Thanks for choosing to use SilverStripe! Please follow the instructions below to get SilverStripe installed.

You aren't currently able to install the software. Please see below for details.

hasWarnings()) { ?>

There are some issues that we recommend you look at before installing, however, you are still able to install the software. Please see below for details.

hasErrors()) { ?>

You're ready to install!   

Template to install:

BlackCandy, default template ready to use.
Empty template, ready to begin the tutorial.

You can change the template or download another from the SilverStripe website after installation.

Note: It seems as though SilverStripe is already installed here. If you ask me to install, I will overwrite the .htaccess and mysite/_config.php files.

MySQL Database

SilverStripe stores its content in a MySQL database. Please provide the username and password to connect to the server here. If this account has permission to create databases, then we will create the database for you; otherwise, you must give the name of a database that already exists.

hasErrors()) { ?>

These database details don't appear to be correct. Please enter the correct details before installing.

These database details look all good!


showTable("MySQL Configuration"); ?>

SilverStripe Administration Account

We will set up 1 administrator account for you automatically. Enter the email address and password. If you'd rather log-in with a username instead of an email address, enter that instead.


showTable(); ?>