mirror of https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-postgresql synced 2024-10-22 15:05:45 +00:00
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namespace SilverStripe\PostgreSQL;
use SilverStripe\Dev\Deprecation;
use SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\DBSchemaManager;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DB;
* PostgreSQL schema manager
* @package sapphire
* @subpackage model
class PostgreSQLSchemaManager extends DBSchemaManager
* Identifier for this schema, used for configuring schema-specific table
* creation options
const ID = 'PostgreSQL';
* Instance of the database controller this schema belongs to
* @var PostgreSQLDatabase
protected $database = null;
* This holds a copy of all the constraint results that are returned
* via the function constraintExists(). This is a bit faster than
* repeatedly querying this column, and should allow the database
* to use it's built-in caching features for better queries.
* @var array
protected static $cached_constraints = array();
* This holds a copy of all the queries that run through the function fieldList()
* This is one of the most-often called functions, and repeats itself a great deal in the unit tests.
* @var array
protected static $cached_fieldlists = array();
protected function indexKey($table, $index, $spec)
return $this->buildPostgresIndexName($table, $index);
* Creates a postgres database, ignoring model_schema_as_database
* @param string $name
public function createPostgresDatabase($name)
$this->query("CREATE DATABASE \"$name\";");
public function createDatabase($name)
if (PostgreSQLDatabase::model_schema_as_database()) {
$schemaName = $this->database->databaseToSchemaName($name);
return $this->createSchema($schemaName);
return $this->createPostgresDatabase($name);
* Determines if a postgres database exists, ignoring model_schema_as_database
* @param string $name
* @return boolean
public function postgresDatabaseExists($name)
$result = $this->preparedQuery("SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname = ?;", array($name));
return $result->first() ? true : false;
public function databaseExists($name)
if (PostgreSQLDatabase::model_schema_as_database()) {
$schemaName = $this->database->databaseToSchemaName($name);
return $this->schemaExists($schemaName);
return $this->postgresDatabaseExists($name);
* Determines the list of all postgres databases, ignoring model_schema_as_database
* @return array
public function postgresDatabaseList()
return $this->query("SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate=false;")->column();
public function databaseList()
if (PostgreSQLDatabase::model_schema_as_database()) {
$schemas = $this->schemaList();
$names = array();
foreach ($schemas as $schema) {
$names[] = $this->database->schemaToDatabaseName($schema);
return array_unique($names);
return $this->postgresDatabaseList();
* Drops a postgres database, ignoring model_schema_as_database
* @param string $name
public function dropPostgresDatabase($name)
$nameSQL = $this->database->escapeIdentifier($name);
$this->query("DROP DATABASE $nameSQL;");
public function dropDatabase($name)
if (PostgreSQLDatabase::model_schema_as_database()) {
$schemaName = $this->database->databaseToSchemaName($name);
* Returns true if the schema exists in the current database
* @param string $name
* @return boolean
public function schemaExists($name)
return $this->preparedQuery(
"SELECT nspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = ?;",
)->first() ? true : false;
* Creates a schema in the current database
* @param string $name
public function createSchema($name)
$nameSQL = $this->database->escapeIdentifier($name);
$this->query("CREATE SCHEMA $nameSQL;");
* Drops a schema from the database. Use carefully!
* @param string $name
public function dropSchema($name)
$nameSQL = $this->database->escapeIdentifier($name);
$this->query("DROP SCHEMA $nameSQL CASCADE;");
* Returns the list of all available schemas on the current database
* @return array
public function schemaList()
return $this->query(
"SELECT nspname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace
WHERE nspname <> 'information_schema' AND nspname !~ E'^pg_'"
public function createTable($table, $fields = null, $indexes = null, $options = null, $advancedOptions = null)
$fieldSchemas = "";
if ($fields) {
foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
$fieldSchemas .= "\"$k\" $v,\n";
if (!empty($options[self::ID])) {
$addOptions = $options[self::ID];
} else {
$addOptions = null;
//First of all, does this table already exist
$doesExist = $this->hasTable($table);
if ($doesExist) {
// Table already exists, just return the name, in line with baseclass documentation.
return $table;
//If we have a fulltext search request, then we need to create a special column
//for GiST searches
$fulltexts = '';
$triggers = [];
if ($indexes) {
foreach ($indexes as $name => $this_index) {
if (is_array($this_index) && $this_index['type'] == 'fulltext') {
$ts_details = $this->fulltext($this_index, $table, $name);
$fulltexts .= $ts_details['fulltexts'] . ', ';
$triggers[] = $ts_details['triggers'];
$indexQueries = [];
if ($indexes) {
foreach ($indexes as $k => $v) {
$indexQueries[] = $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($table, $k, $v);
//Do we need to create a tablespace for this item?
