2014-07-15 09:34:19 +02:00

857 lines
26 KiB

* Represents and handles all schema management for a MS SQL database
* @package mssql
class MSSQLSchemaManager extends DBSchemaManager {
* Stores per-request cached constraint checks that come from the database.
* @var array
protected static $cached_checks = array();
* Builds the internal MS SQL Server index name given the silverstripe table and index name
* @param string $tableName
* @param string $indexName
* @param string $prefix The optional prefix for the index. Defaults to "ix" for indexes.
* @return string The name of the index
function buildMSSQLIndexName($tableName, $indexName, $prefix = 'ix') {
// Cleanup names of namespaced tables
$tableName = str_replace('\\', '_', $tableName);
$indexName = str_replace('\\', '_', $indexName);
return "{$prefix}_{$tableName}_{$indexName}";
* This will set up the full text search capabilities.
* @param string $name Name of full text catalog to use
function createFullTextCatalog($name = 'ftCatalog') {
$result = $this->fullTextCatalogExists();
if(!$result) $this->query("CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG \"$name\" AS DEFAULT;");
* Check that a fulltext catalog has been created yet.
* @param string $name Name of full text catalog to use
* @return boolean
public function fullTextCatalogExists($name = 'ftCatalog') {
return (bool) $this->preparedQuery(
"SELECT name FROM sys.fulltext_catalogs WHERE name = ?;",
* Sleep until the catalog has been fully rebuilt. This is a busy wait designed for situations
* when you need to be sure the index is up to date - for example in unit tests.
* TODO: move this to Database class? Can we assume this will be useful for all databases?
* Also see the wrapper functions "waitUntilIndexingFinished" in SearchFormTest and TranslatableSearchFormTest
* @param int $maxWaitingTime Time in seconds to wait for the database.
function waitUntilIndexingFinished($maxWaitingTime = 15) {
if(!$this->database->fullTextEnabled()) return;
$this->query("EXEC sp_fulltext_catalog 'ftCatalog', 'Rebuild';");
// Busy wait until it's done updating, but no longer than 15 seconds.
$start = time();
while(time() - $start < $maxWaitingTime) {
$status = $this->query("EXEC sp_help_fulltext_catalogs 'ftCatalog';")->first();
if (isset($status['STATUS']) && $status['STATUS'] == 0) {
// Idle!
* Check if a fulltext index exists on a particular table name.
* @param string $tableName
* @return boolean TRUE index exists | FALSE index does not exist | NULL no support
function fulltextIndexExists($tableName) {
// Special case for no full text index support
if(!$this->database->fullTextEnabled()) return null;
return (bool) $this->preparedQuery("
SELECT 1 FROM sys.fulltext_indexes i
JOIN sys.objects o ON i.object_id = o.object_id
WHERE = ?",
* MSSQL stores the primary key column with an internal identifier,
* so a lookup needs to be done to determine it.
* @param string $tableName Name of table with primary key column "ID"
* @return string Internal identifier for primary key
function getPrimaryKey($tableName){
$indexes = $this->query("EXEC sp_helpindex '$tableName';");
$indexName = '';
foreach($indexes as $index) {
if($index['index_keys'] == 'ID') {
$indexName = $index['index_name'];
return $indexName;
* Gets the identity column of a table
* @param string $tableName
* @return string|null
function getIdentityColumn($tableName) {
return $this->preparedQuery("
", array('dbo', $tableName))->value();
public function createDatabase($name) {
$this->query("CREATE DATABASE \"$name\"");
public function dropDatabase($name) {
$this->query("DROP DATABASE \"$name\"");
public function databaseExists($name) {
$databases = $this->databaseList();
foreach($databases as $dbname) {
if($dbname == $name) return true;
return false;
public function databaseList() {
return $this->query('SELECT NAME FROM sys.sysdatabases')->column();
* Create a new table.
* @param $tableName The name of the table
* @param $fields A map of field names to field types
* @param $indexes A map of indexes
* @param $options An map of additional options. The available keys are as follows:
* - 'MSSQLDatabase'/'MySQLDatabase'/'PostgreSQLDatabase' - database-specific options such as "engine" for MySQL.
