2012-09-17 16:15:00 +12:00
PostgreSQLDatabase.php FIXED: Issue with correct extraction of index names from the database. The root cause of this issue was the way that columns from indxes were retrieved. It was assumed that the column names formed the index name, which isn't necessarily true (E.g. when the index is named "SearchFields"). The behaviour of the module was updated to create case-sensitive index and trigger names, which could then be used to later tell Silverstripe which indexes existed in the database. These could be compared to the SiteTree::$indexes property in a case-sensitive fashion to determine which indexes needed to be created / updated. This update fixes a lot of the unnecessary/broken DDL operations that occurred. 2012-09-17 16:15:00 +12:00
PostgreSQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper.php ENHANCEMENT Added PostgreSQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper::getDatabaseVersion() 2010-05-26 05:14:05 +00:00