if ($advancedOptions && isset($advancedOptions['tablespace'])) {
$tableSpace = ' TABLESPACE ' . $advancedOptions['tablespace']['name'];
} else {
$tableSpace = '';
"CREATE TABLE \"$table\" (
primary key (\"ID\")
)$tableSpace $addOptions"
foreach ($indexQueries as $indexQuery) {
foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
//If we have a partitioning requirement, we do that here:
if ($advancedOptions && isset($advancedOptions['partitions'])) {
$this->createOrReplacePartition($table, $advancedOptions['partitions'], $indexes, $advancedOptions);
//Lastly, clustering goes here:
if ($advancedOptions && isset($advancedOptions['cluster'])) {
$this->query("CLUSTER \"$table\" USING \"{$advancedOptions['cluster']}\"");
return $table;
* Builds the internal Postgres index name given the silverstripe table and index name
* @param string $tableName
* @param string $indexName
* @param string $prefix The optional prefix for the index. Defaults to "ix" for indexes.
* @return string The postgres name of the index
protected function buildPostgresIndexName($tableName, $indexName, $prefix = 'ix')
// Assume all indexes also contain the table name
// MD5 the table/index name combo to keep it to a fixed length.
// Exclude the prefix so that the trigger name can be easily generated from the index name
$indexNamePG = "{$prefix}_" . md5("{$tableName}_{$indexName}");
// Limit to 63 characters
if (strlen($indexNamePG) > 63) {
return substr($indexNamePG, 0, 63);
} else {
return $indexNamePG;
* Builds the internal Postgres trigger name given the silverstripe table and trigger name
* @param string $tableName
* @param string $triggerName
* @return string The postgres name of the trigger
public function buildPostgresTriggerName($tableName, $triggerName)
// Kind of cheating, but behaves the same way as indexes
return $this->buildPostgresIndexName($tableName, $triggerName, 'ts');
public function alterTable(
$newFields = null,
$newIndexes = null,
$alteredFields = null,
$alteredIndexes = null,
$alteredOptions = null,
$advancedOptions = null
) {
$alterList = [];
if ($newFields) {
foreach ($newFields as $fieldName => $fieldSpec) {
$alterList[] = "ADD \"$fieldName\" $fieldSpec";
if ($alteredFields) {
foreach ($alteredFields as $indexName => $indexSpec) {
$val = $this->alterTableAlterColumn($table, $indexName, $indexSpec);
if (!empty($val)) {
$alterList[] = $val;
//Do we need to do anything with the tablespaces?
if ($alteredOptions && isset($advancedOptions['tablespace'])) {
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$table\" SET TABLESPACE {$advancedOptions['tablespace']['name']};");
//DB ABSTRACTION: we need to change the constraints to be a separate 'add' command,
//see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/static/sql-altertable.html
$alterIndexList = [];
//Pick up the altered indexes here:
$fieldList = $this->fieldList($table);
$fulltexts = [];
$dropTriggers = [];
$triggers = [];
if ($alteredIndexes) {
foreach ($alteredIndexes as $indexName => $indexSpec) {
$indexNamePG = $this->buildPostgresIndexName($table, $indexName);
if ($indexSpec['type'] == 'fulltext') {
//For full text indexes, we need to drop the trigger, drop the index, AND drop the column
//Go and get the tsearch details:
$ts_details = $this->fulltext($indexSpec, $table, $indexName);
//Drop this column if it already exists:
//No IF EXISTS option is available for Postgres <9.0
if (array_key_exists($ts_details['ts_name'], $fieldList)) {
$fulltexts[] = "ALTER TABLE \"{$table}\" DROP COLUMN \"{$ts_details['ts_name']}\";";
// We'll execute these later:
$triggerNamePG = $this->buildPostgresTriggerName($table, $indexName);
$dropTriggers[] = "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS \"$triggerNamePG\" ON \"$table\";";
$fulltexts[] = "ALTER TABLE \"{$table}\" ADD COLUMN {$ts_details['fulltexts']};";
$triggers[] = $ts_details['triggers'];
// Create index action (including fulltext)
$alterIndexList[] = "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS \"$indexNamePG\";";
$createIndex = $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($table, $indexName, $indexSpec);
if ($createIndex) {
$alterIndexList[] = $createIndex;
//Add the new indexes:
if ($newIndexes) {
foreach ($newIndexes as $indexName => $indexSpec) {
$indexNamePG = $this->buildPostgresIndexName($table, $indexName);
//If we have a fulltext search request, then we need to create a special column
//for GiST searches
//Pick up the new indexes here:
if ($indexSpec['type'] == 'fulltext') {
$ts_details = $this->fulltext($indexSpec, $table, $indexName);
if (!isset($fieldList[$ts_details['ts_name']])) {
$fulltexts[] = "ALTER TABLE \"{$table}\" ADD COLUMN {$ts_details['fulltexts']};";
$triggers[] = $ts_details['triggers'];
//Check that this index doesn't already exist:
$indexes = $this->indexList($table);
if (isset($indexes[$indexName])) {
$alterIndexList[] = "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS \"$indexNamePG\";";
$createIndex = $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($table, $indexName, $indexSpec);
if ($createIndex) {
$alterIndexList[] = $createIndex;
if ($alterList) {
$alterations = implode(",\n", $alterList);
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$table\" " . $alterations);
//Do we need to create a tablespace for this item?