* - 'temporary' - If true, then a temporary table will be created
* @return The table name generated. This may be different from the table name, for example with temporary tables.
public function createTable($tableName, $fields = null, $indexes = null, $options = null, $advancedOptions = null) {
$fieldSchemas = $indexSchemas = "";
if($fields) foreach($fields as $k => $v) $fieldSchemas .= "\"$k\" $v,\n";
// Temporary tables start with "#" in MSSQL-land
if(!empty($options['temporary'])) {
// Randomize the temp table name to avoid conflicts in the tempdb table which derived databases share
$tableName = "#$tableName" . '-' . rand(1000000, 9999999);
$this->query("CREATE TABLE \"$tableName\" (
primary key (\"ID\")
//we need to generate indexes like this: CREATE INDEX IX_vault_to_export ON vault (to_export);
//This needs to be done AFTER the table creation, so we can set up the fulltext indexes correctly
if($indexes) foreach($indexes as $k => $v) {
$indexSchemas .= $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($tableName, $k, $v) . "\n";
if($indexSchemas) $this->query($indexSchemas);
return $tableName;
* Alter a table's schema.
* @param $table The name of the table to alter
* @param $newFields New fields, a map of field name => field schema
* @param $newIndexes New indexes, a map of index name => index type
* @param $alteredFields Updated fields, a map of field name => field schema
* @param $alteredIndexes Updated indexes, a map of index name => index type
public function alterTable($tableName, $newFields = null, $newIndexes = null, $alteredFields = null, $alteredIndexes = null, $alteredOptions=null, $advancedOptions=null) {
$alterList = array();
// drop any fulltext indexes that exist on the table before altering the structure
if($this->fullTextIndexExists($tableName)) {
$alterList[] = "\nDROP FULLTEXT INDEX ON \"$tableName\";";
if($newFields) foreach($newFields as $k => $v) $alterList[] = "ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" ADD \"$k\" $v";
if($alteredFields) foreach($alteredFields as $k => $v) $alterList[] = $this->alterTableAlterColumn($tableName, $k, $v);
if($alteredIndexes) foreach($alteredIndexes as $k => $v) $alterList[] = $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($tableName, $k, $v);
if($newIndexes) foreach($newIndexes as $k => $v) $alterList[] = $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($tableName, $k, $v);
if($alterList) {
foreach($alterList as $alteration) {
if($alteration != '') {
* Given the table and column name, retrieve the constraint name for that column
* in the table.
* @param string $tableName Table name column resides in
* @param string $columnName Column name the constraint is for
* @return string|null
public function getConstraintName($tableName, $columnName) {
return $this->preparedQuery("
array($tableName, $columnName)
* Given a table and column name, return a check constraint clause for that column in
* the table.
* This is an expensive query, so it is cached per-request and stored by table. The initial
* call for a table that has not been cached will query all columns and store that
* so subsequent calls are fast.
* @param string $tableName Table name column resides in
* @param string $columnName Column name the constraint is for
* @return string The check string
public function getConstraintCheckClause($tableName, $columnName) {
// Check already processed table columns
if(isset(self::$cached_checks[$tableName])) {
if(!isset(self::$cached_checks[$tableName][$columnName])) {
return null;
return self::$cached_checks[$tableName][$columnName];
// Regenerate cehcks for this table
$checks = array();
) as $record) {
$checks[$record['COLUMN_NAME']] = $record['CHECK_CLAUSE'];
self::$cached_checks[$tableName] = $checks;
// Return via cached records
return $this->getConstraintCheckClause($tableName, $columnName);
* Return the name of the default constraint applied to $tableName.$colName.
* Will return null if no such constraint exists
* @param string $tableName Name of the table
* @param string $colName Name of the column
* @return string|null
protected function defaultConstraintName($tableName, $colName) {
return $this->preparedQuery("
SELECT --default name
FROM sys.sysobjects s
join sys.syscolumns c ON s.parent_obj =
WHERE s.xtype = 'd'
and c.cdefault =
and parent_obj = OBJECT_ID(?)
and = ?",
array($tableName, $colName)
* Get enum values from a constraint check clause.
