data = $data; } function repoURL() { return $this->data['repo']; } function export($out) { throw new Exception('Dont know how to do this yet'); } function canExport() { return array('Cant currently use flat mode with git source repositories'); } function piston($out) { $data = $this->data; Piston::import($this->repoURL(), $data['branch'], $out); } function canPiston() { $errors = array(); if (!GIT::available()) $errors = "Git is not available."; if (!Piston::available()) $errors[] = "Piston is not available."; if (!SVN::isSVNRepo() && !GIT::isGITRepo()) $errors[] = "Piston only works on svn working copies and git repositories."; return $errors; } function checkout($out) { $data = $this->data; GIT::checkout($this->repoURL(), $data['branch'], $out); } function canCheckout() { $errors = array(); if (!GIT::available()) $errors = "Git is not available."; return $errors; } } class Github extends GitRepo { protected $data; function __construct($data) { $this->data = $data; } function repoURL() { $data = $this->data; return "git://{$data['user']}/{$data['project']}.git"; } function export($out) { $data = $this->data; $tmp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'phpinstaller-') . '.zip'; HTTP::get("{$data['user']}/{$data['project']}/zipball/{$data['branch']}", $tmp); Zip::import($tmp, $out, 1); } function canExport() { $errors = array(); if (!HTTP::available()) $errors[] = "The curl module is not available"; if (!Zip::available()) $errors[] = "The zip module is not available"; return $errors; } } class SvnRepo { function __construct($data) { $this->data = $data; } function repoURL() { $data = $this->data; return "{$data['repo']}/{$data['branch']}" . (isset($data['subdir']) ? "/{$data['subdir']}" : ''); } function export($out) { SVN::export($this->repoURL(), $out); } function canExport() { $errors = array(); if (!SVN::available()) $errors[] = "Subversion is not available."; return $errors; } function piston($out) { Piston::import($this->repoURL(), null, $out); } function canPiston() { $errors = array(); if (!SVN::available()) $errors[] = "Subversion is not available."; if (!Piston::available()) $errors[] = "Piston is not available."; if (!SVN::isSVNRepo() && !GIT::isGITRepo()) $errors[] = "Piston only works on svn working copies and git repositories."; return $errors; } function checkout($out) { SVN::checkout($this->repoURL(), $out); } function canCheckout() { $errors = array(); if (!SVN::available()) $errors[] = "Subversion is not available."; return $errors; } }