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synced 2024-10-22 15:05:33 +00:00
Wasn't detecting composite keys (separated by dots) properly in temporary YML conversion, so messed up the YML structure, effectively "hiding" and rearranging translations values within the wrong keys.
229 lines
7.0 KiB
229 lines
7.0 KiB
* Fetch translation files as a ZIP from getlocalization.com,
* extract the YAML files from it, and do some reformatting on them
* to make them suitable for usage in the SilverStripe translation system.
* Requires 'unzip' binary.
class UpdateTranslationsTask extends SilverStripeBuildTask {
static $url_translations = 'https://www.getlocalization.com/%s/api/translations/zip/';
* Absolute path to module base (not lang folder)
protected $modulePath;
* GetLocalization product name, as documented in their API:
* http://www.getlocalization.com/library/api/get-localization-file-management-api/
* @var [type]
protected $glProductName;
protected $glUser;
protected $glPassword;
protected $langFolders = array(
'yml' => 'lang',
'js' => 'javascript/lang'
* @var String If set, will use existing files rather than try to download them.
protected $downloadPath;
public function getGlUser() {
return $this->glUser;
public function setGlUser($newGlUser) {
$this->glUser = $newGlUser;
return $this;
public function getGlPassword() {
return $this->glPassword;
public function setGlPassword($newGlPassword) {
$this->glPassword = $newGlPassword;
return $this;
public function setModulePath($path) {
$this->modulePath = $path;
public function setDownloadPath($path) {
$this->downloadPath = $path;
public function setGlProductName($name) {
$this->glProductName = $name;
public function main() {
if (!is_dir($this->modulePath)) {
throw new BuildException("Invalid target directory: $this->modulePath");
$downloadPath = $this->downloadPath ? $this->downloadPath : $this->download();
$files = $this->findFiles($downloadPath);
foreach($files as $file) {
$ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if($ext == 'yml') {
} elseif($ext == 'js') {
} else {
throw new LogicException(sprintf('Unknown extension: %s', $ext));
* @return File path to a folder structure containing translation files
protected function download() {
$tmpFolder = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), $this->glProductName . '-');
$tmpFilePath = $tmpFolder . '.zip';
rename($tmpFolder, $tmpFilePath);
$url = sprintf(self::$url_translations, $this->glProductName);
$this->log(sprintf("Downloading $url to $tmpFilePath"));
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->glUser. ":" . $this->glPassword);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if($code >= 400) {
throw new BuildException(sprintf(
'Error downloading %s: %s %s',
if(curl_error($ch)) {
throw new BuildException(sprintf(
'Error downloading %s: %s (#%s)',
file_put_contents($tmpFilePath, $data);
$this->log(sprintf("Extracting to $tmpFolder"));
$this->exec("unzip $tmpFilePath -d $tmpFolder");
return $tmpFolder;
* @param String Absolute path to a folder structure containing translation files
* @return Array with file paths
protected function findFiles($path) {
// Recursively find files with certain extensions.
// Can't use glob() since its non-recursive.
// Directory structure doesn't matter here.
$files = array();
$matches = new RegexIterator(
new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path)
foreach($matches as $match) $files[] = $match[0];
return $files;
protected function processYmlFile($file) {
$this->log(sprintf("Processing $file"));
// Rename locale to correct convention (underscored rather than dashed).
// GL wants filenames to adhere to its saved locales, but SS framework
// can't easily change to that format for backwards compat reasons, so we need to convert.
// The passed in file name doesn't really matter here, only the contained locale.
// By convention, the first line in the YAML file is always the locale used, as a YAML "root key".
$localeRegex = '/^([\w-_]*):/';
$content = file_get_contents($file);
preg_match($localeRegex, $content, $matches);
$locale = $matches[1];
$locale = str_replace('-', '_', $locale);
$locale = str_replace(':', '', $locale);
$content = preg_replace($localeRegex, $locale . ':', $content);
// Convert faulty multiline double quoted string YAML
// to block format, in order to allow the YAML Parser to open it later
// TODO Remove once getlocalization.com has fixed their output format (see support.getlocalization.com #2022)
$isBlock = false;
$blockIndex = -1;
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $content);
$keyedLineRegex = '/^\s*[\w\d-_\.]*:\s*/';
$leadingQuoteRegex = '/^\s*\"/';
$trailingQuoteRegex = '/[^\\\\]\"$/';
foreach($lines as $i => $line) {
preg_match($keyedLineRegex, $line, $matches);
$key = $matches ? $matches[0] : null;
$val = trim(preg_replace($keyedLineRegex, '', $line));
// If its a multiline double quoted string (no unescaped closing quote)
if($val && $line != '"' && preg_match($leadingQuoteRegex, $val) && !preg_match($trailingQuoteRegex, $val)) {
$isBlock = true;
$blockIndex = $i;
} elseif($key) {
$isBlock = false;
$blockIndex = -1;
} else {
$lines[$blockIndex] .= $line;
$content = implode(PHP_EOL, $lines);
// Parse YML as a sanity check,
// and reorder alphabetically by key to ensure consistent diffs.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../framework/thirdparty/zend_translate_railsyaml/library/Translate/Adapter/thirdparty/sfYaml/lib/sfYaml.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../framework/thirdparty/zend_translate_railsyaml/library/Translate/Adapter/thirdparty/sfYaml/lib/sfYamlParser.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../framework/thirdparty/zend_translate_railsyaml/library/Translate/Adapter/thirdparty/sfYaml/lib/sfYamlDumper.php';
$yamlHandler = new sfYaml();
$yml = $yamlHandler->load($content);
if(isset($yml[$locale]) && is_array($yml[$locale])) {
foreach($yml[$locale] as $k => &$v) {
if(is_array($v)) ksort($v);
$content = $yamlHandler->dump($yml, 99); // don't inline first levels
// Save into correct path, overwriting existing files
$path = $this->modulePath . '/' . $this->langFolders['yml'] . '/' . $locale . '.yml';
$this->log("Saving to $path");
file_put_contents($path, $content);
protected function processJavascriptFile($file) {
$this->log(sprintf("Processing $file"));
$locale = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$locale = str_replace('-', '_', $locale);
// Save into correct path, overwriting existing files
$path = $this->modulePath . '/' . $this->langFolders['js'] . '/' . $locale . '.yml';
$this->log("Saving to $path");
file_put_contents($path, file_get_contents($file));