* @param string $clause Check clause to parse values from
* @return array Enum values
protected function enumValuesFromCheckClause($clause) {
$segments = preg_split('/ +OR *\[/i', $clause);
$constraints = array();
foreach($segments as $segment) {
$bits = preg_split('/ *= */', $segment);
for($i = 1; $i < sizeof($bits); $i += 2) {
array_unshift($constraints, substr(rtrim($bits[$i], ')'), 1, -1));
return $constraints;
* Creates an ALTER expression for a column in MS SQL
* @param string $tableName Name of the table to be altered
* @param string $colName Name of the column to be altered
* @param string $colSpec String which contains conditions for a column
* @return string
protected function alterTableAlterColumn($tableName, $colName, $colSpec){
// First, we split the column specifications into parts
// TODO: this returns an empty array for the following string: int(11) not null auto_increment
// on second thoughts, why is an auto_increment field being passed through?
$pattern = '/^(?<definition>[\w()]+)\s?(?<null>(?:not\s)?null)?\s?(?<default>default\s[\w\']+)?\s?(?<check>check\s?[\w()\'",\s]+)?$/i';
$matches = array();
preg_match($pattern, $colSpec, $matches);
// drop the index if it exists
$alterQueries = array();
// drop *ALL* indexes on a table before proceeding
// this won't drop primary keys, though
$indexes = $this->indexNames($tableName);
foreach($indexes as $indexName) {
$alterQueries[] = "DROP INDEX \"$indexName\" ON \"$tableName\";";
$prefix = "ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" ";
// Remove the old default prior to adjusting the column.
if($defaultConstraintName = $this->defaultConstraintName($tableName, $colName)) {
$alterQueries[] = "$prefix DROP CONSTRAINT \"$defaultConstraintName\";";
if(isset($matches['definition'])) {
//We will prevent any changes being made to the ID column. Primary key indexes will have a fit if we do anything here.
if($colName != 'ID'){
// SET null / not null
$nullFragment = empty($matches['null']) ? '' : " {$matches['null']}";
$alterQueries[] = "$prefix ALTER COLUMN \"$colName\" {$matches['definition']}$nullFragment;";
// Add a default back
if(!empty($matches['default'])) {
$alterQueries[] = "$prefix ADD {$matches['default']} FOR \"$colName\";";
// SET check constraint (The constraint HAS to be dropped)
if(!empty($matches['check'])) {
$constraint = $this->getConstraintName($tableName, $colName);
if($constraint) {
$alterQueries[] = "$prefix DROP CONSTRAINT {$constraint};";
//NOTE: 'with nocheck' seems to solve a few problems I've been having for modifying existing tables.
$alterQueries[] = "$prefix WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT \"{$tableName}_{$colName}_check\" {$matches['check']};";
return implode("\n", $alterQueries);
public function renameTable($oldTableName, $newTableName) {
$this->query("EXEC sp_rename \"$oldTableName\", \"$newTableName\"");
* Checks a table's integrity and repairs it if necessary.
* NOTE: MSSQL does not appear to support any vacuum or optimise commands
* @var string $tableName The name of the table.
* @return boolean Return true if the table has integrity after the method is complete.
public function checkAndRepairTable($tableName) {
return true;
public function createField($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldSpec) {
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" ADD \"$fieldName\" $fieldSpec");
* Change the database type of the given field.
* @param string $tableName The name of the tbale the field is in.
* @param string $fieldName The name of the field to change.
* @param string $fieldSpec The new field specification
public function alterField($tableName, $fieldName, $fieldSpec) {
$this->query("ALTER TABLE \"$tableName\" CHANGE \"$fieldName\" \"$fieldName\" $fieldSpec");
public function renameField($tableName, $oldName, $newName) {
$this->query("EXEC sp_rename @objname = '$tableName.$oldName', @newname = '$newName', @objtype = 'COLUMN'");
public function fieldList($table) {
//This gets us more information than we need, but I've included it all for the moment....
$fieldRecords = $this->preparedQuery("SELECT ordinal_position, column_name, data_type, column_default,
is_nullable, character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, numeric_scale, collation_name
FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = ?
