API CHANGE: Most columns should no longer appear as having been changed.

This commit is contained in:
Geoff Munn 2009-02-17 03:57:21 +00:00
parent 8214a7d8ff
commit fe153edf11

View File

@ -108,8 +108,7 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
if(isset($_REQUEST['showqueries'])) {
$starttime = microtime(true);
//echo 'sql: ' . $sql . '<br>';
$handle = pg_query($this->dbConn, $sql);
@ -191,19 +190,11 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
//if($indexes) foreach($indexes as $k => $v) $indexSchemas .= $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($k, $v) . ",\n";
//we need to generate indexes like this: CREATE INDEX IX_vault_to_export ON vault (to_export);
echo 'creating table: <pre>';
echo '</pre>';
//If we have a fulltext search request, then we need to create a special column
//for GiST searches
foreach($indexes as $name=>$this_index){
//ALTER TABLE tblMessages ADD COLUMN idxFTI tsvector;
//CREATE INDEX ix_vault_indexed_words ON vault_indexed USING gist(words);
//$fulltexts.=$this_index['name'] . ' tsvector, ';
//For full text search, we need to create a column for the index
$fulltexts .= "\"ts_$name\" tsvector, ";
@ -212,7 +203,6 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
if($indexes) foreach($indexes as $k => $v) $indexSchemas .= $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($tableName, $k, $v) . "\n";
echo 'indexes: ' . $indexSchemas . '<br>';
$this->query("CREATE TABLE \"$tableName\" (
@ -280,7 +270,7 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
echo '</pre>';
return '';
if(isset($matches[1])) {
@ -315,12 +305,6 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
* @return boolean Return true if the table has integrity after the method is complete.
public function checkAndRepairTable($tableName) {
//if(!$this->runTableCheckCommand("VACUUM FULL \"$tableName\"")) {
// Database::alteration_message("Table $tableName: repaired","repaired");
// return $this->runTableCheckCommand("REPAIR TABLE \"$tableName\" USE_FRM");
//} else {
// return true;
$this->runTableCheckCommand("VACUUM FULL \"$tableName\"");
return true;
@ -369,15 +353,21 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
public function fieldList($table) {
$fields = $this->query("SELECT a.attname
FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_attribute a
ON c.oid = a.attrelid
WHERE c.relkind = 'r'::\"char\" AND c.relname = '$table'
AND NOT a.attisdropped AND a.attnum > 0;")->column();
//Query from http://www.alberton.info/postgresql_meta_info.html
//This gets us more information than we need, but I've included it all for the moment....
$fields = $this->query("SELECT ordinal_position, column_name, data_type, column_default, is_nullable, character_maximum_length, numeric_precision FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '$table' ORDER BY ordinal_position;");
$output = array();
if($fields) foreach($fields as $field) {
$output[$field] = true;
case 'bigint':
//We will assume that this is the ID column:
$output[$field['column_name']] = $field;
return $output;
@ -412,8 +402,8 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
//return $indexSpec;
return '';
return $indexSpec;
//return '';
protected function getIndexSqlDefinition($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec) {
@ -453,7 +443,6 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
$indexType = "index";
//$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" DROP INDEX \"$indexName\"");
$this->query("DROP INDEX $indexName");
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" ADD $indexType \"$indexName\" $indexFields");
@ -465,27 +454,6 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
public function indexList($table) {
/*$indexes = DB::query("SHOW INDEXES IN \"$table\"");
foreach($indexes as $index) {
$groupedIndexes[$index['Key_name']]['fields'][$index['Seq_in_index']] = $index['Column_name'];
if($index['Index_type'] == 'FULLTEXT') {
$groupedIndexes[$index['Key_name']]['type'] = 'fulltext ';
} else if(!$index['Non_unique']) {
$groupedIndexes[$index['Key_name']]['type'] = 'unique ';
} else {
$groupedIndexes[$index['Key_name']]['type'] = '';
foreach($groupedIndexes as $index => $details) {
$indexList[$index] = $details['type'] . '(' . implode(',',$details['fields']) . ')';
return $indexList;*/
/*//Obtained by starting postgres with the -E option:
$indexes=DB::query("SELECT c.relname as \"Name\",
CASE c.relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN 'v' THEN 'view' WHEN 'i' THEN 'index' WHEN 'S' THEN 'sequence' WHEN 's' THEN 'special' END as \"Type\",
@ -529,18 +497,6 @@ WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
//foreach($groupedIndexes as $index => $details) {
//$indexList[$index] = $details['type'] . '(' . implode(',',$details['fields']) . ')';
/*if (isset($indexList)) {
echo 'index list: <pre>';
echo '</pre>';
return isset($indexList) ? $indexList : null;
@ -587,11 +543,14 @@ WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function boolean($values){
