Ingo Schommer 0318d35ac1 Reverted setting build artifact to parent directory, deleting olds
It goes against the directory isolation in build environments,
which shouldn't produce state outside of their own folder
(e.g. in terms of TeamCity build artifacts).

Removing existing files, to avoid double archiving
on subsequent runs.
2012-10-30 18:12:51 +01:00

347 lines
13 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Installation instructions:
sudo pear install phing
sudo pear install VersionControl_Git-0.4.4
phing help
<project name="silverstripe-installer" default="tag" phingVersion="2.4.5">
<!-- Load in the custom tasks -->
<taskdef name="findRepos" classname="tools.FindRepositoriesTask" classpath="${project.basedir}" />
<taskdef name="ssmodules" classname="tools.LoadModulesTask" classpath="${project.basedir}" />
<taskdef name="sschanglog" classname="tools.CreateChangelog" classpath="${project.basedir}" />
<taskdef name="gitstash" classname="tools.GitStashTask" classpath="${project.basedir}" />
<property name="basedir" value="." override="true" />
<property name="dependent-modules-file" value="dependent-modules" override="true" />
<property name="changelog-definitions-file" value="changelog-definitions" override="true" />
<property name="ni_build" value="false" override="true"/> <!-- Prompt if local changes would be overwritten by update -->
<property name="changelogSort" value="type" override="true"/>
<available file="${dependent-modules-file}" property="dependent-modules-file-exists" />
<available file="${changelog-definition-file}" property="changelog-definition-file-exists" />
<target name="help">
SilverStripe Project Build
This build file contains targets to assist in creating new SilverStripe builds and releases.
Important targets:
* archive - Creates a tar.gz or zip file from the current source, removing version control specific files
* checkout - Switches all working copies to the specified tag or branch
* tag - Creates a new git tag in all the nested working copies (optionally pushes the created tag)
* pushtags - Pushes all local tags to their respective origin repositories
* update_modules - Checks out repositories defined in the 'dependent-modules' file into the current directory
* add_module - Checks out a module at a specific repository URL
* changelog - Create a file from the repositories specified in the 'changelog-definitions' file
-Dbasedir = . (the base directory to operate on)
-Ddependent-modules-file = dependent-modules (the file of dependent modules to use when updating modules)
-Dchangelog-definitions-file = changelog-definitions (the file of changelog-definitions to use when generating the changelog)
-DchangelogSort = type (sort the changelog file by commit type)
-Dni_build = false (non-interactive build, overwrite local changes without prompting)
-Dmodurl (the URL of a single module to load when using add_modules)
-Dmodule (the name of the module directory to create the module in when using add_modules)
-Darchivetype (the type of archive to use zip or tar.giz)
-Darchivename (the name of the created archive file)
-Dtagname (the name of the tag/branch to check out or to create as a new tag)
-DincludeBaseDir (whether or not to include the base dir in a git checkout operation)
<target name="gitRepositories">
<findRepos TargetDir="${basedir}" />
<!-- find the git binary and set it -->
<target name="gitBinary">
<exec command="which git" outputProperty="gitPath1" />
<!-- Tag a git repo with a specific tag (in $tagname) -->
<target name="tagTask" if="tagname,reponame,gitPath1">
force="true" /> <!-- allow overwrite of existing tags-->
<echo msg="git tag '${tagname}' added to '${reponame}' git repository" />
<!-- Push all local tags -->
<target name="pushTask" if="reponame,gitPath1">
gitPath="${gitPath1}" />
<echo msg="pushed all tags to '${reponame}' git repository" />
<!-- Checkout the specified tag on all working copies -->
