broken files' BROKENLINKS: 'Pages with broken links' BROKENREDIRECTORPAGES: 'RedirectorPages pointing to deleted pages' BROKENVIRTUALPAGES: 'VirtualPages pointing to deleted pages' BrokenLinksGroupTitle: 'Broken links reports' ContentGroupTitle: 'Content reports' EMPTYPAGES: 'Tómar síður' LAST2WEEKS: 'Síður broyttar seinastu 2 vikurnar' OtherGroupTitle: Other ParameterLiveCheckbox: 'Check live site' REPEMPTY: 'The {title} report is empty.' SilverStripeNavigatorLink: ShareInstructions: 'To share a this to this page, copy and paste the link below.' ShareLink: 'Share link' SilverStripeNavigatorLinkl: CloseLink: Close SiteConfig: DEFAULTTHEME: '(Use default theme)' EDITHEADER: 'Who can edit pages on this site?' EDIT_PERMISSION: 'Manage site configuration' EDIT_PERMISSION_HELP: 'Ability to edit global access settings/top-level page permissions.' SITENAMEDEFAULT: 'Your Site Name' SITETAGLINE: 'Site Tagline/Slogan' SITETITLE: 'Site title' TABACCESS: Access TABMAIN: Main TAGLINEDEFAULT: 'your tagline here' THEME: Theme TOPLEVELCREATE: 'Who can create pages in the root of the site?' VIEWHEADER: 'Who can view pages on this site?' SiteTree: ACCESSANYONE: Øll ACCESSHEADER: 'Hvør skal kunna síggja hesa síðuna?' ACCESSLOGGEDIN: 'Innritaðir brúkarar' ACCESSONLYTHESE: 'Bert hesi fólkini (vel fra yvirliti)' ADDEDTODRAFTHELP: 'Page has not been published yet' ADDEDTODRAFTSHORT: Draft ALLOWCOMMENTS: 'Loyv viðmerkingum á hesari síðuni?' APPEARSVIRTUALPAGES: 'This content also appears on the virtual pages in the {title} sections.' BUTTONCANCELDRAFT: 'Avlýs kladdu broytingarnar' BUTTONCANCELDRAFTDESC: 'Strika tína kladdu, og far aftur til tí nuverandi almennu síðuna' BUTTONSAVEPUBLISH: 'Goym og almenna kunngerð' BUTTONUNPUBLISH: 'Óalmenna kunngerð' BUTTONUNPUBLISHDESC: 'Strika hesa síðuna frá tí almennu heimasíðuni' Back: Back CREATED: 'Date Created' Comments: Viðmerkingar Content: Innihald DEFAULTABOUTCONTENT: '<p>You can fill this page out with your own content, or delete it and create your own pages.<br /></p>' DEFAULTABOUTTITLE: 'Um okkum' DEFAULTCONTACTCONTENT: '<p>You can fill this page out with your own content, or delete it and create your own pages.<br /></p>' DEFAULTCONTACTTITLE: 'Samband við okkum' DEFAULTHOMECONTENT: '<p>Welcome to SilverStripe! This is the default homepage. You can edit this page by opening <a href="admin/">the CMS</a>. You can now access the <a href="">developer documentation</a>, or begin <a href="">the tutorials.</a></p>' DEFAULTHOMETITLE: Heim DELETEDPAGEHELP: 'Page is no longer published' DELETEDPAGESHORT: Deleted DEPENDENT_NOTE: 'The following pages depend on this page. This includes virtual pages, redirector pages, and pages with content links.' DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' DependtPageColumnLinkType: 'Link type' DependtPageColumnURL: URL EDITANYONE: 'Øll kunna innrita á CMS skipanina' EDITHEADER: 'Hvør kann broyta hesa síðuna?' EDITONLYTHESE: 'Bert hesa fólkini (vel frá yvirliti)' EDITORGROUPS: 'Editor Groups' EDIT_ALL_DESCRIPTION: 'Edit any page' EDIT_ALL_HELP: 'Ability to edit any page on the site, regardless of the settings on the Access tab. Requires