if ($advancedOptions && isset($advancedOptions['extensions']['tablespace'])) {
$extensions = $advancedOptions['extensions'];
$this->createOrReplaceTablespace($extensions['tablespace']['name'], $extensions['tablespace']['location']);
if ($alteredOptions && isset($this->class) && isset($alteredOptions[$this->class])) {
$this->query(sprintf("ALTER TABLE \"%s\" %s", $table, $alteredOptions[$this->class]));
sprintf("Table %s options changed: %s", $table, $alteredOptions[$this->class]),
//Create any fulltext columns and triggers here:
foreach ($fulltexts as $fulltext) {
foreach ($dropTriggers as $dropTrigger) {
foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
$triggerFields = $this->triggerFieldsFromTrigger($trigger);
if ($triggerFields) {
//We need to run a simple query to force the database to update the triggered columns
$this->query("UPDATE \"{$table}\" SET \"{$triggerFields[0]}\"=\"$triggerFields[0]\";");
foreach ($alterIndexList as $alteration) {
//If we have a partitioning requirement, we do that here:
if ($advancedOptions && isset($advancedOptions['partitions'])) {
$this->createOrReplacePartition($table, $advancedOptions['partitions']);
//Lastly, clustering goes here:
if ($advancedOptions && isset($advancedOptions['cluster'])) {
$clusterIndex = $this->buildPostgresIndexName($table, $advancedOptions['cluster']);
$this->query("CLUSTER \"$table\" USING \"$clusterIndex\";");
} else {
//Check that clustering is not on this table, and if it is, remove it:
//This is really annoying. We need the oid of this table:
$stats = $this->preparedQuery(
"SELECT relid FROM pg_stat_user_tables WHERE relname = ?;",
$oid = $stats['relid'];
//Now we can run a long query to get the clustered status:
//If anyone knows a better way to get the clustered status, then feel free to replace this!
$clustered = $this->preparedQuery(
SELECT c2.relname, i.indisclustered
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_class c2, pg_catalog.pg_index i
WHERE c.oid = ? AND c.oid = i.indrelid AND i.indexrelid = c2.oid AND indisclustered='t';",
if ($clustered) {
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$table\" SET WITHOUT CLUSTER;");
* Creates an ALTER expression for a column in PostgreSQL
* @param $tableName Name of the table to be altered
* @param $colName Name of the column to be altered
* @param $colSpec String which contains conditions for a column
* @return string
private function alterTableAlterColumn($tableName, $colName, $colSpec)
// First, we split the column specifications into parts
// TODO: this returns an empty array for the following string: int(11) not null auto_increment
// on second thoughts, why is an auto_increment field being passed through?
$pattern = '/^([\w(\,)]+)\s?((?:not\s)?null)?\s?(default\s[\w\.\'\\\\]+)?\s?(check\s[\w()\'",\s\\\\]+)?$/i';
preg_match($pattern, $colSpec, $matches);
// example value this regex is expected to parse:
// varchar(255) not null default 'SS\Test\Player' check ("ClassName" in ('SS\Test\Player', 'Player', null))
// split into:
// * varchar(255)
// * not null
// * default 'SS\Test\Player'
// * check ("ClassName" in ('SS\Test\Player', 'Player', null))
if (sizeof($matches) == 0) {
return '';
if ($matches[1] == 'serial8') {
return '';
if (isset($matches[1])) {
$alterCol = "ALTER COLUMN \"$colName\" TYPE $matches[1] USING \"$colName\"::$matches[1]\n";
// SET null / not null
if (!empty($matches[2])) {
$alterCol .= ",\nALTER COLUMN \"$colName\" SET $matches[2]";
// SET default (we drop it first, for reasons of precaution)
if (!empty($matches[3])) {
$alterCol .= ",\nALTER COLUMN \"$colName\" DROP DEFAULT";
$alterCol .= ",\nALTER COLUMN \"$colName\" SET $matches[3]";
// SET check constraint (The constraint HAS to be dropped)
$constraintName = "{$tableName}_{$colName}_check";
$constraintExists = $this->constraintExists($constraintName, false);
if (isset($matches[4])) {
//Take this new constraint and see what's outstanding from the target table:
$constraint_bits = explode('(', $matches[4]);
$constraint_values = trim($constraint_bits[2], ')');
$constraint_values_bits = explode(',', $constraint_values);
$default = trim($constraint_values_bits[0], " '");
//Now go and convert anything that's not in this list to 'Page'
//We have to run this as a query, not as part of the alteration queries due to the way they are constructed.