<target name="checkoutTask" if="reponame,gitPath1,tagname">
<echo msg="checking out ${reponame}"/>
<gitstash repository="${reponame}" gitPath="${gitPath1}" />
gitPath="${gitPath1}" />
<gitstash repository="${reponame}" gitPath="${gitPath1}" pop="true" />
<echo msg="checked out ${tagname} tag/branch in '${reponame}' git repository" />
<!-- Archives the base folder as a *.tar.gz or *.zip, without version information -->
<target name="archiveTask" if="archivetype,basedir,archivename,archivefilename">
<!-- Copy into a new folder, and tar the whole folder in order to avoid toplevel extracts -->
<php function="sys_get_temp_dir" returnProperty="systmp" />
<property name="tmp" value="${systmp}/archiveTask/" />
<copy todir="${tmp}/${archivename}">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="**/**" />
<exclude name="assets/**" />
<exclude name="mysite/local.conf.php" />
<exclude name="mysite/db.conf.php" />
<exclude name="**/*.log" />
<exclude name="**/.svn/**" />
<exclude name="**/.git/**" />
<exclude name="**/.project" /> <!-- remove eclipse configuration file -->
<exclude name="**/.buildpath" />
<exclude name="**/.settings" />
<exclude name="**/.idea/**" /> <!-- remove phpstorm configuration file -->
<exclude name="tools/**" />
<exclude name="**/tests/**" />
<exclude name="cms/docs/**" />
<exclude name="sapphire/docs/**" />
<exclude name="build.xml" />
<exclude name="dependent-modules*" />
<exclude name="changelog-definitions*" />
<exclude name="_ss_environment.php" />
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="assets/Uploads" />
<include name="assets/.htaccess" />
<include name="assets/web.config" />
<!-- TODO Remove once we figured out how to nest git repositories for themes -->
<move file="${tmp}/${archivename}/themes/blackcandy/blackcandy_blog" todir="${tmp}/${archivename}/themes" />
<move file="${tmp}/${archivename}/themes/blackcandy/blackcandy_calendar" todir="${tmp}/${archivename}/themes" />
<move file="${tmp}/${archivename}/themes/blackcandy/blackcandy" todir="${tmp}/${archivename}/themes" />
<!-- create tar archive -->
<equals arg1="${archivetype}" arg2="tar.gz" casesensitive="false" trim="true"/>
<tar destfile="${basedir}/${archivefilename}" compression="gzip">
<fileset dir="${tmp}">
<include name="**/**" />
<!-- create zip archive -->
<equals arg1="${archivetype}" arg2="zip" casesensitive="false" trim="true"/>
<zip destfile="${basedir}/${archivefilename}">
<fileset dir="${tmp}">
<include name="**/**" />
<delete dir="${tmp}" />
<target name="createDependentModulesFile" unless="dependent-modules-file-exists">
<copy file="${dependent-modules-file}.default" tofile="${dependent-modules-file}" />
<target name="createChangelogDefinitionsFile" unless="changelog-definitions-file-exists">
<copy file="${changelog-definitions-file}.default" tofile="${changelog-definitions-file}" />
<!-- tags all git repositories in the current directory with a tag name -->
<target name="tag" if="basedir" depends="gitRepositories,gitBinary">
<isset property="tagname"/>
<echo msg="Using '${tagname}' tag"/>
<input propertyName="tagname" promptChar=":">Please enter the name of the tag</input>
<echo msg="Using '${tagname}' tag"/>
<!-- find all git repos and run the tagTask on them -->
<foreach list="${GitReposList}" param="reponame" target="tagTask" />
<input propertyName="pushToOrigin" defaultValue="no" validArgs="yes,no" promptChar=":">Push local tags to origin?</input>
<equals arg1="${pushToOrigin}" arg2="yes" casesensitive="false" trim="true"/>
<phingCall target="pushtags" />
<!-- Pushes all local tags to origin -->
<target name="pushtags" if="basedir" depends="gitRepositories,gitBinary">
<foreach list="${GitReposList}" param="reponame" target="pushTask" />
<!-- Switches all working copies to the specified tag or branch -->
<target name="checkout" if="basedir" depends="gitRepositories,gitBinary">
<isset property="tagname"/>
<echo msg="Using '${tagname}' tag/branch"/>