the "Access to ''Pages'' section" permission' Editors: 'Editors Groups' HASBROKENLINKS: 'Hendan síðan inniheldur brotnar leinkur.' HTMLEDITORTITLE: Innihald INHERIT: 'Inherit from parent page' LASTUPDATED: 'Last Updated' LINKCHANGENOTE: 'Changing this page''s link will also affect the links of all child pages.' MENUTITLE: 'Navigation label' METADESC: Frágreiðing METAEXTRA: 'Serlig meta frámerki' METAKEYWORDS: Lyklaorð METATITLE: Heiti MODIFIEDONDRAFTHELP: 'Page has unpublished changes' MODIFIEDONDRAFTSHORT: Modified MetadataToggle: Metadata PAGELOCATION: 'Page location' PAGETITLE: 'Navn á síðuni' PAGETYPE: 'Slag av síðu' PARENTID: 'Parent page' PARENTTYPE: 'Page location' PARENTTYPE_ROOT: 'Top-level page' PARENTTYPE_SUBPAGE: 'Sub-page underneath a parent page' PERMISSION_GRANTACCESS_DESCRIPTION: 'Manage access rights for content' PERMISSION_GRANTACCESS_HELP: 'Allow setting of page-specific access restrictions in the "Pages" section.' PLURALNAME: Síðubygnaðir PageTypNotAllowedOnRoot: 'Page type "{type}" is not allowed on the root level' PageTypeNotAllowed: 'Page type "{type}" not allowed as child of this parent page' REMOVEDFROMDRAFTHELP: 'Page is published, but has been deleted from draft' REMOVEDFROMDRAFTSHORT: 'Removed from draft' REMOVE_INSTALL_WARNING: 'Warning: You should remove install.php from this SilverStripe install for security reasons.' REORGANISE_DESCRIPTION: 'Change site structure' REORGANISE_HELP: 'Rearrange pages in the site tree through drag&drop.' SHOWINMENUS: 'Vís á vælmyndum?' SHOWINSEARCH: 'Vís í leiting?' SINGULARNAME: Síðubygnaður TABBEHAVIOUR: Virkisháttur TABCONTENT: Innihald TABDEPENDENT: 'Dependent pages' TOPLEVEL: 'Heimasíðu innihald (Fyrsta støði)' TOPLEVELCREATORGROUPS: 'Top level creators' URLSegment: 'URL Segment' VIEWERGROUPS: 'Viewer Groups' VIEW_ALL_DESCRIPTION: 'View any page' VIEW_ALL_HELP: 'Ability to view any page on the site, regardless of the settings on the Access tab. Requires the "Access to Site Content" permission' VIEW_DRAFT_CONTENT: 'View draft content' VIEW_DRAFT_CONTENT_HELP: 'Applies to viewing pages outside of the CMS in draft mode. Useful for external collaborators without CMS access.' Viewers: 'Viewers Groups' Visibility: Visibility has_one_Parent: Yvirsíða many_many_BackLinkTracking: 'Backlink Tracking' many_many_ImageTracking: 'Image Tracking' many_many_LinkTracking: 'Link Tracking' SiteTreeURLSegmentField: HelpChars: ' Special characters are automatically converted or removed.' StaticExporter: BASEURL: 'Base URL' EXPORTTO: 'Útles til skjáttuna' NAME: 'Static exporter' TableListField: SELECT: 'Select:' TestFileUploadPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' TestPage: DESCRIPTION: 'Generic content page' TreeTools: DisplayLabel: 'Display:' VirtualPage: CHOOSE: 'Vel eina síðu at vísa til' DESCRIPTION: 'Displays the content of another page' EDITCONTENT: 'Trýst her fyri at broyta í innihaldinum' HEADER: 'This is a virtual page' PLURALNAME: 'Virtual Pags' PageTypNotAllowedOnRoot: 'Original page type "{type}" is not allowed on the root level for this virtual page' SINGULARNAME: 'Virtual Page' cms: FILESYSTEMSYNC: 'Sync files'