* static $allowed_actions = array('next','prev'); * * * @package multiform */ abstract class MultiForm extends Form { /** * A session object stored in the database, which might link * to further temporary {@link DataObject}s. * * @var MultiFormSession */ protected $session; /** * Defines which subclass of {@link MultiFormStep} starts the form - * needs to be defined for the controller to work correctly * * @var string Classname of a {@link MultiFormStep} subclass */ protected static $start_step; /** * Define what type of URL you want to use throughout the step process. * * By default, we store a hash, for example: http://mysite.com/my-form/?MultiFormSessionID=de9f2c7fd25e1b3afad3e850bd17d9b100db4b3 * Alternatively, if you set this variable to "ID", then you get ?MultiFormSessionID=20 * * The ID is not as secure as the hash, but it all depends on your set up. * If you're going to add security, such as check the SubmitterID on init * of the MultiForm and use "ID" for this parameter, then security should be fine. * * In any other case, where there's no Member tied to a MultiFormSession, using * the Hash is the recommended approach. * * @var $url_type either "ID", or "Hash" */ protected static $url_type = 'Hash'; /** * Set the casting for these fields. * * @var array */ static $casting = array( 'CompletedStepCount' => 'Int', 'TotalStepCount' => 'Int', 'CompletedPercent' => 'Float' ); /** * These fields are ignored when saving the raw form data into session. * This ensures only field data is saved, and nothing else that's useless * or potentially dangerous. * * @var array */ static $ignored_fields = array( 'url', 'executeForm', 'MultiFormSessionID', 'SecurityID' ); /** * Perform actions when the multiform is first started. * * It does NOT work like a normal controller init()! It has to be explicity called when MultiForm * is intanciated on your controller. @TODO perhaps find a better name, that doesn't quite conflict. * * This method sets up the session, figures out the current step, sets the current step, then * takes the fields, actions and validation (if any) for the step, setting up the form. */ public function init() { // Set up the session $this->setSession(); // Get the current step, and set it $currentStep = $this->getCurrentStep(); $this->setCurrentStep($currentStep); // Set up the fields from the current step $this->setFields($currentStep->getFields()); // Set up the actions from the current step $this->setActions(); // Set a hidden field in the form to identify this session. // Depending on what has been configured for $url_type, we // find an encrypted hash by default to identify the session. $urlMethod = $this->stat('url_type'); $this->fields->push(new HiddenField('MultiFormSessionID', false, $this->session->$urlMethod)); // Set up validator from the form step class $this->validator = $currentStep->getValidator(); // If there is form data, we populate it here (CAUTION: loadData() MUST unserialize first!) if($currentStep->loadData()) { $this->loadDataFrom($currentStep->loadData()); } } /** * Accessor method to $this->controller * Returns the controller this form was instanciated on. */ public function getController() { return $this->controller; } /** * Get the current step. * * If StepID has been set in the URL, we attempt to get that record * by the ID. Otherwise, we check if there's a current step ID in * our session record. Failing those cases, we assume that the form has * just been started, and so we create the first step and return it. * * @return MultiFormStep subclass */ public function getCurrentStep() { $startStepClass = $this->stat('start_step'); // Check if there was a start step defined on the subclass of MultiForm if(!isset($startStepClass)) user_error('MultiForm::init(): Please define a $startStep on ' . $this->class, E_USER_ERROR); // Determine whether we use the current step, or create one if it doesn't exist if(isset($_GET['StepID'])) { $stepID = (int)$_GET['StepID']; $step = DataObject::get_one('MultiFormStep', "SessionID = {$this->session->ID} AND ID = {$stepID}"); if($step) { $currentStep = $step; } // @TODO if you set a wrong ID, then it ends up at this point with a non-object error. } elseif($this->session->CurrentStepID) { $currentStep = $this->session->CurrentStep(); } else { // @TODO fix the fact that you can continually refresh on the first step creating new records // @TODO encapsulate this into it's own method - it's the same code as the next() method anyway $currentStep = new $startStepClass(); $currentStep->SessionID = $this->session->ID; $currentStep->write(); } return $currentStep; } /** * Set the step passed in as the current step. * @param MultiFormStep $step A subclass of MultiFormStep */ protected function setCurrentStep($step) { $this->session->CurrentStepID = $step->ID; $this->session->write(); } /** * Accessor method to $this->session. * @return MultiFormSession */ function getSession() { return $this->session; } /** * Set up the session. * * First of all we check if MultiFormSessionID is set in the URL, * then we determine what URL type has been set (default is "Hash"). * Knowing this, we can retrieve the session record from the database * by a particular method (getSessionRecordByHash, or getSessionRecordByID). * * If MultiFormSessionID isn't set, we assume that this is a new * multiform that requires a new session record to be created. * * @TODO Fix the fact you can continually refresh and create new records * if MultiFormSessionID isn't set. */ protected function setSession() { $urlType = $this->stat('url_type'); // If there's a MultiFormSessionID variable set, find that, otherwise create a new session if(isset($_GET['MultiFormSessionID'])) { switch($urlType) { case 'Hash': $this->session = $this->getSessionRecordByHash($_GET['MultiFormSessionID']); break; case 'ID': $this->session = $this->getSessionRecordByID($_GET['MultiFormSessionID']); break; default: user_error('MultiForm::init(): Please define a correct value for $url_type on ' . $this->class, E_USER_ERROR); break; } } else { // @TODO fix the fact that you can continually refresh on the first step creating new records $this->session = new MultiFormSession(); $this->session->write(); // We have to have an ID, before we can hash the ID of the session. @TODO a better way here? if($urlType == 'Hash') $this->session->Hash = sha1($this->session->ID . '-' . microtime()); $this->session->write(); // I guess we could hash something else than the ID, this is a bit ugly... } } /** * Return an instance of MultiFormSession from the database by a single * record with the hash passed into this method. * * @param string $hash The Hash field of the record to retrieve * @return MultiFormSession */ function getSessionRecordByHash($hash) { $SQL_hash = Convert::raw2sql($hash); return DataObject::get_one('MultiFormSession', "Hash = '$SQL_hash'"); } /** * Return an instance of MultiFormSession from the database by it's ID. * * @param int|string $id The ID of the record to retrieve * @return MultiFormSession */ function getSessionRecordByID($id) { return DataObject::get_by_id('MultiFormSession', $id); } /** * Set the fields for this form. * * To ensure that each field knows what form it's related to, * we call setForm($this) on each field. * * @param FieldSet $fields */ function setFields($fields) { foreach($fields as $field) $field->setForm($this); $this->fields = $fields; } /** * Set the actions for this form. * * If the current step is the final step, we push in a submit button, which * calls the action {@link finish()} to finalise the submission. Otherwise, * we push in a next button which calls the action {@link next()} to determine * where to go next in our step process, and save any form data collected. * * If there's a previous step (a step that has the current step as it's next * step class), then we allow a previous button, which calls the previous action * to determine which step to go back to. * * If there are any extra actions defined in MultiFormStep->getExtraActions() * then that set of actions is appended to the end of the actions FieldSet we * have created in this method. */ function setActions() { // Create default multi step actions (next, prev), and merge with extra actions, if any $this->actions = new FieldSet(); // If the form is at final step, create a submit button to perform final actions // The last step doesn't have a next button, so add that action to any step that isn't the final one if($this->getCurrentStep()->isFinalStep()) { $this->actions->push(new FormAction('finish', _t('MultiForm.SUBMIT', 'Submit'))); } else { $this->actions->push(new FormAction('next', _t('MultiForm.NEXT', 'Next'))); } // If there is a previous step defined, add the back button if($this->getCurrentStep()->getPreviousStep()) { if($this->actions->fieldByName('action_next')) { $this->actions->insertBefore(new