ORDER BY ordinal_position;",
// Cache the records from the query - otherwise a lack of multiple active result sets
// will cause subsequent queries to fail in this method
$fields = array();
$output = array();
foreach($fieldRecords as $record) {
$fields[] = $record;
foreach($fields as $field) {
// Update the data_type field to be a complete column definition string for use by
// SS_Database::requireField()
case 'int':
case 'bigint':
case 'numeric':
case 'float':
case 'bit':
if($field['data_type'] != 'bigint' && $field['data_type'] != 'int' && $sizeSuffix = $field['numeric_precision']) {
$field['data_type'] .= "($sizeSuffix)";
if($field['is_nullable'] == 'YES') {
$field['data_type'] .= ' null';
} else {
$field['data_type'] .= ' not null';
if($field['column_default']) {
$default=substr($field['column_default'], 2, -2);
$field['data_type'] .= " default $default";
case 'decimal':
if($field['numeric_precision']) {
$sizeSuffix = $field['numeric_precision'] . ',' . $field['numeric_scale'];
$field['data_type'] .= "($sizeSuffix)";
if($field['is_nullable'] == 'YES') {
$field['data_type'] .= ' null';
} else {
$field['data_type'] .= ' not null';
if($field['column_default']) {
$default=substr($field['column_default'], 2, -2);
$field['data_type'] .= " default $default";
case 'nvarchar':
case 'varchar':
//Check to see if there's a constraint attached to this column:
$clause = $this->getConstraintCheckClause($table, $field['column_name']);
if($clause) {
$constraints = $this->enumValuesFromCheckClause($clause);
$default=substr($field['column_default'], 2, -2);
$field['data_type'] = $this->enum(array(
'default' => $default,
'name' => $field['column_name'],
'enums' => $constraints,
'table' => $table
$sizeSuffix = $field['character_maximum_length'];
if($sizeSuffix == '-1') $sizeSuffix = 'max';
if($sizeSuffix) {
$field['data_type'] .= "($sizeSuffix)";
if($field['is_nullable'] == 'YES') {
$field['data_type'] .= ' null';
} else {
$field['data_type'] .= ' not null';
if($field['column_default']) {
$default=substr($field['column_default'], 2, -2);
$field['data_type'] .= " default '$default'";
$output[$field['column_name']] = $field;
return $output;
* Create an index on a table.
* @param string $tableName The name of the table.
* @param string $indexName The name of the index.
* @param string $indexSpec The specification of the index, see SS_Database::requireIndex() for more details.
public function createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec) {
$this->query($this->getIndexSqlDefinition($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec));
* Return SQL for dropping and recreating an index
* @param string $tableName Name of table to create this index against
* @param string $indexName Name of this index
* @param array|string $indexSpec Index specification, either as a raw string
* or parsed array form
* @return string The SQL required to generate this index
protected function getIndexSqlDefinition($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec) {
// Determine index name
$index = $this->buildMSSQLIndexName($tableName, $indexName);
// Consolidate/Cleanup spec into array format
$indexSpec = $this->parseIndexSpec($indexName, $indexSpec);
$drop = "IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.indexes WHERE name = '$index') DROP INDEX $index ON \"$tableName\";";
// create a type-specific index
if($indexSpec['type'] == 'fulltext' && $this->database->fullTextEnabled()) {
// enable fulltext on this table
$primary_key = $this->getPrimaryKey($tableName);
if($primary_key) {
return "$drop CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON \"$tableName\" ({$indexSpec['value']})"
if($indexSpec['type'] == 'unique') {
return "$drop CREATE UNIQUE INDEX $index ON \"$tableName\" ({$indexSpec['value']});";
return "$drop CREATE INDEX $index ON \"$tableName\" ({$indexSpec['value']});";
public function alterIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec) {
$this->createIndex($tableName, $indexName, $indexSpec);
* Return the list of indexes in a table.
* @param string $table The table name.
* @return array
public function indexList($table) {
$indexes = $this->query("EXEC sp_helpindex '$table';");
$indexList = array();
// Enumerate all basic indexes
foreach($indexes as $index) {
if(strpos($index['index_description'], 'unique') !== false) {
$indexType = 'unique ';
} else {
$indexType = 'index ';
// Extract name from index
$baseIndexName = $this->buildMSSQLIndexName($table, '');
$indexName = substr($index['index_name'], strlen($baseIndexName));
// Extract columns
$columns = $this->quoteColumnSpecString($index['index_keys']);
$indexList[$indexName] = $this->parseIndexSpec($indexName, array(
'name' => $indexName,
'value' => $columns,
'type' => $indexType
// Now we need to check to see if we have any fulltext indexes attached to this table:
if($this->database->fullTextEnabled()) {
$result = $this->query('EXEC sp_help_fulltext_columns;');
// Extract columns from this fulltext definition
$columns = array();
foreach($result as $row) {
if($row['TABLE_NAME'] == $table) {
$columns[] = $row['FULLTEXT_COLUMN_NAME'];
if(!empty($columns)) {
$indexList['SearchFields'] = $this->parseIndexSpec('SearchFields', array(
'name' => 'SearchFields',
'value' => $this->implodeColumnList($columns),
'type' => 'fulltext'
return $indexList;
* For a given table name, get all the internal index names,
* except for those that are primary keys and fulltext indexes.