$updateConstraint = '';
$updateConstraint .= "UPDATE \"{$tableName}\" SET \"$colName\"='$default' WHERE \"$colName\" NOT IN ($constraint_values);";
if ($this->hasTable("{$tableName}_Live")) {
$updateConstraint .= "UPDATE \"{$tableName}_Live\" SET \"$colName\"='$default' WHERE \"$colName\" NOT IN ($constraint_values);";
if ($this->hasTable("{$tableName}_Versions")) {
$updateConstraint .= "UPDATE \"{$tableName}_Versions\" SET \"$colName\"='$default' WHERE \"$colName\" NOT IN ($constraint_values);";
//First, delete any existing constraint on this column, even if it's no longer an enum
if ($constraintExists) {
$alterCol .= ",\nDROP CONSTRAINT \"{$constraintName}\"";
//Now create the constraint (if we've asked for one)
if (!empty($matches[4])) {
$alterCol .= ",\nADD CONSTRAINT \"{$constraintName}\" $matches[4]";
return isset($alterCol) ? $alterCol : '';
public function renameTable($oldTableName, $newTableName)
$constraints = $this->getConstraintForTable($oldTableName);
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$oldTableName\" RENAME TO \"$newTableName\"");
if ($constraints) {
foreach ($constraints as $old) {
$new = preg_replace('/^' . $oldTableName . '/', $newTableName, $old);
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$newTableName\" RENAME CONSTRAINT \"$old\" TO \"$new\";");
public function checkAndRepairTable($tableName)
$this->query("VACUUM FULL ANALYZE \"$tableName\"");
$this->query("REINDEX TABLE \"$tableName\"");
return true;
public function createField($table, $field, $spec)
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$table\" ADD \"$field\" $spec");
* Change the database type of the given field.
* @param string $tableName The name of the tbale the field is in.
* @param string $fieldName The name of the field to change.
* @param string $fieldSpec The new field specification
public function alterField($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldSpec)
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" CHANGE \"$fieldName\" \"$fieldName\" $fieldSpec");
public function renameField($tableName, $oldName, $newName)
$fieldList = $this->fieldList($tableName);
if (array_key_exists($oldName, $fieldList)) {
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" RENAME COLUMN \"$oldName\" TO \"$newName\"");
//Remove this from the cached list:
public function fieldList($table)
//Query from http://www.alberton.info/postgresql_meta_info.html
//This gets us more information than we need, but I've included it all for the moment....
$fields = $this->preparedQuery(
SELECT ordinal_position, column_name, data_type, column_default,
is_nullable, character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, numeric_scale
FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = ? and table_schema = ?
ORDER BY ordinal_position;",
array($table, $this->database->currentSchema())
$output = array();
if ($fields) {
foreach ($fields as $field) {
switch ($field['data_type']) {
case 'character varying':
//Check to see if there's a constraint attached to this column:
//$constraint=$this->query("SELECT conname,pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r WHERE r.contype = 'c' AND conname='" . $table . '_' . $field['column_name'] . "_check' ORDER BY 1;")->first();
$constraint = $this->constraintExists($table . '_' . $field['column_name'] . '_check');
if ($constraint) {
//Now we need to break this constraint text into bits so we can see what we have:
//CHECK ("CanEditType"::text = ANY (ARRAY['LoggedInUsers'::character varying, 'OnlyTheseUsers'::character varying, 'Inherit'::character varying]::text[]))
//CHECK ("ClassName"::text = 'PageComment'::text)
//TODO: replace all this with a regular expression!