//Annoyingly, we need to do a good old fashioned switch here:
public function boolean($values, $asDbValue=false){
//Annoyingly, we need to do a good ol' fashioned switch here:
($values['default']) ? $default='true' : $default='false';
return 'boolean not null default ' . $default;
return Array('data_type'=>'boolean');
return 'boolean not null default ' . $default;
@ -615,12 +574,21 @@ WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function decimal($values){
public function decimal($values, $asDbValue=false){
//For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function:
//$parts=Array('datatype'=>'decimal', 'precision'=>"$this->wholeSize,$this->decimalSize");
//DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "decimal($this->wholeSize,$this->decimalSize)");
return 'decimal(' . (int)$values['precision'] . ')';
// Avoid empty strings being put in the db
if($values['precision'] == '') {
$precision = 1;
} else {
$precision = $values['precision'];
return Array('data_type'=>'numeric', 'numeric_precision'=>'9');
else return 'decimal(' . $precision . ') not null';
@ -630,8 +598,7 @@ WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
* @return string
public function enum($values){
//Enums are a bit different. We'll be creating a varchar(255) with a constraint of all the usual
//enum options.
//Enums are a bit different. We'll be creating a varchar(255) with a constraint of all the usual enum options.
//NOTE: In this one instance, we are including the table name in the values array
return "varchar(255) not null default '" . $values['default'] . "' check (\"" . $values['name'] . "\" in ('" . implode('\', \'', $values['enums']) . "'))";
@ -645,12 +612,14 @@ WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function float($values){
public function float($values, $asDbValue=false){
//For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function:
//DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "float");
return 'float';
return Array('data_type'=>'double precision');
else return 'float';
@ -659,9 +628,13 @@ WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function int($values){
public function int($values, $asDbValue=false){
//We'll be using an 8 digit precision to keep it in line with the serial8 datatype for ID columns
return 'numeric(8) not null default ' . (int)$values['default'];
return Array('data_type'=>'numeric', 'numeric_precision'=>'8');
return 'numeric(8) not null default ' . (int)$values['default'];
@ -671,12 +644,15 @@ WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function ssdatetime($values){
public function ssdatetime($values, $asDbValue=false){
//For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function:
//DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, $values);
return 'timestamp';
return Array('data_type'=>'timestamp without time zone');
return 'timestamp';
@ -685,12 +661,15 @@ WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function text($values){
public function text($values, $asDbValue=false){
//For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function:
//$parts=Array('datatype'=>'mediumtext', 'character set'=>'utf8', 'collate'=>'utf8_general_ci');
//DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "mediumtext character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci");
return 'text';
return Array('data_type'=>'text');
return 'text';
@ -714,12 +693,23 @@ WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function varchar($values){
public function varchar($values, $asDbValue=false){
//For reference, this is what typically gets passed to this function:
//$parts=Array('datatype'=>'varchar', 'precision'=>$this->size, 'character set'=>'utf8', 'collate'=>'utf8_general_ci');
//DB::requireField($this->tableName, $this->name, "varchar($this->size) character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci");
return 'varchar(' . $values['precision'] . ')';
return Array('data_type'=>'character varying', 'character_maximum_length'=>'255');
return 'varchar(' . $values['precision'] . ')';
* Return a 4 digit numeric type. MySQL has a proprietary 'Year' type.
public function year($values, $asDbValue=false){
return Array('data_type'=>'numeric', 'numeric_precision'=>'4');
else return 'numeric(4)';
function escape_character($escape=false){
@ -735,7 +725,6 @@ WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
* @param array $spec
function fulltext($table, $spec){
//CREATE INDEX ix_vault_indexed_words ON vault_indexed USING gist(words);
//$spec['name'] is the column we've created that holds all the words we want to index.
//This is a coalesced collection of multiple columns if necessary
$spec='create index ix_' . $table . '_' . $spec['name'] . ' on ' . $table . ' using gist(' . $spec['name'] . ');';
@ -749,8 +738,10 @@ WHERE c.relkind IN ('i','')
* @return string
function IdColumn(){
return 'SERIAL8 NOT NULL';
function IdColumn($asDbValue=false){
return 'bigint';
else return 'serial8 not null';