Click here to go back to the published site.'; $lang['en_US']['ContentController']['LOGGEDINAS'] = 'Logged in as'; $lang['en_US']['ContentController']['LOGIN'] = 'Login'; $lang['en_US']['ContentController']['LOGOUT'] = 'Log out'; $lang['en_US']['ContentController']['NOTLOGGEDIN'] = 'Not logged in'; $lang['en_US']['ContentController']['PUBLISHEDSITE'] = 'Published Site'; $lang['en_US']['ContentController']['VIEWPAGEIN'] = 'View Page in:'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['400'] = '400 - Bad Request'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['401'] = '401 - Unauthorized'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['403'] = '403 - Forbidden'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['404'] = '404 - Not Found'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['405'] = '405 - Method Not Allowed'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['406'] = '406 - Not Acceptable'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['407'] = '407 - Proxy Authentication Required'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['408'] = '408 - Request Timeout'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['409'] = '409 - Conflict'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['410'] = '410 - Gone'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['411'] = '411 - Length Required'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['412'] = '412 - Precondition Failed'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['413'] = '413 - Request Entity Too Large'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['414'] = '414 - Request-URI Too Long'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['415'] = '415 - Unsupported Media Type'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['416'] = '416 - Request Range Not Satisfiable'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['417'] = '417 - Expectation Failed'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['500'] = '500 - Internal Server Error'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['501'] = '501 - Not Implemented'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['502'] = '502 - Bad Gateway'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['503'] = '503 - Service Unavailable'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['504'] = '504 - Gateway Timeout'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['505'] = '505 - HTTP Version Not Supported'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['CODE'] = 'Error code'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['DEFAULTERRORPAGECONTENT'] = '

Sorry, it seems you were trying to access a page that doesn\'t exist.

Please check the spelling of the URL you were trying to access and try again.

'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['DEFAULTERRORPAGETITLE'] = 'Page not found'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['DEFAULTSERVERERRORPAGECONTENT'] = '

Sorry, there was a problem with handling your request.

