SilverStripe Project Build ------------------------------------ This build file contains targets to assist in creating new SilverStripe builds and releases. Important targets: * archive - Creates a tar.gz or zip file from the current source, removing version control specific files * checkout - Switches all working copies to the specified tag or branch * tag - Creates a new git tag in all the nested working copies (optionally pushes the created tag) * pushtags - Pushes all local tags to their respective origin repositories * update_modules - Checks out repositories defined in the 'dependent-modules' file into the current directory * add_module - Checks out a module at a specific repository URL * changelog - Create a file from the repositories specified in the 'changelog-definitions' file Options: -Dbasedir = . (the base directory to operate on) -Ddependent-modules-file = dependent-modules (the file of dependent modules to use when updating modules) -Dchangelog-definitions-file = changelog-definitions (the file of changelog-definitions to use when generating the changelog) -DchangelogFile = (the filename of the created changelog file) -DchangelogSort = type (sort the changelog file by commit type) -Dni_build = false (non-interactive build, overwrite local changes without prompting) -Dmodurl (the URL of a single module to load when using add_modules) -Dmodule (the name of the module directory to create the module in when using add_modules) -Darchivetype (the type of archive to use zip or tar.giz) -Darchivename (the name of the created archive file) -Dtagname (the name of the tag/branch to check out or to create as a new tag) -DincludeBaseDir (whether or not to include the base dir in a git checkout operation) Please enter the name of the tag Push local tags to origin? Please enter the name of the tag or branch you wish to checkout Include the base dir '${basedir}' in checkout? Please choose archive format Please enter a name for the archive Please enter the module's git or svn URL Please enter the module's name (i.e. the folder to module should be created in)