<input propertyName="tagname" defaultValue="HEAD" promptChar=":">Please enter the name of the tag or branch you wish to checkout</input>
<echo msg="Using '${tagname}' tag/branch"/>
<isset property="includeBaseDir"/>
<echo msg="Including BaseDir in checkout: ${includeBaseDir}"/>
<input propertyName="includeBaseDir" validArgs="yes,no" promptChar=":">Include the base dir '${basedir}' in checkout?</input>
<echo msg="Including BaseDir in checkout: ${includeBaseDir}"/>
<isfalse value="${includeBaseDir}"/>
<then><!-- get a list of git repos without the base dir -->
<findRepos TargetDir="${basedir}" includeTarget="${includeBaseDir}"/>
<!-- find all git repos and run the checkoutTask on them -->
<foreach list="${GitReposList}" param="reponame" target="checkoutTask" />
<!-- Creates a gzip archive from the current folder (removes any version control files) -->
<target name="archive" if="basedir">
<isset property="archivetype"/>
<echo msg="Creating '${archivetype}' archive"/>
<input propertyName="archivetype" defaultValue="tar.gz" validArgs="tar.gz,zip" promptChar=":">Please choose archive format</input>
<echo msg="Creating '${archivetype}' archive"/>
<isset property="archivename"/>
<echo msg="Creating '${archivename}' archive"/>
<input propertyName="archivename" defaultValue="SilverStripe-vX.Y.Z" promptChar=":">Please enter a name for the archive (without extension)</input>
<property name="archivefilename" value="${archivename}.${archivetype}" />
<echo msg="Creating '${archivename}' archive"/>
<delete file="${basedir}/${archivename}.${archivetype}" quiet="true" />
<phingCall target="archiveTask" />
<echo msg="Created archive in: ${basedir}/${archivename}.${archivetype}" />
<!-- Load modules where sensitive dependency exists -->
<target name="update_modules" depends="createDependentModulesFile">
<ssmodules file="${basedir}/${dependent-modules-file}" noninteractive="${ni_build}"/>
<!-- Add a new module to the system. Run from the commandline, you can pass
in the details of the module as phing add_module -Dmodule=blog -Dmodurl=http://path/to/svn -->
<target name="add_module">
<isset property="modurl"/>
<echo msg="Downloading module from '${modurl}'"/>
<input propertyName="modurl" promptChar=":">Please enter the module's git or svn URL</input>
<echo msg="Downloading module from '${modurl}'"/>
<isset property="module"/>
<echo msg="Creating new '${module}' module"/>
<input propertyName="module" promptChar=":">Please enter the module's name (i.e. the folder to module should be created in)</input>
<echo msg="Creating new '${module}' module"/>
<ssmodules name="${module}" url="${modurl}" />
<!-- Create a changelog of git changes based on the -->
<target name="changelog" depends="createChangelogDefinitionsFile" if="basedir,changelogSort">
<sschanglog definitions="${changelog-definitions-file}" baseDir="${basedir}" sort="${changelogSort}"/>
<echo msg="${changelogOutput}" />
<target name="upload-release"
description="Uploads archives previously created through 'ping archive' to a public webhost, and notifies a group of people of the new release. Requires working public key auth on the release destination.">
<not><isset property="version"/></not>
<then><input propertyName="version" defaultValue="x.y.z" promptChar=":">Please choose a version</input></then>
<property name="release_dest" value="qa-servers@homer:/sites/ssorg-v2/www/assets/releases/" />
<property name="release_url" value="" />
<property name="release_notify_list" value="," />
<exec command="scp -P 2222 SilverStripe-v${version}.tar.gz ${release_dest}" checkreturn="true" logoutput="true" />
<echo msg="Release uploaded to ${release_url}SilverStripe-v${version}.tar.gz" />
<mail from="" tolist="${release_notify_list}" subject="SilverStripe ${version} has been uploaded">A new SilverStripe release is ready, and although it hasn't been publicly announced yet, is available at the following locations:
Your friendly automated release script.