language: php sudo: false addons: firefox: "31.0" apt: packages: - tidy env: global: - TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION="6" - COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION="4.0.x-dev" - DISPLAY=":99" - XVFBARGS=":99 -ac -screen 0 1024x768x16" matrix: fast_finish: true include: # Core php tests - php: 5.6 env: - PHPUNIT_TEST=core - DB=MYSQL - PDO=1 - php: 7.1.2 env: - PHPUNIT_TEST=core - DB=PGSQL # admin php tests - php: 5.6 env: - PHPUNIT_TEST=admin - DB=PGSQL - php: 7.1.2 env: - PHPUNIT_TEST=admin - DB=MYSQL - PDO=1 # behat tests - php: 5.6 env: - BEHAT_TEST="@framework" - DB=MYSQL - php: 5.6 env: - BEHAT_TEST="@cms" - DB=MYSQL - php: 5.6 env: - BEHAT_TEST="@asset-admin" - DB=MYSQL before_script: # Init PHP - export CORE_RELEASE=$TRAVIS_BRANCH - printf "\n" | pecl install imagick - phpenv rehash - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini - echo 'memory_limit = 2048M' >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini # Temporarily update to 1.5.x-dev of composer - composer self-update --snapshot # Install composer dependencies - composer validate - composer install --prefer-dist - composer require --no-update --prefer-dist symfony/config:^3.2 silverstripe/framework 4.0.x-dev silverstripe/config:1.0.x-dev embed/embed ^3.0 silverstripe/admin:1.0.x-dev silverstripe/assets:1.0.x-dev silverstripe/versioned:1.0.x-dev silverstripe/cms:4.0.x-dev silverstripe/asset-admin:1.0.x-dev silverstripe/campaign-admin:1.0.x-dev silverstripe/siteconfig:4.0.x-dev silverstripe/reports:4.0.x-dev silverstripe/graphql:dev-master - composer update - if [[ $DB == PGSQL ]]; then composer require silverstripe/postgresql:2.0.x-dev --prefer-dist; fi - if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then composer require silverstripe/behat-extension:^3 silverstripe/serve:dev-master se/selenium-server-standalone:2.41.0; fi; # Replace _config.php bootstrapping with test environment - rm -rf ./mysite - php ./cms/tests/bootstrap/mysite.php # Start behat services - if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then echo 'SS_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080/' >> .env; fi - if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then mkdir artifacts; fi - if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start; sleep 3; fi - if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then (vendor/bin/selenium-server-standalone > artifacts/selenium.log 2>&1 &); fi - if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then (vendor/bin/serve --bootstrap-file cms/tests/behat/serve-bootstrap.php &> artifacts/serve.log &); fi script: - if [[ $PHPUNIT_TEST ]]; then vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite $PHPUNIT_TEST; fi - if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then vendor/bin/behat $BEHAT_TEST; fi after_failure: - if [[ $BEHAT_TEST ]]; then php ./framework/tests/behat/travis-upload-artifacts.php --if-env BEHAT_TEST,ARTIFACTS_BUCKET,ARTIFACTS_KEY,ARTIFACTS_SECRET --target-path $TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/$TRAVIS_BUILD_ID/$TRAVIS_JOB_ID --artifacts-base-url$ARTIFACTS_BUCKET/ --artifacts-path ./artifacts/; fi notifications: slack: silverstripeltd:Cls1xnypKBLFhv0YIRtNLzlQ