'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['DEFAULTSERVERERRORPAGETITLE'] = 'Server error'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['DESCRIPTION'] = array( 'Custom content for different error cases (e.g. "Page not found")', 50, 'Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog)' ); $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['ERRORFILEPROBLEM'] = 'Error opening file "%s" for writing. Please check file permissions.'; $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['PLURALNAME'] = array( 'Error Pags', 50, 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['ErrorPage']['SINGULARNAME'] = array( 'Error Page', 50, 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['Folder']['DELETEUNUSEDTHUMBNAILS'] = 'Delete unused thumbnails'; $lang['en_US']['Folder']['DELSELECTED'] = 'Delete selected files'; $lang['en_US']['Folder']['FILENAME'] = 'Filename'; $lang['en_US']['Folder']['TITLE'] = 'Title'; $lang['en_US']['Folder']['UNUSEDFILESTAB'] = 'Unused files'; $lang['en_US']['Folder']['UNUSEDFILESTITLE'] = 'Unused files'; $lang['en_US']['Folder']['UNUSEDTHUMBNAILSTITLE'] = 'Unused thumbnails'; $lang['en_US']['Folder']['VIEWASSET'] = 'View Asset'; $lang['en_US']['LeftAndMain']['STATUSPUBLISHEDSUCCESS'] = array( 'Published \'%s\' successfully', PR_MEDIUM, 'Status message after publishing a page, showing the page title' ); $lang['en_US']['MemberTableField']['FILTER'] = 'Filter'; $lang['en_US']['MemberTableField']['SEARCH'] = 'Search'; $lang['en_US']['Page']['DESCRIPTION'] = array( 'Generic content page', 50, 'Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog)' ); $lang['en_US']['Permission']['CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY'] = 'CMS Access'; $lang['en_US']['Permissions']['CONTENT_CATEGORY'] = 'Content permissions'; $lang['en_US']['Permissions']['PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY'] = 'Roles and access permissions'; $lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['DESCRIPTION'] = array( 'Redirects to a different internal page', 50, 'Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog)' ); $lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['HASBEENSETUP'] = 'A redirector page has been set up without anywhere to redirect to.'; $lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['HEADER'] = 'This page will redirect users to another page'; $lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['OTHERURL'] = 'Other website URL'; $lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['PLURALNAME'] = array( 'Redirector Pags', 50, 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['REDIRECTTO'] = 'Redirect to'; $lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['REDIRECTTOEXTERNAL'] = 'Another website'; $lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['REDIRECTTOPAGE'] = 'A page on your website'; $lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['SINGULARNAME'] = array( 'Redirector Page', 50, 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['RedirectorPage']['YOURPAGE'] = 'Page on your website'; $lang['en_US']['ReportAdminForm']['FILTERBY'] = 'Filter by'; $lang['en_US']['']['REPORTS'] = 'Reports'; $lang['en_US']['SearchForm']['GO'] = 'Go'; $lang['en_US']['SearchForm']['SEARCH'] = 'Search'; $lang['en_US']['SearchForm']['SearchResults'] = 'Search Results'; $lang['en_US']['SecurityAdmin']['ACCESS_HELP'] = 'Allow viewing, adding and editing users, as well as assigning permissions and roles to them.'; $lang['en_US']['SideReport']['BROKENFILES'] = 'Pages with broken files'; $lang['en_US']['SideReport']['BROKENLINKS'] = 'Pages with broken links'; $lang['en_US']['SideReport']['BROKENREDIRECTORPAGES'] = 'RedirectorPages pointing to deleted pages'; $lang['en_US']['SideReport']['BROKENVIRTUALPAGES'] = 'VirtualPages pointing to deleted pages'; $lang['en_US']['SideReport']['BrokenLinksGroupTitle'] = 'Broken links reports'; $lang['en_US']['SideReport']['ContentGroupTitle'] = 'Content reports'; $lang['en_US']['SideReport']['EMPTYPAGES'] = 'Pages with no content'; $lang['en_US']['SideReport']['LAST2WEEKS'] = 'Pages edited in the last 2 weeks'; $lang['en_US']['SideReport']['OtherGroupTitle'] = 'Other'; $lang['en_US']['SideReport']['ParameterLiveCheckbox'] = 'Check live site'; $lang['en_US']['SideReport']['REPEMPTY'] = array( 'The %s report is empty.', PR_MEDIUM, '%s is a report title' ); $lang['en_US']['SilverStripeNavigatorLink']['ShareInstructions'] = 'To share a this to this page, copy and paste the link below.'; $lang['en_US']['SilverStripeNavigatorLink']['ShareLink'] = 'Share link'; $lang['en_US']['SilverStripeNavigatorLinkl']['CloseLink'] = 'Close'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['DEFAULTTHEME'] = '(Use default theme)'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['EDITHEADER'] = 'Who can edit pages on this site?'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['EDIT_PERMISSION'] = 'Manage site configuration'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['EDIT_PERMISSION_HELP'] = 'Ability to edit global access settings/top-level page permissions.'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['PLURALNAME'] = array( 'Site Configs', 50, 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['SINGULARNAME'] = array( 'Site Config', 50, 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['SITENAMEDEFAULT'] = 'Your Site Name'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['SITETAGLINE'] = 'Site Tagline/Slogan'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['SITETITLE'] = 'Site title'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['TABACCESS'] = 'Access'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['TABMAIN'] = 'Main'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['TAGLINEDEFAULT'] = 'your tagline here'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['THEME'] = 'Theme'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['TOPLEVELCREATE'] = 'Who can create pages in the root of the site?'; $lang['en_US']['SiteConfig']['VIEWHEADER'] = 'Who can view pages on this site?'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ACCESSANYONE'] = 'Anyone'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ACCESSHEADER'] = 'Who can view this page?'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ACCESSLOGGEDIN'] = 'Logged-in users'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ACCESSONLYTHESE'] = 'Only these people (choose from list)'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ADDEDTODRAFT'] = 'Added to draft site'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['ALLOWCOMMENTS'] = 'Allow comments on this page?'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['APPEARSVIRTUALPAGES'] = 'This content also appears on the virtual pages in the %s sections.'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['BUTTONCANCELDRAFT'] = 'Cancel draft changes'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['BUTTONCANCELDRAFTDESC'] = 'Delete your draft and revert to the currently published page'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['BUTTONSAVEPUBLISH'] = 'Save & Publish'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['BUTTONUNPUBLISH'] = 'Unpublish'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['BUTTONUNPUBLISHDESC'] = 'Remove this page from the published site'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['CHANGETO'] = array( 'Change to "%s"', PR_MEDIUM, 'Pagetype selection dropdown with class names' ); $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['Comments'] = 'Comments'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['Content'] = array( 'Content', PR_MEDIUM, 'Main HTML Content for a page' ); $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEFAULTABOUTCONTENT'] = '

You can fill this page out with your own content, or delete it and create your own pages.

