# MultiForm Module # [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/silverstripe/silverstripe-multiform.png?branch=0.5)](http://travis-ci.org/silverstripe/silverstripe-multiform) ## Introduction ## MultiForm is a module for Sapphire, allowing flow control for forms, and step process to be automatically determined based on configuration variables on each step class. It augments the existing Form class in Sapphire. It's goal is to allow greater flexibility than features, so each individual implementation can be customised to the project requirements. ## Maintainer Contact * Sean Harvey (Nickname: sharvey, halkyon) * Ingo Schommer (Nickname: chillu) ## Requirements SilverStripe 2.4 or higher is required. ## What it does do * Abstracts fields, actions and validation to each individual step. * Maintains flow control automatically, so it knows which steps are ahead and behind. It also can retrieve an entire step process from start to finish, useful for a step list. * Persists data by storing it in the session for each step, once it's completed. The session is saved into the database. * Allows customisation of next, previous steps, saving, loading and finalisation of the entire step process * Allows for basic ability to branch a step by overloading the next step method with logic to switch based on a condition (e.g. a checkbox, or dropdown in the field data). * Ties a user logged in who is using the step process (if applicable). This means you can build extended security or logging. * Basic flexibility on the URL presented to the user when they are using the forms. By default it stores an encrypted hash of the session in the URL, but you can reference it by the ID instead. It's recommend that additional security, such as checking the user who first started the session be applied if you want to reference by ID. ## What it doesn't do * Automatically handle relation saving, e.g. MembershipForm manages the Member * Provide a complete package out of the box (you must write a bit of code using the tutorial!) * Automatically determine what to do at the end of the process, and where to save it * Provide nicely presented URLs of each step (an enhancement, for the future) Note: The *multiform* directory should sit in your SilverStripe project directory in the file system as a sibling of cms, jsparty and sapphire. ## Reporting bugs If you've found a bug that should be fixed for future releases, then please make a ticket on our open source tracker. This helps to ensure we release less buggy software in the future! Go here to add a new ticket to our tracker: http://open.silverstripe.com/newticket ## Tutorial The assumption is the developer who is starting this tutorial has an intermediate level of knowledge in SilverStripe, understands what "run dev/build?flush=1" means, and has written some custom PHP code in SilverStripe before. If you are not familiar with SilverStripe, it is highly recommended you run through the tutorials before attempting to start with this one. * [View a listing of all available tutorials](/tutorials) ### 1. Installing [Download a version of multiform](multiform#downloading). Install it as a sibling of the top level directories (sapphire, jsparty and cms) in your installation. ### 2. Create subclass of MultiForm First of all, we need to create a new subclass of *MultiForm*, which can be called anything. A suggestion for a good name, is an abbreviation of the project this multi-form is for, with "MultiForm" appended to the end. For example, if I was doing a site called "Bob's Chicken Shack" then a good name would be *BCSMultiForm*. This makes sense, as it is specific to the project that you're developing a multi-form for. Keep in mind the PHP file you create must be in the mysite/code directory, and the filename must be the same as the class name, with the .php extension. For the above example, our multi-form will be called *BCSMultiForm.php* :::php 'Thank you for your submission', 'Content' => `

`You have successfully submitted the form. Thanks!`

` ); } // ... } The BCSMultiForm() function will create a new instance our subclass of MultiForm, which in this example, is *BCSMultiForm*. This in turn will then set up all the form fields, actions, and validation available to each step, as well as the session. You can of course, put the *BCSMultiForm* method on any controller class you like. Your template should look something like this, to render the form in: :::html `
` `<% if Content %>` `
` $Content `
` `<% end_if %>` `<% if BCSMultiForm %>` $BCSMultiForm `<% end_if %>` `<% if Form %>` $Form `<% end_if %>` `