FormAction('prev', _t('MultiForm.BACK', 'Back')), 'action_next'); } elseif($this->actions->fieldByName('action_finish')) { $this->actions->insertBefore(new FormAction('prev', _t('MultiForm.BACK', 'Back')), 'action_finish'); } else { $this->actions->push(new FormAction('prev', _t('MultiForm.BACK', 'Back'))); } } // Merge any extra action fields defined on the step $this->actions->merge($this->getCurrentStep()->getExtraActions()); } /** * Return a rendered version of this form, with a specific template. * Looks through the step ancestory templates (MultiFormStep, current step * subclass template) to see if one is available to render the form with. If * any of those don't exist, look for a default Form template to render * with instead. */ function forTemplate() { return $this->renderWith(array( $this->getCurrentStep()->class, 'MultiFormStep', $this->class, 'MultiForm', 'Form' )); } /** * This method saves the data on the final step, after submitting. * It should always be overloaded with parent::finish($data, $form) * so you can create your own functionality which handles saving * of all the data collected through each step of the form. * * @param array $data The request data returned from the form * @param object $form The form that the action was called on */ public function finish($data, $form) { if(!$this->getCurrentStep->isFinalStep()) { Director::redirectBack(); return false; } // Save the form data for the current step $this->save($data); } /** * Determine what to do when the next action is called. * * Saves the current step session data to the database, creates the * new step based on getNextStep() of the current step (or fetches * an existing one), resets the current step to the next step, * then redirects to the newly set step. * * @param array $data The request data returned from the form * @param object $form The form that the action was called on */ public function next($data, $form) { if(!$this->getCurrentStep()->getNextStep()) { Director::redirectBack(); return false; } // Get the next step class $nextStepClass = $this->getCurrentStep()->getNextStep(); // Save the form data for the current step $this->save($data); // Determine whether we can use a step already in the DB, or have to create a new one if(!$nextStep = DataObject::get_one($nextStepClass, "SessionID = {$this->session->ID}")) { $nextStep = new $nextStepClass(); $nextStep->SessionID = $this->session->ID; $nextStep->write(); } // Set the next step found as the current step $this->setCurrentStep($nextStep); // Redirect to the next step Director::redirect($this->getCurrentStep()->Link()); return; } /** * Determine what to do when the previous action is called. * * Retrieves the previous step class, finds the record for that * class in the DB, and sets the current step to that step found. * Finally, it redirects to that step. * * @param array $data The request data returned from the form * @param object $form The form that the action was called on */ public function prev($data, $form) { if(!$this->getCurrentStep()->getPreviousStep()) { Director::redirectBack(); return false; } // Switch the step to the previous! $prevStepClass = $this->getCurrentStep()->getPreviousStep(); // Get the previous step of the class instance returned from $currentStep->getPreviousStep() $prevStep = DataObject::get_one($prevStepClass, "SessionID = {$this->session->ID}"); // Set the current step as the previous step $this->setCurrentStep($prevStep); // Redirect to the previous step Director::redirect($this->getCurrentStep()->Link()); return; } /** * Save the raw data given back from the form into session. * * Take the submitted form data for the current step, removing * any key => value pairs that shouldn't be saved, then saves * the data into the session. * * @param array $data An array of data to save */ protected function save($data) { $currentStep = $this->getCurrentStep(); if(is_array($data)) { foreach($data as $field => $value) { if(in_array($field, self::$ignored_fields) || self::is_action_field($field)) { unset($data[$field]); } } $currentStep->saveData($data); } return; } // ############ Misc ############ /** * Add the MultiFormSessionID variable to the URL on form submission. * We use this to determine what session the multiform is currently using. * * @return string */ function FormAction() { $urlMethod = $this->stat('url_type'); $action = parent::FormAction(); $action .