$value = $constraint['pg_get_constraintdef'];
$value = substr($value, strpos($value, '='));
$value = str_replace("''", "'", $value);
$in_value = false;
$constraints = array();
$current_value = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($value); $i++) {
$char = substr($value, $i, 1);
if ($in_value) {
$current_value .= $char;
if ($char == "'") {
if (!$in_value) {
$in_value = true;
} else {
$in_value = false;
$constraints[] = substr($current_value, 0, -1);
$current_value = '';
if (sizeof($constraints) > 0) {
//Get the default:
$default = trim(substr(
strpos($field['column_default'], '::')
), "'");
$output[$field['column_name']] = $this->enum(array(
'default' => $default,
'name' => $field['column_name'],
'enums' => $constraints
} else {
$output[$field['column_name']] = 'varchar(' . $field['character_maximum_length'] . ')';
case 'numeric':
$output[$field['column_name']] = 'decimal(' . $field['numeric_precision'] . ',' . $field['numeric_scale'] . ') default ' . floatval($field['column_default']);
case 'integer':
$output[$field['column_name']] = 'integer default ' . (int)$field['column_default'];
case 'timestamp without time zone':
$output[$field['column_name']] = 'timestamp';
case 'smallint':
$output[$field['column_name']] = 'smallint default ' . (int)$field['column_default'];
case 'time without time zone':
$output[$field['column_name']] = 'time';
case 'double precision':
$output[$field['column_name']] = 'float';
$output[$field['column_name']] = $field;
// self::$cached_fieldlists[$table]=$output;
//return self::$cached_fieldlists[$table];
return $output;
public function clearCachedFieldlist($tableName = false)
if ($tableName) {
} else {
self::$cached_fieldlists = array();
return true;
* Create an index on a table.
* @param string $tableName The name of the table.
* @param string $indexName The name of the index.
* @param string $indexSpec The specification of the index, see Database::requireIndex() for more details.
public function createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec)
$createIndex = $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec);
if ($createIndex !== false) {
protected function getIndexSqlDefinition($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec)
//TODO: create table partition support
//TODO: create clustering options
//NOTE: it is possible for *_renamed tables to have indexes whose names are not updates
//Therefore, we now check for the existance of indexes before we create them.
//This is techically a bug, since new tables will not be indexed.
// Determine index name
$tableCol = $this->buildPostgresIndexName($tableName, $indexName);
//Misc options first:
$fillfactor = $where = '';
if (isset($indexSpec['fillfactor'])) {
$fillfactor = 'WITH (FILLFACTOR = ' . $indexSpec['fillfactor'] . ')';
if (isset($indexSpec['where'])) {
$where = 'WHERE ' . $indexSpec['where'];
//create a type-specific index
// NOTE: hash should be removed. This is only here to demonstrate how other indexes can be made
// NOTE: Quote the index name to preserve case sensitivity
switch ($indexSpec['type']) {
case 'fulltext':
// @see fulltext() for the definition of the trigger that ts_$IndexName uses for fulltext searching
$clusterMethod = PostgreSQLDatabase::default_fts_cluster_method();
$spec = "create index \"$tableCol\" ON \"$tableName\" USING $clusterMethod(\"ts_" . $indexName . "\") $fillfactor $where";
case 'unique':
$spec = "create unique index \"$tableCol\" ON \"$tableName\" (" . $this->implodeColumnList($indexSpec['columns']) . ") $fillfactor $where";
case 'btree':
$spec = "create index \"$tableCol\" ON \"$tableName\" USING btree (" . $this->implodeColumnList($indexSpec['columns']) . ") $fillfactor $where";
case 'hash':
//NOTE: this is not a recommended index type
$spec = "create index \"$tableCol\" ON \"$tableName\" USING hash (" . $this->implodeColumnList($indexSpec['columns']) . ") $fillfactor $where";
case 'index':
//'index' is the same as default, just a normal index with the default type decided by the database.
$spec = "create index \"$tableCol\" ON \"$tableName\" (" . $this->implodeColumnList($indexSpec['columns']) . ") $fillfactor $where";
return trim($spec) . ';';
public function alterIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec)
$indexSpec = trim($indexSpec);
if ($indexSpec[0] != '(') {
list($indexType, $indexFields) = explode(' ', $indexSpec, 2);
} else {
$indexType = null;
$indexFields = $indexSpec;
if (!$indexType) {
$indexType = "index";
$this->query("DROP INDEX \"$indexName\"");
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" ADD $indexType \"$indexName\" $indexFields");
* Given a trigger name attempt to determine the columns upon which it acts
* @param string $triggerName Postgres trigger name
* @param string $table
* @return array List of columns
protected function extractTriggerColumns($triggerName, $table)
$trigger = $this->preparedQuery(
"SELECT t.tgargs
FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger t
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = t.tgrelid
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relname = ?
AND n.nspname = ?
