# {{ version }} ## Overview This release includes [CMS Recipe version X.X.X](#). A full list of module versions included in CMS Recipe {{ version }} is provided below. We recommend referencing recipes in your dependencies, rather than individual modules, to simplify version tracking. See [Recipes](/getting_started/).
Included module versions | Module | Version | | ------ | ------- | | silverstripe/admin | x.x.x | | silverstripe/asset-admin | x.x.x | | silverstripe/assets | x.x.x | | silverstripe/campaign-admin | x.x.x | | silverstripe/cms | x.x.x | | silverstripe/config | x.x.x | | silverstripe/errorpage | x.x.x | | silverstripe/framework | x.x.x | | silverstripe/graphql | x.x.x | | silverstripe/mimevalidator | x.x.x | | silverstripe/reports | x.x.x | | silverstripe/siteconfig | x.x.x | | silverstripe/versioned | x.x.x | | silverstripe/versioned-admin | x.x.x |
{% if version.stability == 'rc' %} ## Release Candidate This version of Silverstripe CMS is a **release candidate** for an upcoming stable version, and should not be applied to production websites. We encourage developers to test this version in development / testing environments and [report any issues they encounter via GitHub](/contributing/issues_and_bugs/). {% elseif version.stable %} Upgrading to Recipe {{ version }} is recommended for all sites. This upgrade can be carried out by any development team familiar with Silverstripe. ## Security considerations This release includes security fixes. Please see the release announcements for more detailed descriptions of each. We highly encourage upgrading your project to include the latest security patches nonetheless. We have provided a high-level severity rating of the vulnerabilities below based on the CVSS score, however please note this could vary based on the specifics of each project. You can [read the severity rating definitions in the Silverstripe CMS release process](/contributing/release_process/#severity-rating). * [CVE-0000-0000 The Issue Title](https://www.silverstripe.org/download/security-releases/CVE-0000-0000) Severity: {# Critical/ High/ Medium/ Low #} * [CVE-0000-0001 The Issue Title](https://www.silverstripe.org/download/security-releases/CVE-0000-0001) Severity: {# Critical/ High/ Medium/ Low #} ## New features The [release announcement](#) includes the note worthy features, but be sure to review the change log for full detail. {# other upgrade notes here #} ## Known issues {# * [Known issue](GitHub link) #} ### Expected test failures The following PHPUnit test failures are expected and do not represent functional issues: {# * List test failures here #} ``` ... ``` ... {% endif %} {{ logs }}