(function() { var each = tinymce.each; tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.InsertMacron', { getInfo : function() { return { longname : 'Button to insert macrons', author : 'Hamish Friedlander. Heavily based on charmap that comes with TinyMCE', authorurl : 'http://www.siverstripe.com/', infourl : 'http://www.silverstripe.com/', version : "1.0" }; }, init : function(ed, url) { // Register commands ed.addCommand('mceInsertMacron', function() { ed.windowManager.open({ file : url + '/macron.htm', width : 350 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advanced.charmap_delta_width', 0)), height : 150 + parseInt(ed.getLang('advanced.charmap_delta_height', 0)), inline : true }, { plugin_url : url }); }); // Register buttons ed.addButton('ssmacron', { title : 'Insert a Macron', cmd : 'mceInsertMacron', image : url + '/img/macron.png' }); } }); // Adds the plugin class to the list of available TinyMCE plugins tinymce.PluginManager.add("../../tinymce_ssmacron", tinymce.plugins.InsertMacron); })();