` In this case, the above template example is a *sub-template* inside the *Layout* directory for the templates. Note that we have also included ''$Form'', so standard forms are still able to be used alongside our multi-step form. If you've forgotten to add something to one of your form steps, you should get a fatal error complaining that there's a problem. If you just see "This site is unable to respond to your request" or any other vague error, then the website is most likely in "Live" mode, meaning it won't output any errors to you, as that is a function for "Dev" or "Test" sites only. To set the environment for your project, make sure your server is made known to SS that is indeed a development server. Add a line to the set_dev_servers() function in the _config.php located in the *mysite* directory: :::php Director::set_dev_servers(array( 'localhost', 'localhost:8888', )); Make sure that when your site eventually goes live, that the server it's hosted on doesn't show up in the set_dev_servers array, otherwise the world will be exposed to all fatal errors from the site. ### 6. Adding a step indicator By default, we include a couple of basic progress indicators which could be useful, out of the box. Two of them, as of the time of writing this are: * Progress list (multiform/templates/Includes/MultiFormProgressList.ss) * Progress complete percent (multiform/templates/Includes/MultiFormProgressPercent.ss) They are designed to be used either by themselves, or alongside eachother. For example, the percentage could compliment the progress list to give an indication of completion status. To include these with our instance of multiform, we just need to add an `<% include %>` statement into the template. For example: :::html `<% control BCSMultiForm %>``<% include MultiFormProgressList %>``<% end_control %>` This means the included template is rendered within the scope of the BCSMultiForm instance returned, instead of the top level controller context. This gives us the data to show the progression of the steps. Putting it together, we might have something looking like this: :::html `
` `<% if Content %>` `
` $Content `
` `<% end_if %>` `<% if BCSMultiForm %>` `<% control BCSMultiForm %>``<% include MultiFormProgressList %>``<% end_control %>` $BCSMultiForm `<% end_if %>` `<% if Form %>` $Form `<% end_if %>` `
` Feel free to play around with the progress indicators. If you need something specific to your project, just create a new "Include" template inside your own project templates directory, and include that instead. Some helpful methods to use on the MultiForm would be: * ''AllStepsLinear()'' (which also makes use of ''getAllStepsRecursive()'' to produce a list of steps) * ''getCompletedStepCount()'' * ''getTotalStepCount()'' * ''getCompletedPercent()'' The default progress indicators make use of the above functions in the templates. To use a custom method of your own, simply create a new method on your subclass of MultiForm. In this example, *BCSMultiForm* would be the one to customise. This new method you create would then become available in the progress indicator template. ### 7. Finishing it up Now that we've got a structure set up to collect form data along each step, and progress through successfully, we need to customise what happens at the end of the last step. On the final step, the ''finish()'' method is called to finalise all the data from the steps we completed. This method can be found on *MultiForm*. However, we cannot automatically save each step, because we don't know where to save it. So, we must write some code on our subclass of *MultiForm*, overloading ''finish()'' to tell it what to do at the end. Here is an example of what we could do here: :::php session->ID}"); if($steps) { foreach($steps as $step) { if($step->class == 'BCSPersonalDetailsFormStep') { $member = new Member(); $data = $step->loadData(); if($data) { $member->update($data); $member->write(); } } if($step->class == 'BCSOrganisationDetailsFormStep') { $organisation = new Organisation(); $data = $step->loadData(); if($data) { $organisation->update($data); if($member && $member->ID) $organisation->MemberID = $member->ID; $organisation->write(); } } // Debug::show($step->loadData()); // Shows the step data (unserialized by loadData) } } $controller = $this->getController(); $controller->redirect($controller->Link() . 'finished'); } } #### Organisation The class Organisation() is mentioned in the above example but doesn't exist at the moment (unlike the existing Member() class which looks after the member groups in SilverStripe) so we need to create it: (I have chosen in this example to create Organisation as a separate DataObject but you may wish to change the code and add the data to the Member class). :::php #### Warning If you're dealing with sensitive data, it's best to delete the session and step data immediately after the form is successfully submitted. You can delete it by calling this method on the finish() for your MultiForm subclass: :::php $this->session->delete(); This will also go through each of it's steps and delete them as well. ## Customising Because the multi-form system doesn't magically do everything for you, although it does provide a sensible set of defaults, it means you need to customise certain aspects of it. Here are some useful methods that can be customised (although you can technically overload anything available on MultiForm and MultiFormStep!): ### Templates The best part about this system is the freedom to customise each form step template. In order, when you have