* @return array
public function indexNames($tableName) {
return $this->preparedQuery('
SELECT FROM sys.indexes ind
INNER JOIN sys.tables t ON ind.object_id = t.object_id
WHERE is_primary_key = 0 AND = ?',
public function tableList() {
$tables = array();
foreach($this->query("EXEC sp_tables @table_owner = 'dbo';") as $record) {
$tables[strtolower($record['TABLE_NAME'])] = $record['TABLE_NAME'];
return $tables;
* Return a boolean type-formatted string
* We use 'bit' so that we can do numeric-based comparisons
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function boolean($values) {
$default = ($values['default']) ? '1' : '0';
return 'bit not null default ' . $default;
* Return a date type-formatted string.
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function date($values) {
return 'date null';
* Return a decimal type-formatted string
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function decimal($values) {
// Avoid empty strings being put in the db
if($values['precision'] == '') {
$precision = 1;
} else {
$precision = $values['precision'];
$defaultValue = '0';
if(isset($values['default']) && is_numeric($values['default'])) {
$defaultValue = $values['default'];
return "decimal($precision) not null default $defaultValue";
* Return a enum type-formatted string
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function enum($values) {
// Enums are a bit different. We'll be creating a varchar(255) with a constraint of all the
// usual enum options.
// NOTE: In this one instance, we are including the table name in the values array
$maxLength = max(array_map('strlen', $values['enums']));
return "varchar($maxLength) not null default '" . $values['default']
. "' check(\"" . $values['name'] . "\" in ('" . implode("','", $values['enums'])
. "'))";
* @todo Make this work like {@link MySQLDatabase::set()}
public function set($values) {
return $this->enum($values);
* Return a float type-formatted string.
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function float($values) {
return 'float(53) not null default ' . $values['default'];
* Return a int type-formatted string
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function int($values) {
return 'int not null default ' . (int) $values['default'];
* Return a bigint type-formatted string
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function bigint($values) {
return 'bigint not null default ' . (int) $values['default'];
* Return a datetime type-formatted string
* For MS SQL, we simply return the word 'timestamp', no other parameters are necessary
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function ss_datetime($values) {
return 'datetime null';
* Return a text type-formatted string
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function text($values) {
$collation = MSSQLDatabase::get_collation();
$collationSQL = $collation ? " COLLATE $collation" : "";
return "nvarchar(max)$collationSQL null";
* Return a time type-formatted string.
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function time($values){
return 'time null';
* Return a varchar type-formatted string
* @params array $values Contains a tokenised list of info about this data type
* @return string
public function varchar($values) {
$collation = MSSQLDatabase::get_collation();
$collationSQL = $collation ? " COLLATE $collation" : "";
return "nvarchar(" . $values['precision'] . ")$collationSQL null";
* Return a 4 digit numeric type.
* @return string
public function year($values) {
return 'numeric(4)';
* This returns the column which is the primary key for each table
* @return string
function IdColumn($asDbValue = false, $hasAutoIncPK = true){
if($asDbValue) {
return 'int not null';
} else if($hasAutoIncPK) {
return 'int identity(1,1)';
} else {
return 'int not null';
function hasTable($tableName) {
return (bool)$this->preparedQuery(
"SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = ?",
* Returns the values of the given enum field
* NOTE: Experimental; introduced for db-abstraction and may changed before 2.4 is released.
public function enumValuesForField($tableName, $fieldName) {
$classes = array();
// Get the enum of all page types from the SiteTree table
$clause = $this->getConstraintCheckClause($tableName, $fieldName);
if($clause) {
$classes = $this->enumValuesFromCheckClause($clause);
return $classes;
* This is a lookup table for data types.
* For instance, MSSQL uses 'BIGINT', while MySQL uses 'UNSIGNED'
* and PostgreSQL uses 'INT'.
function dbDataType($type){
$values = array(
'unsigned integer'=>'BIGINT'
if(isset($values[$type])) {
return $values[$type];
} else {
return '';
protected function indexKey($table, $index, $spec) {
return $index;