supportsTransactions() == true && DB::getConn() instanceof PostgreSQLDatabase ){ $page=new Page(); $page->Title='Read only success'; $page->write(); DB::getConn()->transactionStart('READ ONLY'); try { $page=new Page(); $page->Title='Read only page failed'; $page->write(); } catch (Exception $e) { //could not write this record //We need to do a rollback or a commit otherwise we'll get error messages DB::getConn()->transactionRollback(); } DB::getConn()->transactionEnd(); DataObject::flush_and_destroy_cache(); $success=DataObject::get('Page', "\"Title\"='Read only success'"); $fail=DataObject::get('Page', "\"Title\"='Read only page failed'"); //This page should be in the system $this->assertTrue(is_object($success) && $success->exists()); //This page should NOT exist, we had 'read only' permissions $this->assertFalse(is_object($fail) && $fail->exists()); } else { $this->markTestSkipped('Current database is not PostgreSQL'); } } }