a page with a multi-form rendering into it, it chooses which template to render that form in this order, within the context of the MultiForm class: * $this->getCurrentStep()->class (the current step class) * MultiFormStep * $this->class (your subclass of MultiForm) * MultiForm * Form More than likely, you'll want the first one to be available when the form renders. To that effect, you can start placing templates in the *templates/Includes* directory for your project. You need to call them the same as the class name for each step. For example, if you want *MembershipForm*, a subclass of *MultiFormStep* to have it's own template, you would put *MembershipForm.ss* into that directory, and run *?flush=1*. If you'd like a pre-existing template on how to customise the form step, have a look at Form.ss that's found within the sapphire module. Use that template, as a base for your new MembershipForm.ss template in your project templates. For more information on this, please [look at the Form documentation](/form#using_a_custom_template) under "Using a custom template". ### getNextStep() If you are wanting to override the next step (so, if you want the next step to be something different based on a user's choice of input during the step, you can override getNextStep() on any given step to manually override what the next step should be. An example: :::php class MyStep extends MultiFormStep // ... public function getNextStep() { $data = $this->loadData(); if(@$data['Gender'] == 'Male') { return 'TestThirdCase1Step'; } else { return 'TestThirdCase2Step'; } } // ... } ### Validation To define validation on a step-by-step basis, please define getValidator() and return a Validator object, such as RequiredFields - for more information on form validation see [:form](/form). e.g. :::php class MyStep extends MultiFormStep { ... function getValidator() { return new RequiredFields(array( 'Name', 'Email' )); } ... } ### finish() ''finish()'' is the final call in the process. At this step, all the form data would most likely be unserialized, and saved to the database in whatever way the developer sees fit. By default, we have a ''finish()'' method on *MultiForm* which serializes the last step form data into the database, and that's it. ''finish()'' should be overloaded onto your subclass of *MultiForm*, and ''parent::finish()'' should be called first, otherwise the last step form data won't be saved. For example: :::php session->ID}"); if($steps) { foreach($steps as $step) { Debug::show($step->loadData()); // Shows the step data (unserialized by loadData) } } } } The above is a sample bit of code that simply fetches all the steps in the database that were saved. Further refinement could include getting steps only if the Data (serialized raw form data) is set, as the above example doesn't respect branching of steps (multiple next steps on a given form step). ## Best practices ### Delete session after submission If you're dealing with sensitive data, such as credit card fields, or personal fields that shouldn't be lying around in the session database, then it's a good idea to immediately delete this data after the user has submitted. This can be easily achieved by adding the following line at the end of your finish() method on your MultiForm subclass. :::php $this->session->delete(); ### Expiring old session data Included with the MultiForm module is a class called *MultiFormPurgeTask*. This task can be used to purge expired session data on a regular basis. The date of expiry can be customised, and is given a default of 7 days to delete sessions after their creation. You can run the task from the URL, by using http://mysite.com/MultiFormPurgeTask/run MultiFormPurgeTask is a subclass of *DailyTask*, so can be used alongside the cli-script.php automated tasks which are included with SilverStripe. One way of automatically running this on a UNIX based machine is by cron. For more information, see [:scheduledtask](/scheduledtask) for more information. ## TODO * Code example on how to use ''$form->saveInto()'' with MultiForm, as it doesn't have all steps in the $form context at ''finish()'' * Allowing a user to click a link, and have an email sent to them with the current state, so they can come back and use the form exactly where they left off * Possibly allow for different means to persist data, such as the browser session cache instead of the database. * Different presentation of the URL to identify each step. * Allow customisation of ''prev()'' and ''next()'' on each step. Currently you can only customise for the entire MultiForm subclass. There is a way to customise on a per step basis, which could be described in a small recipe. * More detailed explanation, and recipe example on how to make branched multistep forms. For example, clicking a different action takes you to an alternative next step than the one defined in ''$next_steps'' ## Related * [Form](/form) * [Form field types](/form-field-types) * [Form recipes](recipes/forms) * [Tutorials](/tutorials) * [Tutorial 3 - Forms](tutorial/3-forms) * [Templates](/templates)