
 * This class lets you export a static copy of your site.
 * It creates a huge number of folders each containing an index.html file.
 * This preserves the URL naming format.
class StaticExporter extends Controller {
	function init() {
		if(!Permission::check('ADMIN')) {
			$messageSet = array(
				'default' => "Enter your email address and password to access the CMS.",
				'alreadyLoggedIn' => "I'm sorry, but you can't access that part of the CMS.  If you want to log in as someone else, do so below",
				'logInAgain' => "You have been logged out of the CMS.  If you would like to log in again, enter a username and password below.",

			Security::permissionFailure($this, $messageSet);
	function Link($action = null) {
		return "StaticExporter/$action";
	function index() {
		echo "<h1>"._t('StaticExporter.NAME','Static exporter')."</h1>";
		echo $this->StaticExportForm()->forTemplate();
	function StaticExportForm() {
		return new Form($this, 'StaticExportForm', new FieldSet(
			// new TextField('folder', _t('StaticExporter.FOLDEREXPORT','Folder to export to')),
			new TextField('baseurl', _t('StaticExporter.BASEURL','Base URL'))
		), new FieldSet(
			new FormAction('export', _t('StaticExporter.EXPORTTO','Export to that folder'))
	function export() {
		if($_REQUEST['baseurl']) {
			$base = $_REQUEST['baseurl'];
			if(substr($base,-1) != '/') $base .= '/';
		$folder = '/tmp/static-export/' . project();
		if(!project()) $folder .= 'site';
		if(!file_exists($folder)) mkdir($folder, Filesystem::$folder_create_mask, true);

		$f1 = Director::baseFolder() . '/assets';
		$f2 = Director::baseFolder() . '/' . project();
		`cd $folder; ln -s $f1; ln -s $f2`;

		$baseFolder = basename($folder);
		if($folder && file_exists($folder)) {
			$pages = DataObject::get("SiteTree");
			foreach($pages as $page) {
				$subfolder = "$folder/$page->URLSegment";
				$contentfile = "$folder/$page->URLSegment/index.html";
				// Make the folder				
				if(!file_exists($subfolder)) {
					mkdir($subfolder, Filesystem::$folder_create_mask);
				// Run the page
				$controllerClass = "{$page->class}_Controller";
				if(class_exists($controllerClass)) {
					$controller = new $controllerClass($page);
					$pageContent = $controller->run( array() );
					// Write to file
					if($fh = fopen($contentfile, 'w')) {
						fwrite($fh, $pageContent->getBody());
			copy("$folder/home/index.html", "$folder/index.html");			

			`cd /tmp/static-export; tar -czhf $baseFolder.tar.gz $baseFolder`;

			$content = file_get_contents("/tmp/static-export/$baseFolder.tar.gz");

			HTTP::sendFileToBrowser($content, "$baseFolder.tar.gz");
			return null;
		} else {
			echo _t('StaticExporter.ONETHATEXISTS',"Please specify a folder that exists");
