* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } a, a:visited { text-decoration: none; width: 0; height: 0; position: absolute; } .clickBox { width: 7px; height: 7px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/clickBox.png); position: absolute; overflow: hidden; } .leftUpperClickBox { cursor: nw-resize; } .leftMiddleClickBox { cursor: e-resize; } .leftLowerClickBox { cursor: ne-resize; } .rightUpperClickBox { cursor: ne-resize; } .rightMiddleClickBox { cursor: w-resize; } .rightLowerClickBox { cursor: nw-resize; } .upperMiddleClickBox { cursor: n-resize; } .lowerMiddleClickBox { cursor: n-resize; } .inline { display: inline; } .displayNone { display: none; } #imageContainer { position: absolute; } #MenuBar { height: 132px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/topLeft.png); } #TopLeft { float: left; width: 584px; height: 132px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/topLeft.png); display: inline; } #TopRight { position: absolute; width: 180px; height: 132px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/topRight.png); } #image { display: block; } .floatLeft { float: left; } #loadingIndicatorContainer { position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px; } #loadingIndicatorContainer2 { position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px; } #fakeImg { display: none; } #cropBox { position: absolute; display: inline; } .greyBox { background-color: black; position: absolute; opacity: .5; filter: alpha(opacity=50); overflow:hidden; } body { height: 100%; width: 100%; } #Main { position: absolute; border-color: black; border-style: solid; height: 95%; width: 99%; background-color: white; } #imageEditorContainer { position: relative; top: 15px; left: 15px; overflow: auto; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/back.png); } #Actions { position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 38px; width: 211px; height: 73px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/c1.png); } #SaveText { position: absolute; top: 40px; left: 13px; } #SaveIcon { position: absolute; left: 33px; top: 10px; width: 30px; height: 30px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/c1Save.png); cursor: hand;/* IE Hack, because have 0 width/height.*/ } #ExitText { position: absolute; top: 40px; left: 95px; } #ExitIcon { position: absolute; left: 97px; top: 15px; width: 26px; height: 26px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/c1Exit.png); cursor: hand;/* IE Hack, because have 0 width/height.*/ } #UndoText { position: absolute; top: 14px; left: 175px; } #UndoIcon { position: absolute; left: 145px; top: 15px; width: 24px; height: 14px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/c1Undo.png); background-repeat: no-repeat;/* IE hack */ cursor: hand;/* IE Hack, because have 0 width/height.*/ } #RedoText { position: absolute; top: 38px; left: 175px; } #RedoIcon { position: absolute; left: 143px; top: 38px; width: 25px; height: 13px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/c1Redo.png); background-repeat: no-repeat;/* IE hack */ cursor: hand;/* IE Hack, because have width/height.*/ } #ActionsDescription { position: absolute; top: 57px; left: 85px; } .menuText { color: #6C889E; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 13px; } #Functions { position: absolute; left: 240px; top: 38px; height: 73px; width: 220px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/c2.png); } #RotateIcon { position: absolute; left: 17px; top: 11px; height: 26px; width: 30px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/c2Rotate.png); cursor: hand;/* IE Hack, because have width/height.*/ } #RotateText { position: absolute; top: 39px; left: 15px; } #CropIcon { position: absolute; left: 66px; top: 11px; height: 28px; width: 31px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/c2Crop.png); cursor: hand;/* IE Hack, because have width/height.*/ } #CropText { position: absolute; top: 38px; left: 67px; } #ImageWidthLabel { position: absolute; top: 11px; left: 114px; } #ImageHeightLabel { position: absolute; top: 33px; left: 114px; } #ImageWidth { position: absolute; top: 14px; left: 157px; color: #7A7D80; font-size: 9px; } #ImageHeight { position: absolute; top: 36px; left: 157px; color: #7A7D80; font-size: 9px; } #FunctionsDescription { position: absolute; top: 57px; left: 70px; } #TopRuler { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 15px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/topRuler.png); overflow: hidden; } #LeftRuler { position: absolute; width: 15px; height: 100%; top: 147px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/leftRuler.png); } #Filename p { position: absolute; color: white; left: 20px; top: 7px; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } #CurrentAction { position: absolute; top: 38px; left: 479px; width: 106px; height: 73px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/c3.png); } #ApplyIcon { position: absolute; left:59px; top: 14px; width: 24px; height: 23px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/c3Apply.png); } #ApplyText { position: absolute; top: 39px; left: 57px; } #CancelIcon { position: absolute; left:18px; top: 13px; width: 26px; height: 25px; background-image: url(../../images/ImageEditor/c3Cancel.png); } #CancelText { position: absolute; top: 39px; left: 12px; } #CurrentActionDescription { position: absolute; top: 57px; left: 12px; } /* * Status, Directly copied from cms_right.css */ #statusMessage { position: absolute; z-index: 500; bottom: 30px; left: 30px; text-align: left; padding: 1px 1px 1px 40px; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; /* border: 1px solid #cc9; */ color: #660; /* background-color: #F9F9E3; */ margin: 2px; } #statusMessage.good { border-color: #9c9; color: #060; background: url(../../images/alert-good.gif) /*#E2F9E3*/ 7px no-repeat; } #statusMessage.bad { border-color: #c99; color: #c00; background: url(../../images/alert-bad.gif) #fff 7px no-repeat; max-height: 300px; overflow: auto; }