'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEFAULTABOUTTITLE'] = 'About Us'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEFAULTCONTACTCONTENT'] = '

You can fill this page out with your own content, or delete it and create your own pages.

'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEFAULTCONTACTTITLE'] = 'Contact Us'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEFAULTHOMECONTENT'] = '

Welcome to SilverStripe! This is the default homepage. You can edit this page by opening the CMS. You can now access the developer documentation, or begin the tutorials.

'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEFAULTHOMETITLE'] = 'Home'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DELETEDPAGE'] = 'Deleted page'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DEPENDENT_NOTE'] = 'The following pages depend on this page. This includes virtual pages, redirector pages, and pages with content links.'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DependtPageColumnLinkType'] = 'Link type'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['DependtPageColumnURL'] = 'URL'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['EDITANYONE'] = 'Anyone who can log-in to the CMS'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['EDITHEADER'] = 'Who can edit this page?'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['EDITONLYTHESE'] = 'Only these people (choose from list)'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['EDITORGROUPS'] = 'Editor Groups'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['EDIT_ALL_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Edit any page'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['EDIT_ALL_HELP'] = 'Ability to edit any page on the site, regardless of the settings on the Access tab. Requires the "Access to \'Pages\' section" permission'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['Editors'] = 'Editors Groups'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['HASBROKENLINKS'] = 'This page has broken links.'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['HTMLEDITORTITLE'] = array( 'Content', PR_MEDIUM, 'HTML editor title' ); $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['INHERIT'] = 'Inherit from parent page'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['LINKCHANGENOTE'] = 'Changing this page\'s link will also affect the links of all child pages.'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['MENUTITLE'] = 'Navigation label'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['METADESC'] = 'Meta Description'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['METAEXTRA'] = 'Custom Meta Tags'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['METAKEYWORDS'] = 'Meta Keywords'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['METATITLE'] = 'Meta Title'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['MODIFIEDONDRAFT'] = 'Modified on draft site'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['NOTEUSEASHOMEPAGE'] = 'Use this page as the \'home page\' for the following domains: (separate multiple domains with commas)'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PAGELOCATION'] = 'Page location'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PAGETITLE'] = 'Page name'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PAGETYPE'] = array( 'Page type', PR_MEDIUM, 'Classname of a page object' ); $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PARENTID'] = array( 'Parent page', PR_MEDIUM ); $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PARENTTYPE'] = array( 'Page location', PR_MEDIUM ); $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PARENTTYPE_ROOT'] = 'Top-level page'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PARENTTYPE_SUBPAGE'] = 'Sub-page underneath a parent page (choose below)'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PERMISSION_GRANTACCESS_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Manage access rights for content'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PERMISSION_GRANTACCESS_HELP'] = 'Allow setting of page-specific access restrictions in the "Pages" section.'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PLURALNAME'] = array( 'Site Tres', 50, 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['PageTypeNotAllowed'] = array( 'Page type "%s" not allowed as child of this parent page', PR_MEDIUM, 'First argument is a class name' ); $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['REMOVEDFROMDRAFT'] = 'Removed from draft site'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['REMOVE_INSTALL_WARNING'] = 'Warning: You should remove install.php from this SilverStripe install for security reasons.'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['REORGANISE_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Change site structure'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['REORGANISE_HELP'] = 'Rearrange pages in the site tree through drag&drop.'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['SHOWINMENUS'] = 'Show in menus?'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['SHOWINSEARCH'] = 'Show in search?'