AND t.tgname = ?",
// Convert stream to string
if (is_resource($trigger['tgargs'])) {
$trigger['tgargs'] = stream_get_contents($trigger['tgargs']);
if (strpos($trigger['tgargs'], "\000") !== false) {
// Option 1: output as a string (PDO)
$argList = array_filter(explode("\000", $trigger['tgargs']));
} else {
// Option 2: hex-encoded (pg_sql non-pdo)
$bytes = str_split($trigger['tgargs'], 2);
$argList = array();
$nextArg = "";
foreach ($bytes as $byte) {
if ($byte == '\x') {
} elseif ($byte == "00") {
$argList[] = $nextArg;
$nextArg = "";
} else {
$nextArg .= chr(hexdec($byte));
// Drop first two arguments (trigger name and config name) and implode into nice list
return array_slice($argList, 2);
public function indexList($table)
//Retrieve a list of indexes for the specified table
$indexes = $this->preparedQuery(
SELECT tablename, indexname, indexdef
FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes
WHERE tablename = ? AND schemaname = ?;",
array($table, $this->database->currentSchema())
$indexList = array();
foreach ($indexes as $index) {
// Key for the indexList array. Differs from other DB implementations, which is why
// requireIndex() needed to be overridden
$indexName = $index['indexname'];
//We don't actually need the entire created command, just a few bits:
$type = '';
//Check for uniques:
if (substr($index['indexdef'], 0, 13) == 'CREATE UNIQUE') {
$type = 'unique';
//check for hashes, btrees etc:
if (strpos(strtolower($index['indexdef']), 'using hash ') !== false) {
$type = 'hash';
//TODO: Fix me: btree is the default index type:
//if(strpos(strtolower($index['indexdef']), 'using btree ')!==false)
// $prefix='using btree ';
if (strpos(strtolower($index['indexdef']), 'using rtree ') !== false) {
$type = 'rtree';
// For fulltext indexes we need to extract the columns from another source
if (stristr($index['indexdef'], 'using gin')) {
$type = 'fulltext';
// Extract trigger information from postgres
$triggerName = preg_replace('/^ix_/', 'ts_', $index['indexname']);
$columns = $this->extractTriggerColumns($triggerName, $table);
$columnString = $this->implodeColumnList($columns);
} else {
$columnString = $this->quoteColumnSpecString($index['indexdef']);
$indexList[$indexName] = array(
'name' => $indexName, // Not the correct name in the PHP, as this will be a mangled postgres-unique code
'columns' => $this->explodeColumnString($columnString),
'type' => $type ?: 'index',
return $indexList;
public function tableList()
$tables = array();
$result = $this->preparedQuery(
"SELECT tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = ? AND tablename NOT ILIKE 'pg\\\_%' AND tablename NOT ILIKE 'sql\\\_%'",
foreach ($result as $record) {
$table = reset($record);
$tables[strtolower($table)] = $table;
return $tables;
* Find out what the constraint information is, given a constraint name.
* We also cache this result, so the next time we don't need to do a
* query all over again.
* @param string $constraint
* @param bool $cache Flag whether a cached version should be used. Set to false to cache bust.
* @return false|array Either false, if the constraint doesn't exist, or an array
* with the keys conname and pg_get_constraintdef
protected function constraintExists($constraint, $cache = true)
if (!$cache || !isset(self::$cached_constraints[$constraint])) {
$value = $this->preparedQuery(
SELECT conname,pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true)
FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
ON r.connamespace = n.oid
WHERE r.contype = 'c' AND conname = ? AND n.nspname = ?
array($constraint, $this->database->currentSchema())
if (!$cache) {
return $value;
self::$cached_constraints[$constraint] = $value;
return self::$cached_constraints[$constraint];
* Retrieve a list of constraints for the provided table name.
* @param string $tableName
* @return array
private function getConstraintForTable($tableName)
// Note the PostgreSQL `like` operator is case sensitive
$constraints = $this->preparedQuery(
SELECT conname
FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
ON r.connamespace = n.oid
WHERE r.contype = 'c' AND conname like ? AND n.nspname = ?
array($tableName . '_%', $this->database->currentSchema())
return $constraints;
* A function to return the field names and datatypes for the particular table
* @param string $tableName
* @return array List of columns an an associative array with the keys Column and DataType
public function tableDetails($tableName)
$query = "SELECT a.attname as \"Column\", pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as \"Datatype\"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND a.attrelid = (
SELECT c.oid
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relname = ? AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) AND n.nspname = ?
