mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 17:05:45 +02:00
API CHANGE: Transactions now supported.
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
public $default_fts_cluster_method='GIN';
public $default_fts_search_method='@@@';
private $supportsTransactions=true;
* Connect to a PostgreSQL database.
@ -891,14 +892,14 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
public function int($values, $asDbValue=false){
return Array('data_type'=>'numeric', 'precision'=>$values['precision']);
return Array('data_type'=>'integer', 'precision'=>$values['precision']);
else {
$default=' default ' . (int)$values['default'];
return "numeric(11){$values['arrayValue']}" . $default;
return "integer{$values['arrayValue']}" . $default;
@ -1024,7 +1025,7 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
* Returns the SQL command to get all the tables in this database
function allTablesSQL(){
return "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='public' and table_type='BASE TABLE';";
return "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_type='BASE TABLE';";
@ -1123,89 +1124,7 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
* @return object DataObjectSet of result pages
public function searchEngine($classesToSearch, $keywords, $start, $pageLength, $sortBy = "ts_rank DESC", $extraFilter = "", $booleanSearch = false, $alternativeFileFilter = "", $invertedMatch = false) {
$fileFilter = '';
$keywords = Convert::raw2sql($keywords);
$htmlEntityKeywords = htmlentities($keywords);
$extraFilters = array('SiteTree' => '', 'File' => '');
//if($booleanSearch) $boolean = "IN BOOLEAN MODE";
if($extraFilter) {
$extraFilters['SiteTree'] = " AND $extraFilter";
if($alternativeFileFilter) $extraFilters['File'] = " AND $alternativeFileFilter";
else $extraFilters['File'] = $extraFilters['SiteTree'];
// Always ensure that only pages with ShowInSearch = 1 can be searched
$extraFilters['SiteTree'] .= " AND ShowInSearch <> 0";
$limit = $start . ", " . (int) $pageLength;
$notMatch = $invertedMatch ? "NOT " : "";
if($keywords) {
$match['SiteTree'] = "
MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaTitle, MetaDescription, MetaKeywords) AGAINST ('$keywords' $boolean)
+ MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaTitle, MetaDescription, MetaKeywords) AGAINST ('$htmlEntityKeywords' $boolean)
$match['File'] = "MATCH (Filename, Title, Content) AGAINST ('$keywords' $boolean) AND ClassName = 'File'";
// We make the relevance search by converting a boolean mode search into a normal one
$relevanceKeywords = str_replace(array('*','+','-'),'',$keywords);
$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords = str_replace(array('*','+','-'),'',$htmlEntityKeywords);
$relevance['SiteTree'] = "MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaTitle, MetaDescription, MetaKeywords) AGAINST ('$relevanceKeywords') + MATCH (Title, MenuTitle, Content, MetaTitle, MetaDescription, MetaKeywords) AGAINST ('$htmlEntityRelevanceKeywords')";
$relevance['File'] = "MATCH (Filename, Title, Content) AGAINST ('$relevanceKeywords')";
} else {
$relevance['SiteTree'] = $relevance['File'] = 1;
$match['SiteTree'] = $match['File'] = "1 = 1";
// Generate initial queries and base table names
$baseClasses = array('SiteTree' => '', 'File' => '');
foreach($classesToSearch as $class) {
$queries[$class] = singleton($class)->extendedSQL($notMatch . $match[$class] . $extraFilters[$class], "");
$baseClasses[$class] = reset($queries[$class]->from);
// Make column selection lists
$select = array(
'SiteTree' => array("ClassName","$baseClasses[SiteTree].ID","ParentID","Title","URLSegment","Content","LastEdited","Created","_utf8'' AS Filename", "_utf8'' AS Name", "$relevance[SiteTree] AS Relevance", "CanViewType"),
'File' => array("ClassName","$baseClasses[File].ID","_utf8'' AS ParentID","Title","_utf8'' AS URLSegment","Content","LastEdited","Created","Filename","Name","$relevance[File] AS Relevance","NULL AS CanViewType"),
// Process queries
foreach($classesToSearch as $class) {
// There's no need to do all that joining
$queries[$class]->from = array(str_replace('`','',$baseClasses[$class]) => $baseClasses[$class]);
$queries[$class]->select = $select[$class];
$queries[$class]->orderby = null;
// Combine queries
$querySQLs = array();
$totalCount = 0;
foreach($queries as $query) {
$querySQLs[] = $query->sql();
$totalCount += $query->unlimitedRowCount();
$fullQuery = implode(" UNION ", $querySQLs) . " ORDER BY $sortBy LIMIT $limit";
// Get records
$records = DB::query($fullQuery);
foreach($records as $record)
$objects[] = new $record['ClassName']($record);
if(isset($objects)) $doSet = new DataObjectSet($objects);
else $doSet = new DataObjectSet();
$doSet->setPageLimits($start, $pageLength, $totalCount);
return $doSet;
$keywords = Convert::raw2sql(trim($keywords));
$htmlEntityKeywords = htmlentities($keywords);
@ -1259,6 +1178,53 @@ class PostgreSQLDatabase extends Database {
return $doSet;
* Does this database support transactions?
public function supportsTransactions(){
return $this->supportsTransactions;
* Start a prepared transaction
* See http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/sql-set-transaction.html for details on transaction isolation options
public function startTransaction($transaction_mode=false, $session_characteristics=false){
DB::query('SET TRANSACTION ' . $transaction_mode . ';');
DB::query('SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION ' . $session_characteristics . ';');
* Create a savepoint that you can jump back to if you encounter problems
public function transactionSavepoint($savepoint){
DB::query("SAVEPOINT $savepoint;");
* Rollback or revert to a savepoint if your queries encounter problems
* If you encounter a problem at any point during a transaction, you may
* need to rollback that particular query, or return to a savepoint
public function transactionRollback($savepoint=false){
DB::query("ROLLBACK TO $savepoint;");
* Commit everything inside this transaction so far
public function endTransaction(){
Reference in New Issue
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