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['SINGULARNAME'] = array( 'Site Tree', 50, 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TABACCESS'] = 'Access'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TABBEHAVIOUR'] = 'Behavior'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TABCONTENT'] = 'Content'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TABDEPENDENT'] = 'Dependent pages'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TABMETA'] = 'Metadata'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TOPLEVEL'] = 'Site Content (Top Level)'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['TOPLEVELCREATORGROUPS'] = 'Top level creators'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['URLSegment'] = array( 'URL', PR_MEDIUM, 'URL for this page' ); $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VIEWERGROUPS'] = 'Viewer Groups'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VIEW_ALL_DESCRIPTION'] = 'View any page'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VIEW_ALL_HELP'] = 'Ability to view any page on the site, regardless of the settings on the Access tab. Requires the "Access to Site Content" permission'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VIEW_DRAFT_CONTENT'] = 'View draft content'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['VIEW_DRAFT_CONTENT_HELP'] = 'Applies to viewing pages outside of the CMS in draft mode. Useful for external collaborators without CMS access.'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['Viewers'] = 'Viewers Groups'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['has_one_Parent'] = array( 'Parent Page', PR_MEDIUM, 'The parent page in the site hierarchy' ); $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['many_many_BackLinkTracking'] = 'Backlink Tracking'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['many_many_ImageTracking'] = 'Image Tracking'; $lang['en_US']['SiteTree']['many_many_LinkTracking'] = 'Link Tracking'; $lang['en_US']['StaticExporter']['BASEURL'] = 'Base URL'; $lang['en_US']['StaticExporter']['EXPORTTO'] = 'Export to that folder'; $lang['en_US']['StaticExporter']['FOLDEREXPORT'] = 'Folder to export to'; $lang['en_US']['StaticExporter']['NAME'] = 'Static exporter'; $lang['en_US']['TableListField']['SELECT'] = 'Select:'; $lang['en_US']['']['NOITEMSFOUND'] = 'No items found'; $lang['en_US']['']['SORTASC'] = 'Sort in ascending order'; $lang['en_US']['']['SORTDESC'] = 'Sort in descending order'; $lang['en_US']['']['DISPLAYING'] = 'Displaying'; $lang['en_US']['']['OF'] = 'of'; $lang['en_US']['']['TO'] = 'to'; $lang['en_US']['']['VIEWFIRST'] = 'View first'; $lang['en_US']['']['VIEWLAST'] = 'View last'; $lang['en_US']['']['VIEWNEXT'] = 'View next'; $lang['en_US']['']['VIEWPREVIOUS'] = 'View previous'; $lang['en_US']['ThumbnailStripField']['NOFLASHFOUND'] = 'No flash files found'; $lang['en_US']['ThumbnailStripField']['NOFOLDERFLASHFOUND'] = 'No flash files found in'; $lang['en_US']['ThumbnailStripField']['NOFOLDERIMAGESFOUND'] = 'No images found in'; $lang['en_US']['ThumbnailStripField']['NOIMAGESFOUND'] = 'No images found'; $lang['en_US']['']['CHOOSEFOLDER'] = '(Choose a folder or search above)'; $lang['en_US']['TreeTools']['DisplayLabel'] = 'Display:'; $lang['en_US']['']['CANACCESS'] = 'You can access the archived site at this link:'; $lang['en_US']['']['HAVEASKED'] = array( 'You have asked to view the content of our site on', 30, 'Followed by a date' ); $lang['en_US']['VirtualPage']['CHOOSE'] = 'Choose a page to link to'; $lang['en_US']['VirtualPage']['DESCRIPTION'] = array( 'Displays the content of another page', 50, 'Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog)' ); $lang['en_US']['VirtualPage']['EDITCONTENT'] = 'click here to edit the content'; $lang['en_US']['VirtualPage']['HEADER'] = 'This is a virtual page'; $lang['en_US']['VirtualPage']['PLURALNAME'] = array( 'Virtual Pags', 50, 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['VirtualPage']['SINGULARNAME'] = array( 'Virtual Page', 50, 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['Widget']['PLURALNAME'] = array( 'Widgets', 50, 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['Widget']['SINGULARNAME'] = array( 'Widget', 50, 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['WidgetArea']['PLURALNAME'] = array( 'Widget Areas', 50, 'Pural name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a collection of this object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['WidgetArea']['SINGULARNAME'] = array( 'Widget Area', 50, 'Singular name of the object, used in dropdowns and to generally identify a single object in the interface' ); $lang['en_US']['']['AVAILABLE'] = 'Available Widgets'; $lang['en_US']['']['AVAILWIDGETS'] = 'Click a widget title below to use it on this page.'; $lang['en_US']['']['INUSE'] = 'Widgets currently used'; $lang['en_US']['']['NOAVAIL'] = 'There are currently no widgets available.'; $lang['en_US']['']['TOSORT'] = 'To sort currently used widgets on this page, drag them up and down.'; $lang['en_US']['']['CLICKTOADDWIDGET'] = 'Click to add this widget'; $lang['en_US']['']['DELETE'] = 'Delete';