$result = $this->preparedQuery(
array($tableName, $this->database->currentSchema())
$table = array();
foreach ($result as $row) {
$table[] = array(
'Column' => $row['Column'],
'DataType' => $row['DataType']
return $table;
* Pass a legit trigger name and it will be dropped
* This assumes that the trigger has been named in a unique fashion
* @param string $triggerName Name of the trigger
* @param string $tableName Name of the table
protected function dropTrigger($triggerName, $tableName)
$exists = $this->preparedQuery(
SELECT trigger_name
FROM information_schema.triggers
WHERE trigger_name = ? AND trigger_schema = ?;",
array($triggerName, $this->database->currentSchema())
if ($exists) {
$this->query("DROP trigger IF EXISTS $triggerName ON \"$tableName\";");
* This will return the fields that the trigger is monitoring
* @param string $trigger Name of the trigger
* @return array
protected function triggerFieldsFromTrigger($trigger)
if ($trigger) {
$tsvector = 'tsvector_update_trigger';
$ts_pos = strpos($trigger, $tsvector);
$details = trim(substr($trigger, $ts_pos + strlen($tsvector)), '();');
//Now split this into bits:
$bits = explode(',', $details);
$fields = $bits[2];
$field_bits = explode(',', str_replace('"', '', $fields));
$result = array();
foreach ($field_bits as $field_bit) {
$result[] = trim($field_bit);
return $result;
} else {
return false;
* Return a boolean type-formatted string
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function boolean($values)
$default = $values['default'] ? '1' : '0';
return "smallint default {$default}";
* Return a date type-formatted string
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function date($values)
return "date";
* Return a decimal type-formatted string
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function decimal($values)
// Avoid empty strings being put in the db
if ($values['precision'] == '') {
$precision = 1;
} else {
$precision = $values['precision'];
$defaultValue = '';
if (isset($values['default']) && is_numeric($values['default'])) {
$defaultValue = ' default ' . floatval($values['default']);
return "decimal($precision)$defaultValue";
* Return a enum type-formatted string
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function enum($values)
$default = " default '{$values['default']}'";
return "varchar(255)" . $default . " check (\"" . $values['name'] . "\" in ('" . implode(
'\', \'',
) . "', null))";
* Return a float type-formatted string
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function float($values)
return "float";
* Return a float type-formatted string cause double is not supported
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function double($values)
return $this->float($values);
* Return a int type-formatted string
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function int($values)
return "integer default " . (int)$values['default'];
* Return a bigint type-formatted string
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function bigint($values)
return "bigint default " . (int)$values['default'];
* Return a datetime type-formatted string
* For PostgreSQL, we simply return the word 'timestamp', no other parameters are necessary
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function datetime($values)
return "timestamp";
* Return a text type-formatted string
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function text($values)
return "text";
* Return a time type-formatted string
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function time($values)
return "time";
* Return a varchar type-formatted string
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function varchar($values)
if (!isset($values['precision'])) {
$values['precision'] = 255;
return "varchar({$values['precision']})";
* Return a 4 digit numeric type. MySQL has a proprietary 'Year' type.
* For Postgres, we'll use a 4 digit numeric
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function year($values)
return "decimal(4,0)";
* Create a fulltext search datatype for PostgreSQL
* This will also return a trigger to be applied to this table
* @todo: create custom functions to allow weighted searches
* @param array $this_index Index specification for the fulltext index
* @param string $tableName
* @param string $name
* @return array
protected function fulltext($this_index, $tableName, $name)
//For full text search, we need to create a column for the index
$columns = $this->implodeColumnList($this_index['columns']);
$fulltexts = "\"ts_$name\" tsvector";
$triggerName = $this->buildPostgresTriggerName($tableName, $name);
$language = PostgreSQLDatabase::search_language();
$this->dropTrigger($triggerName, $tableName);
$triggers = "CREATE TRIGGER \"$triggerName\" BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE
tsvector_update_trigger(\"ts_$name\", 'pg_catalog.$language', $columns);";
return array(
'name' => $name,
'ts_name' => "ts_{$name}",
'fulltexts' => $fulltexts,
'triggers' => $triggers
public function IdColumn($asDbValue = false, $hasAutoIncPK = true)
if ($asDbValue) {
return 'bigint';
} else {
return 'serial8 not null';
public function hasTable($tableName)
$result = $this->preparedQuery(
"SELECT tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname = ? AND tablename = ?;",
array($this->database->currentSchema(), $tableName)
return ($result->numRecords() > 0);
* Returns the values of the given enum field
* @todo Make a proper implementation
* @param string $tableName Name of table to check
* @param string $fieldName name of enum field to check
* @return array List of enum values
public function enumValuesForField($tableName, $fieldName)
//return array('SiteTree','Page');
$constraints = $this->constraintExists("{$tableName}_{$fieldName}_check");
if ($constraints) {
return $this->enumValuesFromConstraint($constraints['pg_get_constraintdef']);
} else {
return array();
* Get the actual enum fields from the constraint value:
* @param string $constraint
* @return array
protected function enumValuesFromConstraint($constraint)
$constraint = substr($constraint, strpos($constraint, 'ANY (ARRAY[') + 11);
$constraint = substr($constraint, 0, -11);
$constraints = array();
$segments = explode(',', $constraint);
foreach ($segments as $this_segment) {
$bits = preg_split('/ *:: */', $this_segment);
array_unshift($constraints, trim($bits[0], " '"));
return $constraints;
public function dbDataType($type)
$values = array(
'unsigned integer' => 'INT'
if (isset($values[$type])) {
return $values[$type];
} else {
return '';
* Given a tablespace and and location, either create a new one
* or update the existing one
* @param string $name
* @param string $location
public function createOrReplaceTablespace($name, $location)
$existing = $this->preparedQuery(
"SELECT spcname, spclocation FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = ?;",
//NOTE: this location must be empty for this to work
//We can't seem to change the location of the tablespace through any ALTER commands :(
//If a tablespace with this name exists, but the location has changed, then drop the current one
//if($existing && $location!=$existing['spclocation'])
// DB::query("DROP TABLESPACE $name;");
//If this is a new tablespace, or we have dropped the current one:
if (!$existing || ($existing && $location != $existing['spclocation'])) {
$this->query("CREATE TABLESPACE $name LOCATION '$location';");
* @param string $tableName
* @param array $partitions
* @param array $indexes
* @param array $extensions
public function createOrReplacePartition($tableName, $partitions, $indexes = [], $extensions = [])
//We need the plpgsql language to be installed for this to work:
$trigger = 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' . $tableName . '_insert_trigger() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN ';
$first = true;
//Do we need to create a tablespace for this item?
