2014-07-11 09:46:32 +12:00

43 lines
1.8 KiB

// PDO connector for MS SQL Server
'class' => 'MSSQLPDODatabase',
'title' => 'SQL Server 2008 (using PDO)',
'helperPath' => dirname(__FILE__).'/code/MSSQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper.php',
'supported' => (class_exists('PDO') && in_array('sqlsrv', PDO::getAvailableDrivers())),
'missingExtensionText' =>
'Either the <a href="">PDO Extension</a> or
the <a href="">SQL Server PDO Driver</a>
are unavailable. Please install or enable these and refresh this page.'
// Basic driver using sqlsrv connector
'class' => 'MSSQLDatabase',
'title' => 'SQL Server 2008 (using sqlsrv)',
'helperPath' => dirname(__FILE__).'/code/MSSQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper.php',
'supported' => function_exists('sqlsrv_connect'),
'missingExtensionText' =>
'The <a href="">sqlsrv</a>
PHP extensions is not available. Please install or enable it and refresh this page.',
'fields' => array_merge(DatabaseAdapterRegistry::get_default_fields(), array(
// @todo - do we care about windows authentication for PDO/SQL Server?
'windowsauthentication' => array(
'title' => 'Use Windows authentication? (leave blank for false)',
'default' => ''
// MS Azure uses an online database
'class' => 'MSSQLAzureDatabase',
'title' => 'MS Azure Database (using sqlsrv)',
'helperPath' => dirname(__FILE__).'/code/MSSQLDatabaseConfigurationHelper.php',
'supported' => function_exists('sqlsrv_connect'),
'missingExtensionText' =>
'The <a href="">sqlsrv</a>
PHP extension is not available. Please install or enable it and refresh this page.'