= (strpos($action, '?')) ? '&' : '?'; $action .= "MultiFormSessionID={$this->session->$urlMethod}"; return $action; } /** * Determine the steps to show in a linear fashion, starting from the * first step. We run a recursive function passing the steps found * by reference to get a listing of the steps. * * @return DataObjectSet */ public function getAllStepsLinear() { $stepsFound = new DataObjectSet(); $firstStep = DataObject::get_one($this->stat('start_step'), "SessionID = {$this->session->ID}"); $templateData = array( 'ID' => $firstStep->ID, 'ClassName' => $firstStep->class, 'Title' => $firstStep->getTitle(), 'SessionID' => ($this->stat('url_type') == 'ID') ? $this->session->ID : $this->session->Hash, 'LinkingMode' => ($firstStep->ID == $this->getCurrentStep()->ID) ? 'current' : 'link' ); $stepsFound->push(new ArrayData($templateData)); $this->getAllStepsRecursive($firstStep, $stepsFound); return $stepsFound; } /** * Recursively run through steps using the getNextStep() method on each step * to determine what the next step is, gathering each step along the way. * We stop on the last step, and return the results. * * @param $step Subclass of MultiFormStep to find the next step of * @param $stepsFound $stepsFound DataObjectSet reference, the steps found to call back on * @return DataObjectSet */ protected function getAllStepsRecursive($step, &$stepsFound) { // Find the next step to the current step, the final step has no next step if(!$step->isFinalStep()) { if($step->getNextStep()) { // Is this step in the DB? If it is, we use that if($nextStep = $step->getNextStepFromDatabase()) { $record = array( 'ID' => $nextStep->ID, 'ClassName' => $nextStep->class, 'Title' => $nextStep->getTitle(), 'SessionID' => ($this->stat('url_type') == 'ID') ? $this->session->ID : $this->session->Hash, 'LinkingMode' => ($nextStep->ID == $this->getCurrentStep()->ID) ? 'current' : 'link' ); } else { // If it's not in the DB, we use a singleton instance of it instead - this step hasn't been accessed yet $nextStep = singleton($step->getNextStep()); $record = array( 'ClassName' => $nextStep->class, 'Title' => $nextStep->getTitle() ); } // Add the array data, and do a callback $stepsFound->push(new ArrayData($record)); $this->getAllStepsRecursive($nextStep, $stepsFound); } // Once we've reached the final step, we just return what we've collected } else { return $stepsFound; } } /** * Number of steps already completed (excluding currently started step). * The way we determine a step is complete is to check if it has the Data * field filled out with a serialized value, then we know that the user has * clicked next on the given step, to proceed. * * @TODO Not sure if it's entirely appropriate to check if Data is set as a * way to determine a step is "completed". * * @return int */ public function getCompletedStepCount() { $steps = DataObject::get('MultiFormStep', "SessionID = {$this->session->ID} && Data IS NOT NULL"); return $steps ? $steps->Count() : 0; } /** * Total number of steps in the shortest path (only counting straight path without any branching) * The way we determine this is to check if each step has a next_step string variable set. If it's * anything else (like an array, for defining multiple branches) then it gets counted as a single step. * * @return int */ public function getTotalStepCount() { return $this->getAllStepsLinear() ? $this->getAllStepsLinear()->Count() : 0; } /** * Percentage of steps completed (excluding currently started step) * * @return float */ public function getCompletedPercent() { return (float)$this->CompletedStepCount * 100 / $this->TotalStepCount; } /** * Determines whether the field is an action. This checks the string name of the * field, and not the actual field object of one. The actual checking is done * by doing a string check to see if "action_" is prefixed to the name of the * field. For example, in the form system: FormAction('next', 'Next') field * gives an ID of "action_next" * * The assumption here is the ID we're checking against has the prefix that we're * looking for, otherwise this won't work. * * @param string $fieldName The name of the field to check is an action * @param string $prefix The prefix of the string to check for, default is "action_" * @return boolean */ public static function is_action_field($fieldName, $prefix = 'action_') { if(substr((string)$fieldName, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) return true; } } ?>