if ($extensions && isset($extensions['tablespace'])) {
$this->createOrReplaceTablespace($extensions['tablespace']['name'], $extensions['tablespace']['location']);
$tableSpace = ' TABLESPACE ' . $extensions['tablespace']['name'];
} else {
$tableSpace = '';
foreach ($partitions as $partition_name => $partition_value) {
//Check that this child table does not already exist:
if (!$this->hasTable($partition_name)) {
$this->query("CREATE TABLE \"$partition_name\" (CHECK (" . str_replace(
) . ")) INHERITS (\"$tableName\")$tableSpace;");
} else {
//Drop the constraint, we will recreate in in the next line
$constraintName = "{$partition_name}_pkey";
$constraintExists = $this->constraintExists($constraintName, false);
if ($constraintExists) {
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$partition_name\" DROP CONSTRAINT \"{$constraintName}\";");
$this->dropTrigger(strtolower('trigger_' . $tableName . '_insert'), $tableName);
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$partition_name\" ADD CONSTRAINT \"{$partition_name}_pkey\" PRIMARY KEY (\"ID\");");
if ($first) {
$trigger .= 'IF';
$first = false;
} else {
$trigger .= 'ELSIF';
$trigger .= " ($partition_value) THEN INSERT INTO \"$partition_name\" VALUES (NEW.*);";
if ($indexes) {
// We need to propogate the indexes through to the child pages.
// Some of this code is duplicated, and could be tidied up
foreach ($indexes as $name => $this_index) {
if ($this_index['type'] == 'fulltext') {
$fillfactor = $where = '';
if (isset($this_index['fillfactor'])) {
$fillfactor = 'WITH (FILLFACTOR = ' . $this_index['fillfactor'] . ')';
if (isset($this_index['where'])) {
$where = 'WHERE ' . $this_index['where'];
$clusterMethod = PostgreSQLDatabase::default_fts_cluster_method();
$this->query("CREATE INDEX \"" . $this->buildPostgresIndexName(
) . "\" ON \"" . $partition_name . "\" USING $clusterMethod(\"ts_" . $name . "\") $fillfactor $where");
$ts_details = $this->fulltext($this_index, $partition_name, $name);
} else {
if (is_array($this_index)) {
$index_name = $this_index['name'];
} else {
$index_name = trim($this_index, '()');
$createIndex = $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($partition_name, $index_name, $this_index);
if ($createIndex !== false) {
//Lastly, clustering goes here:
if ($extensions && isset($extensions['cluster'])) {
$this->query("CLUSTER \"$partition_name\" USING \"{$extensions['cluster']}\";");
$trigger .= 'ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION \'Value id out of range. Fix the ' . $tableName . '_insert_trigger() function!\'; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;';
$trigger .= 'CREATE TRIGGER trigger_' . $tableName . '_insert BEFORE INSERT ON "' . $tableName . '" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE ' . $tableName . '_insert_trigger();';
* This will create a language if it doesn't already exist.
* This is used by the createOrReplacePartition function, which needs plpgsql
* @param string $language Language name
public function createLanguage($language)
$result = $this->preparedQuery(
"SELECT lanname FROM pg_language WHERE lanname = ?;",
if (!$result) {
$this->query("CREATE LANGUAGE $language;");
* Return a set type-formatted string
* This is used for Multi-enum support, which isn't actually supported by Postgres.
* Throws a user error to show our lack of support, and return an "int", specifically for sapphire
* tests that test multi-enums. This results in a test failure, but not crashing the test run.
* @param array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function set($values)
user_error("PostGreSQL does not support multi-enum", E_USER_ERROR);
return "int";